6 Things You Must Do to Prepare for a Video Interview

Published on: 04 February 2019 Last Updated on: 05 February 2019
Video Interview

Video interviews can be nerve-racking especially if you are meeting the interviewer for the first time. Video interviews are more cost-effective, easier, and faster than a long phone call or in-person meeting. No wonder most organizations are using them to make hiring decisions among other job-related functions. Here are some of the tips that will increase your chances of success during video interviews.

1. Double-Check Your Internet Connection, Video, and Audio:

You should always test your audio and video to make sure that everything is working well before the interview. The fact that it worked two weeks ago is not a guarantee that it will work properly today. No one wants to risk the embarrassment or headache of technological issues while conversing with a potential employer. Also, confirm that you have a stable wireless connection. Therefore, select a location where spotty connections will not disrupt your video conversation.

2. Choose a Background That is Free from Distractions:

You have to make sure that you entirely focus on the face and what you will be saying during the interview. Therefore, choose a business-like background that is free of any distractions. Avoid windows and walls that are full of decorations, posters, and pictures. Clutter off your desk and clear all the books. The most important thing is to eliminate those things that can draw away the attention of the interviewer from you. If you cannot get an excellent background at your home or office, it is wise to use a solid wall. The guiding principle is to hold your video interview in a sterile and clean environment. Communicate on a human level so that the interviewers will find it easy to talk to you. There is nothing glorious about this as what they are doing it to talk with you.

3. Lit the Room Well:

You have to make sure that the interviewer will see you clearly by paying close attention to the lighting. The interviewers should look at your face clearly, and hence you need to test the video beforehand so that lights don’t cast any shadows on your face. The challenge of having a single overhead light shining down from the ceiling is that it can be unflattering and create shadows.  Try to have one light emanating from behind you and one on the left to create a glow around your body.

4. Eye and Angle Contact Are Critical:

You have to pay close attention to the place you look during the interview. Several people are thrown off especially if you are used to video interviews. The experience may not feel natural from the onset, and you may want to talk to the camera and not the screen. The position of the camera should always be at an eye level and not below or above you. The angle of the camera is so critical because the camera should not look down at you and you don’t want to look up your nose. Therefore, make sure that the position of the camera is okay.

5. Dress for the Interview:

you need to groom yourself depending on the kind of interview you are attending. Remember presentation is critical and you should not overlook this idea because you are talking on video. Dress as if you are attending a face-to-face interview. The wrong dressing will also reflect in your speech and attitude. The interviewer will look at all aspects of a good candidate and dressing is one of them.

6. Maintain an Open Body Language:

Like in-person interviews, its critical to be cognizant of the body language so that you can leave a positive impression on the interviewer.  It’s a good practice to gesture while speaking but remember to contain the movement of your hands and also within the video frame. Remember gestures may not translate over video in the same way in-person interviews do.

With these tips, you are prepared to handle any video interview. The most important thing is to prepare well, and you will increase your chances of success.

