Proper Care for Braces and Retainers


05 December 2018

Health & Fitness


Braces and other dental appliances such as retainers, wires, and rubber bands can trap food and plaque that can lead to other dental problems when not brushed away. Without a doubt, people with braces take on the challenge of a more strenuous dental care routine. Brushing alone is best done right after every meal so that food will not be trapped in the tiny spaces that lead to unsightly staining on teeth. Before deciding to have braces, you should also be prepared for the extra responsibility of caring for them.

The basics:

The basic care for braces and retainers is proper brushing and flossing. If you are wearing elastics or other removable parts, take them off first before brushing. While wearing braces, you should add a few more steps to your ordinary dental care routine. To clean your teeth, hold your brush at a 45-degree angle so that the pins and wires will be cleaned. Brush from the top down of every wire. Clean each tooth and follow with flossing. Proper flossing will be shown by your orthodontist. Rinse well and check for any debris left.

Regular dental visits:

By the time you decide to have braces, you might already be aware that you need to go to your orthodontist regularly for routine adjustments. Consultation may also be necessary for other concerns including broken parts and extreme pain or discomfort even after months of wearing them. A routine check-up is also essential to spot other issues such as cavities and gum disease. Your dentist knows other treatments necessary to protect your teeth during the whole course of treatment.

Foods to avoid:

Some foods can loosen or break braces, and thus should be avoided. These include hard to bite foods such as bagels or apples, as well as chewy foods like caramels. Corn on the cob, popcorn, nuts, bubble gum, ice, and hard pretzels should be avoided too. It is also best to avoid sugary and high-acid foods such as soft drinks, sports drinks, pineapples, and tomatoes.

Products to use:

Fortunately today, proper care for orthodontic appliances is made easier by-products such as electric toothbrushes and floss. You can even buy products that are specially made for braces. Dentists recommend using fluoride-containing supplies to help prevent tooth decay. Studies have shown that fluoride can make teeth resistant to acids contained in certain foods and drinks. Fluoride rinses, orthodontic brushes, and threaded flosses are also some of the helpful items to use since having brackets and wires makes you more at risk of developing tooth decay.

While braces offer a better smile and greater confidence after the treatment, they may also require you to be more diligent in your dental care habits. Parents with kids who wear braces should guide them all the way. It helps to make them realize the value of proper care for their teeth. After all, correct oral hygiene is a responsibility they should learn. They are fortunate because orthodontic supplies these days, such as those from are more innovative and accessible.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Stress Relief

Art Activities for Stress Relief

Many artists use art not only to express their ideas and thoughts but also to relieve stress. Artists claim that creating art can provide a catharsis for difficult emotions, distract you from your worries and much more. Also, getting into the state of “flow” can also be restorative for your mind. As all the mentioned benefits aren’t enough, you will get a beautiful piece of art in the end. It is essential to know that art shouldn’t be created and enjoyed only by those who are talented or artistically inclined. Art should be created and enjoyed by everyone. Studies show that art therapy can help you relieve anxiety, depression, and stress. So, if you are feeling tense and need a natural and fun way to unwind, it’s time to get some brushes, colors and a canvas and delve into an art activity. Here are some great art ideas for stress relief recommended by Mac Fine Art galleries. Create Something Beautiful: Some people are deeply talented and able to create lifelike paintings, funny cartoons, powerful drawings and similar with ease. Other people may even experience difficulties trying to draw stick figures and hearts. If you are like one of the latter, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try art therapy. In fact, when it comes to stress management and enjoying the benefits of art, talent or the end product don’t matter at all. It’s all about the process of creating art and expressing your feelings. However, if you are not comfortable expressing yourself through a drawing, you could create something that’s just for you in your own personal drawing journal. You don’t have to show it to your friends or someone else. Create Your Own Mandala: Art therapists and even many famous psychologists such as Carl Jung have recommended creating mandalas for stress relief. Mandalas are circular designs that often consist of unique patterns and symbols. While making a mandala, you will process your feelings or things you went through in your life. It’s an excellent idea to symbolize some of your feelings, triumphs or losses with unique patterns and colors. There is no need to reveal your story because you may potentially trigger rumination. You just need to root yourself in the moment and allow the entire process to free yourself from negative thoughts or heal yourself from negative emotions. Your mandala can look however you want it. It can be rich with meaning or very basic. All you need to do is have fun. After you are done with drawing, you should also color it. If you really enjoy coloring mandalas but no so much the process of creating them, you can buy mandala coloring books. Join an Art Class: If you have enough time, it would be great to join an art class. One of the benefits of attending an art class is that it cements the activity into your schedule and routine. Also, being supported by a group can be a stress reliever in itself. If you don’t have enough time for this, consider taking a one-time workshop or something similar. Consider all your options and see what works best for you. You Can Always Doodle: If you don’t have much time for art classes or creating a complex painting at home, you can always dedicate 20 minutes of your time for a drawing session. Remember how you doodled at school when you were bored? It really felt good, right? It’s time to embrace your inner doodler again! You can get a sketchbook for 5-minute doodles, and keep it somewhere handy. If you love writing a journal, don’t forget to beautify the margins with hearts, flowers, smiling faces or whatever else you want. Doodling will let your inner artist slowly come out whenever you have time, and just enjoy life. Read Also: 5 Ways College Students Can Minimize Back To School Stress How Stress During Studies Can Affect The Health Of Your Children?

