Follow These 5 Yoga Poses to Reduce Stubborn Belly Fat


The ‘spare tire’ area of the body is the most dreaded place for unsightly fat. That section around and near our waistline and extending downward…yep…that stubborn belly fat that those suffering for it would love to remove. Many have tried special diets, exercise routines and expensive equipment to help them rid that extra baggage. But, have you tied Yoga?

Why has worried About The Belly Fat Region?

This is one of the most noticeable areas, thus making many quite self-conscious. While your mental health may be affected by this feeling, your physical health could be at risk also. Fat in this region of the body has been linked to certain cancers, heart disease, Type 2 diabetes, and insulin resistance; all of which can be life-threatening.

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As we get older, this is even worse, as we slow down physically and so does our metabolism often increase this area of fat. So, to maintain a healthy lifestyle, one should learn to use the following exercises and follow them while maintaining a nutritious diet. One without the other simply won’t work.

Specific Postures

The following are some poses that are great for reducing that pesky belly fat. You should try to hold each pose for 15-30 seconds, and try to repeat it about 5 times with 15 seconds rest in between

Wind Easing Posture (Pavanamukthasana)

This one tone and firms the abdomen and relieves the lower back.

  • Lie flat on your back with your legs stretched and arms at your side.
  • Stretch your feet out with heels touching
  • While exhaling, bend the knees and bring them toward your chest
  • Press tightly toward your abdomen, applying pressure to the abdominal region
  • As you breathe deep, hold this pose for approximately 60 – 90 seconds
  • Exhale and release your knees while bringing your hands down to your sides with palms facing downward.

Cobra Posture (Bhujang Asana)

A word of caution should be you suffer from ulcers, back injuries, hernias or may be pregnant this pose should not be done by these individuals.

  • While lying on your stomach with your legs outstretched and palms under your shoulders, touch your toes and chin to the floor.
  • Keeping your legs flat on the floor, inhale slowly and begin raising your chest while bending backward as much as possible.
  • As you exhale, slowly lower yourself back to the original position.

Pontoon Posture (Naukasana)

Wonderful pose for tightening the stomach muscles and strengthening the legs and back.

  • With your back flat and legs together stretched out and arms at your side (palms down), inhale slowly and begin raising your legs, keeping straight.
  • Stretch your foot and toes pointing straight and raise your legs as high as possible.
  • Once you have reached this point, with arms straight, reach to your toes to create a 45-degree angle with your body. Hold the pose and normally breathe for 15 seconds. Release and inhale.

Bow Posture (Dhanurasana)

Strengthen your core with this pose. Full potential can be reached by rocking back and forth.

  • While lying on your stomach with your arms at your side, outstretch your legs
  • Bend your legs at the knees and reach backward with your arms to grasps the ankles and hold.
  • While inhaling, lift the head and begin bending backward while trying to lift your head a high as you possibly can.
  • Hold the pose for 15-30 seconds, breathing normally.
  • Exhale and come back to the original position.

Board (Kumbhakasana)

Caution should be taken if you have high blood pressure or and spinal injury.

  • Start by crouching with hand and knees directly underneath the shoulders and hips.
  • With the toes tucked under, begin to step back with your feet extending your legs. The entire body should be in a straight line from head to toe. Be sure to keep your hand flat with fingers spread apart.
  • Hold for 15-30 seconds or as long as possible. Then exhale and drop back to your knees.

It’s best for your body to complete these in the morning. Your best results will be to repeat the poses daily, 3-5 times, three days per week then take a day off.

Kathy Mitchell was born and raised in the USA. She has done MA in English literature. She loves to publish her article on different health websites. In her spare time, she likes to do research on health information. She is an inspirational writer who strongly believes in the power of self-motivation. Also, she is contributing to consumer health digest since 2011, which is a leading health news platform. Connect with her on Facebook and Twitter and Google+.

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  1. 7 Ways To Kick Off Your Fitness Routine
  2. Get Up And Workout! Things To Consider
  3. What Are Popular Mind And Body Exercises Available At A Gym?
  4. Go Trampolining To Have Fun And Maintain Your Fitness

Lucia Patterson is the woman behind TheLegalGuides, a blog solely focused on legal guides, tips, and advice. Lucia loves essay writing and blogs at EssayWritingGuides from her college days.

