Wireless Network Management: 3 Best Practices For Enterprises


15 March 2023


Wireless Network Management

Wireless network management refers to configuring, monitoring, and optimizing a wireless network to ensure optimal performance, security, and reliability. Managing a wireless network can be challenging, as wireless networks are more susceptible to interference and security threats than wired networks.

Wireless network management is critical for businesses to ensure their wireless networks provide optimal performance, security, and reliability. Proper planning, configuration, monitoring, and security measures can help ensure a wireless network meets the organization’s and its users’ needs.

If your business is looking for network management services, the services are available at Splynx.com`s website.

Top 3 Best Practices For Enterprise

Here are three best practices for the enterprise that can help improve productivity, security, and overall business operations:



In today’s digital age, cybersecurity should be a top priority for all businesses. Enterprises should implement a robust cybersecurity strategy that includes regular software updates, strong password policies, multi-factor authentication, data encryption, and regular security training for employees. A strong cybersecurity strategy can help protect against cyber threats like data breaches, malware, and ransomware attacks.

Cloud Computing

Cloud computing can offer many benefits to enterprises, such as increased scalability, flexibility, and cost savings. However, it is important for enterprises to implement a cloud computing strategy that includes proper data backup, disaster recovery, and data encryption. Enterprises should also choose a reputable cloud provider and carefully review their security and compliance policies to ensure their data is safe.

Remote Workforce Management

Remote Workforce Management

With the rise of remote work, enterprises should implement a remote workforce management strategy that includes secure remote access, virtual private networks (VPNs), and collaboration tools.

Enterprises should also provide regular training for remote employees to ensure they know security best practices and company policies. Enterprises should also establish clear communication channels and performance metrics to ensure remote workers are productive and engaged.

Overall, these best practices can help enterprises improve their cybersecurity posture, take advantage of the benefits of cloud computing, and effectively manage a remote workforce. By implementing these best practices, enterprises can improve productivity, security, and overall business operations.

4 Key Benefits Of An All-In-One Wifi Network Management Software

An all-in-one WiFi network management software can provide several key benefits for businesses. This includes –

Full Remote Network Recovery With Easy Backups And Real-Time Alerts

Full remote network recovery with easy backups and real-time alerts is a comprehensive solution for businesses to ensure that their network is always up and running, even during a disaster.

Here are some key features of this solution:

  • Remote Backup and Recovery: With this solution, businesses can remotely back up their entire network, including data, applications, and configurations. This ensures that the network can be quickly and easily restored to its previous state in the event of a disaster.
  • Real-Time Alerts: This solution provides real-time alerts for network issues, such as connectivity problems, security threats, and performance issues. This allows businesses to quickly address any network issues before they become major problems.
  • Remote Monitoring: With this solution, businesses can remotely monitor their network in real-time, including network performance, bandwidth usage, and security threats. This allows businesses to identify and address network issues before they become major problems.
  • Comprehensive Recovery Plan: This solution includes a comprehensive recovery plan that outlines the steps that need to be taken in the event of a disaster. This ensures that businesses are prepared for any eventuality and can quickly and efficiently recover their network.
  • Proactive Support: This solution includes proactive support from experienced network engineers who can assist with network issues, backup and recovery, and disaster planning.

On-Demand Scalability For MSPS

On-demand scalability for MSPs (Managed Service Providers) is a solution that allows MSPs to quickly and easily scale their services to meet the needs of their clients.

Here are some key features of this solution:

  • Cloud-Based Infrastructure: This solution is built on a cloud-based infrastructure, which allows MSPs to provision resources quickly and scale their services up or down as needed. This ensures that MSPs can provide the resources their clients need without having to invest in additional hardware or software.
  • Automated Provisioning: With this solution, resources can be automatically provisioned in real time based on the demands of the client. This ensures that MSPs can quickly respond to client needs and provide the resources needed to meet those needs.
  • Flexible Pricing: This solution provides flexible pricing options that allow MSPs to pay only for the resources they use. This ensures that MSPs can provide cost-effective services to their clients while still maintaining profitability.
  • Comprehensive Management: This solution includes comprehensive management tools that allow MSPs to monitor and manage their services from a single dashboard. This ensures that MSPs can efficiently manage their resources and provide quality client services.
  • Robust Security: This solution includes robust security features that protect MSPs and their clients from security threats. This ensures that MSPs can provide security services to their clients and maintain the trust of their clients.

