Traditional Job Interviews Will Be Dead by 2020

Published on: 09 July 2018 Last Updated on: 08 August 2019
Job Interviews

A majority of companies use traditional job interviews when hiring. This involves having the interviewee coming in and meeting the interviewers face-to-face. This method doesn’t work, according to Simply, author of “10 Interview Questions To Ask To Find Your Next Retail Super Employee.”

To begin with, most people actually lie during interviews. They do it because, given the kind of environment created by traditional interviews, candidates are willing to do anything to get through.

Take candidates during an interview for a position in your company, for example. You ask them if they have a certain skill that you probably deem important to the job they are interviewing for. The candidates obviously know that if they admit to not having that skill, they will not get the job. So, they will most likely skirt around the topic and give you the impression that they are more than qualified for the job. As an employer, many of your candidates are spoon-feeding you these dishonest answers and, if modern data is anything to go by, many employees are eating this misinformation up.

We Have Too Many Biases :

It’s not just about the lies that interviewees tell you during interviewers. It’s also about the inherent psychological biases you have that make you more likely to favor certain types of candidates over others.

For starters, we tend to evaluate attractive people more favorably than others. We see them as being more intelligent than their less attractive peers, more competent and more qualified. The truth, however, is that this isn’t objectively true.

We also evaluate taller people in a different way that we evaluate shorter ones. Height is associated with leadership skills, and so taller people are evaluated as having greater leadership skills. Just look at the presidents we’ve had for most of our history and a majority of the CEOs at large Fortune 500 companies. Taller people also seem to command higher salaries than their shorter counterparts.

We tend to think of people with lower-pitched voices as more trustworthy and consider them to have more integrity and fortitude.

None of the biases above are objectively true. Short people can be leaders just as great as tall people, unattractive people have often proven more intelligent and competent than their attractive counterparts and people with higher pitches can be just as trustworthy as those with lower pitches. It doesn’t help, however, because these biases are ingrained in most of us.

If you somehow arrive at the conclusion that a candidate is an introvert, you will automatically assume they are incapable of leading teams, even though that isn’t necessarily so. Our inherent assumptions affect how we even question candidates.

The Future of Job Interviews :

This is why the future will contain very few traditional interviews. Instead, we will do more job auditions, where the candidates will be required to perform tasks related to the jobs they are applying for, much like the auditions musicians attend.

You can get a sales representative to sell you a product or a software engineer to build you a simple product. These will prove much more effective going forward, especially for jobs where performance and hard skills matter the most.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Remote Working

