Knowing Your Vehicle: 5 Maintenance Tips for Porsche Owners


06 November 2019


Porsche Owners

There are certain luxury car marques that define an image as soon as the name is mentioned and Porsche is right up there as an iconic brand.If you are a Porsche Owners then you should know these beneficial tips for your car.

If you took the decision to join the Porsche club a while ago you will want to ensure that you get to know how to get the best out of your car from a performance and retentive value perspective.

Browsing a site such as will confirm the value and prestige that Porsche commands and you might even see a new model that might tempt you. In the meantime, you will obviously want to keep your car in the best possible shape and a great way to do that is to learn some useful maintenance tips.

Here are some maintenance tips that all Porsche owners should know.

Maintenance Tips for all Porsche Owners:

Look after your brakes:


You don’t need to be told how important it is to be proactive with the maintenance and repair of the braking system on any car but there are also some features and issues that are particularly relevant to Porsche models.

If you don’t use your Porsche or you are not Porsche owners on a regular basis there is a potential risk that the brake discs can suffer from corrosion.

If you are not using your car that frequently and it has been standing around for a while, even if that is in a garage, you should arrange to take a close look at your brakes to see how they are holding up.

The issue to be mindful of is that on Porsche’s it can often be the back of the disc that is most badly affected, which you can’t see without closer inspection of the vehicle.

You will probably notice if there is any pitting or corrosion as there will be a noticeable reduction in the efficiency of your brakes and you might feel vibration when you try to slow down.

Check and replenish fluid:

Another aspect of your braking system that is easy to overlook but could create a dangerous situation is the quality of your brake fluid.

It is a good idea to check the state of the fluid at least once a year or less.

You may not be aware that brake fluid diminishes with age and it also has the capacity to soak up moisture and suffer corrosion. Combined, those issues could cause your braking performance to suffer and that could be dangerous if your brakes can’t respond as you want.

A simple but effective maintenance tip is to check the brake fluid and consider changing it when you perform an annual service.

Don’t ignore steamy windows:

steamy windows

There are a couple of specific Porsche models that are known for suffering from water ingress issues, namely the 996 Cabriolet and Boxster.

A good clue to look for would be if your windows are steaming up.

It is wise to take notice of this warning sign as the electrical contact unit under the floor of the lefthand front seat could become damaged by the moisture. The way to help avoid this scenario is to regularly check the drains located just beneath the soft top and ensure they are kept clear.

If the problem persists, you should also check the membrane behind the door to see if it is working efficiently. Evidence of damp at the bottom of the door panels would suggest that it is not, which could be one reason why you are getting steamy windows.

Check your transmission fluid:

If you want to keep your car running smoothly and preserve the life of the engine a good maintenance tip would be to keep a close eye on the state of your transmission fluid.

It is easy to see how healthy your transmission fluid is by the color. If it is pink or red that means it is clean, but if the fluid is black it is dirty and definitely needs changing as soon as possible.

As a general guide, change your transmission fluid somewhere around 75,000 miles and don’t leave it any longer than 100,000 miles.

A good way to check the fluid would be to let your Porsche warm up before removing the dipstick and checking the levels and color.

Some models need an oil change quicker than others:

It is a good idea to find out the average lifespan of the engine oil relevant to the Porsche model you own and the intervals can vary.

A 993, for example, should get an oil change every 3,000 to 5,000 miles if you are going to enjoy a good performance and keep your Porsche on the road for as long as possible.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Diesel Owners Could Receive Compensation

