It’s Worth Saving: 8 Signs that it’s Time to See a Marriage Counselor

Published on: 27 December 2018 Last Updated on: 20 July 2024
marriage counselor

Remember when you were newlyweds? When you were still deeply in love and riding the high from your beautiful wedding day?

It’s only natural things have changed from there; real life sets in and things get busier and more complicated. The honeymoon stage wears off, and that’s okay.

If you’re feeling, however, like you’ve bypassed a stage of comfort in your marriage and headed straight for the land of daily arguments, constant annoyance with your spouse, or even widespread secret-keeping, your marriage may be in need of fixing.

If you feel as though you and your spouse might benefit from seeing a marriage counselor, but aren’t sure if the signs are there, read on. Here are 8 major signs it might be time to take your marriage to a professional. Your marriage is worth saving.

1. Even Small Conversations Become Arguments:

We all have days once in a while where even the tiniest thing can set us off. That’s normal. But if you begin to feel as though any time you and your spouse interact, your conversations turn into full-blown arguments, it could be a serious sign you ought to seek counseling.

You should be able to have conversations and make small decisions naturally and easily. The occasional grumpy retort is okay, but when things are blown out of proportion, or you find yourself keeping your mouth shut to avoid any interaction, it’s become a problem.

You need to be able to talk about the big, important things with your spouse – but you also need to be able to interact peacefully on a daily basis.

2. You’ve Stopped Sharing Opinions:

Another sign it may be time for a bit of professional intervention in your marriage is when you find yourself failing to express opinions to avoid arguments or conversation. You should still be able to voice your thoughts on that restaurant she loves; you should be able to tell him you’d rather not go out tonight.

Although it may seem like keeping quiet is a means of keeping the peace, staying quiet and failing to share your thoughts can quickly become toxic. Don’t let even small things build up – and if they are, consider taking it to counseling.

3. You Realize You’re Keeping Secrets:

At any given time, the average person is keeping 13 secrets under wraps – 5 of which they’ve never told anybody. Secret-keeping is natural and can be innocent, but if you find yourself holding back a significant amount of serious secrets, it’s probably time to evaluate why.

Many secrets include things like infidelity or financial woes or other major elements of life. Some people find themselves so caught up in their secret-keeping they reach a point where their spouse hardly knows them anymore. If you feel as though you’re on the brink of living a double life, it’s probably time to take it to marriage counseling to get things out on the table.

4. You’ve Both Been Ignoring Intimacy:

For many marriages, intimacy plays a critical role in feeling connected as a couple. If you’ve seen a significant shift or a halt in your sex life, it may not only be a sign that your marriage is becoming distanced, but it may also be a major contributing factor. If you’re having little or no sex when you used to do it on the regular, you might find yourself feeling the impact on an emotional level.

In many cases, intimacy can take effort on behalf of both partners. Once you’ve re-established the connection with your spouse, it can begin to feel more natural again – but you may be in need of a little intervention before that can happen. 

Marriage counselling may have the ability to create a safe space for you and your partner to discuss intimacy issues, and result in a healthier way of approaching topics such as boundaries, fantasies, or even erectile dysfunction. Having a partner who encourages you to visit somewhere like this ED Clinic Fullerton can make all the difference in your relationship. Being able to confide in your spouse about a vulnerable topic is a huge part of trust and progress with your intimacy.

Read more about how counselling can help you through struggles in intimacy.

5. Somebody’s Been Unfaithful:

Okay, so maybe this one should be obvious: Most of the time when one partner goes beyond the bounds of marriage vows, things don’t just settle back into place naturally. It usually takes work to restore faith and trust in the relationship. This can often be seriously helped along by an intervention of a marriage counselor.

Unfaithfulness can go beyond the bounds of sexual intimacy with a person who’s not your spouse; it could also be categorized as unfaithfulness in finances or unfaithfulness to other life commitments. If trust has been breached, it may be time for someone else to step in and help you to sort things out.

