Ways To Calm Your Anxious Dog


28 September 2022

Pets & Animals

anxious dog

Humans experience anxiety in different situations. Some become nervous in a crowd, others when they are home alone. Did you know that dogs can be anxious, too? If their owner leaves abruptly or doesn’t consider the environment safe, you’ll notice a change in their behavior.

How to recognize anxiety and calm your dog? That’s what we are trying to discover in this guide, so let’s check out what you can do if your pet is anxious!

How Do I Know If My Dog Has Anxiety?

Each dog has different ways of exhibiting anxiety. The most common symptoms include:

  • Pacing around restlessly
  • Barking excessively
  • Destructive behavior, such as destroying stuff
  • Panting and drooling
  • Defecating and urinating indoors
  • Aggressive behavior
  • Shivering
  • Appetite loss

The common anxiety causes include separation from their owners and various fears. Age-related factors and medical conditions could also make your dog anxious.

Tips For Calming Anxiety In Dogs

Prevention is the best medicine, so it’s best to minimize the risk of anxiety episodes even happening. If you recognize a situation that makes your dog anxious, try to avoid it in the future. Here are some other tips that could assist in calming your dog down!

1. Exercise Your Dog

exercise your dog

More energy equals a bigger risk of becoming anxious. Let’s say you need to leave your pup home alone for several hours. It helps to take them out for a walk or an exercise session. You can bond while playing fetch and ensure your pet doesn’t have excessive energy when they return home.

The chemical component is also important. For example, physical activity stimulates endorphin production. That offers stress relief and promotes a better mood.

2. Physical Contact

If you notice your pup is going through an anxiety attack, the primary priority becomes soothing them. They see their owner as trustworthy, so use that to your advantage. You can try putting the pup in your lap, petting them, cuddling them, or whatever you know works. This should last for at least a few minutes until they calm down.

3. Time-Out


It might not be possible to stop your dog’s anxiety attack. If you know that’s impossible, create a safe zone for those episodes. You need to explain to your pup that’s where they’ll feel secure during an anxiety attack.

The “time-out” zone should secure isolation and promote calmness. You can dim the lights, play some slow music, and even use calming scents. Don’t forget that you should eliminate noise coming from the outside.

Dog Anxiety: Treatment

You have multiple approaches to treating anxiety in dogs. But it’s necessary to talk to a professional to identify the best method for your pup. They are capable of identifying the anxiety type, trigger, and cause. It’s even more important that vets can eliminate medical conditions as reasons why your dog is anxious. Here are the common approaches used to treat pup anxiety!

Using CBD for Dog Anxiety

People use cannabis strains and marijuana products with a high CBD content to treat anxiety, stress, pain, and other issues. Some pet owners report that pups could also benefit from CBD oil. It’s necessary to perform research to get confirmation, but sporadic data is encouraging.

You should consult your vet about a suitable dose for your pup. The general rule is to apply from one to five milligrams of CBD per ten pounds of the dog’s weight. You should start slowly to see how your dog reacts and increase the dosage only if necessary.

i. Can Pets Have Cannabis?

Cannabis interacts with the inner endocannabinoid system. It exists in both humans and dogs, but pups have more receptors in the brain. That means marijuana might have a stronger effect on these animals, especially since they are generally lighter than humans.

Pets can have cannabis, but caution is advised. Cannabis intoxication isn’t uncommon in dogs, especially due to exposure to edibles. In addition, your pup doesn’t know when they had enough marijuana treats. You need to be careful and observe your pup’s behavior closely.

Cannabis products are legal on a federal level in the United States. The condition is the THC content shouldn’t be higher than 0.3%. As for the state laws, each territory has the right to apply specific legislation to marijuana use.

For example, Florida cannabis laws only allow medical use of marijuana, although many other states also legalized using it for recreational purposes. Likewise, human laws don’t apply to animals, but you should check with a veterinarian before giving your dog CBD.

Anxiety Medications For Dogs

anxiety medications for dogs

Vets will begin by recommending natural remedies, such as supplements, calming scents, and avoiding potential triggers. But if they diagnose your pup has an anxiety disorder, they could prescribe antidepressants and SSRIs. Benzodiazepine could also help, especially when the anxiety trigger is familiar (firecrackers, travels, etc.).

