7 Myths About Fitness Gadgets And Wearables busted

Published on: 21 April 2017 Last Updated on: 29 May 2021
Fitness Gadgets

We live in the golden age of digital, technological, scientific, medical, and social progress. Today, the development is defined almost entirely by the banal improvements in the technology. Digital health and fitness is now the center of attraction for everybody. We can’t imagine life without them. Surely, every day or the other we can see something new coming into the market. These days, fitness gadgets and wearables have created a lot of buzz, and you would find every other person having something smart in ‘their’ hands. These gadgets are a boon for the health-conscious people. But as they are an advantage to society, there are many misconceptions and myths which are attached to it. Let me point towards a few of them so that you have a better idea of what to avoid the next time you think of buying a fitness gadget.

Wearables are fad

If you’re saying so then you’re a fad! Wearables are definitely going to change. Some would become invisible, some will be disposed of, some will be fashion items and others would be implanted somewhere or the other. But the one thing which remains the same is that if we want to know more about us, we ought to know more about these wearables.

Smartwatches needs smartphones

This is not true all the time. Some of the big brands have SIM cards slots available inside the smartwatches for the solo connectivity. You wouldn’t need to pair them up with the smartwatches. These watches don’t require you to have a smartphone in your pocket to track down and record your exercise data.

5000 steps burn 200 calories

This is not always true. These fitness belts also depend upon many factors such as body weight and age. Also, it depends upon “how briskly you’re walking?” “What’s your stride length?” “Are those steps up or down the hill? Also, the footsteps of many people can be varying. If you’re on a weight loss plan, don’t count your calories this way. Eat a little less; about a quarter of what you’re usually eating, walk about 10 thousand steps, and you’d surely reap the benefits.

Wearable payments are not safe

The truth is that it is safer than most of the contactless and cashless payments. A wearable is connected to your debit or credit card, and each time you tap, the payment is taken off. Also, there are certain limits per transaction, so it would be difficult for someone to take out your money as the system would auto decline them.

Sleep tracker smart alarms would make you feel better

It is not true in all cases and situations. Smart alarms are capable of detecting your phase of sleep and demonstrate how “smart” the technology is rather something that we actually need in our lives.

Wearables would make you look at screens all-day

No, this is simply not true. Wearables are made to look away from the screen of your phone. Of course, you need to peep inside the screen of your watch. But the idea here is that they act as devices which can filter out the noise of your mobile. In a quick glance, you can select which phones to pick up. An eye at your arm helps you in ignoring the “not-so-important” social media buzz. These things would help you in socially detoxifying yourself.

Heart-rate monitors on watches are not enough accurate

The deal here is these heart monitors are more accurate than most of the other Heart-rate monitors available in the market. And of course, they are getting more accurate day by day.

So, if you want to buy a smart gadget, keep this important stuff in mind. Also, don’t get carried away with what people have to bluff about these beautiful pieces of innovation.

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Lucia Patterson is the woman behind TheLegalGuides, a blog solely focused on legal guides, tips, and advice. Lucia loves essay writing and blogs at EssayWritingGuides from her college days.

