7 Benefits of a Clean and Decluttered Workspace


20 December 2018

Home Improvement

Decluttered Workspace

They say that cleanliness is next to godliness; however, even someone who does not believe in god will vouch for the tremendous power of living and working in a clean and organized environment. The most important benefit of keeping one’s surroundings clean and free of clutter is that it allows free flow of energy and creates a positive ambiance that has proven psychological benefits. Once we’ve become used to working in a cluttered environment, change can be difficult but it’s not impossible.

7 Benefits of a Clean and Decluttered Workspace

Here are seven reasons why you should care about the cleanliness of not only your own desk but also your immediate surroundings at work and home.

Cleanliness improves efficiency:

Everyone wants to make the best use of their time at work, but a dirty and disorganized workplace enables exactly the opposite. In fact, people subconsciously dread going to an office where they’ll have to spend a significant part of their day plowing through stuff and enduring the unhygienic conditions in the pantries, washrooms and work bays.

A clean and hygienic office space where every nook and corner has been paid attention is a haven for efficient and result-oriented work.

A clean work environment encourages creativity:

You may have experienced this in your personal life. Cluttered and dirty spaces do nothing more than sap one’s energy, stagnates the mind and obstruct the flow of creative thoughts and ideas. This can be particularly detrimental to the growth of a business.

Therefore, maintaining a clean and orderly workspace is essential to encourage and inspire yourself and your colleagues to be creative in everyday tasks.

Cleanliness helps you focus:

A clean desk no doubt enables people to focus on the task at hand; however, a clean office building has an even greater impact on the employees’ ability to concentrate and complete tasks without distractions.

Professional organizers say that knowing where your things are helps keep the mind clear, which in turn makes you more efficient and focussed and also says a lot about your professional caliber. in addition, clean and well-maintained indoor spaces tell your staff that you value their working environment.

A tidy work desk means more room to work:

Clearing your desk of clutter gives you more space to do your work, which in turn improves productivity and helps you achieve your daily goals on time.

While a small office can be cleaned easily by your housekeeping staff, a larger workspace is best cleaned by a professional cleaning service that has the requisite tools and skills to do a thorough cleaning.

Decluttering saves time:

In business time is money, and when you have an organized work area with a place for everything from stapler pins to large files, you save a substantial amount of time every day that you would otherwise spend looking for stuff. Even a few minutes wasted every day by each staff member add up to a significant number.

Do the math and share the figures with your colleagues and subordinates to inspire them to organize their working space.

It acts as a stress-buster:

A messy work desk or office space can cause a lot of stress and at most times you won’t even know that it’s the clutter that’s making your anxious. In fact, experts say that just walking into an unkempt office can make you feel stressed and disinterested in your work.

Research shows that living and working in a clean and clutter-free space has a definite effect on a person’s mood and overall psychological well being.

While some work-related stress is normal, if you feel overstressed especially when sitting at your desk or being inside a messy workplace, think deeply about whether it’s a work situation that’s freaking you out or the place itself.

A clean work area means less sick leaves:

An unclean and untidy workspace can make you sick from all the microorganisms that get to breed on and around your desk. Food crumbs and dust are the main culprits that find a safe haven in your keyboard, behind your desktop and under your desk.

In many offices, cleaning staff are instructed not to move stuff lying on the desks, which means your desk space may not have been cleaned for weeks! If you’ve been falling sick a lot lately but can find no obvious explanation, a cluttered and dirty workspace could be to blame.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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How To Keep A Bathroom Timelessly Elegant

