7 Wise Financial Choices That Will Help You Follow Your Budget


06 May 2019



Spending is an obvious thing in life. Inasmuch as someone is alive, he or she cannot just avoid spending money. To keep living, we need money. We cannot access some basic necessities such as food without money. Spending money is a basic fact in life. But the manner in which you spend can determine the quality of life you live now and in the future. Proper spending behaviors will protect you from incurring too many costs on an item.  In fact, good financial habits will help you not overspend and use your finances in an appropriate manner instead.

It is very important to take time and examine your spending habits. Make the necessary changes and see yourself succeeding financially. The key to financial health is to always stop and think. Before you make a purchase, it is important to ask yourself if the purchase is really necessary. But the most significant thing you can do is to budget. Through budgeting, you can save a lot of money and help you have extra cash to spend. Put differently, your budgeting style along with healthy financial decisions will determine how successful you will be. You need to decide how much money you will regularly spend on some items and stick to that decision. In this blog, we are going to address two things; the wise financial choices that will help you stick to your budget and the best way to outrank bad spending habits with good ones.

A good housekeeper will always know when the home is organized and when it is not. This should always be followed by a remedial course of action. The same thing happens with your budget. You know when it is not effective and then you take steps to redesign it. When it comes to budgeting, you control everything.

One way of appreciating your hard work and efforts is to remain true to your budget and even seek help where necessary. The following tips will help you follow your budget always:

follow your budget

Make it realistic and practical.

Let us take an example of what you set aside for entertainment monthly. If your budget is $80 every month but you spend a total of $240, something is wrong somewhere. The best thing to do is to get to the middle. Increase the allocation to probably $160 and lower your spending down to that level. The more real your budget is, the more you are likely to go by it. So make your budget real and be true to it.

Plan how you spend on meals:

Do you go for grocery unplanned, not knowing how much you are going to spend at the store? That is like taking a financial poison and you might get overwhelmed with time. The point is, you should plan for your meals, breakfast, dinner, and lunch. You do not have to pick whatever appears to be good in the stores. Just visit the stores with a list of the things you are going to pick along with how much you are going to spend on them. Pick all you need and leave the store right away.

Stop using credit cards:

credit cards

Recent studies show that about 83% of Americans prefer credit card payments to cash. This is because credit card postpones the pain that comes with payments until later in the month. This is a temptation that can make you spend too much money that what is worth for an item. Avoid this problem by sticking to your debit card or cash. Do not allow the challenge that comes with delayed payment to force you into incurring more costs on items than their worth. People even seek loan online as it’s convenient moreover for you to be sure that your lender is legit, they need to explain the loan terms clearly like A1 Credit a trusted financial institution.

Learn to wait:

If you out for window shopping with no desire to make a purchase, then you come across a very nice t-shirt but nothing is left on the money left set aside for clothing, just walk away. Breathe in and convince yourself that you will actually buy it but only next month. By that time, you have accumulated enough cash to make that purchase.

Consider social events:

You perhaps like celebrating events with friends. This could be on events such as weddings and anniversaries. But the problem is that you fail to include the associated costs in your budget. Draft a social calendar and always consult it.

Note your necessities:

Your basic necessities may include food, housing, and medication. If you commute to work, transport cost may also be included in your basic wants. Do not spend too much on luxuries. But note that a basic a luxury to you may be a basic want to someone else. Just define your basic necessities and prioritize them.

Restrict to your budget:

Prioritize your needs and how you spend on them. Set goals on your money. Try to restrict yourself to the provisions of your budget. Do not live beyond your means. Accept to live within your abilities.

It can be quite challenging to stick to your budget. However, it is possible if you fully determined to do that. The seven tips discussed will help you in this regard.

What about your financial habits? Well, let us briefly see how you can break them. It can equally be challenging but you can be successful if you use the following tips.