Exploring A Full-Time Remote Working Opportunity: Here Is How To Prepare

The COVID-19 Pandemic resulted in the creation of a new working order that was only being used earlier in a sparing fashion. Remote working or working from home was models that were earlier employed by employees who could not make it to their offices because of some other reason. As the pandemic resulted in the closure of physical workspaces because of governmentally mandated protocols, businesses rushed towards adopting remote working models and started hiring remote workers. This allowed businesses to stay afloat, run their operations, pay employees and carry on with economic sustenance. In this article, we are going to look at a comprehensive guide on jobs remote. We are going to discover some of its benefits of it and prescribe how employees who are looking for full-time remote working opportunities should prepare themselves. Remote Working: Meaning and Definition Remote working/teleworking/working from home is the process of an employee working for an organization, not within the confines of office space. In this working arrangement, an employee can work from anywhere for a business. Remote working means that employees do not have to travel to their place of work. It means that employees are no longer bound to come to office space, showroom, or warehouse to do actual company work. Remote working necessitates the use of technology, digital platforms, and software to enable employees to connect with their managers, bosses, and colleagues. Major Benefits of Ful-Time Remote Working Opportunities Many studies conducted over the last few months have shown that remote working comes with its own sets of advantages for both employees as well as employers. In this section, we will try to shed some light on both. Benefits For Employers- Data shows that remote working has allowed employees to become 13% more efficient and productive in terms of work output and task completion rates. Businesses who opt for remote working can save a lot of additional overhead costs that are part and parcel of an office setup. It has given businesses the ability to attract the best talents from any part of the world. This has opened up an exciting new prospect, which was earlier not possible. Studies have also shown that remote working has allowed for the creation of a fitter and leaner workforce with fewer employees taking sick or casual leaves. Finally, employers have smartly been able to add to the working hours as employees have on average been saving close to 5 hours on traveling to and from the office. Benefits For Employees- The remote working model has allowed employees to spend more time with their family members and carry on a healthy mix of work-life balance. It has allowed for lesser travel stress, especially in developed countries of the world where traffic issues can lead to tensions and exhaustion. The rise of the Digital Nomad means an employee that is enjoying his stay in a location of their choice while working full-time with an organization. Remote working has also allowed employees to add to their savings. Whether it is the fuel or train costs, or additional money spent on lunches, everything is getting saved. Lastly, employees are able to put in their best productivity and performance and win a good chance of getting higher increments, bonuses, and promotions. 5 Easy Steps to Help you Prepare for a Full-Time Remote Working Opportunity In this section, we are going to look at 5 easy steps that can help professionals prepare for a full-time remote working opportunity- 1. Create your Home Work Station/Office- If you think you are going to work on the kitchen top one day and in the bedroom, the other, think again. You need to set up a separate and designated workspace or create a home office for work. This will bring in productivity, and discipline and ensure all your official things are in one place and not getting lost. Systems, family photo frames, green plants, and so on can help. 2. Apply for Full-Time Remote Working Jobs- Many businesses are using this bait to attract the best talent. However, you need to be very careful when applying for such jobs. It might be that the business is now working remotely, but can in the future ask the employees to come in. This is why choosing the best online job platforms that list 100% remote working opportunities should be preferred. 3. Create a Working Routine for the Day- Working from home or remote working does not mean you are working for the first ten minutes and then doing something else. Remote working means you are setting aside office time just in the same way you would if you were working in the office. It is essential that you stick to the same in order to fulfill the timelines, responsibilities, and expectations that have been set on you. 4. Start becoming familiar and using Remote Working Tools- As someone who is looking to not step into a physical office again, you need to start understanding how remote working tools work. This is because you will be doing all of your work using them. Workflow software, video conferencing apps, and cybersecurity protocols are some areas that you need to know about before you start applying for opportunities. 5. Make Family Members understand ‘you are at work’- In most families, if someone is working remotely, family members tend to take them less seriously. It is essential that you make your parents, partner, kids or fiancée understand that you will not be able to step aside from your system during working hours. This will prevent them from having any expectations from you during that period. The Bottom Line Remote working has been proven to result in happier employees and better-run business organizations. If done in the right fashion, it is a win-win situation for both the employee as well as the employer. A lot of friction between managers and employees can also become better if they are not occupying the same physical space day after day. In this article, we have tried to discuss some of the major advantages of remote working for both employees as well as employers. We have also discussed some important ways how professionals looking to pursue full-time remote working opportunities should prepare themselves. If you have any other questions, you would like us to address, or require clarifications on any points mentioned in the article, feel free to state them in the comments section below. Read Also: 5 Ways to Get a Better Work-Life Balance for Remote Employees Top 10 Apps for Team Communication and Remote Work How To Increase Your Chances Of Getting Hired During A Pandemic

Effective Resume

How to Write an Effective Resume that Get Noticed?

