A Guide to Getting Out of Credit Card Debt


29 April 2022


Credit Card Debt

It’s estimated that over 191 million Americans have credit cards, with the average credit card holder having at least 2.7 cards.

While there are many benefits attached to credit cards, such as building credit and increasing purchasing power, it can be all too easy to miss credit card payments and find yourself in debt. So how about getting out of credit card debt?

If you’re in this predicament, you may be wondering how to get out of credit card debt quickly. There are certain factors that can affect this, such as the amount of debt you’re in. Just remember, if you’re in credit card debt, you’re not alone. 

5 Actions You Need To Take For Getting Out Of Credit Card Debt

To successfully pay off your credit card debt will take some grafting from you. Here are some actionable tips for getting out of credit card debt.  

You can take it now to clear your credit card debt.

1. Ask For Help

Ask For Help

You’re bound to feel overwhelmed if you’re in a ton of credit card debt. However, rather than burying your head in the sand, it’s time to ask for help and support. This may involve speaking to a credit counseling agency. 

They can put you back on the right track and improve your financial situation. If you need help getting out of credit card debt? You always have to find the most suitable helping advisers for it. Now, most banks are offering services for credit card debt support. So you can avail of it.

Alternatively, you can contact Tally, who is a specialist in credit card management. They can provide help in getting your credit card debt paid off faster. Whatever you do, don’t put your debt off. If you do, you will accrue more debt which will make it harder to get out of.

2. Establish Your Finances

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The first action toward getting out of credit card debt is by assessing your financial situation. This involves devising a list of everything you owe.

You should include credit card debt and other monthly bills too. Your overall debt should factor in the balance and annual percentage rate, or APR (the price you are charged to borrow money) for every credit card you own.

Analyzing each card’s APR and balance will help you establish what methods to use to reduce your debt. 

You may find it more beneficial to tackle the debt with the largest interest rates first. Make sure to compare your expenses and debts with your income too. This can include items like a mortgage or rent debt, credit card balances, and loan debt.

3. Prioritize Your Spending

Prioritize Your Spending

After assessing your finances, it’s time to concentrate on how much you’re spending. To begin, you should pay the lowest quantity on secure debts. Are you failing to make the payments on time? This could see you lose the assets that are funding the loan.

You must pay attention to your student loan debt too. This is because the federal government (which backs the majority of student loan debts) can sanction you financially should you default on student loan repayments. 

For instance, the government can garnish your tax refunds, wages, and your Social Security benefits. When working on getting out of credit card debt, it’s advised not to use your credit cards during this time. Instead, pay for things using cash or a debit card. The last thing you want is to rack up further debt.

4. Draw Up A Budget

Draw Up A Budget

Once you have prioritized your debts, it’s time to draw up a budget. This will help monitor how much you’re spending and give you better control on decreasing and getting out of credit card debt.

It will take determination, persistence, and self-discipline to get rid of this financial burden. There are online tools you can use to set a budget and ensure you stay within your means.

To free up more money from your budget, it’s time to look at ways you can cut back on expenses whether it’s forfeiting cable TV for the time being. But canceling your gym membership or you have to be well prepared to go without some luxuries as you tackle your debt. 

To generate more income, why not consider starting a side hustle? If you have a particular passion for something, you may be able to earn extra money that can be put towards your credit card debt.

5. Alter Your Financial Habits

Alter Your Financial Habits

If you don’t change the behavior that got you into credit card debt, you may slip back into debt quicker than you realize. Once you tackle your credit card debt and get it paid off, the relief will be like nothing else. 

Therefore, you don’t want to be in the same position months down the line. If you want to get out of credit card debt fast, you always have to revise your financial habits. And always learn from your greatest mistakes.

You need to understand the difference between ‘wants’ and ‘needs.’ Necessities include food, clothing, and housing, whereas luxuries are things like a Netflix subscription or going on vacation. Once you’ve cleared your credit card debt, it’s wise to set up an emergency fund of cash. That way, you have money when you need it without the need to use a credit card.


If you’ve found yourself in a mountain of credit card debt, with the proper knowledge and tools, you will soon be on the path to conquering that mountain and becoming debt-free. Remember, you don’t have to tackle your credit card debt alone. There are people out there like credit counselors who can provide support and guidance. They are also willing to help you to get out of credit card debt.

