How To Live Stress-Free

Live Stress-Free

Life is full of challenges and it is your responsibility as an individual to make it work to your advantage. It is not that easy to balance between meeting your daily bills and living your dream. That is why you see everybody working very hard just trying to make ends meet. Sometimes life can be somehow unfair to you especially if you are the kind of person who is going through a financial or social crisis. Such frustrations in life are common and those who are affected are full of thoughts, thinking of how they can turn things around. That results in stress and if the stress levels are not well managed the situation might get worse and you end up suffering from depression.

When you are stressed, the body releases more of the cortisol hormone, which ends up causing a lot of damage to the skin. That is why you get to complain about dry and itching skin when you are stressed. When your skin gets damaged by the stress-related hormones, wrinkles (parallel lines) appear on your face. The wrinkles make you look much older than your age and reflect your sufferings. They make you feel uncomfortable and the look is not that appealing.

To ensure that your body is not exposed to such unbearable conditions, there are a few things you need to do to avoid living in hell and start living a healthy life.

Give your body ample rest:

Remember that when you overwork the body, the mind also becomes tired. You need to give your body ample rest so that the mind can relax too. You are supposed to sleep for not less than six hours a day so that the mind and body can have enough time to repair any damage from the day. When you go to sleep, ensure that your head is resting on a wrinkle prevention pillow. This is because in most cases when you are sleeping, the turns and twists may result in sleep wrinkles. A wrinkle prevention pillow reduces and prevents those sleep lines drastically and you wake up looking absolutely flawless.

Eat food and drinks rich in antioxidants:

Make sure that you eat food with high fiber content, low in saturated fats and rich in vitamins too. The leafy green veggies are a good source of fiber, while fruits provide vitamins. Nuts and berries are also useful together with foods rich in Omega-3 such as wild salmon. Try drinking herbal tea as it will help to calm your mind. Water is also very important as it helps to hydrate the skin and to detox the body.

Go out and have fun:

Many people work extremely hard and they forget to give themselves time to have fun. You need to set aside time for having fun! If you know what makes you happy, don’t sit back and wait. Go out there and have some fun. When you are having a good time with family or friends, you forget about the worries and stress at least for a moment. Life is too short, so stay happy always.

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baby sleeps

Things to do before bed for a perfect night’s sleep

Good sleep is usually described as how a baby sleeps. A baby is likely to enjoy quality sleep because they have no worries or anything that could hinder that perfect sleep. However, as you grow up, sleep quality tends to deteriorate because of different factors associated with adulthood. It is very important to have enough and good sleep as it has a significant effect on your body in terms of health and general activeness. You need to adopt the habit of sleeping early and having uninterrupted sleep time for about 7-9 hours every night. What should you do before bed to have a good night's sleep? Tidy your room. Study shows that people with clean and decluttered rooms tend to sleep better than those whose rooms are untidy and unkempt. Make your bed, fold your clothes and keep your room in order. Finish up your daily chores. Once the day is over, you should have finished everything you had planned for that day. Wash that blue cantilever umbrella you had planned to by the end of the day. By doing so, your mind will be able to relax when you get into bed. Eat dinner early. Most people will have their meals so late in the night that they end up sleeping late. It is better to eat early so that you can give the food time to digest. Doing that will actually help you sleep better. Make your bed comfortable. This includes changing your bedsheets into clean ones and getting the right sized pillow and mattress. You should also get s blanket that will shield you from the cold at night and is soft to your body as well. Take a warm bath. This helps to cool off your body and prepare it for sleep. Bathing with warm water will get your body temperature going down when you step into the cool bedroom from the shower. That helps induce sleep. Set the room temperature. You do not want a room that is too hot to sleep in or too cold that you cannot sleep. Regulate the temperature to what you feel is comfortable for you. Organize your thoughts. Going to bed with a lot of unorganized thoughts will keep you up for hours. Make sure you write down anything disturbing you and try to find a solution before you can sleep for better sleep quality. Switch off electronics. Things like phones, laptops, and TV should be switched off 2 hours to sleeping time. The blue light produced by these gadgets is not so good for your eyes when you want to sleep. Eat cherries. As I said, you should not eat right before bed. However, you can snack on some cherries as they are natural sources of melatonin which is a sleep-inducing hormone. Block any light from outside. You could switch off your electronics but there is still light coming from the outside. Total darkness is the recipe for sleep. Use dark and heavy curtains to block any light coming from the outside. Read a book. This is a good way to spend the last minutes before bed. Make sure the book does not require a lot of intellectual engagement and neither is it too exciting to take away your sleep. Listen to soothing music. There are people who cannot sleep in total silence. If you're one of these people, get some soothing music and play it in low tones right before you sleep. Spray some lavender scent into your room. Lavender is associated with having a calming and sedentary effect on you. It will help you sleep much faster and better. Conclusion : Don't deny yourself the opportunity to sleep better by ignoring some of these things that are necessary for a good night's sleep. In fact, these things are very easy to do and they can have a tremendously positive effect on your sleep life. Observe each one of them and make it a routine before you go to bed. Within a month or so, your body will have adapted to the change and you won't have to keep a reminder anymore. You'll be doing these things naturally. Invest in good sleep and your body will thank you for it. Make sure that everything is done to your preference for an easy time. Read Also : 5 Ways To Make A Big Statement In Small Bedroom 3 Tips On How To Plan The Best Cheap And Fabulous DIY Bedroom Makeover 5 Innovative Ideas To Lend Your Bedroom With More Space

Enhancing Nursing Education

Enhancing Nursing Education: A Detailed Guide To Performing Head-To-Toe Assessments With Goreact

