A Well-Oiled Trade Show Machine: The Ones Running the Show


11 December 2018


Trade Show

Trade shows are important to any business. It is the most cost-efficient way to market and it is the best way to reach people, and in order to make it successful, it is vital that all the cogs to the wheel work in perfect harmony.

Integral to the success of the company during a trade show is the show booth. However, a lot has already been said about the stands. What is normally overlooked is the people who man them, and the staff that makes the exhibition booth decoration in Las Vegas work. Without these individuals, your booth, no matter how beautiful it looks, it will be a disaster.

On the other hand, staffers should not just be assigned nonchalantly. Serious thought should be put into picking them. Then, there is the question: How should you pick the ones to man the stations?


Not the words spoken any staff member helping run a business can manage to strike a conversation. Also, most of the time, we are mindful of the words we use in front of clients. What you should look out and be mindful of is your non-verbal communication because this has a huge impact in the performance of your company.

Certain tips that you should remind your staff members:

  • Always pay attention to visitors, even those who are not stopping by
  • Have a pleasant mood every time you are in front
  • Talk to clients and not with your colleagues, unless needed
  • Listen to your customers
  • Greet them politely, with enthusiasm, and graciously express gratitude regardless if a deal was struck or not
  • Avoid showing signs of being lazy i.e. leaning over the exhibition booth decoration in Las Vegas
  • Smile

These are things that should be instilled in staffers already, but these simple things tend to be overlooked when in a pressure-packed area. So, they may just be reminded every now and then, or, pick those who are already innately doing these to avoid making any accidents.


It would not hurt if everyone has their specific roles to cover. At least this way, someone is always there to cover certain topics at any time. Although, all staff members should at least know the most basic answers to any query, but they should also know who the client can talk to if it goes beyond their field. That is why, the stand should always be manned by someone who is an expert about the entire operation.

Being a master with one role is better than knowing everything but knowing all the answer to one.


This is not saying that staff members are not allowed to eat or drink. However, showing attendees food and drinks left around the exhibition booth decoration in Las Vegas just appear unprofessional. Eat at your own time, and if it cannot be avoided, do not leave any trace that visitors can see. Showing a professional and serious brand is huge in a trade show, and food visible to the public just makes you a slob.

Staffers are just as important as the booth itself. Every piece of the wheel should turn perfectly to make a well-oiled machine, and ensuring a good staff is adamant to have a successful day.

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Featured Image: xibitsolutions.com

I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Employee Engagement

3 Ways to Boost Employee Engagement in Your Business

Whatever stage your business is at, employee engagement and general satisfaction should always be at the forefront of your mind. No business can run without its employees and at the heart of good business, the operation is making sure that your labor force is produced. There have been countless studies into the effects of high employee satisfaction on company-wide efficiency, all of which indicate that happy employees are productive ones. Employee engagement is an extension of this satisfaction. Happy employees are more likely to care about the company’s mission and goals, aligning their own success with the businesses. This is the core concept of employee engagement; staff who innovate and work hard because they care about what they do and see the value in the organization that they work for. Boosting employee engagement promotes business growth and employee retention. the question is how can you, as an employer, improve engagement levels? Here are three ideas that we have put together with that question in mind. Team Building Events: Whilst team building is often viewed with skepticism, the truth is that it can have a drastic impact on how productive your employees are. Team building offers multiple benefits from an employee engagement perspective, here are some examples: The most obvious benefit is that a good team building activity is fun. Enjoyable events breaking up working life are always appreciated by staff and as we have discussed, happy employees are engaged ones. This morale boost from enjoying something fun has a ripple effect around your organization, with this positive mindset remaining effective for a very long time. Another benefit, which is much more underestimated, is the learning opportunities available. Team building activities aren’t designed to solely be fun, they are meant to have a learning outcome. Team building is almost a fun form of training, where staff practice skills that will benefit them at work and in turn, benefit your business. These are just two examples of the benefits. With a little research, you will be able to discover what a well-placed team building event can really do. Rewards and Recognition: Implementing an effective rewards system is another great way of improving employee engagement. Positive reinforcement is an incredibly strong force, which is why publicly rewarding your best employees is so powerful. Not only does this encourage your hardest workers to continue putting the effort in, but it also pushes the rest of the staff to match their level and try to achieve the same recognition. There are countless ways to reward employees, ranging from simple thank you to fully paid lunches. The key to successfully rewarding employees in a constructive manner is to make rewards both attainable and equal in value to the achievement they are associated with. Don’t give a salesman a box of chocolates for making the company millions, that will seem a little lackluster for what they have done. Information Availability: As a final, less concrete point, ensuring that your employees know the businesses goals and moral ethics is extremely important. To encourage your employees to align themselves with your business you require multiple ingredients. Firstly, they need to be happy. Secondly, they need to enjoy working for you and care about the company’s success. Finally, they need to be aware of the company’s goals and mission. Many organizations struggle with this third and final point. These companies have incredible cultures where everyone loves coming to work but nobody is aware of where the company wants to be and what their vision is for the future. Without this information, employees can never reach total engagement because they don’t know what they should be targeting. Making your organization’s vision and mission statements visible is absolutely essential towards improving employee engagement. These goals should be at the core of everything that the company does, embedding them into the workforce and uniting every employee in targeting the same goals. This is how true engagement is achieved. There is much more to employee engagement than just these three points. People are extremely complicated, and every organization is unique, which is why you have to tailor your approach to your specific business. Try different techniques and see what works, just keep in mind that happy, staff are engaged and engaged staff are productive, which is exactly what you need to grow your business. Read Also: 7 Ways To Hire Seasonal Staff For Your Business Is Your Company Offering Enough To Potential Employees? 7 Ways To Boost Employee Productivity And Create A Positive Culture Choosing The Right B2B E-Commerce Platforms To Sell Your Used Machinery Why Every Business Holder Should Start Using The Drip Marketing Campaign Victor Mitchell, Serial Entrepreneur On How To Retain Your Top Employees While Growing Your Business