Reduce Operating Costs Of Wifi Networks

Reducing the operating costs of WiFi networks is important for businesses to improve their bottom line.

Here are some ways businesses can reduce the operating costs of their WiFi networks:

  • Upgrade to Energy-Efficient Devices: Upgrading to energy-efficient devices can help reduce the operating costs of WiFi networks. Energy-efficient devices consume less power, which results in lower electricity bills for businesses.
  • Optimize Network Performance: Optimizing network performance can help reduce the operating costs of WiFi networks. By optimizing network performance, businesses can ensure that their network is operating at peak efficiency, which reduces the need for additional hardware and software.
  • Implement Network Management Tools: Network management tools can help reduce the operating costs of WiFi networks. Network management tools give businesses visibility into their network, allowing them to quickly identify and address issues before they become major problems.
  • Implement Automation: Implementing automation can help reduce the operating costs of WiFi networks. Automation can help streamline network management tasks, reduce the need for manual intervention, and minimize human error.
  • Implement Cloud-Based WiFi Networks: Implementing cloud-based WiFi networks can help reduce the operating costs of WiFi networks. Cloud-based WiFi networks eliminate the need for on-premise hardware and software, reducing maintenance, upgrades, and security costs.

Faster And Simplified Network Management

Faster and simplified network management is important for businesses to improve efficiency and reduce operational costs.

Here are some ways businesses can achieve faster and simplified network management:

  • Use Network Management Software: Network management software can help businesses manage their network more efficiently by providing a centralized dashboard to monitor and manage network devices, traffic, and performance. This can help save time and reduce the complexity of managing a network.
  • Automate Routine Tasks: Automating routine tasks such as backups, updates, and configuration changes can help businesses save time and reduce the risk of human error. This can also free up network administrators to focus on more strategic tasks.
  • Implement Remote Network Management: Remote network management enables network administrators to manage the network from anywhere, anytime. This can help reduce the time and costs associated with onsite management.
  • Use Cloud-Based Networking: Cloud-based networking provides businesses with a scalable and flexible network infrastructure that can be managed through a single portal. This can help simplify network management by reducing the need for on-premises hardware and software.
  • Leverage Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning: Artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies can help businesses manage their networks more efficiently by analyzing network data and providing insights and recommendations for optimization.


Wireless network management is critical for businesses that rely on wireless connectivity to operate. Implementing best practices for wireless network management can help businesses optimize their wireless network for performance, security, and scalability.

By following these best practices, businesses can ensure their wireless network is optimized for performance, security, and scalability and is better equipped to meet the demands of an increasingly digital business landscape.

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Abdul Aziz Mondol is a professional blogger who is having a colossal interest in writing blogs and other jones of calligraphies. In terms of his professional commitments, he loves to share content related to business, finance, technology, and the gaming niche.

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Five Things Every Great Leader Should Know

The term leadership is a quite cumbersome task they must have a set of skills and qualities for effectively managing the people. The skills and knowledge should be good enough for leading the people on the right path. The qualities of the leaders may get differed because they might have different strengths, makeup’s and challenges. Handling the leadership position is quite a tedious process; you have to put a lot of effort into achieving the required goals. Sometimes, you might have to stand in a situation to take the toughest decision that may not be acceptable by the other people. There are numerous amounts are some under your leadership, so you have to handle them equally in the right platform. Let see some of the important things that every leader should know. Prepare Your Team Members To Achieve Your Goal: The success of the business does not only depend upon the qualities and skills of the leaders but also by the working employees. As a leader, you should deliver the requirements of the organizations as well as how it helps to enhance business growth. Without proper, your team members will not able to work effectively. Therefore, you should prepare them in a great way to acquire your goals at lower costs. The success and failure of the enterprises completely depend on your training, so you would be very careful. Clarify And Correct The Mistakes: Sometimes, your team members may have a chance to do mistakes. At that situation, you have to ask them to correct the mistakes immediately. If any of the queries and doubts they have, you have to clarify it frequently. When working with the difficult areas, you have to join them and work together to identify the mistakes. The employees, as well as the leaders, have to responsibility towards the failures and mistakes. Therefore, you would keep on focusing the, to learn from those mistakes. Expose Confidence: As a leader, you have to spread your confidence in front of your team members for encouraging to do their work. Your enhanced confidence level should be a great inspiration for them. While going to begin the new project or task, you have to boost up their energy and confidence level. Induce them to Communicate: The decision-making process is the most important factor to be considered in between the team members. First and foremost, leaders have to encourage their team members to make them feel comfortable. Then the work should be familiar and easy for them. They must be ready to communicate with you all the time for sharing their ideas and opinions. Teach them politely: Effective leaders like G Scott Paterson and others know the methodologies for treating their team members in the right way. Toronto-based media venture capitalist Scott Paterson started his career in the investment industry and considered to be one of the leading technology investment bankers in Canada. Make use of this information and run your business in a good way. Thus, these are all the important qualities required for all the leaders. Read Also: 4 Business Leadership Skills For Business Success Five Essential Qualities That Define Great Leadership Why Is Mentoring Important In Leadership?


