5 New Year’s Resolutions for a Healthier You in 2019

Published on: 26 December 2018 Last Updated on: 08 August 2019
healthier you

Do you remember what your New Year’s resolution was last year? Did you achieve it, or did it end up on the backburner before February even came around?

This year, don’t let your resolution get away from you. Set a clear goal for yourself and define what things you need to do to create the change you’re looking for.

Here are 5 things you can do to become a healthier you this year.

1. Cut the Caffeine:


Caffeine is actually the most widely-used drug in the world. It’s highly addictive. Too much caffeine can have an effect on your sleep, your body’s natural energy levels, and your irritability.

This doesn’t necessarily mean you need to cut out coffee (and tea) cold turkey. But, try to keep your caffeine intake to just one cup a day.

You’ll be surprised to realize how much better you feel without this sneaky drug slowing you down. You may even become inspired to stop drinking alcohol, too!

2. Cook More of Your Meals:


Another thing you can do to become healthier is to cook at home more and eat out less. When you make time to cook your meals mindfully, you’re less likely to end up in the drive-through line or getting takeout delivered. You become a lot more aware of the things you’re putting into your body, which is essential to eating better.

3. Shop the Perimeter of the Grocery Store:

If you’re going to cook more of your meals, you’re going to be in the grocery store a lot more. Make sure you’re stocking the kitchen with mostly fresh, natural ingredients rather than processed foods.

The best way to do this is to shop the perimeter of the grocery store. This is where all the fresh produce and lean proteins are. Although you might need to grab a few seasoning items, cereal, or a little treat, the majority of your cart should be filled with things you can easily find on the outer edges of the store.

4. Get a Workout Buddy:

Workout Buddy

Here’s the thing about making your healthy resolution workout-focused: at some point, you’re going to skip a workout. This is actually okay – it happens to everyone and it’s not the end of the world if you miss one or two days in the gym.

But, the tricky part is making sure you get back into your routine after an unexpected rest day. Before you know it, one day of listening to your body or understanding your priorities turns into 3 weeks without working out!

This is where a workout buddy comes in. Find someone who is willing to have the same workout schedule as you and hold you accountable for showing up. This way, you’re much more likely to get back at it and keep at it.

5. Focus on Your Mental Health:

Mental Health

Whether you’re becoming more active in the new year or eating healthier than you ever have before, you need to focus on your mental health.

You won’t be satisfied with what you see in the mirror or even that post-workout high if you’re not at peace with what’s in your mind and heart. As you’re working on a healthier physical you, remember to pay attention to the emotions and experiences that bubble up.

Start the Journey to a Healthier You Today!

Bonus tip: don’t wait for the new year to begin to start working on a healthier you. Make the decision today to throw out all your junk food, or cook a healthy meal, or start journaling or meditating. Whatever it is that you want your resolution to focus on, get started today.

For more insights on how to live a healthier life, click here.

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Do You Know How to Take Care of The Eye?

