7 Tips for Preparing for your Home Study


19 December 2018

Home Improvement

Home Study

The adoption process is filled with wonder, excitement, and anxiety. Oh yeah, and there are some stressful moments sprinkled in too. Perhaps none more sweat inducing than the home study.

The adoption home study is a process that anyone who adopts has to go through, and it’s definitely an intimidating time in the process, but try not to let that get you down. Sure, home studies are a big deal, and they do play a large role in whether or not you qualify to adopt a child.

Here are some tips for handling your home study.

Get Started on the Paperwork:

Paperwork sucks! You know it, I know it, everybody knows it – and the adoption process is loaded with it; from emergency plans to parenting plans, and a host of other stuff. It’s tedious, it’s frustrating, and it can be downright dull. But it’s necessary.

Calm Down:

It’s easy to get worked up during this process, especially knowing that this could be the deciding factor in your approval. But don’t get yourself worked up over this. Home studies are nothing more than a routine part of the process. They aren’t meant to find a reason NOT to have you approved, and there really isn’t much to worry about here. Besides, your adoption agency is going to let you know everything you need to have for a successful home study.

Follow the Checklist:

Before your home study begins, your adoption agency will give you a checklist to follow. This will probably consist of things like; background checks, birth certificates (of all occupants), and parenting plan statement to name a few.

You will also be given a list of things that should have completed before the agent comes out to your house to conduct the study. Be sure to address everything on that checklist; if it weren’t important, then it wouldn’t be on the list. Nothing is okay to overlook.

Be Yourself:

I’m always reminded of the episode of Friends “The One with the Home Study” where Chandler and Monica wanted their social worker to like them so badly they were even willing to throw Joey under the bus. Like any good 90’s sitcom, it blew up in there faces and hilarity ensued. But again, like any good 90’s sitcom, it all worked out in the end. Still, there is a lesson to be learned here. Just be you.

It’s easy to want to embellish in these situations, whether it finances, or even just your overall lives. Don’t! Your social worker wants to get to know who you are individually, and as a family and it’s imperative that you’re honest. The fastest way to fail your home study is to lie on your paperwork or during your home study.


Before you’re social worker gets to your home, make sure everything is tidy – cleanliness is always important. You should also be sure to have all of your cabinets locked and keep anything that is a potential hazard out of a child’s reach. If you have firearms, ensure that they are secured in an out of reach safe.

You’ll also want to make sure that all of your smoke detectors, carbon monoxide detectors, and fire extinguishers are in working condition and appropriately placed throughout the home. Oh, and you’ll want to make sure you have a first-aid kit in your house.

Have the Room Ready:

This isn’t a necessity, but if you know that you want a baby then go ahead and set-up the room that the baby is going to be sleeping in. Not only will it show that you have enough space for your new addition, but it will also show that you are dedicated to giving your new child everything they need.

You’ll do Great:

The home study can be a scary thing, and it’s okay to be nervous, it shows you care. Just stay calm, be yourselves, and follow the checklist exactly, and you’ll be well on your way to having a baby placed with you.

Don’t worry; you’ll do great!

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Install Cabling

Practical Guide to Install Cabling in Your New House

Cable installation is a complex process that requires a licensed contractor for successful completion. Doing it yourself is risky, as it may lead to faulty wiring. Proper planning will save you extra work, money, and time. Use the guide below to comfortably install cabling in your house. 1. Prepare high-quality cable products Before cable installation can commence, you need to source cable products. Currently, numerous companies make cables for sale. However, if you want the best quality cables, you need to consider Infinity Cable Products. These cable products are durable and contain more copper and material compared to others. 2. Contact a reliable company When installing cables in your new house, efficiency is critical. Cables supply communication services and vital electrical power, hence requiring great attention and time from the contractor. Ensure you contact a highly reputable company that is well-equipped with the necessary tools for installation. This will increase the accuracy, reliability, and durability of the cables. 3. Draw a wiring diagram It is crucial to have a plan for the cable installation process. Draw a wiring diagram that shows a clear and practical path of the cables to all outlets. The design will provide a reference point for the contractor as they work. 4. Install conduits Be sure to have the contractor install cable conduits in every place that may require wires. Cable conduits will allow you to run video cable, speaker wire, and network cable in the house. The best way to avoid wasting conduits is by running the longest wires in the walls first even if you don’t expect to use them immediately. Each wire should be set from upstairs and pulled through to the basement. This way you will avoid using a ladder to push the cables up between floors. An experienced contractor will know to leave at least a foot of extra wire to make it easier for you in case you want to change your house arrangement later. 5. Determine your outlet count Identify how many switches and outlets will extend to each circuit. This will aid in purchasing sufficient Infinity cable products for your new home. It is advisable to have six outlets per 110-voltage circuit in the living area. However, the kitchen has appliances with more wattage; hence requires not more than two outlets per circuit. 6. Drill cable holes Ensure you know what is on the other side before drilling through a wall to avoid damaging water pipes, ductwork, or more. The drilled holes provide a path that the cables will travel for connectivity throughout the house. Remember that more outlets provide for a safer home. 7. Pull the cables to the outlets Once the holes are drilled pull the cables to the outlets in the house. When attaching wires to outlets, use wire strippers to cut out the outer plastic coating. Infinity cable products come with instructions to help make the process easier. Are you prepared to install cabling in your new house? Now that you have read through the guide on how best to install cables in your house, you can begin the process. Remember to have the job tested after completion of the installation to ensure it is done to perfection. We wish you well as you convert your house into a comfortable home. Read Also: What’s a Good USB Cable? What is type c cable, and is it worth buying How Fiber Optic Cables Are Used