When it comes to bathroom design, new trends emerge year after year. If these are always followed, however, this can become quite expensive in the long run. Those who don't want to invest a lot of money in redesigning their bathroom after just a short time are therefore much better off with a timeless style in the bathroom. But what interior design tips should actually be considered for this and what options are basically available? The following article shows. Timeless bathroom design - the basics With regard to a timeless bathroom design, some principles can be identified. These include the fact that the focus should be on basic colors. In addition, the functionality of the interior should be given the highest possible priority. Another valuable tip is to follow the well-known motto "less is more" when designing the bathroom. Despite a high level of functionality, however, aesthetics should not be neglected - after all, you should be able to feel good all around in the bathroom. Use basic colors In timeless bathrooms, people hardly ever go for shades like a bright turquoise or a gaudy red. Such splashes of color are only suitable for accessories and bathroom accessories, such as towels - after all, if necessary, these can be replaced in no time at all. Much more suitable are basic colors, such as black, gray, cream, sand, or white. Such muted colors will still be considered modern and contemporary in 20 years. In addition, brown tones also provide a high feel-good factor and a cozy ambiance, whether in the area of furniture or tiles. You can discover marble look tiles on this website. The tiles, by the way, play an extremely important role when it comes to the timeless design of the bathroom. Accordingly, basic colors should be used here as well. In addition, modern tiles have meanwhile been showing themselves as large-format for several years. Less is more A timeless bathroom is hardly characterized by the fact that the design always immediately catches the eye as soon as the room is entered. Current trends can be completely out again in just a few months. To prevent the design of the bathroom from soon being judged as a tasteful misstep, it is therefore much more advisable to prefer more inconspicuous and restrained designs. If the essentials are placed in the focus of the interior, the chances are good to be satisfied with the bathroom design for many years. Choose tried and tested classics There can be a very fine line between modern and antiquated - this is true not only in the world of fashion but also in bathroom design. When it comes to putting together new bathroom furnishings, it is therefore essential to proceed with caution. Many furnishings can be identified that have already proven themselves over many years. The chosen products should still give pleasure when entering the bathroom in ten years. Functionality in focus A timeless interior means, above all, that it will be enjoyed for a long time. However, if the functionality in the bathroom is neglected, this is quickly tarnished - a beautiful appearance is hardly enough in this room. Thus, awkward-to-use faucets, a too-small sink, or slippery floor tiles are taboo. A bathroom can only be truly timeless if its usability is guaranteed for many years. It also makes sense to address the issue of accessibility in the bathroom at an early stage. Additional: Bathroom Remodeling Tips and Ideas How to Keep Your Bathroom Clean All the Time Considerations When Choosing the Ceramic Bathroom Tile 5 Hotel Housekeeping Tricks You Need To Clean Your Bathroom


Essential Things to Consider before Hiring a Window Tinting Expert

Window tinting is perhaps the best way to block the UV rays of the sun and eventually maintaining an adequate inner temperature of your building. Tinting also enhances the overall gaze of your home or commercial building and cuts your home and office cooling bills up to 60 percent. There are numerous service providers in the market that offer tremendous services, but you need to consider several things before choosing the one. Here we’ll discuss some aspects related to commercial and residential window tinting. Overall Experience of the Tinting Service Provider One of the important aspects is to check for a service provider having a good experience in the same domain so that you get the services from the professionals. You can seek help from your friends and acquaintances regarding a renowned residential window tint expert in your area.  Apart from this, you can also explore the internet and search for an experienced professional in your area. One thing you must always keep in mind is that you should always visit their site and check out their way of handling things and professionalism, which is necessarily important. Online Comparison of Services One must always compare different service providers by their services and pricing. Many people ignore this fact that they can easily get better window tinting residential services by online comparison. You just need to browse the internet and get the detailed information regarding every tinting expert in your location. Though there is a certain thing that can be only be discussed once you visit the office of the service provider. It has been seen that some agencies provide pictures and videos of their previous work; you can easily check out their previous work on their official websites and get a better idea of things. Consider your exact Requirements You must first consider your exact requirements of window tinting as numerous people often have different requirements. Some people prefer window tinting for enhancing the overall gaze of their home’s exterior while others choose it as a perfect way to reduce the inner temperature of their commercial buildings and offices. You can visit the office of the agency and seek help in regards to the type of service that you are looking for. Furthermore, you can also request a quote and ask for the guarantee of the work as numerous companies offer satisfactory services with a proper guarantee of their work so as to ensure trustworthy services. Also, be sure the window tinting expert provides information on how to maintain your windows after they have been tinted. It is important to keep the film in good condition so the ongoing benefits are maximized. Check out the Local Reviews [caption id="attachment_3706" align="aligncenter" width="800"] Image source: tkotinting.com.au[/caption] One must always check the reviews of previous customers that can give you the exact idea about the services of the agency. Moreover, there are several online comparisons and reviews websites that can help you in selecting the appropriate service provider at the best prices. You just need to visit one of these websites and go through the reviews, and you can also ask your queries and get a proper response from the customers. You must strictly consider these reviews as they are helpful in making the right decision. Ask for a Contract in case of Commercial Window Tinting If you are seeking the finest window tinting services that can augment the looks of your office and significantly reducing the glare, you must always ask for a contract with the service provider. Signing a contract will eventually decrease the stress of handling the entire project for your building’s different needs. Apart from this, you can save a good amount of money by giving a contract of the entire building to an individual agency. Conclusion You must always prefer a renowned service provider having adequate experience in the same domain so as to ensure quality work. Read also: Top Expert Tips For A Stunning Condo Interior! Best 5 Designer Secrets To Make The Most Of Small Spaces Image source: Featured image: https://www.tinting-laws.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/home-window-tint.jpg


