7 Reasons Why Crypto Is The Best New Side Hustle For You

Published on: 04 February 2022 Last Updated on: 07 February 2025

Cryptocurrencies have been on the rise since 2015.

Although Crypto coins have had their ups and downs, they have maintained an upward trend over all these years.

If you are interested in making some passive income, just open an account on thebitqtapp.com/de, and get step-by-step guidance on Crypto trading.

Today, we will talk about why we think Crypto trading can be one of the best side hustles of 2022. So, without further ado, let’s get started.

Why Cryptocurrency Is The Best Side Hustle For You?

Before telling you the benefits of Crypto trading, let us inform you that these perks may not always be applicable depending on how the market functions. But, most of the time, they will be present, so let’s have a look:

1: It Has Low Selling Fees

If you plan to sell Cryptocurrency on an online platform, you will have to pay a nominal fee. However, if you work with a Crypto mining expert, that professional will guide you when to sell the virtual coin.

You can even share your resources while selling the coin, and the selling fees are almost rounded up to zero if done correctly.

If you think the Crypto market is too volatile for you to handle, that’s an invalid consideration. Because when you see the price of Crypto coins is dropping, you can sell them right away without spending too much money.

2: It Has A Strong Firmware


Before mining Crypto coins, make sure you collect the right equipment. During the initial years, we know you could use any computer for mining these virtual currencies, but that’s a no-go now.

Your computer may become slow because the hardware in the Crypto world is too secure and too intensive for your old PC to handle.

It means you need to invest in some advanced computer hardware if you intend to choose Crypto as the best side hustle for you. But, instead of thinking of it as an investment, you can focus on the return.

The robust firmware of the Crypto world is what makes it so safe for you to trade in it.

3: It Does Not Consume Much Electricity

If Crypto trading had consumed too much electricity, we would not have recommended it because that would have been wrong from a sustainable point of view.

However, that’s not the case here. If your country has an affordable electricity price, trading Cryptocurrencies should not be that challenging.

Some countries stand in contrast to this philosophy, such as Germany, Denmark, or South Korea, because the price of electricity is much higher there.

On the other hand, the price is significantly low in countries like Serbia, Venezuela, Paraguay, etc. So, if you can carry your equipment there, trading Cryptocurrencies will be much more profitable to you.

4: You Get The Assistance Of Mining Experts

Since Cryptocurrency is a new field, you should never take the risk of mining alone. However, this field gives you the collaboration of mining experts so that you don’t take the risk alone.

It can make the mining process far more manageable, especially if you don’t know the rules of the Crypto industry.

Once you have a team of mining experts, your Crypto mining task will be done much faster and more efficiently. You can easily mine $10 every day. Now, imagine how much you can mine in a week, in a month, and a year.

5: Cloud Mining Is Possible

Do you know what cloud mining is? It means you get to purchase the Cryptocurrencies on someone else’s rig.

If you pay more, you will get more coins. However, there are other benefits when you sign up for cloud mining.

However, if you are already familiar with how the industry works, it may not be an excellent benefit for you.

On the other hand, if you need guidance on securely trading Cryptocurrencies, cloud mining is one of the best options. They will guide you through every step, but they might want a certain percentage of your earnings.

6: The Value Of Digital Currency Is Going Up


If you are afraid of the volatility of the Crypto market, you can be sure that the value of these virtual coins will go up in the coming future.

Of course, it may fluctuate a little, but that is true for any stock market.

The market is still in its infancy, and it has already managed to stay up in terms of market valuation, so imagine what the value will be in the coming years.

7: Huge Profit Margin

If you join the right Cryptocurrency pool, you will profit beyond your imagination.

You can add your electricity bills, graphic cards, and even your spare time as an investment and count the profit accordingly.

Just do the maths beforehand, and we are sure you will end up making a good return on your investment deals.

Closing Thoughts

Are you still here?

It means you have grasped the concept of Crypto trading well and figured out how it can be a profitable side business.

If you are convinced, make sure you start trading Cryptocurrencies right away. For further queries, ping us in the comment box below.

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debt management

Debt Management: Why It Pays To Seek Help From The Experts?