6. You’d Rather Spend Time Apart:

Remember when you were dating? How you could hardly stand to be apart from one another? As you matured and got married, you probably naturally became more comfortable spending time apart.

It’s natural to seek alone time, and it’s totally healthy to spend time away from your spouse. But if it’s to the point where you’d consistently prefer to be away from your partner…well, that’s a problem.

Look at simple situations, like lazy days around the house. Do you elect to watch TV upstairs while he watches it downstairs? Do you move about the house without speaking or acknowledging one another? It’s probably time to fix that.

7. You Feel Like You’re Performing:

Some people manage to do a good job of keeping the peace, even when the marriage really feels as though it’s collapsing in on itself. But after a while, putting on a happy performance when, really, you’re not happy at all can start to wear on a spouse. If you feel like you’re putting on a brave face in the midst of a poor marriage, your marriage likely needs intervention.

Partaking in affectionate behaviors when you’re not feeling up to it – and doing so consistently – is both a means of ignoring a glaring problem and a contributing factor to discontent. If you feel like you’re putting in lots of effort to avoid admitting there’s a problem, then there’s most definitely a problem.

8. You’re Hoping for a Miracle:

When in low parts of relationships, we sometimes find ourselves thinking, “If we can just get through this rough patch…” But the fact is, most rough patches won’t get smoothed out automatically. There likely won’t be any miracle change that comes through to restore your marriage; you’ve got to work for it.

If you find yourself focusing your hopes on the idea that your spouse might just change and fix everything, it’s not going to happen. The closest thing you’ll get to a miracle is some good, productive marriage counseling.

Want More Tips for When You Might Need a Marriage Counselor?

It can be tough to tell – and, often, tougher to admit – when your marriage could benefit from marriage counseling. Approaching the situation requires lots of bravery and consideration of your marriage.

For more tips on how to save your marriage, and more information on when it might be time to find a marriage counselor, check out our page!

Oh, and remember: Your marriage is worth saving.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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St. Patrick’s Day

How to celebrate St.Patrick’s Day in the workplace

Devoting some time at work to celebrate special occasions such as Yabadoo Kids Parties for those employees who have kids and holidays means a lot, especially regarding employee motivation and morale-boost. St. Patrick's Day can make things work in your favor while you are developing your business. Any business owner looking for improved productivity in the workplace has had the thought of how to make the best out of the holidays there are. Since St. Patrick’s Day has slowly become a celebration of Irish culture, it is essential that your staff join in the merry. But how do you get it done in the workplace? Do you just take it as a day when your sales skyrocket, and you don’t have time to celebrate it with your staff? How do you make it count for every member of your team? Well, below are several ways to consider for your St. Patrick’s celebration this year: Green Hats and Costumes: If you want to make a statement celebration in your workplace, then the best way is by dressing like you are celebrating. Green being the significant color for this day, encourage the employees to show up in some greet hats and costumes. You can choose to identify some ground rules or leave it open for the people to explore. For this one, ensure you notify your staff in advance so that they can prepare. They can come dressed as their favorite Irish persona, or be as simple as having a green hat on. Make sure to join in the fun, so it doesn’t seem awkward for your employees. If you want, you can even take it a step further by offering a gift for the greenest employee that day. Set a Time in the Day for a Contest: Competitions are the greatest morale boosters that companies can use. In holiday seasons especially, you want your staff to feel recognized for their efforts, and enjoy a treat afterward. The contest ideas can stem from your staff members days before March 17. For example, you can hold a competition for the Best Irish Accent Contest, or even play a highly competitive ‘match’ in the home bowling alley you recently installed within your organization. If your company is big, you can use your social media platforms to choose winners. For example, they can take photos in green, try the accents, or whatever other competition. For the one with the most likes and comments, they are the winner and can claim a prize from you. You don’t have to plan a huge sporting event such a football match or a meeting at the golf club to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day in the workplace. It is the simplest things that make people happy. Therefore, just do something out of the ordinary, and encourage competition. Through this, you will encourage your employees to relate well with each other, and this might lead to improved performance going forward. Branded merchandise: Sometimes, gifts are the simple gestures that mean the most to people. On this date, you can come up with branded merchandise for all your staff. This works great for small companies, but also big ones. If your business had gotten in a good profit margin in the previous financial year, then this treat could make your employees feel appreciated for their work. You can do green hoodies that have your company’s logo or tag line, for branding purposes. The merchandise can range from hoodies and T-shirts, to flash drives and stationery. Even if you are a profit-oriented entrepreneur, don’t make the mistake of selling this merchandise to your employees. There are businesses which have done that in the past on various occasions, and they have ended up losing their key staff, which adversely affects business operations. St. Patrick’s Day is a day to show your employees that you care about them. It is a day to show them that you appreciate everything they do for your organization, even though sometimes things go slower than expected. Therefore, giving freebies is one of the kindest gestures you can show towards them. ‘General knowledge’ celebration: If you prefer the simplistic way of doing things, you may not be for the pomp and color. However, you can always encourage general information sharing. For example, a week to March 17, you can tell people to nominate their most-admired famous Irish person in the corporate world. After resolving for one name, you can put up a wall of his/her achievements for the day. This way, you let people learn a little more about the Irish culture by looking at a famous figure. Read Also: Bachelor Parties: A Brief History Benefits That Employees Actually Look For Ways To Improve Children’s Parties 10 Reasons To Splurge On A Limousine For Celebrations The Top Destinations For New Year Celebrations

