Your Business Needs Marketing To Survive – Here’s Why


21 September 2022



Marketing is, as many people argue, the backbone of all business success.

Creating and running a business that offers a fantastic service and/or product line is just the beginning. How do you get the word out about your business to attract customers or clients effectively?

Marketing is one common factor that all successful businesses share. Without it, business owners are effectively working in the dark.

Here Are 3 Prime Reasons Your Business Needs Marketing

To build revenue and to continue doing so, people need to know what sort of business you are and why your service or product is worth their time and money.

1. You need marketing to build a strong reputation

strong reputation

Businesses need marketing to show potential customers why they’re trustworthy and why they’re the best at what they do. It can take the form of product demos, customer reviews, or even some persuasive text! Think about advertising we all see daily, whether on social media, TV or elsewhere. It all exists to help convince people that the advertisers are the ones to trust.

Reputation is key to driving regular business, too. Marketing isn’t just a one-step job. A successful business is constantly growing, always pitching and reaching out to people. Otherwise, the money dries up, and people lose jobs – simple!

2. You need marketing to stay relevant

 stay relevant

One of the critical principles graduates learn when studying for an online master’s in marketing is the importance of relevance. Society – and tastes – move very quickly and change as people develop and age. Regardless of a business’ industry or demographic, it’s vital to look carefully at technological trends, for example.

Relevance is tricky to balance if a business isn’t actively communicating with its customers. Market research is crucial when gauging opinion. Marketers need to learn more about why customers invest in specific services and what they’d like to change (if anything).

Evolving business marketing is vital to survival. Consider a huge brand such as Kodak, which made billions from traditional photography. As digital photography phased out mainstream photo development, they changed their marketing, pivoting towards printing supplies and selling their own digital cameras. Adjusting to a changing market – and keeping a finger on the pulse – keeps a business alive.

3. You need marketing to make the money

make the money

From content marketing to active outreach, there are many ways to speak to customers. However, you can’t expect to generate revenue if you don’t talk to them. Simply running a service and developing products isn’t enough.

People need to know who you are. Marketing is, essentially, shouting about your business repeatedly, thereby building awareness. Sometimes, it’s not even about how loud you shout, but what you shout – and when!

Businesses that don’t market themselves will only ever have a client pool as large as they currently have. Therefore, the need for marketing experts (and in-house teams) will never go away. The role of a marketer, too, is one that changes day after day – it’s always interesting to work.


Sumona is a persona, having a colossal interest in writing blogs and other jones of calligraphies. In terms of her professional commitments, she carries out sharing sentient blogs by maintaining top-to-toe SEO aspects. Follow more of her contributions in SmartBusinessDaily

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Business Marketing

How to Deal With Debt By Doing Business Marketing Smartly?