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Property Tax Lien

What You Need to Know Before Buying Property with a Tax Lien

You find the house of your dreams but are told by the realtor that the home comes with a property tax lien. Do you give up on that house and find one that doesn’t have a lien? Even though friends and family might suggest you move on, it's better to have a deeper understanding of property tax liens before making a decision. What Is a Property Tax Lien? When homeowners have a financial setback, they often have problems making their mortgage payments. In many cases, they are also unable to pay their property taxes. When a homeowner doesn’t pay property taxes, their property becomes tax delinquent. A property tax lien prevents this property from being sold or refinanced. Depending upon the state they live in, after a certain period of time, the municipality can repossess, seize, and foreclose on the property. When this happens, the town or county that is owed the taxes issues a property-tax lien certificate against the property. The lien includes the owed taxes, penalties, and interest. Once there is a foreclosure, this certificate is then made available for sale, usually in an auction. There are two types of sales based on unpaid property taxes. Tax Deed Sale: A tax deed is a legal document that transfers property ownership from the homeowner who didn't pay the taxes and the municipal governmental entity owed the taxes. In turn, the government then has the authority to sell the property, collect the owed taxes, and transfer ownership to the purchaser. In this case, the property is sold at auction and includes unpaid taxes. Buying a foreclosed property gives you complete ownership of the property. The price may start low but is often driven up by competing bidders. Once the property is purchased by the highest bidder, it is owned clear and free of all mortgages and liens against it. Tax Lien Sale: In this type of sale, the lien is auctioned off to the highest bidder. It includes the interest incurred. If the liens are not paid, the new owner can foreclose on the property. Many states will utilize a tax lien sale in an attempt to get their unpaid taxes from the homeowner. They usually come with high penalty fees. The process and time period associated with tax lien sales depends upon the state where the property is located. Homeowners whose property is sold in a tax lien sale are given a period of time— a redemption period—to pay their taxes plus interest to the holder of the lien. The owner of the lien may not end up owning the property should the homeowner pay back the taxes plus interest. However, there is an opportunity to make money from the accrued interest. Interest rates vary by state, for example: In Florida, the maximum interest rate is 18 percent with a guaranteed minimum of 5 percent on liens redeemed early. The Mississippi tax lien rate is 18 percent—1.5 percent per month—and must be repaid in two years. Iowa’s interest rate is on the lower side, at 2 percent. The interest rates and sales process are structured by local jurisdictions and are also dependent upon the auction. Be sure to check with the municipality before making decisions. Because of low interest rates and the volatile stock market, many people are looking for other ways to get a return on their investment. With more than$14 billion in unpaid property taxes, purchasing properties with liens, for some, is a viable investment opportunity. It is important to understand what you are buying before you make an offer. When you purchase a tax lien certificate, you are not attaining ownership of a piece of property. You are purchasing the lien on the property. The delinquent homeowner still owns the property. When you buy a tax deed, you take ownership of the property in its entirety. Read Also: Property Investment Success Stories 6 Tips On How To Pay Off Your Tax Debt Investing In Property Is Investing In Your Future A Quick Guide To The Legal Steps Of Buying A House Why Off-Plan Investment Is Beneficial For Expats 5 Easy Estate Planning Tips To Help You Plan For The Future

Bad Credit

What Entrepreneurs With Bad Credit Need to Know Before Applying for a Loan

If you have a dream of starting a new business, don't assume your bad credit will hold you back. There are plenty of loan options to choose from and you can even apply for unsecured business loans with bad credit as well as find alternative ways of raising capital. This brief overview of some of these resources may give you hope for realizing your dream. Take Advantage of Government Programs: While searching for bad credit loans Tampa can open up some doors for you, taking advantage of the government's generosity should be a primary concern. One of the best programs offered by Uncle Sam is the SBA loan. The Small Business Administration partners with lenders who are interested in supporting new startups. The SBA is able to approve entrepreneurs with bad credit because they pledge to cover 90% of a defaulted loan. If the business fails, the lender knows the government will repay the majority of the loss. While the SBA loan is widely recognized, it's not the only government-sponsored loan available. Federal, state, and local governments offer a broad range of grants and loans. Some opportunities target specific groups, such as women and minorities, so a little searching may uncover the right loan for you. A newer option is the microloans, which is a smaller loan with a brief repayment schedule. Microloans are available through government programs and from commercial lenders. Depending on the amount of capital you need to raise for your business, this may be a good option. Microloans were specially designed to cater to prospective entrepreneurs with bad credit. More Funding Options for Entrepreneurs: Outside of government programs and high-interest commercial lending, there are a number of newer options available. One such alternative is crowdfunding. This is an online method of asking others to donate to your business in exchange for small concessions. You choose what you'll offer your investors, but remember that more valuable perks will earn you higher donations. You might also look to business venture capitalists to fund your project. It will require crafting an exciting pitch that will show potential investors what your business can do for them. There is a downside to this option, however. Investors own a stake in the business, so you may lose control over how your business is run. Additionally, the profits you earn won't be solely yours to keep. There are even more borrowing options online. From peer lending to short-term loans, you may find a financial product to suit your needs. Before signing off on one of these loans, be sure to read the fine print. Failure to understand the terms of the loan could end up costing you your business if you're unable to meet your obligations. Before agreeing to a loan that gives you cause for concern, explore all of your other options. One of the best ways to raise capital for your business is to save the money yourself. It may require working a second job in combination with launching your business, but the benefits far outweigh the sacrifices. When your business does succeed and start to grow, it will be the result of your own labors. You won't owe anything to anyone and the profits will be yours to do with as you please. In the end, you may find that you prefer to rebuild your credit first. This is also an option and it's something that may benefit you for years to come. How you proceed is up to you and each option carries its own costs. Whether it's your own time, control of your business, or paying a higher rate of interest, there's no escaping the cost. You'll have to decide for yourself what price you're willing to pay to give your dream life. Read Also: How To Get A Loan On A Day With Bad Credit? 7 Reasons To Be An Entrepreneur In The Best Area: IT