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3D printing

5 of the Biggest Myths about 3D Printing

3D printing is a paradox to many with a lot of myths and misunderstandings. Many folks talk about 3D printing with so many misconceptions and false information. Dubai is leading in many areas, including technology, such as 3D printing. Although many people do not understand how this technology works, a 3D printing company Dubai specialist and other key players know the benefits. Why 3D Printing is Popular 3D printing is not only used by inventors, but also by enthusiasts to turn their concepts into reality. Printing a model is easier and affordable compared to creating one from scratch by hand. When it comes to low quantities in production, this technology can be used to create and test products. This process can be done severally, cost less, and produce effective goods compared to the conventional way. Printing from home or seeking a 3D printing company Dubai specialists keeps your designs private, reducing the possibility of imitation. Likewise, you can share your designs with an online community and interact with like-minded individuals. Apart from printing models, 3D printers can print end products ready for the market. In today’s world with mass manufacturing, things like tailor-made toys are expensive; however, 3D printing solves this problem. 3D Printing Myths 3D printing has been around for over a decade, but most folks still hold on to their myths about this great technology. The misconceptions are both positive and negative. Below are the biggest myths about 3D printing: 1. 3D Printing is Expensive Many people believe that 3D printing is not only expensive but agonizingly slow. However, this was true in the previous years, where you needed expensive equipment and materials. You also used the tiresome trial-and-error method to improve the designs. This changed when a variety of new methods were introduced. These techniques allow any 3D printing company Dubai specialists to improve their products. You can also print in minutes, and the printers are cost-effective. The prices continue to fall as the manufacturers use cheaper but effective materials. 2. You Can Only Print Small Products Any 3D printing company Dubai specialist will tell you that a 3D printer is not large. They are made this way because they need an airtight chamber to work. Most folks believe that printing in bulk would be a waste of time, while others claim that plastic filament cannot make strong products. However, methods, such as Big Area Additive manufacturing, function in the open air, and produce sturdy pieces. They are used to create a wide range of products from jet fighters to automobiles. Recently, the printer bot has been used to rapidly add fast-hardening materials in the construction industry. 3. 3D Printing Results in Poor-Quality Products The most laborious process of creating a 3D product is ensuring that the result looks good. A common myth that many people stand by is that you cannot print quality goods using this technology. However, some new methods like Digital Light Synthesis help generate elaborate products from the start. The high-quality finish happens because the process does not require layering. The outcomes are monolithic meaning that they come out as a smooth liquid. Other people also combine hybrid systems that used 3D printed goods with traditional finishes. 4. 3D Printing Can Make Artificial Organs Bioprinting is an exciting element in additive manufacturing. Many patients wait eagerly waiting for 3D printed kidneys, hearts, and other vital organs. Today, any 3D printing company Dubai specialists can easily customize orthodontics, prosthetics, and hearing aids. Some people believe that with the advancement in technology and especially in 3D printing, we could develop organs very soon. However, scientists are yet to discover how to create such sophisticated items. We can create a network that can support muscles and living tissues; however, we cannot create the tissue itself. 5. Small-Scale Players will Dominate the Market Some folks believe that 3d printing would usher in a new era of people using this technology to produce small quantities for their use at home. In reality, only a few folks own 3D printers. Educational institutions and corporations own the majority of these machines, and this might not change any time soon. 3D printing might bring an era where manufacturers benefit more from this technology when compared to civilians. This technology can help industries to create a different product every month depending on consumers’ demands. This way, companies can reap more by specializing in a wide variety of products. Eventually, the market will get a new wave of diverse industrial giants that cater to different customers. 3D printing might be new to some, and it might be complicated to others. Although the art of 3D printing has been around for over a decade, some folks still believe myths. Creating vital organs such as hearts and other internal organs is only a myths. It is important to get information from specialists to avoid misinformation. Read Also: Advance Copier: Printing Quality Business Cards On Your Own Computer 7 Ways To Stop Spending So Much On Printing In Your Business Digital Printing Contributes Much Towards The Progress Of The Industry

HR Software

How To Choose The Right HR Software For your Business?