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Eye Mistakes

6 Eye Mistakes That Can Make Your Vision Worse

You're staring at a computer screen all day, and you think you're taking good care of your eyes. Your eyes feel fine, after all. And when it comes to proper eye care, you get regular checkups from NewVision Clinics - Eye Specialist in Melbourne and take the right steps to keep your vision in top shape. If you're not careful, however, you could be making a few eye mistakes that might be hurting your vision. How To Identify The Eye Problems? If your eyes are dry and irritated, there's a good chance you're overdoing it with eye drops. That's because many of these drops contain chemicals that get your eyes producing more tears than normal — but only for a short period of time. But once the effect wears off, your body compensates by producing even fewer tears than before. You can become dependent on eyedrops just to see clearly for a few minutes at a time. This is why using artificial tears for more than two or three days in a row is generally not recommended.  Instead, use preservative-free eye drops sparingly (usually no more than four times per day). Our eyes are the only pair we've got, and many of us don't take proper care of them. Whether it's sleeping in our makeup or not wearing sunglasses on a sunny day, there are many ways we can hurt our eyes on a daily basis. Here are three eye mistakes that could be making your vision worse — and what to do about them. 6 Common Eye Mistakes Which Makes Your Vision Worse You are making many eye mistakes throughout life, from wrong power eyeglass wearing to applying bad eye drops. But apart from these, many more common mistakes hamper your eye's vision. Here are six mistakes that have an adverse effect on your eyesight. 1. You're Skipping The Sunglasses When you're walking around in bright conditions, like snow or bright sky during the summer, it's important to wear sunglasses. Not only is this a good idea for your general health-protecting your eyes from UV rays — but it can also help keep you from blinking. Going out without proper protective sunglasses is one of the common eye mistakes. But it can happen at any time. So it is better to take the tap and remember to wear sunglasses. Constant squinting can lead to the development of crow's feet, which are fine lines around the eyes that can make you look older than you really are. If that isn't enough reason to wear them, consider this: According to a study published in JAMA Ophthalmology, long-term exposure to UV radiation has been linked with cataracts in middle-aged adults. And if you're worried about how they look on you, check out these five tips to find the perfect pair of sunglasses for your face shape. 2. Not Eating Right A healthy diet is good for your whole body, including your eyes. "There are certain nutrients — carotenoids, vitamins C and E and omega-3 fatty acids — that have beneficial effects on our eyes," Dr. Ritterband says.  Improper diet maintenance is solid eye mistakes. You probably do not know the right nutrition, which is keeping your eyes healthy. But the fish and green vegetables have the right vitamin A and D sources, which are eye boosters. 3. Not Wearing Sunglasses Outside It’s easy to think that sunglasses are just another fashion accessory, but they’re really an essential tool for protecting your eyes from the sun’s ultraviolet radiation (UVR). Exposure to UV light can cause cataracts and age-related macular degeneration, two of the leading causes of blindness in older adults. UVR also can damage the skin around the eyes, which can increase your risk of developing basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma, two common types of skin cancer. Wear sunglasses labeled with “UV 400” or “100% UVA/UVB protection” every time you go outdoors — even on cloudy days — to protect your eyes from damaging UVR. 4. Using Antibiotics Too Much "There is a fear that if you have an inflamed cornea, people worry that it might get infected," Melmed said. "In most cases, it doesn't get infected." Antibiotics have eye mistakes effects; they can cause allergic reactions and sometimes even bacterial resistance, he said. 5. Not Getting Regular Eye Exams It's important to see an ophthalmologist every year, Melmed said. During the exam, he or she will check for early signs of glaucoma and macular degeneration, which can be treated if caught early enough. Avoiding the scheduled eye check-ups are eye mistakes.  Try to avoid it consciously. We all know going for the regular check-up is a little time taking process. But to maintain eye health, you have to do it. 6. Using Artificial Tears The reason many people have dry eyes is not that their tear glands aren't producing enough tears. Rather, it's because their blink reflex doesn't work properly, and their tears evaporate too quickly from the surface of their eyes.  In this case, artificial tears only worsen the situation by drying out the surface of your eyes even more. Instead of using over-the-counter artificial tears, try to blink more often and learn how to massage your eyelids properly in order to improve the blink reflex (you can find instructions in my Natural Vision Improvement Kit). Conclusion: All of these six eye mistakes are common. But on your regular days, you are making these mistakes without knowing them. So it is better to tap on and avoid making mistakes. If you are facing troubled vision. First, identify the problem systems and then ask the consults from the eye doctor. Read Also: 3 Top Tips to Keep Your Eyes Healthy How To Care For Your Eye In 5 Medically Proven Ways How To Buy Glasses With Vision Direct Contacts vs Glasses: Which of These Two Eyesight Improving Methods