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BMI Machine

Tricking Handheld BMI Machine Scores

One survey has returned the results that around half of Americans are trying to lose weight. This isn’t to say that half of the US population is heavily overweight, but it does point to many people taking a keen interest in their weight and body fat levels. There are many options for measuring BMI and body fat today, with calipers, handheld machines, and smart scales available. Some of these devices can help you to understand your BMI, and others go far deeper and measure a number of health metrics. However, are these devices accurate, or could you accidentally, or intentionally, trick them into giving false readings? What is BMI and what is the difference with body fat percentage? According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, if someone had a BMI reading of 18.5 to 24.9 then they would be considered healthy. Of course, this doesn’t measure other metrics and doesn’t take into account any other health problems. BMI stands for Body Mass Index, and this is calculated by measuring a person’s height and weight, to give a rough idea of how much fat is being carried as a percentage. Body Fat Percentage, or BFP, refers to the total mass of fat, which is then divided by the total body mass. This is a more complex calculation than BMI. Can you trick a BMI machine? To understand how someone might fool a BMI machine, it is partly necessary to understand how they work. A BMI machine works by sending an electrical signal through the body. BMI is worked out by measuring the time it takes to get from one side to the other. This signal may travel from hand to leg, hand to hand, or leg to leg. As the signal travels through the body it will go through water, fat, muscle, and bone. It cuts through the water faster than muscle and bone. The signal travels at its slowest when moving through fat. This is how you can trick a BMI machine. Drink water to fool a BMI machine   The electrical signal moves most slowly when hitting fat. If that fat area is represented as a percentage, then the less you have as part of your body, the lower your BMI will be. Drinking more water will fool the machine into believing you have a lower BMI score. Conversely, if you dehydrate yourself, it will see the fat reserves as a higher percentage. Just as you would stay away from certain foods to be healthy, you should stay away from too much water if you want a proper BMI result. Medical conditions, menstruation, and even skin temperature can also affect results. Can BMI machines help you to lose weight? Handheld machines are perhaps not the best way to get your BMI results. Machines that bring back the best results run from leg to leg, so a smart scale would be a better option. A BMI smart scale can offer a more accurate way to measure your fat percentage and help you to set fitness targets. The smart scale from FitTrack for instance, lets you measure 17 different health metrics including BFP, BMI, bone content, and basic metabolism. They are said to be as accurate as a DEXA scan. Understanding metabolism and fitness levels are also important when looking to lose weight and body fat. Exercise and diet are key to achieving these goals. Best ways to improve BMI Getting an accurate BMI test is important to see where you are before you set off towards your goals. Do not dehydrate yourself, and do not drink an excessive amount of fluids before you use your BMI scales. This way you will get accurate, and consistent scores each time. Smart scales can also measure metabolism and exercise, and the right foods can help improve this area. This is one reason why fitness is important for weight loss. Metabolism helps to burn calories and fat. Therefore, improving your general fitness will lead to weight loss. When it comes to exercise try to concentrate on activities that burn fat and do not build muscle. Jogging will help more than high octane sprinting. Half an hour of cardio every day will help you to start reducing your BMI. Proper diet is also important. According to Healthline, there are plenty of foods that can help you to burn fat. These include fatty fish with plenty of Omega 3, and green tea, which can help remove belly fat. Summary BMI machines can indeed be tricked, but it is unlikely anyone would want to do this intentionally if they were serious about fat reduction. However, by drinking too much, or too little fluids, you could do it by accident. If you do decide to improve your BMI scores and reduce body fat, then using smart scales, combined with a healthy diet, and a fitness routine is a good way to achieve your mission. Read Also: 10 Best Protein Shake Recipes for Weight Loss Best Weight Loss Program to Lose 20 Pounds Chili Peppers Boost The Weight Loss

