MYST: A Decentralized VPN Protocol


24 June 2022


Decentralized VPN Protocol

While the internet has had a big role in the development of society, that doesn’t mean it’s been perfect over the years nor that it will be in the future.

There are many areas in which the internet has failed, and perhaps the biggest and the most significant one for everyday internet users is privacy.

And while people are afraid of sharing everything on this massive platform, there’s perhaps a light at the end of the tunnel for our online privacy—the mass adoption of blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies in the form of a decentralized VPN protocol.

You’ve probably heard about VPNs by now and even started thinking about how they can improve your online security. But if you’re new to the world of VPNs, you might be confused as to what VPNs actually do and how they work.

The advantage of using a VPN is that it provides military-grade encryption, thereby allowing you to protect your IP address.

Unfortunately, there are still many disadvantages associated with traditional VPNs; most importantly, these networks are expensive and require plenty of server nodes around the world. However, the MYST VPN seeks to solve these issues by using nodes that are hosted on home users’ laptops.

In this article, we will try to demystify the concept of the decentralized VPN protocol, known as MYST.

What Exactly Is The Mysterium Network?

The Mysterium Network is an open-source and free environment that intends to “liberate the web” through tools, protocols, and digital infrastructure. In actuality, developers are attempting to build a “censorship-resistant” technology for a new generation of online products, with the VPN serving as the first of many examples.

Mysterium Network

Their blockchain-based strategy has proven to be successful, with over 100,000 active members and 3,800+ nodes around the world. Along with Orchid and Sentinel, it claims to be the first decentralized VPN of its sort.

Payments are handled through a native cryptocurrency token called MYST in the peer-to-peer decentralized private virtual network (VPN).

VPN Payments With Mysterium

Mysterium VPN is a pay-as-you-go service that accepts MYST coins as its native form of payment. According to Mysterium, 1 MYST is about equivalent to 10 GB – 30 GB of streaming, with a single MYST coin costing around $0.17 at the moment.

Mysterium Network

Instead of the subscription-based model used by most other premium VPN services, MYST tokens can be used to pay for the date and time you use. According to the official website of MYST, Mysterium only accepts cryptocurrency as payment, enabling you to pay for your privacy discreetly.

This isn’t necessarily a negative thing, but it would probably make the system less accessible to new users. The most recent version of the app (10.1.0), however, now allows you to top up your account with a credit card using USD, GBP, or EUR.

Mysterium’s Aims

MYST’s goal is to create a more secure, private, and decentralized internet through the use of blockchain technology. The project aims to build a global community where everyone can connect freely.

Mysterium's Aims

MYST’s objective is to decentralize access to internet services such as Facebook and Twitter by allowing users to access them directly from their own devices at any time, with no restrictions or censorship.

This will allow individuals and businesses alike to share information freely and collaborate with their peers without having to rely on centralized servers.

Comparing It To Other VPNs

Traditional VPNs are based on centralized technology, which means they have a single point of failure. However, Mysterium is decentralized, meaning there’s no single point of control or storage for the user’s records. As a result, even if they wanted to, they can’t keep or track logs of the user’s traffic.


That’s a big positive for anyone concerned about internet privacy, particularly in a world where alliances like the 9 Eyes, 5 Eyes, and 14 Eyes exist. It moves users away from a trust-based system in which we must rely on periodic audits to ensure that VPNs adhere to their logging policies.

Because traffic is dispersed across their vast network of residential IPs, it is technologically difficult to store user records centrally in a decentralized system. Instead of sending data via tunneled servers for encryption, they use a vast network of nodes that are managed by volunteers.

They claim that the service closely matches the design of TOR, but has the same ease of use as a VPN and that there is no way to sign in with a number, email address, or any other identifying information.

Final Thoughts

Mysterium VPN seems to be a useful Web 3.0 application with enough features to set it apart from other VPN providers. Take, for instance, the pay-as-you-go approach or the lack of centralized infrastructure.

These are important advantages that set it different from other well-known brands in the industry. It works to unblock streaming services, and they have a vast global network of nodes.