Debt usually begins with a single loan that you think will be quite manageable, then another purchase adds to the monthly outgoings, and very often an unexpected expense arrives, which you naturally charge to your credit card. It only takes a little bit of bad luck to find yourself in a position where you are struggling to make ends meet, and if expected income increases do not materialise, you can quickly find yourself heavily in debt, with seemingly no way out.Debt management providers are highly skilled and can offer you the very best advice. Hoping It Will Go Away For many people in debt, the natural reaction is to ignore it, and after a while, you get used to throwing away the final demands and not answering the phone when you think it is a creditor. Yet this approach is not only putting off the obvious, you are incurring more interest by refusing to deal with an escalating situation, which you will have to deal with eventually. Seeking Professional Help Being in debt can be extremely stressful, and rather than doing nothing, you are much better off approaching Debt Fix, an experienced debt management company. They can really help you to become debt-free. They have special debt consolidation programs and other solutions that can help you to pay off your outstanding debts, and their experienced staff have helped thousands of Australians to become debt-free. Bad Debt Management Can Affect Your Credit Score   If at any time in the future you wish to take out a mortgage or another type of loan, having a bad credit score will certainly not help, and even if you have a less than perfect credit score now, the debt specialists can still manage to find a lender who will take you on. What Is A Debt Consolidation Loan? If a person has 3 or 4 monthly repayments that are due at different times of the month, it can be a real struggle to make the payments, and for many people, taking out a debt consolidation loan is the best solution. This would involve borrowing enough money to clear all outstanding debts, leaving you with a single, affordable monthly repayment. You can say goodbye to the red-letter final demands and the persistent phone calls from concerned creditors, as your slate will be wiped clean, and it is advisable to terminate all credit avenues that could lead you back to the same state. Working With Professionals Those who work for debt management providers are highly skilled and can offer you the very best advice, and rather than keeping it to yourself in the hope that somehow your debts will magically vanish, discussing all of your options with a debt management specialist is a far better solution. The sooner you begin to address the problem, the quicker you will be debt-free and can start looking at investment options. Debt consolidation is not a solution for every case, and it is only by discussing your circumstances with a trained debt management person that you can discover the best way to deal with the issue. Read Also : Eight Essential Tips For Getting Out Of Debt Debt Consolidation Plans For Your Debt Relief Are Debt Consolidation Loans Recommended For Credit Card Consolidation Revolving Debt Vs Installment Debt – Which Impacts Your Credit Score The Most?

term insurance policy

Term Plan Riders: Enhancing Coverage For Specific Life Situations

Term insurance, a form of life insurance, grants a lump sum to the beneficiary after the policyholder's demise within the policy's term. It is one of the most cost-effective and straightforward methods to safeguard your loved one's financial well-being in your absence. Term plan riders are optional features that you can add to your base term plan by paying a nominal extra premium. However, term insurance may not cover all the possible risks and contingencies you may face. For example, what if you survive a critical illness or a road mishap that leaves you disabled and unable to work? What if you lose your income due to a temporary disability or unemployment? How will you pay the premiums of your term plan if you are unable to earn? To address these gaps and enhance the coverage of your term plan, you can opt for additional benefits called term plan riders. Term plan riders provide extra protection against various eventualities. Different Types Of Term Plan Riders There are several types of term insurance riders that you can include in your base to improve coverage based on your specific needs. These riders usually have some common categories: 1. Rider of Accidental Death Benefit The rider dedicated to accidental death benefit offers an extra sum assured to the beneficiary if an insured person passes away as an outcome of an accident. Further, this percentage of the additional sum is determined based on the original sum assured and can differ among insurance companies. Some policies may impose a maximum limit on the sum assured for this rider, but the premium remains constant throughout the policy’s duration. For example, suppose a person has taken a Rs 60 lakh term plan and included the accidental death benefit rider for an additional Rs 20 lakhs on accidental death. If the policyholder experiences an unfortunate demise, the insurance will pay Rs 60 lakhs for non-accidental death and Rs 80 lakhs for accidental death (60 + 20). 2. Accidental Total And Permanent Disability Rider This add-on provides coverage if the policyholder becomes totally and permanently disabled because of his involvement in an accident. The disability could be loss of limbs, eyesight, speech, hearing, etc. In such a scenario, the rider pays the policyholder a certain percentage of the sum assured as regular installments or lump sum. The benefit of this rider is that it provides economic support to the policyholder in case he cannot work and earn due to a permanent disability. Before buying this rider, it is recommended to use a term plan calculator. 3. Rider Of Critical Illness The critical illness rider provides coverage when an insured individual gets diagnosed with any of the critical illnesses mentioned in the policy brochure, like heart attack, stroke, kidney failure, or even cancer. The rider pays a lump sum equal to the rider sum assured to the policyholder upon diagnosis of any covered illnesses. The policyholder can use this amount for treatment expenses, lifestyle changes, debt repayment, or other obligations. 4. Waiver Of Premium Rider Such a rider waives off all the future premiums of the term plan in case the policyholder becomes disabled or critically ill and is unable to pay them. The term plan continues without interruption and provides the benefit of death to the nominee. For example, suppose a person has taken a Rs 50 lakh term insurance policy with an annual premium of Rs 10,000 and included the premium rider waiver. If he becomes paralyzed due to an accident, he will not have to pay any more premiums for his term plan. 5. Family Income Benefit Rider This add-on provides a regular income to the nominee. Especially in case of the death of the policyholder during the policy term. The income could be a fixed percentage of the sum assured or a fixed amount paid monthly, quarterly, or annually for a certain period. The income benefit rider is usually offered along with the death advantage of the term plan. The rider becomes a must-have if the insured is the sole breadwinner in his family. Conclusion Term plan riders are a great way to customize your term insurance plan according to your specific needs and preferences. They provide extra protection and peace of mind to you and your family in case of unforeseen events. However, you should thoroughly analyze the various types of term plan riders available in India. Further, choose the ones you can afford. You should also read the policy document carefully. Make sure to understand each rider's terms and conditions, exclusions, and limitations before opting for them. Term plan riders can assist you in making your term insurance plan more comprehensive and effective. So, don’t wait any longer and add the best term plan riders to your term plan today! Read Also:  How to Get Low-Cost Life Insurance for Seniors Some Kinds of Death are Not Covered by Term Life Insurance How Private Hire Insurance Takes You Out from Problems?

