Your own space: decor ideas for your private place to relax


21 October 2019

Home Improvement

decor ideas

After a long day at work, there’s no better feeling than coming home, putting your feet up and relaxing. But what would make this even better? Having your own space to relax.

But how do you create the right space? With the right decor in the right space, you can create your own little haven. Here are a few tips to get you started.

Create a reading hub

Do you want a private place to escape and get lost in the world of fiction? Creating your own little reading nook is easy and it can be anywhere – even in the alcove under the stairs! This cosy little area creates the perfect space to relax and gives you a little bit of privacy.

Make things extra cosy by adding some pillows or beanbag chairs for lounging. Add fluffy blankets and the right lighting to create a relaxed ambience. Finish things off by adding in a diffuser with a calming scent for the perfect, relaxed reading area.

Go au natural

Consider bringing the outdoors in when decorating your space. Fresh plants and flowers have positive health benefits and help to clean the air, helping you to relax in your favourite spot.

But don’t just stop there. Use blankets or furnishing with botanical prints or try cushions in different earthy tones to replicate the garden. Add different textures such as wood to create a more natural environment and a sense of calm

Experiment with colour

Classic neutral tones are known for their serenity and calm, but they aren’t the only colours to consider when creating a relaxing space. For example, green can set a calming tone while a soft yellow hue can create a relaxing warmth.

Start with a neutral colour palette and then add splashes of colour. Experiment with different shades and take note of how they make you feel. Colour can have a great impact on the feeling of a room so don’t be afraid to experiment and find the right balance.

Add calming scents

Introducing scents to your home is one the easiest ways to create a relaxed vibe. It’s also a quick way to relax as the receptors in your nose have a direct route to the portion of the brain that affects a sense of wellbeing.

There are a whole host of different scents to choose from too. From scented candles, diffusers and even perfume bottles, you’ll be spoilt for choice with so many wondering smells that help you sit back and relax.

Light up your space

When creating a relaxing atmosphere, lighting plays a big part. Ambient lighting helps to set the tone of a room, and with the right lamp, you can create a relaxed atmosphere in your own private space.

For areas such as your living room adding a chrome floor lamp to the room can make an impact and set the right tone. The metallic texture adds a touch of elegance and enhances ordinary objects such as chairs whilst the ambient lighting will set the mood.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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How quickly can I install a sunroom?

With fall already here, and winter fast approaching, there’s a certain urgency in the air to get any sunroom installation project booked, planned, paid for, and complete as soon as possible. Fortunately, a fall installation in Calgary is a relatively quick process, with your beautiful install sunroom being completed somewhere between 4 and 10 days once the plans have been finalized and approved. The actual speed of the project will depend on the results of the multiple decisions you have to make, which include the following: Different Ways You Can Quickly Install  Sunroom 3 or 4 season sunroom - this is the big factor in how long your project will take to install, and how much it will cost you in the long run. A 3 season room will be cheaper and quicker as there are less insulation, thinner windows, and the frame is usually made from aluminum. A 4 season room requires the room to be able to handle the Calgary winter conditions, so the walls have to be thicker, the windows double-paned and a heating option has to be built in and vented. You can install sunroom in your home. Wall thickness – the thickness of your walls is coupled with the number of seasons, but also how you plan on heating the room. Thinner walls with no insulation will rely on the sun on and thicker windows to keep your room warm, while thicker walls will take longer to install sunroom but provide room for internal insulation options. A number of windows – it’s possible to build a sunroom that has almost solid glass walls and the visual effect of these rooms are incredible. However, they take a much longer time to install as each piece has to be put into place manually and there’s no scope for external pre-fabrication. In this decision, you’ll also need to think about the number and shape of your skylights, and a general rule of thumb is that the more you have, the longer the installation process. Roof shape – there are two choices here; a studio roof, which is flat and literally sits across the top of your sunroom, or a gabled A-frame roof. The latter requires more time to install as the roofers will need to construct the A-frame, attach it to the walls and then add your chosen shingles or cladding to the roof structure. A studio roof often comes as one or two pieces that can be installed in under a day. You have to install sunroom in a better way. Kick plates – the final decision that has a bearing on the length of time for your sunroom installation project is whether to have kick plates at the bottom. The general industry recommendation is that if the room is more than 24 inches above the ground, then kick plates will provide the cover you need. Otherwise, a solid bottom will do the job and is much less costly. Install sunroom in your home for a better experience. Final Take Away  When you make these decisions, you will want to consider the impact they will have on the amount of time it will take for the construction, but also how they will impact the look and feel of your new sunroom. Read Also: How To Set Up Your Baby’s Room 5 Innovative Ideas To Lend Your Bedroom With More Space