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Love Who You Are: How to Prevent Eating Disorders

Sixty-two minutes - that's how often a person dies from an eating disorder. That's almost one person per hour. There are many resources discussing how to treat these conditions, but discussing how to prevent eating disorders is just as important. Not only to prevent them from occurring the first time but to prevent relapse. Around the world, millions of people suffer from some type of eating disorder. Although the numbers are alarming, it also means they don't have to suffer alone. If you're seeking help for yourself of a loved one, read more about how to prevent eating disorders below. What Is an Eating Disorder: Before you can recognize the signs of an eating disorder, or eating disorder relapse, it's necessary to understand the disease. This condition is a mental disorder that affects eating habits, but it can take a variety of methods. The well-known ones include binge eating disorder, anorexia nervosa, and bulimia nervosa. However, there is also pica, rumination disorder, avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder, and other specific conditions. It can be difficult talking to parents about eating disorders, or anyone in your support group because the disease is so complex. How to Prevent Eating Disorders: As a mental disorder, it takes a large amount of mental power to recognize the signs of an eating disorder. Maintaining awareness of your mental health is crucial to the task. Social Media Control: Bringing people together is one of the benefits of social media. However, persuasive language and depictions of what is beautiful can harm our mental health. One way to prevent eating disorders is to control your social media consumption. Weed through your social media accounts and eliminate anything that triggers eating disorder symptoms. You can replace these negative influences with positive ones like cute and funny animal accounts or inspirational content. Recognizing Size Discrimination: Unfortunately, size discrimination exists and is a huge part of the prevalence of eating disorders. To take control of your condition, learn to recognize this harmful influence and work to fight it. It can feel empowering to fight against weight-based jokes, be inclusive of all sizes in your environment, and disconnect the association between weight and wellness. Practicing Body Positivity: Cultivating body positivity is a lifelong practice for many people - even those without eating disorders. It often involves controlling your negative thoughts about yourself and replacing them with healthy mantras. Make a list of your best attributes and post them where you can see it regularly. Instead of focusing on how your body looks, focus on what it can do. Your body is an amazing work of science and evolution that deserves respect. Health Advice and More: Recognizing the problem is the hardest step to healing. The next step, reaching out for help, can feel just as hard. Making it to this article means that you're halfway there. Don't forget to take it easy on yourself and celebrate your accomplishments along your journey learning how to prevent eating disorders. There is no achievement too small to praise. For more health and lifestyle advice, make sure to stop by our page. Read Also: 5 Common Body Corporate Issues Faced By Strata Management How To Encourage Your Teen Daughter To Seek Eating Disorder Treatment

summer feet

Hello Sandals! How to Get Your Feet Summer Ready

Summer is right around the corner! That means it's time to get ready for sun and fun at the beach. Spending time on the beach means getting your feet ready for sandals. Are your feet looking good and feeling healthy? If not, you've come to the right place for help. In this article, we take a look at 5 steps for achieving the perfect summer feet. Keep reading to learn how to get pretty feet so that you can look your best when it's time for lounging by the pool! Here are how to get your feet summer ready: 1. Exfoliate Your Skin: The first step to making your feet look great is to exfoliate your skin. This helps get rid of patches of dry skin that have developed over the long winter months. Most people use foot scrubs, exfoliating creams or pumice stone for this. Any of these work great. The key is to thoroughly exfoliate on a regular basis to make sure you keep any dry skin cleared away. 2. Buff Away Dry Skin: Buffing is important in order to create the kind of luxuriously soft feet most women desire. This is a great way to keep your feet looking fresh. You might wonder if this is really necessary. Well, it definitely is! Keep in mind that when calluses build up on the skin of your feet, it makes the skin hard and unattractive. The solution is to buff your skin using a pumice stone and apply moisturizing balm after showering. 3. Soak Your Feet: The next step to remember is to soak your feet. We recommend adding a few drops of tea tree oil to your tub of water. Next, rub your feet with a soapy cloth. Be sure to scrub between your toes in order to clear away all dry skin and dirt. Indulging your feet in this way at least once a week is a key step in keeping them feeling fresh and revitalized. If you're looking for the coolest sneakers to wear on vacation this summer, read more here for the latest styles. 4. Moisturize Your Feet: It's no secret that keeping your skin properly moisturized is vital for making them look gorgeous and feeling amazingly soft. Investing in a high-quality moisturizing cream is one of the best purchases you'll ever make. Get in the habit of moisturizing your feet and between your toes each morning after you shower and every night before bed. Your feet deserve this kind of treatment and you'll feel like the queen that you are. We recommend adding a few drops of tea tree oil to your tub of water and for aftercare curanail treatment is always the recommended steps for having the best looking and feeling feet. 5. Take Care of Your Cuticles: Our final tip for caring for your toes is to tend to your cuticles. The key is to apply a cuticle remover every couple of weeks, push back the cuticles, then gently trim away any hanging skin the clippers. Tips to Having the Best Summer Feet: When it comes time to head for the beach, it's important to have healthy summer feet so that you can proudly wear your favorite sandals. These tips will help you look your best. Click here to learn what women should know about vaginal dryness and its treatment. Read Also: Why Hairdressers Love Rose Gold Colour 6 Stunning Long Hairstyles For Oval Faces Anti Aging Creams – What To Consider Before You Purchase?