Published on: 11 December 2018
Last Updated on: 31 July 2024
Life bombards us from almost every direction. Phones, commutes, stress in and out of the workplace. We all need a place to relax. Call it Zen, Feng Shui, or merely carving out your personal space. Here are 5 tips to help make your home a haven.
Get Organized and Eliminate Clutter:
Where do you store items in your home? If the answer is any flat surface, you’re not alone. Design experts say this is the most critical place to start in bringing more serenity to your life. Everything should have a home. For items, you no longer use or want, get rid of them. Buy storage bins for that pile of papers you will probably never get to. Take a hard look at your counters, desk, and tables. These are usually the first surfaces to get covered in junk. Toss it, and then keep it clear.
Create balance and Texture:
Furniture and décor should calm or energize you, depending on what you’re seeking. Designers suggest adding texture with wood and fabrics. Feel good pieces such as sports rugs for an office or entertainment area add interest and help create a mood. Think about how furniture is arranged. Experts suggest, for example, having only the headboard of your bed against a wall so that energy can travel over, under, and around you while you sleep. Consider adding scents. Smell is a tremendous memory trigger that can also create calm.
Cool off with Cool Colors:
Earth and water tones such as browns, grays, blues, and greens also help to create an aura of calm in our homes. If you don’t want to achieve this through painting walls, add it with furnishings from cool, colorful throws, to window treatments.
Make Nature Your Friend:
Consider interior landscaping. Plenty of evidence exists about the benefits of having plants indoors. They reduce carbon dioxide, help clean the air, and increase humidity, to name just a few. Picking the right plants, or getting an expert to help you with it, ensures you won’t increase your stress worrying about caring for those plants. Philodendron, succulents such as a jade plant, aloe, or peace lilies are all relatively low maintenance. You might also think about herbs, which have added benefits of adding aroma and edibility to your indoor landscape.
Keep Lighting Low:
Harsh, overhead lighting raises stress levels. Bright lights create energy rather than relaxation. So the key here to bring more Zen into your home is to keep it low—both in brightness and in height. Ditch those traditional ceiling lights in favor of lamps. Newer, warm LED lights and incandescent light tend to be more relaxing than fluorescents. Besides, consider adding dimmer switches to your lighting so you can adjust just how much brightness you really want.
Bringing calm into your home and eliminating stress may have added health benefits by helping to improve your sleep and preventing weight gain. Best of all, these tips are easy and inexpensive to implement.
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Buying a property with lots of land and outbuildings is many people’s dream. However, there may arise some problems with the outbuildings which causes you to consider replacing them. Here are some of these scenarios and some tips on how to deal with them. What is the best time to replace your Outbuildings.
Different Reasons For Replace Your Outbuildings
If It Doesn’t Suit Your Needs:
An outbuilding is all well and good but it might not suit your needs. Do you have a garage but you would rather have a stable? Maybe you have an outside gym when you really need a guesthouse. Depending on the layout of the building, it may be completely unsuitable for your plans. If there is no way of rectifying this, you may want to build something which can be adapted for use further in the future.
Companies like Armstrong Steel provide some brilliant custom-building solutions which can be adapted for almost any use. These come with a lot of features that will make it a worthwhile replacement to your existing building. Metal buildings have few interior columns to take up space so any interior walls would not be load-bearing and can therefore be moved anywhere. Doors can be more extra wide to accommodate for any animals or vehicles. They are a great solution for anyone looking for flexibility to replace your outbuildings.
If It is Too Dilapidated:
When you buy an older property, you can risk inheriting some older form to replace your outbuildings with them. These outbuildings may be the same age as the main house but may be in far worse condition. Whether it is a leaky roof or a crumbling foundation, it is sometimes easier just to tear it down and start afresh.
This fresh start will also allow you to make changes to the layout or function of the outbuilding, as we have mentioned above. If you are reconstructing an outbuilding and repurposing parts of it, you may want to doublecheck all the various connections. Utilities such as electricity may need to be brought to modern standards to avoid a costly accident or rectification later.
If It Will Cost More to Renovate:
Sometimes the outbuilding may be just on the cusp of dilapidation and a perfect candidate for renovation. Yet, when you sit down to work out the costs, you discover that it would actually be cheaper just to build an entirely new building.