Husband and Wife Business

How To Easily Buy The Perfect Husband and Wife Business

Do you love the idea of running the perfect husband and wife business? Rather than starting your own from scratch, you and your partner may have an interest in buying a business that has already been started and is now available for sale. Doing something you love with your partner is a great way to make a living, but you do need to make sure you are making the best investment to secure your financial future. Follow these steps on how to buy the perfect husband and wife business. Come Up With a List of Things You Are Both Interested in Doing: If you want to run a business with your significant other, you need to find something that you are both interested in doing. Whether you would like to run a daycare center, provide spa services, or even take over an e-commerce business where you are selling certain products to consumers, you need to figure out what you both like and have an interest in selling for years to come. When you are both passionate about the business that you are starting together, there is a greater chance for you to have more success because you are both going to feel motivated and encouraged to work harder each day. Research Different Businesses That Are Currently on the Market: After narrowing down the list of businesses you would both have an interest in running, you will need to start looking at some of the different businesses that are available for sale. You need to find out what those businesses offer to the consumers, but you should also get as much information as you possibly can, including details on how much money these business owners have made over the past several years. It gives you both an idea of how much you could start bringing in.  Using a business broker, like Verified Businesses, to assist you in identifying businesses that are for sale in your area is highly recommended. Apply For a Business Loan to Complete the Purchase: After selecting the business that you would both like to purchase and run together, finding funding for the investment is the next important step for you to take. While you may have some money saved in a bank account, there are other expenses that you might not have the money for at the moment, but that is why business loans are available. Apply for a business loan with your partner to get the help you need with investing in a husband and wife business. Look for a loan with a low-interest rate. Sign the Paperwork and Complete a Plan for the Business: When the funding is situated, it is time to get to work. You will need to properly handle all the paperwork form the purchase and then create a complete plan for the business. Both you and your partner should come up with ideas when it comes to marketing and having the most success possible. Work together as a team to get things done. If you want to know how to buy a husband and wife business, these are the simple steps you will need to follow. If you and your partner can find something that you both love to do and can get the funding needed to make the investment, you both can eventually become successful business owners. Read Also: Small Business Guide To Private Health Insurance Exchanges 5 Tools That Can Help You Get Your Business Organized 6 Loan Mistakes Every Business Owner Must Avoid

Business for Wedding

How Photography Projects Can Improve Wedding Business

It is not easy to combine personal style and professional work. When we are doing a real wedding, we are usually confined to several limitations during the shoot such as the place, time, and subjects. However, if you try combining them from time to time you will fall in love with what you do professionally as you will feel more comfortable with creating a unique thing with each and every photo you take. How to create a personal shoot that will help you professionally :  First of all, it is important to determine the part of shooting that you would like to experiment with. Do you want to improve your bridal portraits? Are you struggling with posing groups? Are you not good at shooting details and lay-flat shots? Determine where you would like to improve on and practice as much as you can. Doing this will help you a lot as it will relieve the pressure on you and make you confident when you take photos. Doing such a shoot does not imply that you will exactly recreate it on a wedding day. It will enable you to be more confident in using your creativity in situations where you need to make a split-second decision and decide whether to stop because you have got “safe shots” or to continue experimenting. Most of us myself included sometimes revert to what we find safe and comfortable when placed in challenging situations rather than allowing ourselves to try more unique things. The issue is not whether we can or cannot create a unique thing. It is the lack of confidence to even try it in the first place.  What are the practicalities?  After settling on the kind of shoot you would like to do, decide who or what you need to use the shoot for. You can plan an elaborately styled shoot that will bring together wedding vendors or you can opt for something that will not cost you anything. If you want a styled shoot that involves many people, then you need to know that the process of planning can teach you a lot. Ensure that all the vendors participating are aware of what you want them to do and the reward they will receive which means sending contracts and meeting deadlines. Business cards and album samples :   If you are noticing a trend in person, face to face interaction in this first couple of wedding photography business marketing strategies, then you are noticing something that is very important to success in the industry. Educating yourself on how to socialize and promote your business to potential and existing clients and the people you will work with is very important. It may be a good idea to leave business cards with all the people we just mentioned as it will provide a physical representation of your business with them. Other marketing forms : According to The Wed Café, it is up to you to decide what you want to do with the images you shoot. Depending on the content, you can submit them to wedding magazines or blogs to make them reach a wider audience or you can use the best ones on your social media to introduce your personal work to potential clients while still keeping it within the wedding theme. If you want the best wedding photographs, then it may be a good idea to consider Houston wedding photographers. Read Also : Handy Tools For Outdoor Photography Why You Trust Your Photographer? How To Best Photograph A Corporate Event