Human resource management is a complicated responsibility. It involves a bunch of different tasks, from payroll to management of employee benefits and much more. This is where human resource management software comes in, to streamline the tasks and make them easier to manage. Management of responsibilities creates a productive and happier work environment. They can significantly boost efficiency and performance in the workplace. However, finding the right HR reporting software is very important. It is best recommended to look for an all-in-one management software that helps you gather data, store it securely, yield reports, and help you analyze the HR performance too. Types of HR Systems and Software: There are all-in-one HR solutions and software but at the same time, you can get individual ones too. For instance, if you are looking for a separate HR staffing system, then you can easily get it too. Here are some of the most basic types of HR systems that you can come across: StaffingWorkforce managementDevelopmentOnboarding You can also look for software that offers you all of these basic features, or solutions, within one platform. Now the question is; what should you be looking for when choosing the right software for your human resource department? Must-Have Features When Choosing an HR System: Remember that software or system must make the task easier and more efficient for you. It must improve your workplace efficiency. Thus, choosing the right one is important and requires your attention and time as well. Here are a few features that you must look for when choosing the right HR software for your company. 1.  General Features: To begin with, the software must have all the basic HR features. From administration to self-service tools; you need to have a look at what the basic features are. Understand the functionality of these software and their purpose. This will help you choose the best one possible for your organization. 2.  Compatibility: HR software must offer you solutions that are easy to project, throughout different devices. Whether you manage the software through a laptop, PC, or phone; it must work equally well. This is extremely important to pay attention to. The solutions must be accessible on all types of devices. Therefore, always check the compatibility options of the software before choosing a software. 3. Employee Scheduling: The HR software must have employee scheduling. This can be extremely helpful in creating attendance modules and managing schedules. It further sets alerts and notifications that allow you to keep tabs on overtime and overall attendance. 4. Compliance: No matter wherever you work, you have to attend to legal regulations and compliance. You must follow all the workplace legislations to fulfill the compliance standards. HR software usually comes with features that allow you to utilize data for compliance purposes. This further allows you to set notifications for whenever the regulations are not being met by the HR team. It helps you stay ahead in the competitive market. 5. Payroll Integration: Managing payrolls can be hectic. But with HR software management, you can integrate time modules and attendance. This crafts a precise payroll cycle. CONCLUSION: HR software tools enhance the overall performance of the human resources team. With the passage of time, the need for this software has increased which has led to a huge number of HRM vendors in the market. Additionals: Importance of Flexibility with Business TechnologyNew Technology in Business: 4 Inventions in 2019 That Are Changing the GameInformation Technology and Business Success: The Things That Connect Them7 Ways A Software Development Company Can Help Mitigate Technology Risks In Business

Data Recovery Wizard

Review on Free Data Recovery Wizard Based on Photo Recovery

We all know the benefits of data recovery. It is always recommended to have a backup of every work that you do. But do you know that it sometimes these data recovery options also fail you? During these emergencies, you are left with handful options only and that includes recovery software. We all are in the 21st century and all of our work is done on digital appliances which include laptops, mobiles, desktops, tabs and many more. There is a hardware which has a storage device inside it but then sometimes due to infection from a virus or just due to mishandling, this storage fails or we can say corrupts this is the time when we say that our memory card or hard drive has failed us. Sometimes it happens that we lose a few photographs that were really close to our heart and this drives us crazy. In this article, we will see the possible ways due to which we could lose our photo and then we will find the solutions which could possibly eradicate the problem and help us regain the photo back. Photo Recovery Software The process of recovering the data is called data recovery but when we recover the photos, it is known as photo recovery. We have a lot of software in the market that can do this stuff for you but EaseUS is the best in all those. It has a very userfriendly UI and while installing you will not find any problems in any step. How You Can Lose Photography Data and How the Software Can Come in Handy While you are using the camera to transfer the photos to some other device. There is a process going on in which the data is being coded and encoded from one place to another. If by chance in this process you tend to remove the memory card (the storage device) then you can face the problem of data loss and then the software Wizard of data recovery will be handy and can come in use. While you are taking off the photo and the camera is switched off. You can lose a lot of memory at this time even. Steps to Data Recovery There more to this but when it comes to recovering data there are just 3 simple steps that you have to take before you could recover your data back. The first step includes the launching part. You have to write or download the software in your desktop and launch it. There are no product key or ids that you will be asked. The second step is scanning. All the files of your desktop will be scanned. This is really important to get the information of your complete system. The third step requires the recovery part. Once your system is completely scanned and functional, you will have to just click on the recover button and then all the data will be recovered. Why Use EaseUS Data Recovery EaseUS data recovery wizard has an easy guide so that it would not build up to your sticking mind. This guide will help you recover photos from almost every system including SSD, USB, hard drive, digital camera, memory card until all the lost data is recovered. You must be aware of ransomware, wannacry, valueless and many more cybercrime attacks. This software keeps you away and safe from all of them. But if in case you lose any data due to accidental deleting, formatting, hard drive failure, virus attacks and much more you can simply use this software by EaseUS to get back everything you lost in the nick of time. So, getting you hands-on this helpful and good software will keep you and your precious photos safe. Read More: Tips To Choose The Best Inventory Management Software An Overview Of An Intuitive Inventory Management Things To Know Before Buying MI 6 irtual Reality And Gaming Technology Innovation In 2017