Training and Counterconditioning

You could try training your dog on how to respond to the anxiety trigger. Instead of exhibiting aggressive behavior, the goal is that they act more positively. For example, if they start feeling anxious, they lie down or come to you. An alternative could be removing the fear from the trigger. For example, if your dog is afraid of cars, begin by only asking them to get in for several days. The next step is going only around the block for weeks. As their tolerance level increases, you can take them on longer rides.

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Subham Shah is a marketing professional tasked with managing different facets of digital marketing. He helps businesses with different SaaS startups, their planning, and execution. He might be a millennial but has a soft heart of old-school hard rock and metal music.

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CBD for Dogs

Reasons to Buy CBD for Dogs with Appetite Loss And Skin Allergies

Is your dog unwilling to touch its food? Does it spend most of its time scratching and licking its skin? Considering dogs’ insatiable appetite, it’s rather strange for your pet to refuse its threats. In fact, this type of behavior originates from some kind of a health condition, forcing it to abandon its regular habits and actions. Food aversion might be a symptom of a severe disease like cancer, whereas the constant scratching usually results from having a chronic skin allergy. Although these health conditions might come as a surprise to pet owners, they’re far more common in canines than everyone thinks. The most efficient way of treating them is doubtlessly CBD oil, the compound with the most versatile usage on the market. Here are reasons to buy CBD for Dogs with appetite loss and skin allergies. These are the crucial reasons for purchasing CBD for dogs. Cause of appetite loss Although canines are fond of eating any type of snacks their owners provide for them, there’re some periods when they’re reluctant to consume any food. This sudden appetite loss must be triggered by a certain health problem, as there’s no other logical reason for your pet to ignore its food plate. To avoid these problems, you can use CBD treats. Click here to view the benefits of CBD Oil for pets. Actually, there’re multiple reasons for your furry friend to experience appetite loss. The most common one is undoubtedly some sort of illness in the form of an infection or virus. Canines experience almost the same symptoms as humans when being ill, the most frequent of which is having no appetite. Anyhow, if this food reluctance endures for days, it’s paramount to visit the vet. Another unsurprising reason for canine appetite loss is consuming something poisonous or rotten. Dogs have the habit of going through the garbage, thus ingesting food that harms their digestive system, inducing nausea and vomiting. The same symptoms may result from taking medications or undergoing medical treatments. For instance, dogs suffering from cancer, experience severe appetite loss and sickness, caused by chemotherapy. Visit the following link: dog-not-eating-possible-causes-and-appetite-solutions, for more decreased appetite reasons. Anyhow, lack of appetite in canines may also result from increased anxiety and stress. It usually occurs after a drastic change in your pet’s life, such as moving house, getting a new pet, leaving it alone at home, and many other instances. In these situations, its mental state upsets the digestive tract and leads to food aversion. Role of CBD in appetite stimulation Nevertheless, regardless of the cause, CBD oil plays a major role in appetite stimulation, thus enabling your pet to restore its previous eating habits. It actually boosts the function of the metabolic system, thus inducing a feeling of hunger. It also reduces nausea that is most present in canines suffering from cancer. However, prior to administering any dosage, it’s crucial to discover the reason behind your dog’s appetite loss, which is best determined by taking it to the veterinarian. After discovering the cause, you can calculate the right amount of oil in accordance with your pet’s weight. You’re supposed to administer the dosage until your dog feels better, but in cancer cases, a daily dose is indispensable for reducing constant nausea. Origin of skin allergies Skin allergies are extremely common in canines, affecting almost all parts of their bodies. These skin conditions originate from the excessive activity of their immune system, struggling to protect the animal against any type of illness. However, apart from fighting bacteria and viruses, the dogs’ immune system fights all the other environmental particles as well. Regarding the type of skin allergies, some canines are solely allergic to a certain substance. Thus exhibiting allergy symptoms only in its presence. However, other dogs are prone to suffering from chronic skin conditions. Such as atopic dermatitis, which cannot be cured, only subjected to treatment. In case your pet is having trouble with a skin allergy. It’ll definitely scratch or lick the affected body area, eventually causing skin damage. CBD treatment of skin allergies The most frequent treatment of canine skin allergies is administering medications. Taking your dog for vaccines or using various topical creams and sprays. Naturally, all of these treatments have to be used over a long period of time in order to have a soothing effect. But are believed to be harmful to your pet’s health if used in the long term. On the other hand, CBD oil is considered to be a healthy treatment for various skin conditions. Owing to its ability to restore skin moisture, thus automatically eliminating the excessive dryness that leads to itching and rashes. It stimulates the production of sebum, the substance providing skin hydration, thanks to its fatty acids. Regarding administration, you’re supposed to use either CBD in the form of topical products or tincture. The former one is more convenient for derma conditions. As it’s directly applied to the affected area. While the latter one is either administered sublingually or as a food supplement. In any case, make sure you select an organic, high-quality product from reputable online vendors. Make sure you visit their official site in order to take a look at the extensive range of CBD topical creams in combination with aloe or coconut for greater effect. Also, remember to check the prescribed dosage by the manufacturer or consult with your veterinarian for advice. Conclusion If you genuinely care about your dog, purchase CBD oil. You won’t regret it! Read also: CBD: The understanding of its benefits The CBD Health Supplements Making People Feel Good Again