Family Vacation

Planning a Family Vacation as the Kids Grow Up

There’s no doubt family vacation is one of the most precious memories that we have. In fact, a survey conducted by the Family Holiday Association found that 49% of British community said that vacation time with their family is their happiest memory. Prioritizing vacation with the family does not only rejuvenates your spirit and relieves stress but it also helps foster stronger family ties. Spending quality time with the whole family on a trip gives your kids a happy childhood. How about when the kids grow up? Is it still necessary to take a family vacation? Yes, it is. In fact, family vacations can be more fun and adventurous when kids are already older. Unlike spending vacations with toddlers where they don’t really have much say on your location or activities scheduled, planning a family vacation with older kids could be more challenging. They have their own lives and preferences so it’s important to communicate and plan for something that’s appealing to everyone. Below are some of the tips that you can use when planning a vacation with your older kids: Select a Location that Offers Wide Selections of Activities : When your kids were little, choosing a destination for your family vacation was relatively easy. You can just bring your brood to any amusement park and they’d be on cloud nine. Choosing a destination for your older kids is a different story. To make your vacation memorable, you have to choose a location that would interest your kids who are not kids anymore. Generally, older kids want adventure and excitement. Spending the whole day on a museum could be dragging and boring for them. These family getaway destinations will be appealing to your older kids: Yosemite National Park : If you want an affordable yet interesting vacation, visiting a national park is your alternative. Yosemite National Park in Mariposa Country is a must-see for any trip to California. It’s beaming with majestic views, hiking trails, and family vacation opportunities. Bahamas : f you’re looking for a dream vacation getaway, the island of Bahamas offers a family vacation that you can never forget. Aside from the magnificent beaches and water activities, treat your family with sumptuous meals and have fun getting to know with the locals. Booking at a family welcomed or 21 and the older resort is a wise idea to save money. Cruises : Going on a cruise is the best option if you want to get the most of everything in a small window of time. Aside from covering a lot of ground in a short period of time, the cruise company caters to vast interests, both onboard and on land. You and your husband can enjoy sunbathing on the sundeck of the ship while your kids can head ashore and go shopping. After all, alone time with just your husband is a necessity in your marriage. South Africa : Choosing a destination that has plenty of options is a must when traveling with grown-up kids. South Africa offers diverse family bonding opportunities with their majestic mountains, beaches, fascinating museums, renowned vineyards and cuisine and even a colony of a penguin on Boulders Beach. Choose a Homestay Rental over a Hotel Though going on a vacation with your family could be a luxury, it does not mean that you have to spend your entire savings account and be broke for the next 10 years. Prioritizing practicality and functionality will go a long way. Though staying in a hotel room can be convenient and could really make you feel that you are on a vacation, it could be pricey especially if you’re staying for a few nights. Renting someone else’s house or apartment instead of staying at a hotel is an excellent idea to save money. What are the advantages of homestay rental over a hotel? First, they are unique and special. Variety of accommodation is limitless, from city apartments to a villa to treehouses. Space is all yours and you will get the privacy that you need. You don’t have to deal with hotel staff or personnel knocking on your door. It also offers comfort and convenience just like your own home, plus you can cook your own meal since the majority of rentals have kitchens. Be Flexible and Spontaneous : Though creating an itinerary for your trip is important, you don’t really have to stick to it 100%. Sometimes, we’re too concerned about ticking everything off of our to-go or a to-do list that we forget to have fun and enjoy the moment. Since your grown-up kids have minds of their own, they may feel to explore the shopping area instead of checking out the museum as you planned. Be open with the unexpected turn out of events and embrace the fact that your kids also need time to do things that they like. Having older kids may mean less time together as they get busy with school, work, and even their own family. Make up for these lost time and create a family vacation that you and your whole family will never forget. Don’t wait until it’s too late - book a trip that everyone can enjoy. Read Also : Yacht Charters And Sailing Vacations 10 Beach Vacation Packages That Will Let You Unwind Without Breaking The Bank Fundaments Of Happy Family

