3 Trendy Lighting Ideas for Your Kitchen Island

Kitchen Island

The kitchen island is where the joys of cooking preparation happen. It also involves the engagement of small talks which is why many consider the kitchen the heart of a home. Such a pleasing place only deserves the best of things! One of these things is lighting. With proper lighting, not only will it light up the entire room, but will add more appeal to your kitchen as well.

3 Trendy Lighting Ideas for Your Kitchen Island:

Listed below are the top 3 trendy kitchen lighting ideas that will surely achieve the desired design you have in mind!

1.  Pendant Lighting:

When it comes to choosing the right kitchen island lighting, pendant lighting is one of the latest trends. You can hang it from the ceiling which makes it the best choice for kitchen islands.

It is small and affordable. Additionally, it comes in different styles and sizes making it more convenient for your kitchen island needs.

These are the  top 7 pendant lightings that will work best for your kitchen islands:

● Mini Pendant Lighting:

Mini Pendant Lighting

Upon reading its name, you can already understand that this is the smaller version of a normal pendant. Just like its size, the mini pendant is incapable of intense lighting. It only works well as an overhead focused source of light that you can hang above eye level of your kitchen island.

● Bowl Pendant Lighting:

Bowl Pendant Lighting

The bowl pendant is one of the most popular pendant lightings of all time. You can often see it in movies scenes where they interrogate prisoners in a dark room. The only thing that lights up the whole room is the bowl pendant. It has a standard size which can cast enough light for your kitchen island.

● Drum Pendant Lighting:

Drum Pendant Lighting

Drum pendant earned its name because of its shape. It gently illuminates the whole kitchen island, due to its ambient feature. It is available in different colors and sizes. However, you must take note of the lighting rule, “the darker the color, the more watt you’ll need for the light to illuminate the area.” By this being said, we recommend that you only use light colors for your drum pendant.

● Multiple Pendants Lighting:

Multiple Pendants Lighting

If you’re familiar with a chandelier with multiple lights, then the style of multiple pendants is not new to you. People usually hang and align them in a row above kitchen islands. Additionally, the use of multiple lights is designed to evenly distribute the lights to your kitchen island.

● Abstract Pendant Lighting:

Abstract Pendant Lighting

The abstract pendant is considered to be one of the most beautiful and artistic pendant lightings. The layers are styled to house the lightbulb inside. It’s the best design if you’re looking for lighting both to illuminate and decorate the area.

● Exposed Bulb Pendant Lighting:

Exposed Bulb Pendant Lighting

Exposed bulb pendant is basically a bulb pendant hanging above the kitchen island. It is one of the most affordable pendants on the market. You can even do a DIY for this lighting. Even if they are low-cost, they are still beautiful and functional because they can illuminate your kitchen islands.

● Globe Pendant Lighting:

Globe Pendant Lighting

Globe pendants are based on its shape because they are round. They became popular around the 1950s and ‘60s. Apparently, globe pendant can still give you the vintage vibe that can outscore another pendant lighting for your kitchen island needs.

2. Chandelier Lighting:

Chandelier Lighting

Chandelier lighting is no longer new to everyone. You can see it almost anywhere, not just in the kitchen, but also throughout the whole house. With the modernized technology uprising today, chandeliers have lost some popularity due to its vintage look. However, chandelier lighting will never go out of style when it comes to your kitchen island needs.

They are in fact the most used lighting for kitchen islands due to their illuminating lights that are branched together.

3. Linear Suspensions:

Linear Suspensions

Linear suspensions are also affordable kitchen island lighting you can use. They still have the same lighting capacity with the other lighting ideas mentioned above. However, they are too plain and not stylish enough to be used as a decoration. The good news is, there are a lot of LED lights available on the market today. They can add more style if you opt for this kind of lighting. You just need to choose the high quality LED strip for longevity and better lighting.


With all these awesome lighting ideas, you can surely find the one that best fits your kitchen island. Always remember to focus on the function and of course, the design! We all want a fully-functional kitchen that is pleasing to the eyes!