Retail Tips for Success Post Brexit

As the UK’s divorce from the EU grows closer there are still many questions that need to be answered. The impact of Brexit on companies who retail both domestically and overseas is still uncertain as politicians attempt to thrash out the finer details. Whilst some businesses are sitting tight, waiting to see what transpires, there are others who are trying to take a more proactive approach by looking for solutions and even advantages. And it is with this in mind that we offer some retail tips for success post Brexit. Consider the Customers: No matter what the outcomes of Brexit are, perhaps the most important thing for retailers to do is to consider their customers – let’s face it if customers walk away in their droves, then little else matters. Post Brexit customers will still be looking for value and they will still be looking for a great service. Maintaining this is paramount to the ongoing success of any retail operation, but what does it involve? There needs to be an equilibrium between the three involved parties; the supplier, the retailer and the customer. If price outstrips value, then the customer is likely to look elsewhere. Retailers may need to re-examine their relationship with suppliers should Brexit bring about cost increases. Focus on Retail Spaces: In order to meet the challenges that Brexit poses and to exploit the opportunities it brings, a new focus on retail spaces may be required. The high street is now notoriously difficult to navigate for retailers and so optimizing the return on investment is vital. Increased agility may be the answer and to achieve this the expertise of a real estate advisory service such as GVA Worldwide may be the most effective solution. If retailers are looking for a prime urban location, for example, the help of a team that has intimate knowledge of the environment could prove to be pivotal. This is particularly relevant if companies are looking for retail space in the EU. Employ First Class Logistics: It would be naive to think that e-commerce will not be a key feature of a post-Brexit retail world and that capitalizing on it will be a necessary factor for success. And as customers come to expect more and more, a first-class logistics service will be required – one that can operate just as well across borders as it can in the UK. Retail companies need to use logistic providers that can offer a fast, quality service to anywhere in the world and who are safe and reliable – world markets will become even more important in a post Brexit business climate. Protect Your Staff: Many companies who are based in the UK employ staff from the EU and protecting them will help ensure success after Brexit. Staff comes second only to customers when it comes to the retail business and making sure that they are safe and secure should be high on the agenda. Consulting immigration lawyers may be one way of protecting your staff and therefore your business. In the short term it is unlikely that there will be any great changes post-Brexit, but looking to the medium and long-term is what retail companies need to do for ongoing success. Read More: Top tips for making business purchases. Money Borrowers, A Profitable Business. Major financial problems that can affect new business.