A cornerstone of nursing education, the head to toe assessment, often presents a steep learning curve for nursing students. It's not just about memorizing a checklist. To perform a thorough evaluation, they must integrate observation, patient communication, hands-on examination, and clinical reasoning. Enter GoReact, the innovative video-based platform that enhances the learning experience by allowing real-time feedback, collaboration, and reflection. With GoReact, mastering the head-to-toe assessment is no longer an uphill battle but an engaging journey. 1. Making The Most Of Simulation Simulation scenarios are invaluable in nursing education. They offer the safe space students need to develop clinical skills. By recording simulation sessions with GoReact, educators can provide feedback in real-time. They can pause the recording at critical moments to discuss what was done correctly, what needs improvement, and why. But the benefits don't stop there. GoReact's video recording feature allows students to revisit these simulations as often as needed, fostering self-reflection and reinforcing learning. 2. Engaging Through Peer Review The value of peer review in education is well-documented, and GoReact takes this practice to another level. Students can view and comment on each other's head-to-toe assessment videos, encouraging collaboration and constructive criticism. This not only solidifies their understanding of the process but also fosters a supportive learning community. 3. Refining Communication Skills An effective head-to-toe assessment goes beyond just examining the patient—it involves effective communication. With GoReact, educators can focus feedback on students' communication skills, from their initial approach to the patient to the clarity of their explanations during the assessment. GoReact's time-stamped feedback means this advice is specific and targeted, giving students clear directions on how to improve. 4. Perfecting Techniques With GoReact's capability for slow-motion playback and moment-specific comments, mastering the subtleties of examination techniques becomes easier. Whether it's the correct use of a stethoscope or the proper palpation technique, educators can provide detailed, specific guidance that students can refer back to, promoting repetition and, ultimately, mastery. 5. Encouraging Clinical Reasoning GoReact videos can become more complex as students progress, integrating findings that require analysis and decision-making. Educators can pose questions directly in the video comments, asking students to interpret results or predict possible diagnoses. This encourages the development of clinical reasoning, an essential skill in nursing practice. 6. Fostering Professionalism Finally, GoReact videos provide a platform for teaching and evaluating professionalism. Educators can provide feedback on students' demeanor, respect for patient privacy, and use of appropriate terminology. These aspects of professionalism are often considered the "soft skills" of nursing, but they are essential for a successful nurse-patient relationship. Try GoReact Today In conclusion, GoReact is more than just a video-based learning platform; it's a game-changer in nursing education. Its multi-dimensional features empower students to engage actively in their learning process, enhance their practical skills, and develop the professional qualities that will set them apart in their nursing careers. More importantly, by enabling a seamless blend of real-time feedback, self-reflection, and peer collaboration, GoReact is redefining how we approach nursing education. With GoReact, the daunting task of mastering the head-to-toe assessment is transformed into an enriching journey of skill development and continuous learning. So let's embrace this innovation and revolutionize our teaching strategies, helping our students not just learn but excel in their nursing practice. Read Also: Health Tips For Hard Working Men 3 Top Tips to Keep Your Eyes Healthy Health Tips For Hard Working Men

Traumatic Brain Injury

Ways To Protect Against A Traumatic Brain Injury

A traumatic brain injury, or commonly referred to as a TBI, is a serious brain condition usually caused by a hard impact to the head and neck. When a TBI happens, and if it is a severe case, it can cause damage to the brain as well as dysfunction to the brain. However, there are ways to prevent a traumatic brain injury. Keep reading to learn the different ways you can prevent a TBI from happening to you or someone you love. There might be instances where you or someone you love can be in an accident whose fallout can be a TBI. In such an instance, you need to hire the best legal experts that can help you get to fight your personal injury lawsuit. If you are going up against someone that is hell-bent on proving their innocence when in fact, they are guilty, you need to get legal experts from Butler Law Firm. Their best attorneys will be able to gather the evidence that is required to prove negligence and help you build a solid personal injury case. Wear Your Seat Belt: This should be common sense for everyone. Putting your seatbelt on when getting into any type of vehicle should always be the first thing you do when sitting down in the seat. Wearing a seatbelt can prevent TBI's and other injuries by 50%, according to The Shepherd Center. Always put a seatbelt on as soon as you get into the vehicle to prevent any type of injury in case of an auto accident. You should also make sure to place your child in a car seat or booster seat, depending on their age and height, and buckle it up. Don't Drive Under The Influence Of Anything: Whether you are drinking, taking drugs, or even under the influence of prescription medication, such as pain medication, you shouldn't be driving, period. Alcohol, drugs, and prescription medications can all impair your ability to do anything, and this includes driving. They can cloud your judgment making them unsafe to consume if you are going to get behind the wheel of a car. Don't Use A Cell Phone While Driving: Using a cell phone, whether talking on one or texting on one, is the main distraction while driving. Although many people do this on a daily basis, it is not safe at all. The reason for this is because using a cell phone makes you distracted and when you are distracted while driving, you are not putting all of your attention on the car or the road you are driving on. Just to be safe, no texting or talking on a cell phone while driving so you can prevent a serious injury, such as a traumatic brain injury. Wear A Helmet: You don't have to wear one while driving a vehicle but if you are operating a motorcycle, you will need to wear a helmet. In some states, it is a requirement to wear a helmet when operating a motorcycle. Whether it is required in your state or not, you should always wear a helmet to ensure you are safe from a TBI. Any of the tips above can help prevent you from suffering from a traumatic brain injury. You will want to do whatever it takes to prevent one from happening because they can cause serious problems and damage to your brain, causing you to not be able to do hardly anything for yourself anymore.No one wants to live like that so keep the above tips in mind when operating any type of vehicle or motorcycle. Read Also: 5 Things To Look For In A Personal Injury Lawyer The Effects Of Drinking And Driving Under The Legal Age Of 21