Small businesses and startups often find it much easier to borrow the lion’s share of their capital. Finding an investor is never completely off the table, but it is not an easy task to do. It is much easier to find lending organizations, who are ready to test out the abilities of the new entrepreneurs to multiply their monies. Very soon, a time arises when the creditors expect at least a part of their invested money back. Now, this is a time most entrepreneurs know will come, but none are ready to face. It is almost always "too early" or "too sudden." Online marking, when you are already in massive debt? Gaining momentum for a new business not only takes time and effort, but it also takes some serious marketing skills. By marketing, we do not mean TVCs, hoardings, and pamphlets. Those are ancient forms of advertising that no one even notices anymore. If you are in such a situation, what you need is a stable dose of online marketing that will make you visible to your target audience. Here comes the biggest conundrum in the world. When a business is already nose-deep in debt, can it afford to plunge further in by going in for online marketing? That entirely depends on your perspective of online marketing. Your contenders and contemporaries may think online marketing to be an added expense, but you know what almost 71% of the US population is already online and looking for businesses like you. So, would you deem online marketing as an added expense or a smart investment? You need a website first : The first step of online marketing is getting your own presence established online. It means an excellent site. By nice, we mean something that's functional, professional, SEO optimized, and capable of attracting and converting traffic. It should represent your selling theme, services, and products perfectly. Building a website is no easy feat. You may have the enthusiasm to build a website from scratch, but not all entrepreneurs can have the coding skills and analytical skills needed to construct a working business website. Building a website from scratch can take up a lot of time, and it takes a lot of algorithms to perfect the buying and payment process. Either you can opt for DIY website builders like WordPress or Joomla, or you can surely approach a professional website builder. A professional website builder will again cost you a few bucks. If you are thinking of building a PHP based website from scratch, it will also take considerable amounts of time. Now, this is not going to be cheap for your business. Therefore, it is not uncommon for entrepreneurs to wonder if going for online marketing is the best way to a debt solution. The inspiration you need : So, let us tell you a real-life success story. Initially a nobody, Rank Fishkin started out with his own tech startup and went plummeting into a $500,000 personal debt. From there he is now the owner of the world’s largest SEO, social media, and content marketing website Moz that is netting about $40 million in revenue for the last seven years. That is a success story better than any fairy tale you will ever hear. Was it easy? Did it involve magic spells? No! It required endless hours of smart digital marketing strategies and intelligent investment moves. The moral of the story is: just because you are nose deep in debt, does not mean you can invest in something new. Digital marketing and social media marketing are the new ways to reintroduce your brand to a new world of potential buyers. People are waiting out there right now to hear from you about your products and services. How to find them? Finding the right people at the right time is the only “magic” you need to perform. You will need a few social media listening tools like HootSuite, Buffer, and Social Sprout. These offer a few free services. Their premium services cost less than a Grande. Of course, you will need to work on your social media account before you start listening to what people are saying about your brand online! So get started. Create a professional Facebook page, Twitter account, and at least an Instagram page. You need to post daily. Sometimes twice a day. Engage in regular conversations with your customers. Stay visible and exciting. If you ever run out of original content, do not shy away from asking your followers for some. Do it tactfully. Introduce new photo contests, quizzes, and polls with attractive rewards. That is the way to create user-generated content. It is the most efficient way to keep your page and wall filled with meaningful content every minute of staying online. Investing is not the problem, not spending in the right places is : Online marketing is an investment in every way possible. It is like putting a bait to catch the bigger fish. Using the right keywords in your product descriptions, doctoring your URL to suit the liking of the bots, and including image tags to become visible during Google image searches are all parts of that investment. Still, you may want to consult your personal financial advisor before you take the plunge. You need to be in touch with your financial reality before you can make new investments. Your financial advisor or your debt counselor should help you in understanding the debt program's details. Your current debt program may have reservations about making new investments or certain kinds of investments unless you pay off a certain fraction of the amount you have borrowed. Most businesses end up in a fiscal dead-end due to ignorance and bad decision-making, rather than investing in new marketing. We have seen companies drown because they were not adventurous enough and they have always played safe. In 2017, online marketing is not a luxury or an option. It is a compulsion you need to embrace before your competitors take away all your potential clients. Making yourself more visible on the internet will get you more sales and profit. It will help you make more money and pay off your debts faster than usual. Read Also : 5 Marketing Tips To Help Grow Your Business On Instagram Discovering A New Promotion Position For Your expanding Search Engine Marketing Business Top 8 Benefits Of Professional Business Cards

Digital Marketing Strategy

How To Foolproof Your Digital Marketing Strategy?