Concrete Lifting Services

Improve Your Home With Concrete Lifting Services

As a homeowner, keeping your home safe, comfortable, and attractive will be important. However, problems can sometimes make it difficult for you to achieve this. Certain issues can affect many aspects of your home, from the aesthetic appeal to the safety levels. So, getting these problems addressed by a professional with specialist knowledge and tools is important. One of the problems you may experience at your home is areas of sinking concrete. Most such homes consider taking help from concrete lifting companies. However, as a homeowner, it’s common to worry about whether you should opt for one or not. Here’s an article that’ll help you – Sinking Concrete & How It Might Affect Your Home Sinking concrete can affect many areas of your home, such as the sidewalk, the steps to the property, the patio area, and more. Once these issues arise, you must ensure they are sorted out quickly. Otherwise, your home could suffer. You also need to consider the cause of the sinking concrete, which could indicate serious foundation issues. Finding a reputable concrete lifting company will enable you to resolve the issue and improve your home. In this article, we will look at how an experienced professional can help to improve your home. About Concrete Lifting Concrete Lifting or Concrete Leveling is a process of leveling or lifting up sunken concrete slabs out of the ground. The process involves injecting concrete material beneath the concrete slab to lift it up or level it. Typically, the material used fills up the void created under the slab. When it solidifies or dries, it creates a strong surface under the slabs. There are different concrete lifting methods, and the most common ones include – Polyurethane foam concrete lifting Stone slurry grout concrete lifting Mudjacking How Is Concrete Lifting Done? Concrete lifting is a heavy-duty task. But, with the right skills, tools, and training, concrete lifting is an easy and straightforward process. It also requires a basic understanding of the matters in use and the method utilized for lifting up the concrete slabs. Here’s the detail of the process –   First, the holes are drilled in different locations strategically. Then, it involves pumping a component through the holes and underneath the concrete slabs, where it fills any voids and creates enough backpressuback pressure to cause the concrete to rise. They patch the drill holes when the concrete is in a specific place. Different Types Of Concrete Lifting While the process may involve using different types of concrete materials, the lifting process can also require different methods beyond the three we mentioned above. Stone Slurry Grout Concrete Method Lifting Compound: In this process, a mixture of crushed agricultural limestone is used with water. The mixture forms a strong and dense base under the newly lifted concrete. Sometimes, they add Portland cement to the mix using extra strength. Drill Hole size: the drill hole used for this leveling method is close to 1 inch in diameter.  It can also be about the size of a quarter. Polyurethane Foam Concrete Lifting Lifting compound: The lifting compound for this method includes two-part polyurethane foam as the lifting substance. When they inject it under the concrete slab, the substance can lift up the concrete slab. Then, that expansion puts pressure on the slab that’s settled on the ground. Drill Hole Size: The drill hole size that’s needed for foam concrete leveling is close to ⅝ inch in diameter. Mudjacking Lifting Compound: Mudjacking is a process that includes water, soil, and sand as a mix and they are pumped at a high pressure and speed to lift up the settled concrete. You can also use Portland cement and add it to this mixture to make it stronger and more stable. The drill holes have to be bigger in size for there to be a high pumping pressure. Typically, the Mudjacking drill Holes are 2 inches in Diameter. Some of the Benefits of Having the Work Done- There are lots of ways in which you can improve your home by getting concrete lifting carried out. This will help you strengthen the affected areas around your property and also increase its longevity. Some of these are: Improving Safety Levels: As mentioned earlier, a range of safety issues can arise when you have to sink concrete in your home. The main issue you are likely to experience is people tripping and falling because of the uneven floor surfaces. As areas of your floors start to sink further, they can become very uneven and difficult to walk on. This can create serious difficulties for some people, such as those who are elderly and at increased risk of falling. In addition, those with mobility issues and even younger kids could be at increased risk of trips and falls that could cause all sorts of serious injuries. Having your sinking concrete addressed will help you improve safety levels at your home by reducing the risk of trips and falls. Increasing Aesthetic Appeal: Another thing that will happen when you have this work carried out is that you can improve the aesthetic appeal of your home. When you have areas of sinking concrete, it can have a really damaging impact on the appearance of your home. Sinking concrete can make your property look out of condition and unattractive, which is something that any houseproud owner wants to avoid. By getting the concrete lifted, the affected areas of your home will look far more attractive. Improving Scalability: It is also important to try and improve the salability of your home in case you decide to sell in the future. This is something that lifting concrete can do. If you have people viewing your home, they can be put off by lots of areas of sinking concrete, and this could cost you your sales. These are some of the ways in which you can improve your home with concrete lifting services. Read Also: How To Pick The Perfect Flooring For Your New Home Ideas for Modern Flooring Designs for Home Improvement Plans Senior Staircase Safety: What You Need to Know  