Overall, Mysterium VPN is expected to improve further in the future. Decentralized systems may be a reasonable alternative to most competitors’ successful subscription-based model, but limited payment choices may be a major barrier to customer acceptance. We’ll have to wait and see.


Sumona is a persona, having a colossal interest in writing blogs and other jones of calligraphies. In terms of her professional commitments, she carries out sharing sentient blogs by maintaining top-to-toe SEO aspects. Follow more of her contributions in SmartBusinessDaily

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Industrial Safety

Maintaining Productivity: The Basics of Industrial Safety

Health and safety in the workplace should always be a topic that is high on your agenda if you are working in any sort of industrial environment, and if you can achieve a good safety record it should also contribute to greater productivity too. Here is an overview of what sort of typical safety hazards you need to guard against and what steps to take to avoid an accident, plus a look at some of the main basic safety measures you should adopt in order to keep the production line rolling and workers as safe as possible. Understanding the hazards: A good starting point would be to make a checklist of the main hazards you are likely to have to deal with in your workplace, as a working knowledge of these dangers will help you to take counteractive measures. You can categorize industrial hazards under a number of broad headings. Physical threats to the safety of workers are a key issue and there are numerous challenges to account for in your safety procedures, such as slip and trip hazards, inadequate lighting, the risk of exposure to noise and poor air quality, plus the danger of fire, amongst others. You can take steps to manage these specific threats, such as maintaining good air quality throughout the building, for example, which you can read about on this page. Other key hazard categories include biological and chemical threats, injuries sustained through poor ergonomics and building design, and even the mental health aspect of working in a challenging or hazardous situation on a regular basis. A good suggestion would be to conduct a thorough health and safety review where you take a detailed look at the layout of your building and what specific dangers workers face every time they clock on. Make a comprehensive checklist of all the potential hazards that are relevant to your particular industry and then look to create a health and safety plan that deals with those issues in the best way possible. Dealing with fire risk: The risk of fire is a constant potential threat to every building and that risk is enhanced when you have machinery, chemicals, and other potentially hazardous sources all under the one roof. There are many different ways for a fire to start and electrical faults, chemical spillages, and a lack of safety awareness amongst workers, can all create a fire risk in an instant. You can’t always avoid a fire starting when an accident occurs through an unforeseen set of circumstances, but you can at least have a robust set of fire safety procedures in place to help deal with the situation and limit the potential damage. A good quality fire alarm warning system needs to be installed and regularly tested and maintained, and a sprinkler system might also be necessary, once you have carried out a fire risk assessment. Fire extinguishers installed at regular intervals around the building will allow immediate action to be taken to try and reduce the spread of fire and hi-spec smoke detectors provide a decent early warning of a fire or smoke hazard. Emergency lighting: All workers need to be fully briefed on what to do in the event of an emergency and how to evacuate the building in the quickest and safest way possible. One of the threats to a successful and safe evacuation of the building is when power in the building is lost and it becomes dangerous to walk around in the dark. Power cuts are always a possibility in an industrial setting for a number of plausible reasons and a lack of adequate lighting greatly heightens the prospect of an accident happening. The way to counteract this threat is to install emergency lighting that lights up the building to make it safer to see where you are going and minimize the risk of an accident. Falls are a leading cause of accidents and deaths: One of the main causes of death and injury in the workplace falls, and it should be noted that a worker doesn’t have to fall from a great height to suffer a bad or fatal injury. Nearly half of all fatal falls in an industrial setting occurred when the person fell from a height of fewer than 20 feet. More than 10% of recorded fatal falls were from a height below six feet. Some industries have a higher incidence of falls than others, and it should not be a surprise to learn that the construction sector is considered one of the most hazardous workplace environments for falls. It is reasonable to surmise that a very high percentage of these recorded fatalities and injuries could have been prevented with adequate risk assessment procedures in place and with the right use of safety equipment and adequate training. Large numbers of workers are treated for fall-related injuries each year but with the right precautionary measures and by raising awareness of the potential dangers, many of these accidents could have been avoided. Know your limits: Pushing your body to its limit and beyond is another leading cause of accidents in the workplace and overexertion is cited as the cause of about a third of all work-related accidents according to the National Safety Council. Every worker should be encouraged to assess and know their limitations before undertaking a task that might lead to an injury through overexertion. Ergonomic injuries are when you do something like tear a tendon, damage your spine, or overreach when attempting to lift an object that is too heavy, or is not being lifted and handled correctly. Every worker needs to have health and safety training that highlights and talks about the dangers of ergonomic injuries and provides guidance on how to work safely and know your physical limitations. It is not just physical jobs that create injuries and office workers can also suffer injuries if they don’t set up their work environment in an ergonomically efficient way and don’t take regular breaks away from their desk. These are some of the main causes of accidents but with some basic safety training and an ongoing risk assessment program, it is possible to significantly reduce the prospect of an accident happening in your workplace. Read Also: Power Drill Safety Tips How To Improve Workplace Security