Easy Ways To Make Extra Rent Money

5 Easy Ways To Make Extra Rent Money

Times are tough. With inflation and the cost of groceries on the rise, many Americans are feeling deflated when a quick trip to the grocery store for a few basic items can cost upwards of $75. With the cost of goods, utilities, and services on the rise, this puts many people in the increasingly difficult position of struggling to make ends meet with non-negotiable expenses. People need a place to live, and your monthly rent expense is arguably the most important debit coming out of your account. However, more and more people are finding the rising cost of rent impossible to keep up with. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, in recent years, the cost of rent has accelerated for both new tenants and returning tenants. Furthermore, new data from the Census Bureau found that more than half of all renter households have reported struggling to make ends meet and pay their monthly rent. If you feel like you can’t handle your rent or even groceries, you are not alone. Many people are in your shoes and are likely searching for easy ways to make extra rent money. If you need a simple way to pad your wallet, keep reading for some tips and tricks that can help to give you some breathing room with your rent. Utilize Your Space One way to earn extra rent money is to get smart with the space that you already have! Simply stated, housing costs are more affordable when they are split in half. If you have an extra room, consider advertising your spare room on a roommate search site like Roomster or RoomMatch. You can set your preferences and requirements when searching for a roommate, such as age, gender, life habits, and other personal preferences. Both sites have a background check option, where you can ask a person you are considering moving in with to complete a basic background check. Remember to keep safety in mind, and make sure you meet up with any potential roommates in a public space. It is also wise to never send any money electronically without first seeing a property in person. Rent Out Storage As the saying goes, one man’s trash is another man’s treasure. If you are uncomfortable taking on an additional person in your living space, perhaps you would feel more comfortable taking on some inanimate objects. If you have a garage, attic, or other space where you can safely store belongings, many people will pay for a safe and secure place to store their extra belongings. Rent Your Parking Space If you have a parking space included in your rental, this is something else you can capitalize on! Your rental spot could mean extra cash in your pocket! This is an option to consider if you are in a situation where either you do not have a car, or you work remotely and don’t drive often. Platforms such as SpotHero allow you to list your parking spot for rent. Rental options include short-term rentals for an event or a weekend or even long-term rentals. Just make sure you check your lease and make sure no language in your rental agreement prohibits this! Become A Driver If you do indeed use your car often and enjoy driving - you could make money on your daily commute! By driving for Uber or Lyft, you can earn extra cash and design a flexible work schedule that meets your personal preferences. If driving people is not your style, platforms such as Uber Eats or DoorDash are always in need of drivers, and you don’t need to make small talk with takeout! Remote Work Let your skills or creativity unlock extra cash! Are you a talented artist, writer, or graphic designer? Take advantage of this skill set! Advertise your work on a platform such as Etsy or eBay. Personalized gifts are trending - especially around the holiday season - and people will pay to have you create personalized items or designs! If creativity is not your strong suit - consider online or remote work. Companies will often hire workers for tasks such as data entry or freelance writing. With these types of jobs, you can create your own work schedule and work from the comfort of your own home! If you are looking for ways to make extra rent money, there are options available to you that require minimal disruption to your life! As the cost of living continues to skyrocket, these savvy tips can help you earn extra income to put towards your rent and provide you with a safety net of cash. If you’re still coming up short after following these tips, or these aren’t good options for you, contact LoanMart to learn about short-term options to get you through. Personal finance skills can only get you so far with the rising costs of living in recent years, so keep your options open. Read Also: Smart Ways to Invest in Gold How To Start Your Investor Journey: 5 Credible Options To Explore What Investors Should Know about Investment in Gold and Silver Assets