government loan

Help Your Business With A Government Loan

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused unforeseen hardships to a lot of entrepreneurs in Malaysia who launched their enterprises in the last couple of years. No one could have estimated the amount of damage to the economy the pandemic would cause or the length of time it would take to recover. The sign of a government loan is like fresh air in the business world, which swift away all your investment-related headaches. However, there are government loans that you can apply for to help ensure your business survives and has a chance to prosper once the coronavirus has been conquered.  3 Tips For Applying For The Government Loans The government loans strategy is more robust and well revised. You may be thinking of applying for the loan, but your business is not a big one. You think the government is not willing to lend money to your business. But it is possible. Here are three easy tips for applying for a government loan. 1. Promoting The Small And Medium Enterprises These government loan schemes are targeted to help the most financially vulnerable businesses, which are small and medium enterprises (SMEs). SMEs are typically started by well-intentioned but underfunded people who want to put their particular skill-set to use. They might be launched with only a few employees.  Still, by careful management and conservation of their assets, they can grow to make a significant contribution to the state of Malaysia’s economy. The government loan schemes target businesses applying for lower loan totals than a giant corporation would need.  With the world beginning to see the value in micro-finance and recognize the healthy input of small businesses on a country's economy, the Malaysian government felt that with the effects of the pandemic likely to last for some time, it was the perfect time to offer these loans to the public. The small and the medium enterprises will need significantly less money as the loan, but the success chance is more. 2. Apply Through Existing Financial Institutions To receive your working capital loan, you apply through an existing financial institution. These are not loans per se but rather government-backed loan guarantees under the Working Capital Guarantee Scheme (WCGS).  You receive the loan through the institution and pay them back directly. The government insures the institution against default. The financial institutes are taking a short period, but as you are now dealing with them, your debt payments period will rise. Even if you’ve been turned down for a loan by the financial institution because you didn’t qualify under their terms, you can reapply under the terms of the WCGS government loan schemes. Government loans require more guarantees and the assurance of return. When you are applying through the existing financial institute, the process will take a small period for sanctioning. 3. Six Types Of WCGS The diversity among the business is always present. Therefore, your proposal business planning everything can be different. There are six types of WCGS applying to different people and different kinds of business models. These schemes offer differing amounts of loans as well, so you should choose the scheme to apply for that meets your financial needs.  They each have different qualifications, and you need to read the qualifications of each loan scheme and choose the best one for your situation and business.  WCGS is a loan scheme that offers from 100,000 to 10 million Ringgit.  WCGS-SU is a loan scheme targeting startups that offer from 50,000 to 500,000 Ringgit.  WCGS-B is a loan scheme targeting Bumiputeras that offers from 100,000 to 3 million Ringgit. WCGS-X is a loan scheme targeting export companies. It offers loans of from 100,000 to 10 million Ringgit. WCGS-W is a loan scheme targeting Woman-owned businesses. It offers loans of from 100,000 to 1 million Ringgit. ADGS is a loan scheme targeting companies that engage in automation and digital products and services. It offers from 100,000 to 10 million Ringgit.  To find out more about these government loan scheme’s qualifications, inquire about WCGS schemes with the financial institution that handles your banking. Conclusion: Applying for a government loan is making all your hard work easy. Usually, government loans have a low-interest level. The time limit is also going to be more stable. If you follow these tips, you can easily apply for a government loan and start your journey in a more relaxed way. Read Also: Benefits of NBFC Business Loans What Are the Alternatives for Small Business Startup Loans?