Customer Data

4 Ways To Address Privacy Concerns Around Customer Data

A single data breach can expose tens of millions of customers to spam, scams, identity theft, fraud, and more. It’s also a quick, easy way to destroy your brand reputation and lose a massive chunk of your customer base. In the worst-case scenario, you could end up paying millions of dollars in fines. If serious enough, your team members or executives could even face some jail time. But customer data still needs to be kept safe and private, even when the risks are far less grand in scale. Simply leaking your customers’ email addresses and exposing them to junk mail can erode their trust in you. To protect your customers and assuage any customer concerns, always handle their data with care. Here are a few important ways to protect data, limit the risks, and put your customers at ease. 1. Use Zero Party Data Perhaps the best way to put customers at ease about their data is to give them more control over what you know. Letting them decide what they share with you — and don’t — can protect their privacy and boost your brand reputation. Giving customers a chance to consent or opt out of sharing first-party data when they visit your site or app is a nice touch. But if you really want to put your customers in the data driver's seat, zero party data is the way to go. With zero-party data, your customers and prospects respond to surveys, polls, questionnaires, and more. These inputs can be used to personalize their experience, or anonymized and aggregated to help your brand make data-driven decisions. Either way, when customers provide this data, they usually expect some kind of user benefit. A personalized product recommendation, useful content, or a customized landing page are all ways to deliver that small reward. 2. Be Transparent Ideally, you should tell all of your customers exactly what you collect, what you use it for, and why. As long as you’re not up to anything nefarious (you aren’t, right?) transparency should be as simple as a brief pop-up disclaimer. In fact, transparency could help improve your credibility and customer trust in your brand. And that trust can in turn have a direct impact on your business growth and performance. It’s particularly important not to collect any extra bits of customer data you don’t need and they haven’t agreed to share. Gathering and storing extraneous data heightens the risk to your customers if there’s a breach. In some countries, regions, or industries, it could even be illegal. Besides all this, it can take up unnecessary room on servers, cloud storage, etc. To be on the safe side, always get permission from customers before collecting any kind of data.  3. Anonymize and Encrypt Some of the worst data breaches on record have also turned out to be some of the most ridiculous. Companies have accidentally leaked massive spreadsheets with customer names, addresses, passwords, and credit card data all linked together. But even anonymizing data doesn’t necessarily give customers any real protection or privacy. It’s all too easy to put two-and-two together and figure out someone’s identity. To ensure that data is truly safe, your company should always use the latest encryption methods and data protection protocols. Consult with experts about the best practices, software programs, and other tools to suit your company’s needs. Data security is not the place to cut corners, so be willing to dedicate a significant portion of your budget to protecting customers. Otherwise, you risk putting them in danger of identity theft, financial loss, reputational damage, and more. 4. Train Employees and Vet Vendors Customer data should be kept strictly confidential and only shared with employees and vendors on a need-to-know basis. Your employees need to understand how crucial it is to protect sensitive data and how exactly they need to do it. Before handling potentially sensitive data, employees should undergo appropriate screenings and training. Train them not to share details like passwords or door codes, and limit access to sensitive cabinets, rooms, or computers. Third-party vendors and contractors can be a potential cause of concern for data privacy. That’s why it’s important to carefully vet them, just as you would employees. The more you share data, the higher the risk of a breach or exposure along the way. If a vendor has access to your data, and its systems are compromised, your data could be leaked. Or, bad actors at the company you shared with could use the data in unsafe or inappropriate ways. Worst-Case Scenarios In the event that a data leak or cybersecurity event does occur, your company should have an emergency plan in place. Know what you’ll do in the event of a breach — how you’ll stop it from progressing and contain the damage. The plan should clearly indicate roles and responsibilities and include considerations for various scenarios. Many companies, universities, and government agencies have their plans publicly available online, as a resource. Whatever you do, never attempt to conceal a data breach from the media, your customers, or the public. You could end up facing fines, lawsuits, sanctions, jail time, and irrevocably brand-damaging press. Instead, own up to the breach immediately and let your customers know how you plan to handle it. In order to earn back their trust, you’ll have to prove you know how to do the right thing. Read Also: Data Security In The Cloud: Strategies For A Safe Migration Process Mining and Data Privacy – Key Points to Remember 5 Ways To Prevent Cyber Attacks