  • Cut spending on clothing. You don’t have to visit a store on a weekly basis. If it is necessary that you spend, but let it be at a thrift store and you will save money
  • Eat at home. Incontrovertibly, eating out is expensive. Learn to cook your meals at home. Besides, if you have a family, it is only good to share meals as a family.
  • Reduce entertainment costs. Consider free entertainment alternatives around.
  • Avoid credit cards. They postpone the pain that comes with making payments at a cost. Learn to use cash or your debit card instead.
  • Repay debts in time to avoid extra charges.
  • At whatever cost, do not use funds from your retirement account.


Making a budget and sticking to it are two different things. But if you follow the tips discussed in the first section of this blog, you will be successful.  Nevertheless, sticking to your budget can be senseless if you have the same bad spending habits. We have discussed six tips that will help you outrank bad spending behaviors. We wish you the best as you shape your financial life.

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Lining up for a Loan – How to Secure a Good Loan

Obtaining credit in its various forms is not a difficult feat. In fact, the online platform has laid the groundwork for many consumers to get the funding they need for any project. While online funding sources and traditional institutions have streamlined the application process, applying for a loan is a process requiring prospective borrowers organise their materials way before obtaining credit. Whether you apply for a loan online or in a traditional bank, the institution requires applicants to submit information regarding your ability to pay the loan back. While you can find lenders who require no credit check and a quick process, these lenders increase the interest rate of the loan, in addition to other surprises that lurk in the details of the contract. To obtain the best loan, prospective borrowers should plan to submit an application, prove income, and have a good credit history. Continue reading to learn more about what is involved in applying for a loan so you can secure the best loan possible. The Application Process: When applying for a loan, the first step is the application. While the easiest part of applying for a loan, the document asks you for all of the relevant information needed to determine risk. The document usually asks you for information related to your employment, assets, and debts. Furthermore, few applications ask you for a list of references. Whether applying online or in the institution itself, you essentially should be prepared to give the lending institution much of the information related to your current finances. The Credit Report: Of the documents to be submitted, your credit report is an account of all of the debts you have incurred as an adult. Before applying for any loan, the easiest way to secure funding is to make sure your credit report is in the best shape by obtaining a copy months before applying for the loan. Obtaining a copy beforehand gives you a chance to address any inaccuracies that appear on the file, and more importantly, any derogatory remarks that show up on the file. Cleaning up your credit report is important for a few reasons. For one, your credit score directly affects your interest rate, but more significantly, it can affect the type of loan you are approved for and whether you are approved at all. Furthermore, those with derogatory remarks and delinquencies are required to have some type of collateral to qualify for a loan, in this case, a secured loan. Proof Of Income And Assets:         Lenders want to know how you are going to pay the loan off if you, for some unforeseeable reason, cannot fulfill the obligation. Before applying for a loan, figure out what your assets are and how much income you have to pay down the loan. Prospective borrowers with savings and other assets stand a greater chance of being approved for loans that can offer them competitive rates. Furthermore, the lender can also determine your ability to pay by figuring out your debt-to-income ratio (DTI). This figure simply is the percentage of money that you spend on debt every month. Low DTIs are favourable because it means that you have more than enough to cover the loan and high DTIs mean the opposite. Each lender has a percentage that qualifies a person for a loan, and much of the time it depends on the type of loan. For example, the percentage might be higher for a home loan than a car loan. Gaining The Advantage When Borrowing: Much of what determines whether you get a great loan is in the preparation. If you have addressed many of the common ailments that plague the credit report, you increase the chance of getting a lower rate. Ultimately, it is the entire financial picture that determines whether or not you can actually afford to carry the loan. Read Also: Title Loan Requirements: What You Do And Don’t Need How To Get A Loan On A Day With Bad Credit?