Money Expert Reveals Why Diesel Owners Could Receive Compensation

Economic professional Martin Lewis and his “Money Savings Expert” website listed a handful of car manufacturers recently. They were most likely to be included in the claim of diesel emissions. In this comprehensive guide, we provide a detailed law firm breakdown that enables assistance to affected car owners in both Wales and England. They can further claim legally against the carmakers. All the claims that have been listed in this comprehensive guide are linked to the Dieselgate scandal that happened in 2015. In September of that year, Volkswagen and Audi diesel vehicles, which are manufactured by German carmaker the Volkswagen Group, were discovered to have used cheat or defeat devices that artificially lowered emissions during testing conditions. The company received a notice of violation and adhered to regulatory action as mandated by US authorities. The vehicles were sold to American consumers. VW initially denied the accusations but company officials later on admitted they knew about the defeat devices. The California Air Resources Board and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) ordered the carmaker to recall the thousands of affected vehicles. VW also had to pay fines, fees, and compensation - something that they continue to do nowadays. The story doesn’t end with VW, though, as other carmakers entered the picture a few years later. Money Savings Expert has a list of the other brands possibly involved in the diesel emissions scandal.       BMW       Chrysler       Mercedes-Benz       Fiat       Land Rover       Kia       Citroën (now a part of Stellantis)       Nissan       Vauxhall       Hyundai       Peugeot       Renault       Mini       Skoda       Porsche       Volvo       Seat       Jaguar The financial website further stated that drivers who owned diesel vehicles of any of the abovementioned brands that were manufactured between the years 2007 and 2020 may be able to bring a legal claim. Whether the car or van was purchased outright or financed, drivers can pursue legal action or a diesel claim. Most of the legal firms helping out affected drivers offer a no-win-no-fee guarantee, which means claimants do not have to pay anything if they lose the case. Most drivers join a GLO or group litigation order. A successful diesel emissions claim gives drivers the compensation they deserve. Why Should Affected Drivers Be Compensated? According to Money Saving Expert, the following scenarios entitle affected drivers to receive compensation.       The driver or car owner wouldn’t have purchased the vehicle had they known about the defeat device used for cheating emissions.       The driver paid a premium amount for an environmentally friendly vehicle - brand new or pre-owned but got a vehicle that isn’t emissions-compliant instead.       The driver has had to bring the vehicle to the shop or manufacturer for a fix because of compromised performance and fuel efficiency, which in turn, lowered the vehicle’s value and resulted in extra costs. Additionally, defeat device-equipped vehicles release dangerous emissions with life-threatening health impacts. This is more than enough reason to file a legal claim. Defeat Devices And NOx Emissions A defeat device is programmed to sense when a vehicle is brought into the lab for regulatory testing. Once this happens, the device immediately lowers emissions to within the mandated levels of the World Health Organization. The vehicle appears safe and clean - but this is only true during testing conditions. As soon as the vehicle is taken out of the lab and driven on real-world roads, it emits excessively high amounts of nitrogen oxides. So, in reality, it doesn’t conform to emissions regulations. NOx is highly reactive and dangerous. It contains gases such as nitric oxide (NO) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2). It is responsible for the formation of smog and acid rain and produces ground-level ozone, a pollutant that harms vegetation. Exposure to nitrogen oxides can trigger mental health issues such as depression and anxiety. Additionally, regular exposure can affect your cognitive abilities, which can lead to dementia, specifically Alzheimer’s disease. If you were exposed to low levels of NOx emissions, you might notice the following health impacts:       Nausea       Vomiting       Shortness of breath       Pulmonary oedema or fluid build-up in your lungs       Asthma       Emphysema, bronchitis, and other respiratory diseases       Corroded teeth If you have been exposed to high levels of NOx emissions, your health impacts can be serious:       Reduction of lung function (chronic)       Laryngospasm (or vocal cords spasm)       Certain cancers       Asphyxiation       Cardiovascular diseases       Premature death In recent years, air pollution has become the leading cause of premature deaths worldwide. It has claimed hundreds of thousands of lives. Filing a diesel claim is the only way car owners can get back at carmakers that deceived them into buying high-polluting vehicles that exposed them to dangerous NOx emissions. Should I Start My Diesel Claim Now? The best time to start a diesel claim is now. However, before you can file a claim, you need to find out first if you are qualified to bring your carmaker to court. It’s simple; all you have to do is visit All the information you need is there. Once you’ve verified your eligibility, you can start working with emissions experts who can help you with your emission claim. Click here to begin. Read Also: How To Shop For A Car With Your Teen Driver? Are You Thinking About Buying Quad Bike For Your Kid?


Navigating The Road With Prudence: Top Tips For Responsible Driving

In a world where roads are growing busier by the day, driving responsibly has become an absolute necessity. Responsible driving goes beyond the basic understanding of traffic rules. It requires a mindset that values safety over speed and prudence over impatience. Whether you're a seasoned driver or someone who recently learned driving from a reputable driving instructor in Victoria, these tips will help you navigate the roads more responsibly. 1. Understand And Respect Traffic Rules The foundation of responsible driving lies in understanding and respecting traffic rules. These regulations are put in place to maintain order on the roads and ensure safety. Understand the meaning of traffic signs, signals, road markings, and right-of-way rules. Remember, these rules are not optional guidelines, but laws designed to prevent accidents and save lives. 2. Never Drive Under The Influence It goes without saying, but no list of tips on responsible driving can overlook the importance of sober driving. Driving under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or any form of intoxicants can have devastating consequences. It significantly impairs your ability to make sound judgments, react promptly, and control your vehicle properly. If you've had a drink, catch a cab, call a ride-sharing service, or ask a sober friend to drive you home. 3. Limit Distractions Distracted driving is as dangerous as driving under the influence. It only takes a momentary distraction for an accident to occur. Whether it's your mobile phone, car stereo, GPS system, or a conversation with a fellow passenger, any form of distraction can lead to a fatal mistake. Remember, when you're behind the wheel, your main focus should be on the road. 4. Practice Defensive Driving Defensive driving is the practice of driving to save lives, time, and money, in spite of the conditions around you and the actions of others. It involves anticipating potential problems and making safe, well-informed decisions to avoid them. This could mean keeping a safe distance from the vehicle ahead, being aware of the blind spots, or being extra cautious at intersections. 5. Control Your Speed Speeding is one of the leading causes of traffic accidents globally. Responsible drivers understand that the road isn't a race track. Always follow the speed limit, but remember that these limits are not targets. Depending on the weather, traffic, and road conditions, it may be safer to drive below the speed limit. 6. Keep Your Vehicle In Good Condition Vehicle maintenance is an integral part of responsible driving. A poorly maintained vehicle can be unpredictable on the road, endangering both the driver and other road users. Regular checks on your tires, brakes, lights, and engine can help prevent unexpected breakdowns and accidents. 7. Be Courteous To Other Road Users Sharing the road with others calls for courtesy and respect. It's important to be patient with other drivers, especially those who may not be as skillful or confident. Use your horn sparingly, allow others to merge into your lane when it's safe, and avoid behaviors that may provoke or endanger others. 8. Follow Safe Driving Practices In Different Weather Conditions Different weather conditions require different driving techniques. In conditions like rain, snow, fog, or ice, roads can be hazardous. Learning to adapt to these conditions, such as by slowing down, using the right lights, keeping a safe distance, and knowing how to respond if your car skids, is vital for responsible driving. 9. Plan Your Journey Planning your journey can contribute significantly to responsible driving. This includes checking the weather and traffic conditions, choosing the safest route, and ensuring you have enough rest before a long drive. 10. Lifelong Learning Responsible drivers understand that there's always more to learn. Whether it's mastering advanced driving skills, getting updated on the latest traffic rules, or learning about new automotive technologies, continuous learning is key. As we journey through life, let's remember that the way we drive can directly impact our lives and those of others on the road. Responsible driving is not just about getting from point A to point B; it's about ensuring that every journey we undertake is safe and enjoyable, both for us and for those sharing the road with us. The road to becoming a responsible driver is a continuous journey of learning and conscious effort. As you buckle up next time, remember these tips and drive responsibly. Read Also: The 5 Most Important Motorcycle Safety Tips All Riders Need To Know Things About A Personal Injury Lawyer How To Find Best Car Accident Lawyer Near You