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Top myths about PVC

Impact of PVC vs non-PVC towards the environment: Polyvinyl chloride, also known as PVC or simply as vinyl, is a plastic composed of carbon, chlorine, and hydrogen. It’s a common material found frequently in packaging, wire coatings, furnishing, construction materials, pipes, electrical wires, and also in the graphics industry. The reason that PVC is such a popular material is that it’s incredibly versatile. It’s also resistant to UV rays, chemicals, weathering, and flame resistant. Many people, however, believe that PVC has a negative impact on the environment and avoid using any products that contain this material. It’s true that there are many complaints about PVC and its effect both on people and the environment, so let’s take a look at the main issues, both for and against. 1. The manufacturing process releases highly toxic carcinogenic dioxins into the environment: There are two main pieces of evidence that debunk this belief. First is that over the past 30 years, the production of PVCs has increased 300%, whilst at the same time the amount of dioxins in the environment has reduced. Therefore, if the manufacturing process was the major cause of dioxins in the environment, you would expect that the number of dioxins would have increased accordingly. In fact, if we stopped producing PVC, the levels of dioxins in the environment wouldn’t noticeably diminish. Second, that the main cause of dioxins in the environment is not the inefficient combustion of PVC, it’s mainly due to landfill fires and to a lesser degree, the inefficient combustion of medical and urban waste. 2. When incinerated or burnt in house fires, PVC releases dioxins, chlorine, and other carcinogenic chemicals into the air: First of all, PVC doesn’t burn very well, in fact, if the source of fire is removed, PVC doesn’t continue to burn, because it contains a fire-resistant polymer. Also, many PVC products are treated with additional flame retardants after the manufacturing process and release less smoke and less heat when combusted, compared to other plastics. Second, when PVC is correctly combusted the number of toxins released into the environment is insignificant. In fact, the most harm derives from the release of carbon monoxide, which is released from numerous other materials when burnt. 3. PVC can’t be recycled therefore it accumulates as plastic waste: In most scenarios, PVC is actually highly recyclable and can be recycled many times over without degrading. In fact, many plastic products in use today contain components of recycled vinyl; some proponents believe that due to its high recyclability, PVC is actually a zero-waste material. Also, since PVC lasts longer than other materials, it doesn’t need to be replaced as often and hence, appears in landfills less often than comparable materials. In addition, the durability of PVC has led to it being used to line landfills with no evidence that the vinyl breaks down and releases toxins into the groundwater. In the graphics industry, however, PVC is currently difficult to recycle due to contamination from adhesives, additives, and print. Avery Dennison is looking to overcome this with innovative technology to separate products into raw materials, through their Liner Recycling Program. 4. PVC is expensive to manufacture: PVC is made from chlorine and ethylene, both of which are inexpensive to a source (chlorine comes from salt and ethylene from natural gas), resulting in a very inexpensive manufacturing process. In fact, when you consider that PVC products are very cheap to buy, between the retail cost of the product and the profits made by the manufacturer and reseller, the actual production costs are minimal. The result is that vinyl products consume less energy, generate fewer emissions, and save more energy during the manufacturing process than many other products. Why is PVC popular in the graphics industry? All the benefits of using PVC in the graphics industry have been stated above however, more specifically, PVC is extremely cost-effective when compared to alternative polymers. Its long life, durability, resistance to the elements and flame retardance are also major factors, but for our customers, the lower costs are a huge benefit. One of the most popular applications is for car wraps, where the vinyl provides maximum versatility.  Vehicles can look like a work of art after being wrapped with a vinyl film. The fact that PVC is readily available is another factor that cuts down costs, as well as its versatility because we can manufacture numerous products using the same materials. PVC is also an ideal material for use across all print platforms, both porous and heat stable. In summary, PVC is not the villain that it has been made out to be. Many companies manufacturing it are not only committed to sustainability but focused on using innovative techniques combined with the responsible sourcing of materials, to reduce the impact of their operations and supply chain on the environment. Read Also: Replacement Windows – Benefits Of Vinyl Windows Five Ways To Improve The Air Quality Inside Your Home

Water Heater

Advantages Of Using A Water Heater At Home

Your home will never be complete without water fixtures. Your household will need a clean source of water to drink, wash their clothes with and basically, just function as an individual every single day. Undeniably, water is a valuable resource regardless of the activities you and your family take on every day. This is the reason why most homeowners decide to install a water heater at home. For them, despite paying for water heater repair Dallas once in a while, the benefits a household can experience from using a water heater certainly outweigh the disadvantages. But as a homeowner yourself, should you take on the same path, as well? Installing a water heater at home is an investment. This water fixture doesn’t come with a cheap price tag and buying one might require you to break the bank. To help you come up with a sound decision whether to purchase a water heater or not, consider the following benefits: 1. A water heater can help reduce energy costs: This might come as a surprise, but yes, a water heater can actually help reduce your energy costs at home. There are a lot of water heaters available in the market today, and some of these are very high efficiency which means that these water heaters usually use 50% less energy compared to older models. The newer the water heater model is, the more advanced its functions are. If your budget allows it, make sure that you buy a highly efficient water heater as this can become an excellent investment in the long run. It might require a large amount of money upfront but since you’ll be paying for lesser energy costs, you’ll be saving money over time. 2. A water heater doesn’t really need too much maintenance: Contrary to popular belief, water heaters at homes don’t require too much maintenance. Sure, a regular check-up should be in place, but if the water heater is used correctly, there’s no need to worry about paying for regular maintenance costs. And as mentioned, since newer models of water heaters are popping out, you buy a water heater which can work correctly even without maintenance. 3. A water heater can help lessen water wastage at your home: Unlike traditional water heaters, newer models of water heaters don’t need to store gallons of water just to function. Today, a tankless high-efficiency water heater can be bought anywhere – and with the amount of water it uses every time you switch this one, it’s probably a good thing to have one installed right away. A tankless water heater only “heats” water the moment someone is using your water fixtures at home. Traditional water heaters, on the other hand, heats up stored water even when not in use. As a result, your house will heat up more than the needed amount of water which can also translate to higher energy bills. This is one of the most obvious reasons why a tankless water heater remains to be the favorite among many homeowners. 4. A water heater can be very convenient: Gone are the days when water heaters take up the entire space in your basement. Today, there are now water heaters which are small and compact and yet, very powerful. You can even install a water heater on your own. The manufacturer will usually set up the water heater with the regulated temperature, and once this is installed, you’re ready to use it the right way. 5. A water heater can be very durable: Everything in your home should be an investment. You shouldn’t buy anything which will only last for a couple of weeks or months because aside from wasting money, low-quality products can also bring unwanted stress to you and your family. Fortunately, buying a high efficient water heater can help you steer away from this situation. Because newer water heaters are equipped with the latest technologies, you can guarantee that manufacturers have created this product with the best quality possible. Usually, a high-efficiency water heater can last up to 25 years. Think Long-Term: When you’re a homeowner, it’s typical to become very cautious with your expenses. Being a homeowner isn’t a one-time investment, it’s actually a long-term commitment. You’ll still have to think about the bills and maintenance costs, just to name a few. But with the number of advantages you can experience from a water heater at home, it’s safe to assume that buying one is a smart move. As long as you know how to take care of a water a heater at home, you’ll surely get your money’s worth! Read Also: Upgrading Your Home To A Smart Home How Cleaning Helps Us Feel Better And Why We Don’t Do It Featured Image: readerslogic.com  