It is very important to protect the eyes from external factors such as solar radiation as well as take care of our food. The sense of sight and the state of our eyes is very important and is that half of the information we receive from the environment comes through them. It is the most valuable sense and the one whose loss would be more serious. However, more than half of the population does not aware how eyes can be taken care of. The eyes are one of the smallest organs, but more delicate, of our body. They work in coordination with the brain to interpret the size, shape, colour, and texture of the objects that surround us, as well as the distance they are at or the speed at which they move. To raise awareness among the population about the importance of taking care of the sight there are some notches to look after. 1. Take care of the food: You have to make an effort to consume foods rich in vitamin A, which is essential for sight. In addition to carrots, they contain asparagus, apricots, nectarines, and milk. If, in addition, you are diabetic, hypertensive or have cholesterol, taking care of food is especially important. 2. Keep the eyes hydrated: Especially when working in front of the computer, it is advisable to blink often. You also have to ventilate the room and, if necessary, use humidifiers. If you still suffer from dry eyes, you can resort to individual solutions of artificial tears. And, of course, drink lots of water throughout the day. 3. Monitor the lighting: When working, reading or doing any other visual effort at close range, make sure you have enough light in order to prevent eye fatigue. It is also advisable to take brief breaks so that the view rests. 4. Watch television at a distance: For example, a 32-inch device should be about two meters away, and one of 46, about two and a half meters away. It is also not advisable to see too many hours a day or allow your children to do so. 5. Protect yourself from the computer: In order to avoid visual fatigue, you must have the computer at a distance of at least fifty centimeters from the eyes and forming a ninety-degree angle. Also, it is important to use a filter or screen protector and adjust the brightness of the monitor to lower its intensity. 6. Wear glasses when driving: If so instructed by the ophthalmologist, always wear the glasses when driving. In addition to avoiding eyestrain, you will increase your safety and that of others, especially at night. Make sure you also bring spare glasses in the glove compartment. It is best to visit an eye specialist near you to have a power test after 40 years though you might think that your eyes are ok. 7. Bring sunglasses: Solar radiation can be very harmful to the eyes, so we must protect them with approved sunglasses that have a filter for ultraviolet rays. It will also protect you from other aggressive environmental agents for the eyes such as wind or smoke. Wear your sunglasses also when you practice outdoor sports or go on a motorcycle. 8. Take care of the hygiene of the lenses: Store the contact lenses in a clean, bacteria-free case and follow the daily cleaning instructions to the letter. Nor should you allow the remains of makeup to dirty the lenses or the case in which you keep them. 9. Learn to relax the view: Massages performed with slight pressure around the eyes or on them are very useful to reduce the tension that accumulates in the eyes and the muscles that surround them. Also, the practice of exercises of change of focus or of muscular relaxation allows alleviating the visual fatigue. 10. See the ophthalmologist regularly: Many eye problems do not present symptoms, so you should go to the eye care specialist at least once a year to perform an examination of your eyes and the state of your vision. If you are already correcting refraction problems with glasses or contact lenses, it is very important that you regularly check your graduation. In modern-day technology become so advanced that everything is in your grasp. Almost anything can be searched on Google or any other search engine today. Like in this topic if you are new to a place or don't know which ophthalmologist is good near you to have to just type "eye clinic near me" or "eye specialist near me" and click on the search button or press the enter button. Within less than a second you get all the eye specialist details in your area. Read Also: Tips To Get Beautiful Eyes At Your Home Never Compromise The Style Factor While Choosing Contact Lens


Top Reasons You Should Be Flossing Every Day

It is estimated that only half of all Australians brush their teeth daily. It, therefore, goes without saying that less than half the population is flossing daily. However, most people want to keep their own teeth into old age and certainly don’t want to deal with the expense of root canals or tooth implants.  Dental and oral health is a pretty essential part of daily hygiene. And most often, the familiar people are ignoring these. But ignoring dental and oral health can lead to a severe problem. For example, the cavity and the pain of the teeth can be prevented through regular dental flossing and spraying.  This is why it is time you found a dentist near me and took your dental hygiene routine more seriously.  3 Great Benefits Of Daily Flossing  When you are eating something, the tiny particles of the food are stuck in the gap of the teeth. As the space is minimal during the brushing, these particles cannot be removed. And these can be the root cause of the teeth’ tartars and the decaying. So to save your teeth from the tarts and the decaying, regular flossing is the most effective and easy solution. Here are three main good reasons for daily flossing. 1.Protects Your Tooth Health Teeth are coated in a hard substance known as enamel. This enamel is what protects you from cavities and helps to keep the teeth strong. But, your teeth are not alone in your mouth, there are plenty of bacteria in with them, and the majority of these are beneficial.  However, when you eat, the sugar in your food reacts with the bacteria, and the side-effect is acid. This attacks the enamel on your teeth and your gums. Over time the enamel is weakened, and then cavities start to form. Brushing and flossing help to eliminate the issue as it removes the food debris from your mouth, preventing the sugar-bacteria reaction.  However, the reaction between sugar and bacteria causes plaque which, if left, becomes tartar. These much harder substances trap bacteria and allow them to cause an infection. While brushing removes the plaque and food debris from the front and back of your teeth, it can’t remove it from between the teeth. That’s where flossing steps in. By gently wrapping it around each tooth, you can eliminate the plaque and protect your teeth. 2.Overall Protects Your Oral Health Recent research shows that there is a link between overall health and oral health. Plaque that is in your mouth can enter the bloodstream and contribute to a buildup of plaque in your blood vessels. This can lead to blockages and cardiovascular issues.  Alongside this, bacteria in your mouth can get into your bloodstream and travel inside your body, potentially causing illness and inflammation. 3.Flossing Removes Debris  Flossing removes the plaque and food debris from your mouth. By undertaking this simple exercise daily, you will be reducing the risk of infection, cardiovascular issues, and tooth decay or loss. When you put it that way, you can understand why flossing is a must. Even if all the research is wrong, there are no downsides to flossing, making it a worthwhile daily task. How To Floss? Flossing means sliding a piece of floss between your teeth. You shouldn’t be using a see-saw motion to remove plaque. Instead, simply glide the floss around your tooth and gently pull it out. It is that simple! With a bit of practice, you will be able to floss in a few minutes and potentially save yourself a lot of future hassle. If you have any doubts regarding the right way to floss, then visit your dentist and ask for a demonstration. They will be happy to help you develop the correct technique and take better care of your teeth. Dental scaling is the easiest way to remove the tartars from the teeth. But after the scaling, regular flossing is the easiest home solution to protect your teeth and prevent the tartars and the debris from making. Conclusion: The oral health protections are not only healthy for your tooth, along with the tooth, but your lousy breathing smell problems are also going to be solved within seconds. Daily flossing is helping you to protect your teeth and keep your breathing healthy.  Read Also: Dental Implants, Teeth Whitening in Reasonable Price in a Professional Dental Centre Dr. Maria Luong Discusses Ways to Avoid Dental Problems by Keeping Dental Plaque and Tartar Away How to Choose the Best Fort Lauderdale Dental Office