Reasons Why Granite is Better Than Quartz

Kitchen countertops take a considerable amount of beating from daily use. It is vital to choose a material that is not only appealing but also durable. Two of the most popular options available today are granite and quartz. Both materials are high-quality and look quite expensive. While some say that there is not a significant difference regarding the features of each kind of kitchen countertop material, there are several differences that may help you make a decision. Heat resistance: Regardless of how well you take care of your kitchen countertop, it will still undergo a fair amount of abuse over time. If you love to cook, damage caused by direct contact with heat is worth considering. Granite worktops London suppliers manufacture are sourced from quarries because it is a naturally occurring stone. As such, granite has high heat resistance. Putting hot pans directly on top of granite will not cause any damage, but if your granite countertop contains any sealant, it is best to avoid putting hot pots directly on it. In contrast, quartz is not as resistant to heat as granite. Suppliers strictly advise never to place hot objects directly on top of a quartz surface. Quartz contains a resin which binds the particles together, and this resin will melt or warp when exposed to high temperatures. Resistance to scratching: Scratch resistance is another factor to consider in selecting a material for kitchen countertops. The resin binding used in quartz also makes it more prone to scratching with regular use. Granite, on the other hand, is more resistant to scratching; you can even cut food directly on it. Be careful however because the ruggedness of granite may cause knives to become dull, so it is best to use a wooden cutting board instead. Easier maintenance: One of the weaknesses of granite is its susceptibility to staining. Some varieties of granite tend to be more porous than others; hence, the possibility of staining. Nonetheless, you can reinforce granites stain-resistance by applying sealant at least once a year. The resin binding used in quartz makes the material non-porous and less resistant to staining, but the more resin content quartz has, the higher the chances of discolouration and damage caused by heat. Before assuming that quartz is superior to granite regarding maintenance, consider the resin content of the quartz countertop you are buying. Cheaper option: When it comes to cost, there is no doubt that granite is more affordable. However, several factors will affect the final estimate such as the size of your kitchen, the finish you choose, and the installation charge. When you are working with a set budget, it is essential to have complete estimates to avoid surprises down the line because costs do add up when you are building a kitchen from scratch. Eco-friendly option: Engineered materials like quartz may appear to be an eco-friendlier option, but keep in mind that the materials used to manufacture quartz are quarried off-site as well. This means that quarrying granite and producing quartz will likely use the same amount of resources and energy. Granite is a natural stone and won’t require further engineering. If you are concerned about the environmental impact of the material you are selecting for your kitchen, ask the supplier about their processes and sources. Read Also: 9 Feng Shui Tips For A Calmer Kitchen Top 4 Must-Have Appliances In Every Kitchen

monthly home maintenance checklist

Winter is Going! A Monthly Home Maintenance Checklist to Get You Ready for Spring

Are you going over your monthly home maintenance checklist? It’s time to move the clocks ahead an hour and get ready for spring. That means that it’s time for spring cleaning, organizing, and getting your house ready to enjoy during the summer. Your home took a beating over the harsh winter months. You want to make sure that your home is properly maintained and ready to go during the spring. Read on to find out the top things to do to maintain your home. Check Your Roof & Gutters: Your monthly home maintenance checklist will start at the top of your home. You’ll need to take a look at your roof and your gutters. Your roof was likely subjected to strong winter storms, which can cause your roof shingles to break off and deteriorate. You’ll want to look for missing or cracked shingles. If you find them, get them repaired as soon as you can. These things can make your roof vulnerable to more damage and can cause leaks inside your home. With your gutters, you want to make sure that they’re ready for the Spring rains. Look for any blockages and remove them. You’ll also want to make sure that your gutters are draining water away from your home properly. Look for Trees Around Your Home: You’ll also want to evaluate the trees that surround your home. They also take a beating during the winter and cause costly damage to homes. Take the time to look at the trees and notice if there is any potential for a tree to damage your home or wires. If you notice the potential, get it taken care of right away. It is important that when you are looking to remove certain overgrown branches you should hire in experts like Riverside professional arborists. Tree cutting is a highly specialised and dangerous activity. This is why homeowners should not take this up as a DIY project. Contacting will help you get the work done in a safe and professional manner. Check Your HVAC: Your HVAC unit needs regular attention. Neglecting to properly maintain the unit can turn into very expensive bills down the road. The first thing to do is to hire the best air conditioning company in your area to service the unit. They’ll do things like clean the coils to make sure that your HVAC unit is running efficiently. Inside your home, you’ll want to change the air filters to ensure that air is circulating freely and efficiently. Examine Outside Faucets for Damage: When the temperatures drop, your pipes and faucets can become cracked and damaged. Run the faucets outside of your home to make sure they’re working. You want to make sure there are no leaks or sudden surprises. Get Organized: Spring is a great time to see out the old and see in the new. Go through your pantries and closets and start letting go of old things A good guideline is that if you haven’t used it in a year or haven’t looked for it, you can donate it to someone who can use it. Your Monthly Home Maintenance Checklist for Spring: Spring is a time for renewal and hope. It’s the time when the weather warms up and it gives you the opportunity to do some regular maintenance on your home. By doing a few items on your monthly home maintenance checklist, you ensure that your property is taken care of and you avoid more expensive repair and replacement bills down the road. Would you like more home tips? Check out this article to find out how you can make the most out of a home renovation project. Read Also: 5 Tips To Add More Zen To Your Home 7 Tips To Increase The Value Of Your Home Edmonton Landscape Maintenance Tips 5 Easy Ways To Detect A Water Leak In Your Home 5 Ways A Home Maintenance Plan Can Prevent Disaster