Superfoods for Glowing Skin

10 Foods for Vibrant, Glowing and Younger Skin

Do you face a lot of questions about maintaining your skin? Did you know that the most delicate thing in the human body is our skin and we have a great role in keeping our skin refreshed, moisturized, and glowing? There are tons of agents out there that keep polluting them and extra care is needed to keep them protected. But luckily, there are so many great natural foods that are born and grown in nature’s fields that help us maintain rocking and glowing skin. Check out these 10 foods that are selectively chosen and believed to work as a super-agent in keeping our skin rejuvenated, young, healthy, and glowing. 10 Superfoods for Glowing Skin: After a lot of research and elucidation of the scientific properties of the food, we have a conclusive list of these superfoods to keep yourself young and be skin healthy without having to go to other artificial methods that harm us rather than good. Turmeric Leafy and dark green vegetables. Avocado Papaya Aloe vera Carrot Fish derivatives Green tea Yogurt Bitter guard Now, let's see the properties of the above superfoods that make them so nutritious and healthy resulting in our glowing and younger-looking skin. 1. TURMERIC: The most effective medicine that works for skincare is turmeric and we believe that its roots are so powerful that ingestion of this power foot root can also prevent various deadly diseases. The main properties of turmeric that helps you save your delicate skin are its antibacterial, antifungal, and anti-inflammatory property that prevents germs build up in the skin. It also fights against oil accumulation in the face and hence preventing open pores, blemishes, and acne. Usage: add a pinch of turmeric to your face pack on a daily basis and also you can grind their roots and use them to see noticeable results. By adding the turmeric with olive oil to soups, salads, and other dressings you also add additional nutrition value to your food. 2. Leafy and dark green vegetables: Green vegetables like spinach, kale, broccoli, and many other greens are the powerhouse of nutrients and serve a major role in enriching nutrients into our diet. Not just that, they are also a great source of antioxidants with a bumper pack of vitamins and minerals. They remove dullness from the skin and make it shine. Usage: Add portions of these dark and leafy green vegetables to your diet every day for at least two times a day on a regular basis and you will be seeing a notable difference in your skin health and glow. 3. Avocado: This buttery fruit comes with loads of nutrition and adding this to your daily diet will prove to be a savior for the nutrition-deprived cells in your skin. They are enriched with vitamin E and also act as an antioxidant. The avocadoes are also termed butter fruit due to their buttery appearance and nature. They act majorly in slowing down the aging of skin cells, repairing inner skin cell damage, vanishing the acne in the skin, stopping face wrinkles, and many other wonders that you may have never thought of. Usage: The avocado is similar to butter and is also termed as healthy butter and can be added to your morning toast like butter, it can also be made in the form of a dip called guacamole and can be combined with chapati dough and make it healthier. Other than that, it can also be added to salads, soups, and other dressings. 4. Papaya: The ever-healthy golden fruit that is giving out abundant nutrition for the human body in many ways. They are a rich source of beta-carotene, antioxidants which are visibly proven to enhance the skin cells and remove the impurities locked in your skin. It is also considered the best superfood for the whole body mechanism as they also prevent and destroy harmful tumor cells. Usage: Take the pieces of papaya and grind them to a paste. Add them to your face pack or apply as it is with rose water and make a facial mask. Keep it on for at least 15 minutes and the face will glow no less than a star. 5. Aloe vera: Nature's gift to us that grows generously in any place and climate is the aloe vera. They are loaded with auxin and gibberellin hormones that have anti-inflammatory properties. The gel also helps in relieving many dermatology-related problems and can be applied to burns, cuts, etc. This also helps in keeping acne, dark skin, blemishes, blackheads under control. Usage: Scape out the aloe vera gel from the plant with a spoon and add them to the face pack or apply directly. 6. Carrot: The wonder vegetable that is loaded with Vitamin A is a savior as it enriches our skin glow with the carotene. They help by flushing out the toxins accumulated in our skin. Usage: Eat carrot raw as a vegetable once a day and also include them in salads or juices. 7. Fish derivatives: The world-known fact about fish is the presence of omega 3 fatty acids. This brings nutrition to our skin by helping them glow and repairing all the dead cells. They help in maintaining the overall skin and body health when consumed in small amounts. Usage: We can add them as grilled or baked fish to our diet. It can also be added as readymade supplements. 8. Green tea: The most recently found study reveals amazing properties. It contains flavonoids, phytonutrients, and primely a nutrient called epigallocatechin gallate which removes harmful toxins and keeps you rejuvenated.  They also have antioxidants that fight against skin oil build-up, acne, and more. Usage: Consume them as a tea by boiling them in hot water and adding honey for taste. Consume this tea on a regular basis after your workout and you will notice the changes in your skin. 9. Yogurt: The yogurt which is a traditional derivative of milk comes loaded with good bacteria lactobacillus that improves blood circulation, removes skin's dead cells, and keeps you replenished with body glucose that keeps your skin glowing and fresh all day. Usage: The yogurt can be consumed as a part of your meals every day. It can also be added to your face pack to add an additional glow to your face. 10. Bitter gourd: The wonder green veggie which is loaded with good nutrition also has the capacity to add a superb glow and shine to your skin. This particular veggie comes with the bitter taste that is essential to your diet as it kills all the bacteria in the body and also removes scars, giving a great resistance towards skin allergies. Usage: This vegetable can be added to your diet in numerous ways. The most efficient way is to boil them in hot water and consume their juice. They can also be added to dal and curries with less amount of frying involved. Conclusion: After looking at these superfoods you may definitely rethink your idea of involving harsh chemical treatments for your skin that brings more side effects than cure. You can avail of these at the growers offers anytime. These foods when consumed on a regular basis help you get rid of all your problems in one shot and result in younger-looking and glowing skin. Read Also: Effects Of Sleep Deprivation On Your Skin & Good Sleeping Habits 7 Tips For People With Hypersensitive Skin Top 7 Superfoods For Healthy Skin And Hair