Investing in Dexcom G6

Investing In Dexcom G6: Financial Considerations For Caregivers

Caring for a loved one with diabetes is a significant responsibility that comes with various challenges, including managing the financial aspects of their healthcare. The Dexcom G6 continuous glucose monitoring system offers an advanced solution for diabetes management, but caregivers need to carefully consider the associated costs. In this article, we will explore the financial considerations that caregivers should take into account when contemplating the use of the Dexcom G6 system. Understanding The Dexcom G6 System The Dexcom G6 is a revolutionary device that provides continuous glucose monitoring for individuals with diabetes. It offers real-time information about blood sugar levels, allowing for better management and timely interventions. This technology not only improves the quality of life for those with diabetes but also brings significant peace of mind to caregivers. Initial Costs And Essential Components When considering the Dexcom G6 system, caregivers need to factor in the initial costs. These costs include acquiring the transmitter, receiver, or compatible smartphone, as well as the sensors that attach to the skin to measure glucose levels. While the upfront expense might seem substantial, it's crucial to view it as an investment in better diabetes management and long-term health outcomes. Ongoing Sensor Expenses One of the ongoing costs associated with the Dexcom G6 system is the need for sensor replacement every 10 days. This regular replacement cycle ensures accurate and reliable glucose monitoring. Caregivers should be prepared for these recurring costs and budget accordingly. Insurance Coverage And Reimbursement Many insurance plans provide coverage for medical devices like the Dexcom G6 system. Caregivers should thoroughly review the loved one's insurance policy to understand the extent of coverage and the reimbursement process. Engaging in discussions with insurance providers and healthcare professionals can help clarify the financial aspect and ensure optimal coverage. Exploring Financial Assistance Programs Caregivers should be aware that there are financial assistance programs available to help manage the costs of the Dexcom G6 system. Research and inquire about organizations, foundations, and patient assistance programs that offer support to individuals with diabetes. These programs can provide much-needed relief from the financial burden. Weighing Long-Term Benefits And Short-Term Costs While the financial considerations of using the Dexcom G6 system are significant, caregivers must also evaluate the long-term benefits. Improved glucose management can lead to fewer hospitalizations, reduced complications, and enhanced overall well-being for loved ones with diabetes. Caregivers should approach the costs as an investment in long-term health outcomes. Open Communication And Financial Planning Transparent communication with healthcare providers is crucial for caregivers. Discussing financial concerns, insurance coverage, and available assistance programs can offer valuable insights and guidance. Healthcare professionals can help caregivers effectively integrate the Dexcom G6 system into their loved one's diabetes management plan while taking the financial aspect into account. Conclusion Choosing to invest in the Dexcom G6 system involves more than just considering the financial implications; it's about investing in the health and well-being of a loved one with diabetes. While the costs associated with the system are a legitimate concern, the potential benefits in terms of improved glucose management and enhanced quality of life cannot be overlooked. By carefully considering the Dexcom G6 cost and exploring financial assistance options, caregivers can make informed decisions that prioritize their loved one's health and provide peace of mind for both themselves and their loved ones. Read Also : Unhealthy And Healthy Solutions For Coping With Stress 8 Fitness Hacks That Will Make Your Life Better

Fitness Journey

4 Tips For Getting Starting With Your Fitness Journey Today

Starting with your fitness journey is an empowering decision that can transform your physical and mental well-being. Whether you are aiming to lose some extra pounds, build strength, or enhance your overall health, all it takes is a single step. From creating a schedule to choosing the right activities during your workouts, there are many things you will have to consider when starting your fitness journey. 4 Prime Ideas For Getting Starting With Your Fitness Journey Today In this article, we are going to explore 4 such practical and actionable tips to kickstart your fitness journey. 1. Choose Activities You Enjoy When choosing the activities during your workouts, it is advised to keep one thing in mind: fitness shouldn't feel like a chore; it should be a source of joy and fulfillment. That’s why it is advised to choose activities you genuinely enjoy performing. For example, for some people, running is more effective and enjoyable as compared to gym workouts. On the other hand, some people will enjoy cycling and swimming instead of doing yoga or other physical activities. You can also opt for dancing and other team sports that can make your fitness journey more enjoyable and sustainable in the long run. 2. Have the Right Equipment in Place Having the right equipment in place can make a significant difference in your motivation, comfort, and overall progress. While you don't need a fully equipped gym at home, investing in a few essential items can enhance your workouts and set you up for success. This can include a comfortable pair of trainers and two or three sets of comfortable workout attire having a moisture-wicking fabric that can keep you dry during intense workouts. Other workout equipment can include yoga mats, dumbbells, and a treadmill. When choosing the equipment, make sure you invest in high-quality hardware that can be easily used and doesn’t need repairs every now and then. For example, in the case of treadmills, it is advised to Buy Assault Fitness Treadmills online to find high-quality and durable treadmills. 3. Start Small and Gradually Increase the Intensity It's crucial to ease into your fitness routine, especially if you're new to exercise. Trust us, you don’t want to push yourself in the first week and then won’t be able to do any workouts for the next two weeks or so. That’s why it is advised to begin with shorter durations and lower intensity levels, allowing your body to adapt and avoid injuries. As you build stamina and strength, you can gradually increase the intensity and duration of your workouts to match your fitness level. 4. Focus on Overall Fitness Remember that working out is not just about targeting one aspect of your body and leaving everything else in the process. Working out is just one component of your healthy lifestyle. Along with hitting the gym and doing other physical activities, you will also have to pay attention to your nutrition, hydration, and sleep habits. Nourish your body with wholesome foods, stay hydrated, and prioritize quality sleep to support your fitness efforts and overall well-being. Read Also: Why is Fitness Important for Weight Loss? Skip The Gym And Outfit Your Home For Your Fitness Routine Bed, Treadmill, and Balanced Diet – Things Needed to Achieve Fitness