why everyone should have a pet

Get a New Leash on Life: 10 Reasons Why Everyone Should Have a Pet

Did you know pet owners spent over $69 billion on their pets in 2017? It’s no secret that so many people love having a furry companion in their lives. However, not even current pet-owners know all the reasons why an animal companion improves their quality of life. It is a proven fact that dogs know you love them because they can sense it. They reciprocate this love in many ways. Keep reading to learn science-based reasons why everyone should have a pet. 10 Reasons Why Everyone Should Have a Pet: There are so many benefits of owning a pet and a ton of reasons why everyone should have a pet. Owning a pet can literally change your life. 1. Less Stress: There have been studies done on people doing a stressful task. If they have their pets with them, they experience less stress. There are rehabilitation facilities that encourage their patients to get a pet and allow them to be at their facilities. Read more:  Can Dogs Help Writers Stay Positive During Stress? 2. Fewer Allergies: When kids grow up in a house with pets, they are less likely to develop allergies as they get older. The dander that pets have on their hair is natural immunotherapy for kids. Keep in mind that getting a pet as an adult doesn't minimize allergies. 3. Less Lonely and Happier: Pets give people a sense of purpose. They have someone to care for and feed, which gives humans a self-esteem boost. Pets have certain needs that only humans can help them with. As a pet owner--whether you have a dog, a bird, or a rabbit--you have choices to make to give your pet the best life possible. If it's a rabbit, you have rabbit food choices you have to make to ensure your furry friend has all the nutrients he/she needs. Same with a dog or a cat. The choices you make for your pet will make you feel happier naturally because you'll have a sense of need. Your fur baby will also help you feel less lonely, especially if you are living on your own. Those who are clinically depressed are less likely to suffer from depressive episodes thanks to having a pet companion. 4. Lowers Blood Pressure: Some studies have shown that having a pet might lower blood pressure. Marty Becker, DVM, the author of Your Dog: The Owner's Manual, says that if you have a dog around, your blood pressure is lower. Petting your pet helps your body release a relaxation hormone and reduces stress hormone levels. 5. Stay More Active: People are more likely to walk up to 30 minutes in order to make sure their dog gets walked. Having a dog will help you get fit and make some new friends at the park or in your neighborhood. If you stay more active, it will help against rheumatoid arthritis, obesity, and osteoporosis. Other pets also keep their owners active, but dogs tend to require consistent walking and playing to avoid accidents in the home. 6. Lowers Cholesterol: People that own pets have lower cholesterol levels than those that don't have pets. It's not clear if the lower cholesterol is because of the pet's presence or the more active lifestyle from owning a pet. All they know is that those that have fur babies have lower cholesterol levels than those without fur babies. 7. Overcome Limitations: If you have a child at home with ADHD or one on the autism spectrum, they can benefit from having a pet in the house. If your child has ADHD, having a pet to care for helps them focus as they fulfill specific responsibilities to help care for their pets. The child will develop a bond with their pet that helps their self-esteem and also introduces the feeling of security. If your child has autism, a pet will help hold their attention. They can also help with sensory activities. Children with autism have certain sensory issues, and a pet will help alleviate these by getting them used to the way something feels against their skin. 8. Prevent Strokes: The same Dr. Becker mentioned above says that if you have a cat, you're 30% less likely to have a heart attack and 40% less likely to have a stroke. He also shares in his book that if someone has a heart attack and owns a dog, they're more likely to be alive a year later because of their dog alerts. 9. Help Children Develop: Kids that grow up with pets benefit in their emotional development. Children learn how to express themselves better, and they also learn to relate better when they're attached to a pet. 10. Change the Life of a Chronically Ill Person: Dogs have been known to detect cancer, warn about low blood sugar, and predict a seizure. This is because of their strong sense of smell. If you have diabetes, it's important to know that some dogs are able to alert a dangerous drop in blood glucose before it happens. Dogs have also been trained to help people who suffer from epilepsy. There are some dogs that lie next to a person that's having a seizure to help prevent them from getting injured. Others bark if someone is having a seizure or before a seizure occurs. There are dogs that are trained to be service dogs for people with fibromyalgia. People suffering can place their hurt limbs against the dog's body and get relief because the dog generates intense body heat. There are dogs trained to help people that suffer from Parkinson's disease. They can perform tasks such as open and close doors or turn lights on and off. They train them to touch a person's foot to let them keep walking when they sense they are freezing. So Much Good with Having a Fur Baby: With so many benefits and reasons why everyone should have a pet, how can you resist that cute little fur baby? The benefits that come with owning a pet are much higher than the major responsibility you have for your furry friend. Are you an animal lover? Check out our pets & animal section for a wealth of information and tips on different animal breeds. Read Also: Food Allergies in Dog and How You Can Prevent it? Can Dogs Make the Anti-Social Kids Socialize Better? 5 Reasons Why Your Child Needs A Dog Dog Bites- Steps To Follow When A Dog Bites Your Kid