This is especially prevalent if you are working to any sorts of time constraints. Some renovations can take months and that might just not be an option for you. Replacing the existing outbuilding with a durable pre-fab means that the building could be up and ready for use in a much, shorter time frame; excellent news if you have a business or other concern to attend to.
Whatever you choose to do to your outbuilding, you need to make sure that it will be around for years to come. By focusing on the function and flexibility of the design, you will have plenty of opportunities to make it as sound as any other building on your property. Replacing that outdated building might be the best decision you have ever made.
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So you want to downsize to a smaller apartment?
If you’re banging your head against the wall trying to figure out how to make a move go smoothly, you’re not alone. We’ve all been guilty of having too much stuff!
Give yourself a break and start thinking of solutions. Stay inspired by focusing on the many benefits of downsizing!
Moving into a smaller apartment gives you the chance to start over and get rid of things you no longer need. It can also help you to get organized and keep only the essentials.
Even better, you won’t have to clean nearly as much space and can live as a minimalist! That in itself has some serious perks. Your stuff won’t own you and you’ll have more time to enjoy life.
Do you see where we’re going with this?
Get ready, because, in this article, we offer seven expert hacks to help make the process of moving into a smaller apartment easier.
Here are 7 Expert Hacks for Downsizing to a Smaller Apartment:
1. Analyze the space you’ll have
It’s essential to know the total space of your new apartment before you start the downsizing process.
Take a look at your new floor plan and figure out how much room in feet and inches are on each wall. That way you’ll know what will fit in your apartment.
If the measurements aren’t on the floor plan, ask the leasing office to provide you with the details.
But, the floor plan or provided measurements won’t tell you everything. You need to measure the extra spaces as well:
Space under the bed (more on this later)
Bathroom storage and cabinets
Garage storage (if your apartment includes a separate garage)
Kitchen storage and cabinets
Other spaces where you might add shelving (like the top of the fridge or in a window)
When you’re done with that, measure your current furniture and decide which pieces will fit into your place and which ones you won’t need.
2. Determine your actual needs
An excellent way to figure out what your needs are is by asking yourself if everything was gone, what would you replace?
Jot down some necessary items you can’t live without such as a bed, sofa, coffeemaker, dog bed — whatever is important to you.
You should also ask yourself the following questions:
What sentimental items will I miss the most?
Does this item serve a purpose?
Do I already have something that serves the same purpose?
Can I use this item to accomplish more than one task?
Is this object in good shape, and will it last for a while longer?
This is the point where you’ll be making some headway on knowing what you’re keeping and what you can live without.
If ever in doubt of whether you should keep or donate something, go back to asking yourself these questions.
3. Set some tangible goals
When it’s getting closer to moving time, you need to come up with a game plan.
Best get started with setting some goals before time escapes you!
We’re assuming you want to declutter and possibly redecorate your new place, and if that’s the case, it’s time to set some tangible goals.
Ask yourself these questions:
(Yes, we realize we’re telling you to do this yet again.)
What do I hope to gain by adopting a minimalist lifestyle?
Do I want to keep the furniture I have or get new furniture (#1 and #4 will help with this)
How do I plan to declutter?
How will I maximize my space? (Keep reading because we cover this in #4.)
What will I do if I can’t decide to part with some items?
Should I pay for storage elsewhere to store extra belongings?
Need some help answering those kinds of questions?
Here are some goals you could have:
I want a clutter-free apartment that will give me peace.
Not fixating on my possessions will help me feel free.
I’d like to have a clean slate and keep my belongings organized moving forward.
Being minimalistic will help me put emphasis on the most important emotional and physical items in my life.
Write down a few goals that inspire you so that when you feel like giving up, you’ll be able to remind yourself of your intentions.
4. Be a master organizer by maximizing space
Since you know how much space is in your apartment, as we recommended in #2, you should already have a plan in place as to where everything should go.
With the limited storage space in your new digs, it’ll help to store things vertically.
Vertically aligning hooks and shelves helps you take advantage of every square inch of space.
You might want to use adhesive hooks at first because most are easy to adjust.
We’ll be getting into how to simplify your wardrobe next, but for now, keep in mind that multi-use furniture can solve a lot of storage problems.
Keep reading because we’re about to reveal some killer ideas.
One idea is to maximize space by incorporating storage headboards. These are pieces of furniture such as bookshelves and a hutch that’ll fit over your bed.
Incorporating these types of units will make it easier to store a variety of items from family treasures to books and jewelry.