Car shopping

How To Shop For A Car With Your Teen Driver?

For most parents, buying a car for their teenager is a necessity to encourage independence and free up your schedule from having to drive them everywhere. Guess what? Your child feels the same. Upon receiving their driving license, they cannot wait to put those skills to good use. If your teen is not persistently nagging you for a set of wheels, count yourself lucky! Pondering what type of car to buy can become an arduous task and may often lead to frustration. Selecting the perfect car model to gift your teenager is further complicated with varying tastes. You, being the parent, wish to find an economical car that is safe to drive. If you are planning to buy a car for your teen, you have probably encountered different opinions that left you a tad confused. In this article, we aim to share insights on how to shop for a car with your teen driver. 1. Prepare A Budget While buying a car for your teen is an adventure, do not get carried away by expensive models at your local dealership. Start by deciding how much money is available to spend. Think about other pressing needs in the future while allocating the family budget. Remember, college tuition is right around the corner. Discuss the final budget with your teen and explain the argument behind it. Talk about the various options that can fit your budget. Old cars are cheaper, while new vehicles may not need much maintenance. Understandably, your teen may be upset if they expected a fancy ride only to have the budget slashed by half. Reason with them and reach a compromise. 2. Safety Features When choosing between different car models, safety should be the top of the list of concerns. You want your child to be safe as they drive to school or their summer job at the local fast-food joint. Inspect the car to ensure it has updated safety features such as electronic stability control and front and side airbags. Even the best-trained drivers can get into a fender bender in traffic or worse, a car wreck on the highway. Naturally, you fear more for your teen as they are new to driving and you want to be sure they are safe while on the road. Request the dealer to give you the car safety report that indicates what happens in the event of an accident. Do not forget to purchase sound insurance over. Compare different options and select wisely. 3. Other Features Once you have the handle on safety, you can get down to the fun part. Your teen is likely to suggest a car with modern interiors and high-quality sound. If you are buying an old car, they may not have advanced features that your child desires such as door speakers for bass. No worries, you can install quality door speakers at an affordable price. This upgrade is bound to make your teen happy! 4. Establish Ground Rules As you may have observed, teenagers are prone to distractions even while doing mundane tasks like watering the plants, washing the family dog or even putting cereal in a bowl. Do not fault them; their frontal lobes are still developing. Driving a car is not a mundane task. Each time you get behind the wheel, you stand the risk of getting involved in minor or major accidents. Your newly minted teen driver needs to understand that owning and operating an automobile calls for a high sense of responsibility at all times. Make it crystal clear that they are not allowed to take calls, read or respond to messages or any social media. All this can wait till they get to their destination safely. Agree on what time they need to get home by and the consequences of failing to adhere to stipulated curfews. As difficult as it may sound, your teen could easily be drinking behind your back. Add this to the column of DONT'S! Drunken driving will not only earn them a DUI and probably ruin their chances of getting into a good college; it can cause permanent damage or worse. Conclusion Buying a car for your teen can be difficult with the different choices available. Make a list of possible models they are interested in and investigate each model. Bring your teen to the dealership, so that they can get firsthand information from a car expert. Be open to making a few adjustments like installing door speakers for bass, so your teen can enjoy his favorite jams. Read More: Invest In A New Car, Without A Financial Liability Will Self-Driving Cars Replace Human Error? Tips To Keep Your Kids Safe In A Car Turn The Tables For Helpless Children With Car Donation In New Jersey