Vacuum Cleaner

How To Choose The Best Vacuum Cleaner?

If you are planning to buy the right vacuum cleaner, it is quite possible that you could have a tough job at hand. This is because of various models and makes which are available in the marketplace. This makes the job tough, and without the right knowledge and information, quite often we end up making the wrong choice. Hence, in this article, we will talk about the various important points to be kept in mind when it comes to buying these vacuum cleaners.  We are sure it will throw some light on those who are not fully about such details. With so many models like Shark IONFlex IF205 and other models being available in the market, your job does not become any easier. We are sure that the details which we have mentioned below could be helpful for those who are struggling to make up their minds when being in the market to buy their loved vacuum cleaners. Understand The Types Of Vacuum Cleaners: While choosing the right vacuum cleaner for your home, you must have a decent idea about the types of vacuum cleaners. Though there are secondary vacuum cleaners including car vacuums, handheld vacuums, dry/wet vacuums; there are actually only two major categories that you could choose from. These include canisters and uprights. Upright Vs. Canisters: Upright vacuum cleaners have traditionally been liked by most users in Great Britain and the USA. However, in other parts of the world and in Europe, canisters are considered a better choice. Uprights also come with a revolving brush roll, and this provides the required agitation for thorough cleaning. Further, they also have a motor that is suitable for giving the right suction power. A few come with two motors, one provides suction and the other one to drive the brush. Hence whether you are buying Shark IF205 or some other models, you have to keep these points in mind. However, canisters are considered more versatile when compared to upright ones. They are known for their excellent performance, especially on smooth floors and carpets. Further, when it comes to cleaning surfaces above the floors, they are often considered the best. They also come with some cleaning tools and accessories (including wand and hose). This makes them more maneuverable when compared to upright. They can easily get into tight spaces and furniture which perhaps upright makes and models will not be able to reach. Bagless Or Bag – Which To Choose: There is another major difference when it comes to choosing vacuum cleaners. It is to decide between bagless ones or vacuum cleaners with bags. This again is a matter of personal preference. However, if you have family members suffering from asthma or allergies and if you are keen on the quality of indoor air, it would be better to go in for a bagged vacuum cleaner, though it might cost a bit more. This does not mean that bagless vacuum cleaners are bad. The good brands and models perform extremely well, but as mentioned above, those suffering from breathing and skin allergies often preferred bagged variants. Points To Consider When Choosing Vacuum Cleaners: Now that we have some basic idea about canister, upright, bagged and bagless vacuum cleaners, here are some points to be considered when it comes to choosing the right vacuum cleaners. The area to be covered and the surfaces to be cleaned. These are two important points to be taken into account when you decide to buy the right vacuum cleaner. If the area to be cleaned is quite big, then it would be better to go in for a canister vacuum with a large cord and wand. This will help you to reach the entire area with ease, and you can also easily move around the vacuum cleaner. Ease of use is another important point to be taken into account when it comes to buying the right vacuum cleaner. You should not struggle with the vacuum cleaner and must be able to do the job easily. The filter is another important thing to be considered when you are buying a vacuum cleaner. It should ideally have a HEPA filter which will ensure removal of even the tiniest of dust particles and microorganisms. Finally, the price, of course, is a parameter, but when negotiating price, the quality of the vacuum cleaner must not be overlooked. Read Also: Benefits Of Having A Cordless Vacuum Cleaner At Home Best-Corded Vacuum Cleaner Robot Vacuum: Why You Should Buy