teeth brushing habits

5 Little Changes That Can Make Your Teeth-Brushing More Effective

It’s easy to assume that keeping your teeth brushing habits in good condition is largely just about preserving a gleaming, Hollywood-standard smile. However, your teeth aren’t just for show; they serve an array of crucial practical purposes. These include helping us to digest food and even talk coherently. Neglecting your teeth brushing can lead to tooth decay – which, in turn, can lead to pain as well as the necessity of fillings, crowns or inlays. There’s also the risk of gum disease, which can wear away at your teeth and even bone around the teeth. How, then, can you brush your teeth more effectively? 5 Little Changes That Can Make Your Teeth-Brushing More Effective: Choose the right toothbrush The Oral Health Foundation recommends that adults advise people to use small or medium size brush head. The brush head should be soft, os that it does not damage tooth gum. The head needs to be small enough so that it can reach to the back end of the teeth. While children’s brushes should be smaller, they must still include filaments of the same type. Then there’s the question of electric toothbrushes – which, research has indicated, do remove plaque more effectively than manual toothbrushes. Both adults and kids can benefit from going electric. Use a good fluoride toothpaste Considering that many dental experts have credited fluoride with helping to prevent cavities, it’s surprising that not all dental products actually contain fluoride. You should make sure that your toothpaste has it, which shouldn’t be too difficult, given the wide choice of fluoride toothpaste. There is evidence that even people who otherwise stay on top of looking after their teeth can see their efforts undermined if fluoride isn’t involved, Medical News Daily observes. “The optimum level of fluoride for anyone aged three and over is between 1,350ppm and 1,500ppm, so it doesn’t matter too much which brand you’re using as long as it has that level of fluoride,” Karen Coates of the Oral Health Foundation has explained to The Guardian. Brush in a massaging, rather than aggressive, motion Once that toothpaste is on your brush, how hard should you press it onto your teeth? Coates cites “a fine line between brushing effectively and overbrushing.” She adds that electric toothbrushes could help you to strike the right balance due to their inclusion of a pressure sensor. Of course, it’s already common knowledge that you should brush twice a day. However, when you do brush, make sure you do it in small circular motions while being careful not to leave the front, back or top of any of your teeth untouched. Resist sawing back-and-forth motions! Spit out toothpaste left over, but don’t rinse Fluoride can help to strengthen and shield your teeth – and, in this way, prevent the onset of tooth decay. However, you must allow the fluoride to work its magic. That means not rinsing your mouth after teeth brushing, as you would be rinsing out the fluoride. Therefore, just settle for rinsing out the surplus toothpaste after your brushing. Coates says reassuringly: “The residual bits of fluoride will stay on the teeth for about 30 minutes after brushing.” Pay regular visits to the dentist According to the expert recommendation, you should get a dental checkup every six months. Each routine dental examination will see the hygienist clean your teeth and remove any plaque and hardened tartar. The dentist will inspect your mouth for warning signs of oral health issues like cavities, gum disease or mouth cancer. If the dentist spots minor damage, like a chip or crack, they might advocate a cosmetic treatment like teeth bonding from Ten Dental – and give you some more teeth brushing tips if there is visual evidence that they are needed. Read also: Dental hygiene tips Dental care tips