Rekey Locks

Should you Replace or Rekey Locks? — What Locksmith Richmond says

Should you Replace or Rekey Locks? Each home or business owner has different requirements for this question. Have you moved? What types of locks are installed? How old are the locks? Have they meet the security level you want to be installed in your home or office. These are all questions you should ask yourself before making a decision about making a new key or change your locking account completely. You usually want to rekey locks for your house or car because of burglary, theft or vandalism. You can also rekey your locks if you lose your keys if you feel that too many others have copies. Before you decide if you should re-key or replace your home or business locks, it's important to know what the lock-re-key is doing once. This is one of the most basic locksmith tasks, but it can be complicated by higher security locks. Lock the key again to lock the glasses so that each waffle takes place in a different order than before. This is done to keep the same lock and effectively change the keys. The cursor can use the new code lock on the glasses so that the old set of keys does not work with new glasses. If your door locks are a security class (ANSI) Grade 1 or higher, you should be able to re-enter these unlocked locks. If you can turn on the lock again, then you do not have to buy any additional hardware that makes it much costlier. Here are some other benefits. Preserves the look of the door (no color lines) Locks can be tensed with the same locks (convenience) Cheaper! If your locks are old and weak but fashionable, it can take a lot of time to completely replace the entire locking system. There are a couple of times that it is necessary to go over like: 1. If your lock is broken or other malicious haps: If some locks' assembly has spent so much that some locks or keys no longer catch, to ensure the safety it is time to take new locks. 2. Your locks are too old to find parts: If you have an antique locker and the parts are no longer able to be replaced or re-keyed in the glasses, it is the time to upgrade your existing locks to the new ones. The new locks at this age have a much better level of security as the safety procedures have been upgraded over the years. It's very difficult to find a locksmith that works with antique locks, and if you encode or repair a premium for a fee. 3. You require a higher level of security for your home or business: If you have locks installed so that a low-security rating should be in your to-do list, add them at least ANSI 1 level. These locks are harder to choose, drill, or otherwise manipulate. We recommend good lock known companies like Schlage and Kwikset, but there are many good locks on the market. Compare the performance charts of Consumer Reports when you are on the market. You can also ask your local locksmith, as which they install is never a bad choice. Now you know the benefit of rekeying vs. changing your locks and you made the decision to rekey them, then there are three options. Hire a local locksmith Richmond (if you are in Richmond) to come to your home again for rekeying to your locks. Remove the locks from the door frame by calling the local locksmith shop or local locksmith and reset them for you. DIY - There are many re-key kits, that can be purchased, provide basic guidelines to rekey the locks. If your locks fall into the category of lock change, there are about the same options, but then you have to first choose then opt new types of locks that you want to install. You can hire a handyman or a local locksmith to complete a professional lock change. It is often suggested to hire a professional that you will find from Vancouver, BC locksmith or other trusted source with a review like a swear to have hassle-free lock changing procedure. You can buy a lock-set online and make out the lock nodes yourself. Read Also: Dutch Locksmithing Company Reveals How To Get Best Prices Top 10 Effective Tips To Keep Your Home Safe