It can be a challenge to get your resume noticed from the stack of resumes that reach the employers for one job posting. In this highly competitive market, the need to stay at an edge from other candidates is a must. Today, most of the organizations use an Applicant Tracking System (ATS) to shortlist resumes before they reach the human eyes. Remember, that no recruiter is working on just one opening and would have thousands of resumes to go through each day. Hence, it is necessary that you draft your resume in a way that it gets noticed within seconds of the employer glance. If you simply keep a track of little things on your resume, you can get a recruiter friendly resume. Here is how you can get draft a resume like this: 1. Keep it Simple: As easy it is for the reader to gather information from your resume, greater the chances of your resume getting shortlisted. Do not use any of your designing techniques on your resume. You can save them for your portfolio in case you belong to the design background. Simple format, simple language and easy on eyes are the key points you need to remember when drafting your resume. 2. Use of Bullets: Your resume should be presentable. For your resume, anything that is less is more. In order to describe your role to the employer, use crisp action-oriented sentences listed in bullets. 3. Ensure you Meet the Qualifications: When you are applying for a job, make sure you at least have the minimum qualification required for the role. Otherwise, applying to a role which does not match your qualifications is a waste of time, yours and the recruiters. Read also: How Studying Abroad Can Benefit Your Career 4. Use a Customized Resume: One of the biggest mistake that job seekers make is sending a generalized resume for every job that they apply. Do not make this mistake and customize your resume for every job that you apply. Personalizing leaves the impression that you are genuinely interested in the job thus increasing your chances of getting shortlisted. 5. Keep Your Focus on Accomplishments: The reader wants to know how good you were at your job and not just your roles and responsibilities. Keep your focus on your accomplishments in your resume especially the ones that relate directly to the job you are applying to. Read also: WordPress Developer: Job Profile And Key Responsibilities 6. Have a Skills Section: Having a separate skills section is a good way of gathering recruiters’ attention and conveying that you fit for the role. 7. Keywords: Keywords are important. Both for the ATS and the human eyes. Pick up relevant keywords from the job description and spread it across your resume in such a way that it does not look overloaded or stuffed in. Be smart and check out samples before you apply using this resume. 8. Include Numbers and Facts: Getting business for an organization is the key factor that can easily get you shortlisted. If you have a role that involves numbers, include the numbers that show your positivity. Quantifiable achievements on resumes are a sure short way of creating an effective resume. 9. Remove Non-Essential Information: Your resume is a professional document and not personal. Hence, you need to stick to information that is suitable for the job you are applying to. If you have a work history of more than 10-15 years, you should pick the most relevant or most recent (whichever is applicable) to apply to this job. 10. Create a Career Summary: A recruiter spends hardly 6-7 seconds on your resume. If you can give him the required information in that amount of time, you definitely have an effective resume. To do so, have a career summary that includes the answer to a simple question “why are you a perfect fit for this job” 11. Make Sure there are No Errors: Any error, small or big on your resume can play a differentiating role for your job application. Hence, before you hit the apply button, ensure there are no spelling, grammar or typo errors in your resume. Typos or any type of silly errors in your resume are a big turn-off for the employers. 12. Include a Cover Letter: Often there is information that you want to share with the recruiter but the one-page resume does not give you enough bandwidth for the same. Include a cover letter that introduces you to the employer and shares information that you were unable to include in the resume. Make sure that your resume keeps in with these basic points. Build your network and connect with people in the industry for better job search. Good luck in your career search.

How Many Jobs Are Available In Consumer Services

How Many Jobs Are Available In Consumer Services?