For example, incorporating a fitted unit in your closet can make it easier to organize.
Beyond that, think of other ways you can make use of storage. Is there any room underneath the bed you’ll be moving into your fancy new apartment?
If there isn’t and you need an upgrade, buy a bed that has drawers underneath. Trust us — those drawers will be your best friend when you need to store extra items of clothing such as blankets or sweatshirts.
Keep your bed if you like it, and it just so happens that you may be able to squeeze in some bins underneath to use as storage. For example, milk crates work well when you want to store books, tee shirts, and keepsakes.
5. Simplify your wardrobe
Seriously, how do you go about simplifying your wardrobe with you have a gazillion t-shirts?
If you think your new closet is small, just think about the people who live in tiny homes. Now those are super tiny!
Don’t worry; you can do this if they can!
Here are some steps to follow that’ll make your wardrobe functional in no time at all.
Step 1: Get all of your clothing out (ALL of it!) and put it somewhere you can sort through it. Whether that’s on the floor or on your bed is entirely up to you.
Step 2: Next, divide those clothes into three different piles and decide to donate, keep, or store them.
Step 3: Ask yourself if the clothing fits you or if it's still in wearable condition. If you haven’t worn jeans, for example, due to a weight gain or loss, donate or store those items.
Don’t keep clothing that’s falling apart. That’s just a waste of precious closet space!
Step 4: Are you done going through your clothing and separating them into three different piles?
Okay good, you’re going to do it again. This time ask yourself if this clothing fits your personality and your current lifestyle.
Step 5: Mission complete! Well, almost. Organize the clothes you’re keeping, store what you plan to wear later (such as seasonal clothing), and drop off clothes you’re donating.
6. Sell or donate what you don’t want
Now that you know how much space you have, and how to simplify your wardrobe, let's dive into why it's so essential to sell or donate belongings. It's time to stop and figure out which items you can and can't part with.
As you know, whether you're moving to a different city or relocating to a separate apartment at the same complex, moving takes a lot of work.
You should do everything in your power to simplify the moving process.
Eager to make some money to help with moving expenses?
One way to do that is by selling belongings and furniture you no longer want.
Try Craigslist, eBay, garage sales, Facebook, consignment stores, and more.
Before you even start packing, you should sell, donate, or recycle stuff you can live without. This will eliminate packing everything up only to decide later that you didn't need that item of clothing or five extra plates.
If you have problems deciding whether you want to keep, sell, or donate an item, take a hard look at everything you own.
Think about whether another person would find use out of that item.
If the item is useful, you can either donate it or sell it, depending on its value.
Who knows, your trash may turn into someone else's treasure.
7. Digitize nonessential media
Next let's dive into how you can digitize and save documents, pictures, videos, cassettes, videos, DVDs, and CDs.
While it's important to keep hard copies of documents such as your social security card and birth certificate, try to save and scan everything else.
Transfer CDs and DVDs to digital files by using free computer programs such as Freemake Video Converter, Movavi, and WinX.
Scan documents to your computer or save them as PDF files. After you're done scanning everything, use services like Google Drive, Dropbox, and Microsoft One Drive.
Online storage sites are lifesavers when your goal is to digitize media.
Think of all of the space you'll free up in your new apartment by getting rid of boxes of videos, paper, and more by going paperless!
It'll take some time, but it'll totally be worth it. And boom! Suddenly you'll realize you're there.
So, do you think it’s time to move? Even though downsizing may seem daunting, it doesn’t have to be. Moving to a smaller apartment has its perks, such as decluttering your life and organizing your new place with fewer belongings.
Simply put, downsizing to a smaller apartment means:
Enjoying lower monthly expenses and living costs
Not having to clean nearly as much since your place is smaller
Living a minimalist lifestyle without meaningless belongings getting in your way
Instead of sweating the small stuff, take the moving process step by step. Before you know it, you’ll be enjoying your new digs, relieved that you took the time to eliminate the clutter.
Carolina Creek is a great townhouse-style community located about a mile from Eastern Carolina University's campus. The community consists of 2x3 and 3x3 apartments and contains a full amenity suite including a fitness center, pool, business center, and game room. The community is the best value in the Greenville NC student housing market.
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One of the more important investments that you can make is your roof and its materials. It’s going to protect you and your stuff from the extreme heat of the summer sun, as well as downpours.