how to harvest kale

How to Harvest Kale Throughout the Year: A Seasonal Guide

Kale is one of the most nutritious and versatile greens you can grow in your garden. It's packed with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and fiber and can be used in salads, soups, smoothies, and more. But how do you harvest kale throughout the year so that you can enjoy it fresh and crisp and also make it last longer? In this article, I will show you how to harvest kale so it keeps growing, how to harvest kale from the garden, how to store and freeze kale, and the health benefits and taste of kale. Additionally, I will also share some tips and tricks on how to grow kale successfully and how to use it in delicious recipes. Whether you're a beginner or an expert gardener, this guide will help you make the most of your kale harvest. What is Kale & Why Should You Harvest It? Kale has a mild, earthy, and slightly bitter taste, which can vary depending on the variety, growing conditions, and harvesting time. It can also become sweeter after a frost, as the cold temperatures trigger the plant to produce more sugars. Kale can be eaten raw or cooked, and it can complement many dishes and flavors. It can also be seasoned with salt, pepper, lemon juice, garlic, onion, vinegar, or any other condiments you like. Kale is not only tasty, but also healthy. It's low in calories and high in fiber, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and phytochemicals. It can help improve various aspects of health, such as: Eye health Kale is rich in lutein and zeaxanthin. These are carotenoids that protect the eyes from age-related macular degeneration, cataracts, and glaucoma. Kale also contains vitamin A, which is essential for vision and eye health. Blood pressure Kale is high in potassium, magnesium, and nitrates, which are compounds that help lower blood pressure and relax the blood vessels. Kale also contains vitamin C, which helps prevent homocysteine, an amino acid that can damage the blood vessels and increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Bone health Kale is a good source of calcium, magnesium, and vitamin K, which are important for bone health and density. Kale also contains vitamin C, which helps the body absorb calcium and produce collagen, a protein that strengthens the bones and connective tissues. Immune system Kale is loaded with vitamin C, which is a powerful antioxidant that boosts the immune system and fights off infections and inflammation. Kale also contains vitamin E, which enhances the immune response and protects the cells from oxidative stress. Digestion Kale is high in fiber, which helps regulate digestion and prevent constipation, diarrhea, and bloating. Fiber also feeds the beneficial bacteria in the gut, which improve the digestion and absorption of nutrients and support the immune system. Skin and hair Kale is rich in vitamins A, C, E, and iron, essential for healthy skin and hair. Vitamin A helps maintain the moisture and elasticity of the skin and prevents acne and wrinkles. Vitamin C helps produce collagen, which keeps the skin firm and smooth. On the other hand, vitamin E helps protect the skin from sun damage and aging. Iron helps deliver oxygen to the skin and hair cells and prevents anemia, which can cause hair loss and pale skin. How to Harvest Kale So It Keeps Growing? One of the best things about kale is that it's a cut-and-come-again crop. This means that you can harvest it multiple times throughout the season, as long as you do it correctly. Here are the steps to follow to harvest kale so it keeps growing: Choose the right time to harvest The best time to harvest kale is when the leaves are young and tender, usually about 30 to 40 days after planting. You can also harvest baby kale leaves about 15 to 25 days after planting. You should harvest kale before it starts to flower. This is when it produces yellow or white blossoms and becomes bitter and tough. Kale usually flowers when the days get longer and warmer. Therefore, you should harvest it more frequently in the spring and summer. Use a sharp knife or scissors to cut the leaves You can either cut the whole plant at the base, leaving about an inch of stem or cut individual leaves from the lower part of the plant, leaving the upper leaves to grow.  Additionally, you should cut the leaves about an inch above the soil to avoid damaging the crown and the roots. You should also avoid cutting too many leaves from one plant. This is because this will weaken the plant and reduce the yield. A good rule of thumb is to leave at least half of the leaves on each plant. Wash and dry the leaves You should wash the kale leaves as soon as possible after harvesting to remove any dirt, bugs, or pesticides. To rinse the leaves under cold water, you can use a colander or a salad spinner. After that, pat them dry with a paper towel or a cloth. You should also remove any damaged or yellow leaves, and trim any tough stems. Enjoy or store the leaves You can eat the kale leaves fresh, or store them in the refrigerator or freezer for later use. I will explain how to store and freeze kale in the next sections. How to Harvest Kale from the Garden? If you want to harvest kale from the garden, you need to follow some simple steps and tips to ensure a successful and bountiful harvest. Here are some things to consider when harvesting kale from the garden: Choose the right variety There are many varieties of kale to choose from, depending on your preference and climate. Some of the most common varieties are curly kale, which has dark green, and curly leaves that are great for salads and chips.  