Digital Advisors

How Digital Advisors have Transformed the Investment Sector

Technology has undoubtedly made a huge impact on our everyday lives. There are new innovations that are unveiled practically every minute and it can be hard to keep up. The rise of the internet has replaced traditional newspapers and other print media as sources of information. Millions of people now rely on online news sources such as Yahoo and Twitter on getting their news. The transportation sector has also transformed from using the yellow cabs to Uber and Taxify. Purchasing of goods and services is now through electronic payments via credit and debit cards. The financial industry has also been affected by this transformation. The rise of digital advisors has resulted in cheaper and more efficient ways of offering financial advice to investors. These offer automated financial planning with different levels of human engagement. An investor will surely appreciate such engagement. The Difference Between Robo Advisor and Digital Advisors: A robo advisor uses algorithms and model portfolios relying on certain information that has been obtained from the client. While others may find robo advisors attractive due to their low cost, there is minimal human interaction. There is more focus on investment allocation but minimal focus on financial planning. Making life’s big decisions such as buying your next house or paying for college requires a lot of careful planning. In this instance, there is no one to hold your hand as you contemplate about making these changes in our life. A digital advisor is a combination of a traditional financial planner and a robot advisor. This affords an investor the ease and convenience of accessing a personal human advisor. These can be reached via phone or chat. The advice offered by digital advisors goes beyond investment options. Since users have real-time access to an actual financial planner, they can talk to someone about their specific needs and work together to come up with a plan that is based on their current situation. Which One is Right? There are Robo advisors who are fully automated and have low fees. These provide investment planning to investors. On the other hand, digital advisors offer a combination of this automation and a touch of the human element. Financial advice is also provided. It is important for you to know how these function so that you know which one to choose if you are considering these options. Here are some options to choose from who are considered the well-known players in this space: Wealthfront: this automated service has over $1 billion in client assets and thus considered the world’s largest investment service. There is very little human interaction. The first $10,000 in assets management do not attract an advisory fee. Amounts that are higher than this attracts a monthly advisory fee at the rate of 0.25%. The minimum investment amount is $5,000. Betterment: there is also very little human interaction on this service. Just like the previous platform, the process if Betterment begins by clients being asked a series of questions and then an investment plan is recommended. A monthly portfolio fee of 0.35% and this amount decreases the more the balance grows. There is no minimum investment. Learnvest: although this platform does not manage investments, clients can contact a Certified Financial planner whom they can contact by phone or email and ask questions. A %19 monthly fee is charged. Personal capital & Wela: these two digital advisors have very similar offerings. For instance, both offer free financial advice to their users. You can receive advice pertaining to all things finance and be assisted to set up a unique game plan based on your specific situation. Users are also free to use all the financial planning tools available at the site at no extra cost. A management fee of less than 1% is charged to users who are connected to a personalized wealth management advisor. A similar program at Wela ensures that a user is charged only when he decides to become a client. If you have your doubts about putting your money with a fully automated system, why not go for a digital advisor that provides you with unlimited access to a financial planner while at the same time providing online convenience so that you are assured if a partner to guide you in making big decisions in life. How They Work: You do not have to rely on a human to discuss your financial goals and expectations. These interactions go on through a website. You will fill out a questionnaire that helps these sites to assess your current financial situation, risk tolerance and goals. The firms will use this information to develop manage and also suggest an asset allocation. Other firms will operate by investing your money in mutual funds and exchange funds. These are passively managed funds. Other firms will be willing to invest in individual stocks although this does not happen so often. Once your portfolio has been constructed the digital advisor will rebalance it on different situations so that you can maintain your target asset allocation. There are some cases where you will not need to fully rely on a digital platform to offer advice. Some elements of the advisor model are mixed with a human advisor. Therefore instead of relying on your response to the given questionnaire, you will be interviewed over the phone or video. You can also access a human advisor via video conferencing. These websites rely on their own algorithms to determine what would be a good fit for you as asset allocation. Depending on the firm, some will be more or less aggressive in their suggestions. Investors have found these websites to be truly valuable in a fast-paced world where many lack the time or interest to manage their own savings or investments. Advanced technology makes it possible for investors to be comfortable in a web-based relationship which assists them to allocate their asset and online portfolios. It has truly changed the way business is done. Read Also: 5 Must-Have Long-Term Goals For A Secure Future How To Become Financially Stable Before Age 30