Take Pictures

Celebrities and Their Pets: 5 Reasons Why They Love to Take Pictures With Them

Celebrities love their pets, and they often like to take pictures with their pets because those pictures look great on social media.  If you are thinking of how you can get the kind of following that a celebrity does, you need to make certain that you have read up on why they take all these pictures with their pets.  You could build an account with your pets that will make them very happy, help you have fun, and build your list of followers. Maintaining social media pages for pets is becoming quite the rage. You will be surprised to know that pages on pets have millions of followers. This helps make your pet a celebrity on social media. Not only that, Instagram, Facebook, and other social platforms allow pet pages to have the coveted ‘blue marked’ authentic tick! This means that according to social media platforms, these pages contribute real value to the platform. If you are looking to convert your cat or dog into a social media Influencer, you need to take note of this article. Within a year, your pet could be signing endorsement deals worth thousands of dollars with pet product manufacturing companies. 1. They Have Interesting Pets: Celebrities often have exotic pets because they can afford to care for these pets.  These pets are very interesting, and they could be something that plays right into the personality of the celebrity.  This could be something like a snake, or it could be as interesting as an exotic bird or cat.  It all depends on what the person likes.  If you look at celebrities throughout history, Mike Tyson had a tiger.  That says a lot about his personality.  Slash had snakes.  These pets are a pure embodiment of the person. 2. They Are Cute: Pets are cute, and celebrities just want people to love their pets as much as they do.  This is something that people need to take a look at, and it is very smart for people to consider that their pets look just like these pets.  However, some celebrities will raise their pets to the level of celebrity. 3. The Celebrity Pet: There are celebrity pets that are celebrities in their own right.  These pets are often on their own social media accounts, and the celebrities like to show them off.  This is just a fun thing to do that most people would not do on their own.  Because of this, the pets could garner even more appeal than the person that owns them. 4. Monetized Social Media: Monetizing social media is something that people can do very easily.  If you are not sure how to do this, you can follow the example for eh celebrities who came before you. 5. They Want To Feel Normal: Celebrities live in the public eye, and they often cannot go into public alone.  When their pets are part of the story, these celebrities will be much more likely to truly human in these posts because they are just enjoying time with their pets.  Plus, these are fun things for the public to see every day. Conclusion: Keeping a pet can be the most satisfying experience of your life. Their unconditional love and warmth can help you tide over the most difficult of situations. However, you can also use your pet to help others get inspiration, warmth, and love. Nothing is more joyful and satisfying than acute and lovable dog telling you on social media that it is there for you. It might sound stupid, but trust me it really helps. Read Also: Amazing Facts You Need To Know About Corgis Get A New Leash On Life: 10 Reasons Why Everyone Should Have A Pet