You can also try dinosaur kale, which has dark blue-green, flat leaves that are great for soups and stir-fries, and red Russian kale, which has purple-red, frilly leaves that are great for salads and smoothies. You can also choose kale varieties based on their maturity time, cold tolerance, flavor, and color. Some popular kale varieties are Winterbor, Redbor, Lacinato, and Scarlet. Plant the seeds or seedlings Depending on your preference and availability, you can plant kale seeds or seedlings in the garden. The best time to plant kale seeds or seedlings is in early spring, as soon as the soil can be worked, or in late summer or early fall, for a winter harvest. You can also plant kale seeds or seedlings every two to three weeks, for a continuous harvest. You should plant the seeds or seedlings about a quarter to half an inch deep, and one to two inches apart, in rows that are 18 to 24 inches apart. Additionally, you should water the seeds or seedlings well, and keep the soil moist until they germinate or establish, which usually takes seven to 14 days. Thin the seedlings When the kale seedlings have two to four true leaves, you should thin them to avoid overcrowding and competition. You should leave about six to 12 inches of space between each plant and eat or transplant the thinned seedlings. You should also weed the area around the kale plants regularly, to prevent pests and diseases. Harvest the leaves You can start harvesting kale leaves when they are big enough to eat, usually about 30 to 40 days (about one and a half months) after planting, depending on the variety. You can either harvest the whole plant or pick individual leaves from the lower part of the plant, leaving the upper leaves to grow. That is not all. You should harvest kale in the morning when the leaves are crisp and fresh and before the sun gets too hot. You should also harvest kale before it starts to flower, which is when it produces yellow or white blossoms and becomes bitter and tough. How to Store and Freeze Kale Kale is best eaten fresh, as it loses its flavor and texture quickly. However, if you have a large harvest, or you want to preserve kale for later use, you can store or freeze it. Here are the best ways to store and freeze kale: Store kale in the refrigerator: You can store fresh kale in the refrigerator for up to a week, if you keep it in a perforated plastic bag or a container with a lid. You should also avoid washing the kale before storing it, as this will make it wilt faster. You should wash the kale just before using it. Freeze kale raw: You can freeze raw kale without blanching it, which is a process of briefly cooking and cooling the vegetables to stop the enzyme activity that causes them to spoil. However, freezing raw kale will result in a mushy and watery texture and a loss of flavor and nutrients. To freeze raw kale, you should wash and dry the leaves, and then pack them in freezer bags or containers, leaving some space for expansion. You can freeze raw kale for up to six months, and use it in smoothies, soups, or casseroles. Freeze kale blanched: You can freeze blanched kale, which will retain its color, texture, flavor, and nutrients better than raw kale. To freeze blanched kale, you should wash and trim the leaves, and then blanch them in boiling water for two to three minutes, depending on the size of the leaves. You should then drain and cool the leaves and squeeze out the excess water. Moreover, you can then pack the leaves in freezer bags or containers, leaving some space for expansion. You can freeze blanched kale for up to a year, and use it in salads, sandwiches, or quiches. How to Use Kale in Different Cuisines and Recipes Kale is a versatile vegetable that can be used in many different cuisines and recipes. Whether you want to make a salad, a soup, a smoothie, or a casserole, kale can add flavor, color, and nutrition to your dish. Here are some examples of how to use kale in different cuisines and recipes: American cuisine Kale is a popular ingredient in American cuisine, especially in salads, sandwiches, and casseroles. You can make a kale and apple salad with walnuts and honey mustard dressing, or a kale and chicken sandwich with mayonnaise and cheese. You can also make a kale and cheese casserole with eggs, milk, and bread crumbs, or a kale and sausage quiche with pie crust and cheddar cheese. Mediterranean cuisine Kale is a common ingredient in Mediterranean cuisine, especially in Greek, Italian, and Spanish dishes. You can make a kale and feta cheese pie with phyllo dough and olive oil, or a kale and white bean soup with garlic, rosemary, and lemon juice. You can also make kale and tomato pasta with parmesan cheese and basil, or a kale and potato tortilla with eggs, onion, and paprika. Asian cuisine Kale is widely used in Asian cuisine, especially in Chinese, Japanese, and Indian dishes. You can make a kale and tofu stir-fry with ginger, soy sauce, and sesame oil. Additionally, you can make a kale and seaweed salad with rice vinegar, sugar, and sesame seeds. You can also make kale and coconut curry with onion, garlic, curry paste, and coconut milk. If you like something Indian, you can also try kale and lentil dal with cumin, turmeric, and coriander. Wrapping It Up! Kale is a wonderful vegetable that you can harvest, store, and use in various ways. It's easy to grow, harvest, and store kale, as long as you follow some simple steps and tips. It's also healthy, delicious, and versatile, as you can use it in many different cuisines and recipes. Kale is a green treasure that you don't want to miss. If you want to know how to harvest kale, I hope that this blog has been of help to you. If there are any other queries related to the same, please feel free to let me know. All that you need to do is scroll down till you reach the bottom of the page. Then leave your comments and suggestions in the box below. And I will be there to help you out with the same! Read Also: How to Harvest Lettuce: A Step-by-Step Guide for Fresh and Crispy Salads Everything You Need To Know About Harvesting Basil! Asparagus 101: When, How, And How Often To Harvest?