New Garage Door

5 Factors to Consider When Buying a New Garage Door

Garage doors tend to get damaged due to weather conditions and routine movement after a certain period of time. As they are not supposed to function properly for a lifetime, there are several things to be focused when designing your own garage door to avail long term benefit. When upgrading the exterior of your home, make sure you do not compromise on the quality of your garage door repair as it can add extra beauty and safety. Homeowners often find it impossible to make the ideal garage door on their own for which we have discussed the top 5 factors to consider while buying a new garage door.  1. Construction material Apart from outer design and crafting, the first thing to notice in ready-made garage doors is the material it is made out of. In routine, steel doors are most preferred because they are long-lasting, durable and easy to maintain as compared to those made out of wood. Although wooden garage doors are attractive and beautifully crafted, there are high chances of damage due to rain and environmental conditions. Moreover, they are expensive and need regular repainting as well. Aluminum garage doors are also beneficial as they cost lower and weigh less as compared to the garage doors made out of wood or steel.  2. Design and style After you are done with selecting the type of material for your garage door, next comes the step to analyze and chose the best match for your home exterior. Garage door services are available in clean lines and straight design pattern for townhouses whereas crafted and sleek outlook can be considered for farmhouses. Steel and aluminum garage doors are usually recommended for a contemporary home for which you can select the design similar to that of windows grilles placed in your house.  3. Openers and installation Installing opener and the garage door by yourself is certainly not advised as it can be dangerous and risky. A trained professional can place the opener and fix garage door by using appropriate tools which will make your garage door function properly. When selecting the opener, you can a belt-drive motor which needs to maintenance and is quieter as compared to other models. Furthermore, horsepower can be selected by analyzing the weight of your garage door for easy movement.  4. Cost Depending upon the material and design specifications, garage doors are available in a wide range of variety. Prices usually depend on construction material, opener horsepower, insulation, and design pattern. It is advised that you chose the material and design after getting the total estimate including installation charges as well. This can save you from further expenditures needed to completely replace your garage door.  5. Adding Insulation Insulation value is also known as “R-value” for garage door replacements so that homeowners can analyze the energy efficiency and insulation value of each one separately. Depending upon the weather conditions of the area you are living in, the type of insulation can be selected for warmth and protection. The higher the R-Value, the greater will be the cost of your garage door. Garage doors need to be strong and safe as they are supposed to protect your home by all means. As there are various designs and types of garage doors available, selecting the best one suitable with your home exterior needs some research. Just analyze the construction material, design and insulation of each garage door and purchase the one which best suits your budget. By overviewing the factors and steps as explained above, we are sure purchasing the best garage door will surely not be an issue. Read More: Basic Idea On Power Tools For Home Improvement Safety Triangle: Three Things Your Soon-To-Be House Must Have