Planning A Road Trip

Five Things To Consider When Planning A Road Trip

Road trips are one of the best activities to make long-lasting memories. Whether you are planning to take your family or friends on the trip, the first and foremost thing you will want is safety and a joyful moment, which can be possible if you have ensured a few factors. To explore how you can make your trip remarkable, here are a few things that you can consider: Check The Battery It is essential to check the battery condition before you take your vehicle on the trip. This is crucial because the last thing you will want on the trip is to face a dead battery. Facing a breakdown during vacation will be frustrating and time-consuming for you. It will cost you money as well. So, assign yourself time to inspect the condition of the battery. If the battery has crossed its limit of 3 years, you can upgrade to a Vicoffroad Lithium battery for reliable power. Making all the changes before you head off toward your destination will give you peace of mind. Inspect Your Car Like the inspection of the battery, it is necessary for you to check the condition and working of your car. There are many simple and complicated features in your car, and if any feature goes on malfunctioning, it will affect the entire system. So, ensure that the engine is working fine, tires are rotated, filters are changed, and transmission oil is updated. If you are wondering if your car will not be able to take you to the destination, you can look for a used car that will help you to reach the destination with complete comfort on the road. Check The Windshield When going on a trip with your family or friends, the first thing you will prioritize is their safety. This means you will need to drive safely and defensively when it needs to. But what if there are some cracks in the windshield or it is blurry? How will you manage safety? It can be impossible for you to ensure safety. So, when planning your trip, you can check the windshield and replace it if you find cracks in the glass. Pack All Your Essentials Road trips are all fun when you have the best of the company and all the essentials on the road, which will help you to enjoy the trip without facing any trouble on the road. For this purpose, you will need to pack things safely. Make a list of things that you will need to do on the road. If you don’t have an idea what to pack, you can look online and get a list of the essentials that you will need on the road. Packing all the essentials for you and your family will prevent any discomfort on the road. Pack Plenty Of Food And Drinks There is no limit when it comes to packing food and drinks on the road. It is always better to have extra food and drinks rather than getting out of stock. So, when packing food and snacks, you will need to ensure they will remain good. By fresh and quality products as you don’t want to get sick during the trip. Read Also: Best New Cars For Teenagers Spring’s Favourite Car: The Ford Mustang 2018 Tesla Model S: The Complete Electric Vehicle