When we think of digital marketing, a lot of things cross our minds, but complacency is the enemy number one to digital marketing. The trends that worked yesterday may not be working tomorrow, and that’s a fact. Digital marketing companies in Dubai are making best efforts to continually follow up on marketing trends and implement the best digital marketing strategies they can whenever a change occurs. Since the Dubai and United Arab Emirates became a nesting place for the IT sector, a lot of companies are moving to the UAE. Many people have moved from their home countries to Dubai to enjoy the benefits and see all the action first-hand. What’s The Best Solution? There is no simple solution to ever-changing trends in digital marketing. You can always follow up on trends, and when they go extinct, so will your marketing strategy. Waiting for new trends to appear and to implement them can happen instantly, or you’ll have to wait for some time, but that’s not the ultimate solution you’re looking for, right? If you ask professionals about their opinion, all digital marketing companies in Dubai would suggest you consider this ultimate guide on how to foolproof your digital marketing strategy once and for all Why Do Companies Struggle With Their Marketing Strategies? Any digital agency Dubai will tell you the same thing, and that is if your company is having a marketing strategy based on implementing one tactic after another in an endless cycle, you should think about making a sound and firm tactic that will be useful for good. Circling around and waiting for a miracle to happen is never a good tactic. Building a marketing strategy that will work incredibly for years is what we all need, and for achieving this goal, contact our digital marketing agency Dubai to schedule a consultation and a meeting. Digital Marketing Tactics Performance Review: Be sure to review your company’s marketing tactics performance regularly. By keeping a close eye on the stages of your growth, you’ll have a better insight into what’s actually happening. In case you’re working on multiple projects at the same time, you’ll have a lot of things to pay attention at, and from observing all of your projects, you’ll most likely see where you could implement some improvements. Try to schedule a performance review meeting every quarter. The insights will help you set up the next set of targets for your business. Find the most effective ways to implement digital marketing into your business by following this link Listen And Respond With Personal Touch Creating a business all by yourself is somewhat possible, but it’s not fruitful. There will always be people around you with new ideas or better solutions. While listening to what they have to say or suggest, you should think about using those suggestions. By utilizing their solutions into your business and by giving that solution a “pinch” of your own idea, you’ll get the best possible results that’ll bring satisfaction to everyone. Make sure that you always engage with real people over personal meetings and phone calls. It is always a better idea to talk to people up front and seek their suggestions. This will help in understanding the execution of various digital marketing strategies on the ground. This will also show you whether you need to continue or abandon the strategy. Getting feedback from as many channels as possible is helpful for your brand. Social listening has emerged as one of the top avenues of reputation management for businesses. You can use digital software to find mentions of brand names. You can also look at Quora and Reddit and see which threads your brand is a part of. Interpreting Your Story: After reviewing your entire strategy and after discovering the likes and dislikes about the processes, you can include that feedback into a new content which will further become more engaging for your target audience. The most appropriate way to carry this out is by narrating your experiences in front of an audience. This will help you engage with people on a personal level. This method allows you to come up with new areas for future usages and contexts. When people hear your side of the narration, they will feel more confident about opening up to you at both a personal as well as a professional level. This is the best team-building exercise that a company carries out. The Importance Of The Steps Above: Businesses and people working in them need to constantly evolve. If people and businesses do not evolve or adapt, they slowly start perishing away. In order to be successful, companies need to keep improving and connecting with their professional peers. This helps in improving productivity, efficiency, and results in fewer situations of conflicts and friction. Read Also: 5 Types Of Digital Marketing How to Empower Your Small Business Through Digital Marketing? Exploring The Different Types Of Digital Marketing Strategies