Updating the Driveway on Summer Time: What You Need To Know

Does your driveway look worn out? Or is it starting to fade and crack? If that’s the case, you should note that your driveway can affect the curb appeal of your property. Sadly, most people hold on to repairing their driveways until they start noticing major issues like water drainage problems and potholes. However, this should be the case. You should always schedule periodical driveway upgrades—especially during the summertime. Generally, summertime is the perfect period to update your driveway and address some of these issues. With that said, let’s look at some of the things to keep in mind when upgrading your driveway. Paving material The first thing you need to consider is the paving material. While concrete comes in various options, it can be quite difficult for you to find a pre-fab material that perfectly matches your budget. Here are some of the most common materials used when upgrading driveways: Asphalt pavement - This paving material tends to be less expensive than other types. However, asphalt can fill up with water rather easily, leading to drainage problems down the road. On the upside, asphalt pavements come in various textures and designs, allowing you to choose a layout that best fits your property. Pea gravel - Though this option is slightly more expensive than asphalt pavements, it’s far more durable. However, it also tends to be less aesthetically appealing. Concrete pavement - This paving material is typically the most expensive and durable choice for your driveway—especially since you can customize the layout and design as you like. On top of that, concrete comes in a wide range of textures and colors—so it’s easier to find something that perfectly matches your property. Drainage solutions If there are no major drainage issues on your property, then you’re all set to begin work on updating your driveway. However, before you start this process, it’s important that you first mark where each water outlet is located—such as drains and downspouts. This step isn’t 100% necessary; however, it makes sense because it can help prevent any work from happening near these areas—which could ultimately cause damage to both outlets and the new surface of your driveway. Also, note that if there’s stagnant water anywhere on your property after setting up temporary markers, then this means that there are some drainage issues on your property. Lastly, if you’re experiencing major issues with water drainage on the property—such as pooling or puddles—after completing updating your driveway, then it may be time to get in contact with a professional who will help encourage the proper flow of water throughout your property. Even though there are ways to fix these drainage problems on your own, it is best to leave these issues up to a professional. This is because they usually have more advanced tools at their disposal—which can make solving these types of problems much easier for them from the very beginning. Sealer Once you have marked the location of all necessary outlets, it’s time for you to mark off where new layers will be placed—which includes marking off where any new edges need to be placed around your driveway. Also, you should use spray paint or chalk to draw out how much space is required between each layer—this step helps ensure that you don’t accidentally apply any materials on top of one another during this part of the process. Then after applying the sealer, it needs at least 24 hours to dry up before applying any additional layers of paint. Add layers As mentioned before, you should create some space between each layer as you apply them on top of your existing driveway. If anything overlaps, then this could cause issues with both texture and color—and may even lead to added expense if extra materials need to be purchased for re-applying the materials properly onto the surface of your driveway. This is the main reason why you must use a large enough tarp to ensure that all materials are applied at a safe distance from one another. Once everything is dry or completely hardened, it’s time to add additional material around the edges of your property—this step helps ensure that water doesn’t run off the sides of your driveway when it rains. To make this part of the process easier, you should use a garden hose to help draw out where the edges will be placed to learn how much materials are needed. Then once that’s finished, it needs at least 24 hours (ideally longer) for everything to completely dry up before applying any sealer. There’s one more thing you need to know about updating your driveway. If there was ever a time when you experienced foundation damage on your property from natural elements—such as water, weeds, or vegetation—then get rid of all grass and weeds near the affected area before adding any new surface layers on top of paint on its own. The reason being is that these things will probably grow out of control on top of your driveway, which can lead to additional maintenance problems. Bottom Line According to the Florida asphalt paving experts from ABC Paving, upgrading your driveway around summertime doesn’t always need to cost a lot of money. Sometimes, it can be as simple as making sure you use the proper materials for protecting your existing driveway before adding new layers on top. Suppose there are any issues with drainage or standing water after doing so. In that case, getting in contact with a professional is usually the best solution—and this also applies regardless of whether you live in an urban area or rural location because everyone will benefit anyway. Read Also: Asphalt Pavement Maintenance Tips Floor Cutting Using Diamond Saw: What You Need To Know All You Need To Know About Concrete Repair Solutions And Services