For these projects, you need to trust the best person to do the job for you and luckily, there are a lot of them in Delaware. Selecting the right one can be a huge difference between failure and success, so make sure that you know what to look for with them.
Essentials To Selecting A Sliding And Roofing Company In Delaware
Researching the names of reliable companies through the search engine can be a good starting point. This article discusses some of the essentials to selecting a sliding and roofing company in Delaware.
Visit Website
Visit their website and learn more about the services that they offer. Ask your loved ones if they have experience with a specific roofer that specializes in siding or metal sheets and see if they are satisfied with the overall work. When you can’t find information about a company from your friends or family members, read the reviews online to see what the other customers are saying about a particular company.
Determining The Difference Between Companies And Contractors
Independent professional roofers may operate in Delaware, and they may be well-suited for residential projects. If you have a quick repair that needs to be done, then having one person finish it will be more cost-effective. However, it can take the job longer to be completed, and some might be challenging to find if you have warranty issues.
Larger projects like commercial or new-home construction will require several teams working on your roof. You can have a faster turnaround time with them as well as better deals if you’re a frequent customer.
Put Everything Into Writing
Regardless of the scope of the work for your roofing needs, you need to have a written contract and quote so you’ll have paperwork and references that you can rely on when experiencing problems in the future.
Written prices will help make it more transparent on the costs that you’re paying for, and you can also take note of the payment agreement, insurance, costs of the materials, and the hourly charges with the paper.
Hire Based On More Than The Current Price
Even if it’s important to stay on track with your budget, you might still need to allocate more resources and funds for emergency expenses that you may encounter along the way.
Market prices when it comes to service prices in Delaware may vary, but you need to determine the project type including the roof shape that they can work with, experience, and references whenever necessary. See more about the shapes when you click here.
Other Factors To Consider
Always choose the ones that have over a decade’s worth of experience in the industry so you can rely on their expertise for your needs. Find the roofers in Delaware who are already trusted in the industry to do high-quality work, and make sure that you get the ones with portfolios and who have a proven success track record.
Contractors operating in Delaware should obtain their registration certificate before performing any maintenance or construction work. This means that they’ve paid a small annual fee to the state, and they are registered within the revenue and labor laws in your area. They were also compliant with the registration and paperwork requirements and are working legally in an area with the necessary coverage.
Know about the materials and techniques used by different contractors because you need to get the shingles, sheets, and others that are not going to get damaged by the weather in your area. They should last for more than thirty years to be considered a worthy investment. Remember that the best contractors in Delaware will give you valuable insight into their level of professionalism, quality of workmanship, and overall customer satisfaction.
Services Offered By Roofing Companies
Comprehensive packages may include installation, material sourcing, check-ups, and pricing estimates, and they can vary from one company to another. Regardless if you’re in the process of building a house or you want to replace the old ones that are cracking and peeling, you need a reputable contractor who should provide a comprehensive list of services to meet all your needs. More about the cracks at this link:
Installation Services
Installation services for a brand-new home or replacement of the old shingles are going to be smooth sailing and efficient. Following the current standards of the industry, the experts are going to ensure that the materials are going to last for a very long time, and you can see a return on your investment if you finally decide to sell in the future.
Repair Services
Repair services may also be available because damage can occur due to various reasons, such as storms, leaks, or general wear and tear over time. Choose a company that has experience in handling different types of repairs, from minor fixes to major restoration projects, so you’ll never have to worry about their quality or compromise your home in the process. The best ones in Delaware are going to assess and inspect the supporting beams and clean the gutters for your benefit.
Inspections are crucial for identifying any potential issues with your roof before they become major problems, and the experts will thoroughly assess your roof's condition, identify areas that need attention or repairs, and provide recommendations for maintenance or further actions.
Advantages Of Hiring The Locals
Nothing will beat the reputation that took years to establish by a local roofing company in your area. They are going to know the kind of projects that you’re likely to start, and their past customers are going to provide you with high-quality services.
When you check them first, you don’t waste energy and time researching those that are far in the area. They can also provide you with craftsmanship and credibility because you might have previously seen their work and their team in action.
Expect them to have insights about the building codes in the industry and they are going to be equipped with permits in Delaware, so you can trust them to be able to follow the restrictions. Their knowledge of the local climates will result in high-quality work and ensure that their customers will receive the best materials that can withstand regular storms.
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