Digital Marketing

Exploring The Different Types Of Digital Marketing Strategies

Digital marketing is the process of marketing services and produces using digital technology with the primary aim of reaching out to the target audience. Although you might know this already, digital marketing isn’t restricted to the internet, hence can be done on any other digital medium including display advertising and mobile phones. Some of the most popularly used digital marketing methods include search engine marketing, search engine optimization, pay per click, social media marketing, and SMS marketing among others. This article explores the various types of digital marketing methods in use today. 1. Social Media Marketing: Social media marketing is the process of marketing/promoting services and products through social media. With billions of people logging into various social networking platforms in a day, social media has become a marketing haven for marketers.  Popular networking platforms including Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn have made it possible for marketers to target specific audiences. This has led to increased output and conversion of target audiences into potential and even loyal customers.  LinkedIn, for example, is specially designed for B2B marketing while Instagram plays perfectly for the 'visual' business. There are different approaches in which one can use to target audiences on social media.  Facebook, for example, provides users with both free and paid advertising options, all of which can be profitable when appropriately implemented.  Some understanding of social media marketing is however needed to make the most out of this strategy. 2. Email Marketing: Email marketing is one of the most efficient and oldest types of digital marketing strategies in use to date. The best thing with email marketing is the fact that marketers get to communicate directly with their target audiences and customers, which again increases conversion rates. Email marketing is also known to build trust and customer loyalty, one of the reasons it has remained relevant to this date.  There is however more to email marketing than merely sending a couple of promotional emails and newsletters to an emailing list. A successful Email Marketing campaign begins by finding ids that are active and operational. One of the best ways to connect with your target audiences is on the professional social media handle. LinkedIn. Most brands and agencies understand that working with a credible Linkedin email finder can help them reach out to potential or prospective sales leads. This is something that software development agencies usually do a lot of. They can browse through designations on LinkedIn and ensure that their pitch is directly addressed to professionals that have decision-making abilities. While you need to be really good at creating eye-catching and captivating emails, you still need to build a credible emailing list. This is among the toughest things an email marketer has to do to make the marketing campaign a success. Nonetheless, collecting email addresses through user subscriptions and having audiences sign up for newsletters, coupon codes, etc. are some of the credible ways to collect email addresses. 3. Search Engine Optimization and Search Engine Marketing: Commonly known as SEO, search engine optimization is one of the popular digital marketing strategies today.  SEO involves optimizing websites and pages for both search engines and organic visitors. Some of the key areas that marketers and website owners have to focus on when optimizing their sites include keyword research and analysis, link building, and the creation of unique and relevant content. Done correctly, an SEO campaign can see a page gaining higher ranks on Google, Bing, and other search engines, with the reward being increased exposure to the target audience.  A properly executed SEO plan can see your page/business show up on the top pages of a search result. Search engine marketing, SEM, involves taking on campaigns and strategies to increase traffic to a web page or site. It covers both SEO and PPC (pay-per-click) like this, whereby the web page received increased traffic through both unpaid and paid means. 4. Content Marketing: Content marketing works very differently from other marketing strategies. It employs a strategic approach that mainly focuses on creating relevant, valuable, consistent, and informative content that is distributed to help attract, inform, and retain target audiences. Thanks to content marketing, the target audience can make an informative decision on a product/service, hence one of the best ways to drive profitable customer action.  The content can be either in the form of text and articles published both on the site and blogs, video, and image content. It is also an ongoing process that involves creating fresh and unique content each time. Although a marketing strategy, experts recommend creating content to promote the brand or product without necessarily asking the target audience to make a purchase. The content simply needs to be engaging and enriching to help viewers make the right decision on the product. 5. Influencer Marketing: This is slowly becoming a popular marketing strategy today. As the name suggests, influencer marketing involves using industry experts or social media influencers to help market a product or brand. This could be a celebrity or another well-known person with thousands of followers on their social sites. All the individual needs to do is vouch for your brand, or simply promote your product on their social media pages. Most companies use these influencers to help give away discount codes, coupons, and prize draws. Influencer marketers mostly prefer using their Facebook profiles, YouTube Channels, and Instagram to promote the said product. Although a short-term marketing strategy, influencer marketing can help drive more traffic to your site, a factor that can help increase conversions and sales. 6. Mobile Advertising: With almost everyone owning a phone or at least a smartphone, mobile marketing is slowly taking shape. SMS marketing with SMS broadcast services and in-app advertising have become popular ways to promote products. Although you do not need a mailing list for in-app advertising, you certainly need one for SMS marketing. Many companies today use SMS marketing to send coupon codes, special offers, and even newsletters to their target audiences. These are just but some of the popular digital marketing strategies in use today.  Done correctly, some of these strategies can help your business grow while building a huge following. While you might be able to implement all these by yourself, it would be advisable to have an experienced professional handle all optimizations and marketing strategies. This way, you will be guaranteed better results and even have enough time on your hands to handle more serious business matters. Finding an expert in all these can however be an intimidating task. Thanks to the internet, you should be able to find a reputable and results-oriented company to help take care of all these.  You can even invest in paid digital advertising strategies such as influencer marketing and pay-per-click to get a head start with increased traffic and visibility online. Read Also: How To Integrate Email Marketing With SEO 4 Points To Consider When Creating A Great Content Marketing Strategy Today