Credit Card Debt

A Guide to Getting Out of Credit Card Debt

It’s estimated that over 191 million Americans have credit cards, with the average credit card holder having at least 2.7 cards. While there are many benefits attached to credit cards, such as building credit and increasing purchasing power, it can be all too easy to miss credit card payments and find yourself in debt. So how about getting out of credit card debt? If you’re in this predicament, you may be wondering how to get out of credit card debt quickly. There are certain factors that can affect this, such as the amount of debt you’re in. Just remember, if you’re in credit card debt, you’re not alone.  5 Actions You Need To Take For Getting Out Of Credit Card Debt To successfully pay off your credit card debt will take some grafting from you. Here are some actionable tips for getting out of credit card debt.   You can take it now to clear your credit card debt. 1. Ask For Help You’re bound to feel overwhelmed if you’re in a ton of credit card debt. However, rather than burying your head in the sand, it’s time to ask for help and support. This may involve speaking to a credit counseling agency.  They can put you back on the right track and improve your financial situation. If you need help getting out of credit card debt? You always have to find the most suitable helping advisers for it. Now, most banks are offering services for credit card debt support. So you can avail of it. Alternatively, you can contact Tally, who is a specialist in credit card management. They can provide help in getting your credit card debt paid off faster. Whatever you do, don’t put your debt off. If you do, you will accrue more debt which will make it harder to get out of. 2. Establish Your Finances The first action toward getting out of credit card debt is by assessing your financial situation. This involves devising a list of everything you owe. You should include credit card debt and other monthly bills too. Your overall debt should factor in the balance and annual percentage rate, or APR (the price you are charged to borrow money) for every credit card you own. Analyzing each card’s APR and balance will help you establish what methods to use to reduce your debt.  You may find it more beneficial to tackle the debt with the largest interest rates first. Make sure to compare your expenses and debts with your income too. This can include items like a mortgage or rent debt, credit card balances, and loan debt. 3. Prioritize Your Spending After assessing your finances, it’s time to concentrate on how much you’re spending. To begin, you should pay the lowest quantity on secure debts. Are you failing to make the payments on time? This could see you lose the assets that are funding the loan. You must pay attention to your student loan debt too. This is because the federal government (which backs the majority of student loan debts) can sanction you financially should you default on student loan repayments.  For instance, the government can garnish your tax refunds, wages, and your Social Security benefits. When working on getting out of credit card debt, it’s advised not to use your credit cards during this time. Instead, pay for things using cash or a debit card. The last thing you want is to rack up further debt. 4. Draw Up A Budget Once you have prioritized your debts, it’s time to draw up a budget. This will help monitor how much you’re spending and give you better control on decreasing and getting out of credit card debt. It will take determination, persistence, and self-discipline to get rid of this financial burden. There are online tools you can use to set a budget and ensure you stay within your means. To free up more money from your budget, it’s time to look at ways you can cut back on expenses whether it’s forfeiting cable TV for the time being. But canceling your gym membership or you have to be well prepared to go without some luxuries as you tackle your debt.  To generate more income, why not consider starting a side hustle? If you have a particular passion for something, you may be able to earn extra money that can be put towards your credit card debt. 5. Alter Your Financial Habits If you don’t change the behavior that got you into credit card debt, you may slip back into debt quicker than you realize. Once you tackle your credit card debt and get it paid off, the relief will be like nothing else.  Therefore, you don’t want to be in the same position months down the line. If you want to get out of credit card debt fast, you always have to revise your financial habits. And always learn from your greatest mistakes. You need to understand the difference between ‘wants’ and ‘needs.’ Necessities include food, clothing, and housing, whereas luxuries are things like a Netflix subscription or going on vacation. Once you’ve cleared your credit card debt, it’s wise to set up an emergency fund of cash. That way, you have money when you need it without the need to use a credit card. Conclusion: If you’ve found yourself in a mountain of credit card debt, with the proper knowledge and tools, you will soon be on the path to conquering that mountain and becoming debt-free. Remember, you don’t have to tackle your credit card debt alone. There are people out there like credit counselors who can provide support and guidance. They are also willing to help you to get out of credit card debt. Read Also: Why Would I Need A Business Credit Report? 5 Tactics to Improve Your Credit Score This Year How to Deal With Debt By Doing Business Marketing Smartly? 10 Ways a Low Credit Score Can Negatively Impact Your Life