How many jobs are available in consumer services? As you are searching for the answer to these questions, I can think that you are thinking about considering customer service as your career option. Great that you are planning to take a step toward your goals.  But do you know what is greater?  The fact that you are searching for as much information as you can about the job profile you are thinking of trying. But just knowing the number of customer service jobs is not going to be enough if you are seriously planning to take over this profession.  You should know about each and every detail of it. So, along with giving answers to your question, I will also guide you with the essential details.  How Many Jobs Are Available In Consumer Services? Image Source So, as we all know, consumer services job market is constantly changing. As per the reports of 2020, The United States BLS or U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, there were more than 2.9 million jobs in the field of consumer service.  Obviously, the number has changed, and also the market. Standing in 2022, you obviously can expect more jobs in consumer service. Here is a breakthrough of the approximate consumer service jobs available in different categories. Read More: Is Consumer Services A Good Career Path? Job TypeAvailable Jobs (Approx.)Social Media Customer Support50,000+Help Desk Technician875,700+Hotel Concierge33,560+Flight Attendants106,300+Host/Hostess324,690+Customer Service Manager210,000+Retail Salesperson594,400+Customer Service Representative2,000,000+Receptionist1,037,00+ What Are Consumer Services? It doesn’t matter what business you are sunning; your consumers are the lifeline of your business. And that is why serving them and pleasing them should always be your prime goal. And… It is for most businesses. Consumer services is a particular type of service that a business offers their consumers or customers in order to let them know about the business and the relevant information they need to know. Here are the things that consumer services take care of.  Placing online orders.  Assisting customers in purchasing or getting a service. Restaurant reservations and hotel booking. Solving issues that they are experiencing with services or products. What Are The Available Jobs In Consumer Service? Image Source Obviously, just like any other industry, or job section, consumer services also have several types of job profiles. Some of the most common ones are salespeople, customer service representatives, and marketing professionals. All these types of job profiles typically involve interacting with customers along providing them with the necessary information about the services and products. Apart from these, there are some more consumer service jobs available in the market, such as managing retail stores, working in call centers, or coordinating events. It doesn’t matter what type of consumer service jobs you are interested in; you will find several job opportunities to explore. I thought, “How many jobs are available in consumer services?” it would be best if you know about some job roles in detail. So, let’s have a look at the most popular job profiles in consumer services. Read More: What Companies Are In The Consumer Services Field? Customer Service Representative This professional is responsible for offering assistance to customers who have queries or concerns about the company’s services and products. Customer support representatives might also be responsible for handling customer complaints along with providing solutions when needed. 1. Salesperson Image Source This particular professional is responsible for promoting and obviously selling the services and products of the company. They might work in a retail setting, or they also can travel in order to meet potential customers. Being a salesperson, you have to be able to communicate effectively with customers and close a deal. Read More: Top User Tips For Getting Started With Salesforce 2. Marketing Professional Now come to the marketing professional. Many of us have a vague idea about what a marketing guy does. This professional is responsible for creating and also executing marketing campaigns which will promote the products and services of the company. Here, you need to create persuasive marketing materials along with communicating with customers. Read More: Third-Parties And Supporting Marketing Presence 3. Retail Store Manager Image Source Obviously, just the way you might have seen your retail store manager, they are responsible for overseeing the day-to-day operations of a retail store. They also might need to take care of hiring and training employees, handling customer inquiries, and stocking shelves. At every time, this professional needs to manage a team efficiently along with making sure the smooth operation of the store. 4. Call Center Representative When it comes to handling customer complaints and inquiries via telephone, a call center representative is appointed for the role. In addition to these, these professionals might also be responsible for providing information about the services and products. They typically need to work in a call center environment. The Income Range Of Consumer Services Professionals For different job profiles, you will get different salaries. Still, the average salary for a consumer service professional is around $36,920 per year for consumer services professionals in the United States. Usually, the salary is determined on the basis of the education, location, and experience of the candidate and can range from $26,880 to $79,610 per year. Even a consumer services professional who is at the top can make $19 every hour on average.  Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs): I have already provided you with the answer to your question, “How many jobs are available in consumer services?” Still, as you are searching for consumer service jobs, here are some answers to the most commonly asked questions.  Knowing these answers will help you to make a decision about your career. So, let’s check them out now.  Q1: What Percentage Of Jobs Are Customer Service? Ans: A lot of jobs directly involve customer service. In fact, occupations which require all the skills of customer service accounted for about one-fourth of all employees as per the 2016 report. This report was generated by the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) Q2: What Jobs Are Related To Customer Service? Ans: Basically, a customer service representative works with clients with orders, complaints, or needs for any type of information regarding services or products they have purchased from the organization. Those professionals also provide solutions for every specific situation and prioritize the requirements of customers at every step of the entire process.  Q3: What Are the Types Of Consumer Services? Ans: Here are the 4 major types of consumer service fields. • Leisure and hospitality. • Education.• Health and social.• Retail and wholesale.  Q4: What Do All Consumer Services Jobs Have In Common? Ans: The different types of consumer service jobs usually involve interacting with customers to offer them information about services and products. Some of the consumer services jobs might also include managing retail stores, coordinating events, and working in a call center.  Final Talks So, along with getting the answer of “How many jobs are available in consumer services?” you also get to know some basic information about this job sector. So, now I believe you will be able to make the decision of whether you want to be in this field or not.  And in case you have any further queries or doubts, you can always leave that in the comment section. I will come up with a solution as soon as possible. Read Also: Grant Management Best Practices Is Finance Consumer Services A Good Career Path Should You Consider Outsourcing Your Brand’s Marketing Campaign?