Should You Consider Drinking Cbd Water?

The health benefits of cannabis have been creating ripples in the health and wellness industry for some time now. Many people have raised concerns about the legality of buying Cannabis-based products containing Cannabidiol or CBD, as an oil or as a powder. It is important to state that CBD products are legal and are not rigorously scrutinized by the FDA, just like dietary supplements. Others are having issues separating consuming CBD products from merely getting ‘high’ with marijuana. Experts can answer this by saying that what causes a ‘high’ feeling and altered state of mind is tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), which is also an extract from the cannabis plant. It changes the mind when heated and ingested. You may be aware of the above facts but may not have heard about CBD water. We will also address your concerns. CBD water is another chemical extract obtained from the cannabis plant. Because CBD is not a psychoactive chemical like THC, it does not alter the mind or create a ‘high’ sensation. Water-soluble CBD is useful for the treatment of depression, acne, inflammations, and pain relief. It is also beneficial for reducing artery blockage, reducing the effects of psychosis, preventing the growth of bacteria, curing insomnia, checking blood sugar, reducing nausea and vomiting. It also helps in the treatment of nervous degeneration, muscular spasms, psoriasis, promoting bone growth, and stimulating a healthy appetite. Should You Drink It? The manufacturers of water-soluble CBD say it is totally safe to drink. It well recommended that drinking it is one of the best ways of taking the daily dose of this beneficial natural supplement. However, there are concerns by researchers such as those from Healthline, that CBD water contains insignificant levels of CBD. Most brands are said to carry just about 2 to 5 milligrams of CBD instead of the daily recommended dose of 15 milligrams daily. Most manufacturers, on their part, have defended their product claims by saying that their products contain the right amount of CBD. This goes to say that the use of nanotechnology is responsible for the claimed reduction but that it only reduces the particle size to enhance absorption by the body. Given that CBD is an unstable compound, it needs exposure to light and air to preserve its potency. In reality, this causes a slight breakdown in its potential health benefits. Potential buyers suspect that CBD Water is less potent than CBD oils because of the clear packaging of the former. What Are The Side Effects Of Drinking It? Drinking CBD water does not have such side effects as is associated with most other medications. The side effects of other medications include paralysis, liver damage, or hallucination. The only identified side effects are a dry mouth and the possible inability of the liver to metabolize some other medications properly. In conclusion, you are advised to use CBD water strictly under the supervision of qualified medical personnel because it is still a new medical solution. Even experts are awaiting the results of extensive research. Read Also: What Is The Ideal CBD Dosage For You? Choosing A Medical Marijuana Dispensary What Is Cannabis Oil And How Does CBD Oil Work?