Different Styles of Kitchen Cabinets


18 January 2022

Home Improvement

Kitchen Cabinets

With so many different styles of kitchen cabinets to choose from, it can be hard for a homeowner to narrow down their options. Inevitably, the decision will come down to the individual desires of the homeowner. By taking the time to learn more about the following areas of concern, a homeowner is able to come to a decision far more easily than they would have otherwise:

What Color Cabinets Never Go Out of Style?

What Color Cabinets Never Go Out of Style?

Since kitchen cabinets must be chosen in a way that allows for maximum durability and long-term aesthetic appeal, it is important to know which color cabinets will never go out of style. The experts recommend leaning towards neutral color schemes for this reason. This allows the homeowner to update their kitchen with various accents, as the neutral colors provide a simplistic backdrop.

Homeowners who are looking to sell the home will also tend to choose neutral color kitchen cabinets because they give potential buyers the chance to make the necessary changes more easily. Instead of being hemmed into one particular motif, homeowners have the chance to add pop colors throughout the kitchen as well.

Rugs and artwork can be swapped in and out at the homeowner’s leisure, making life much easier. Trends come and go but the kitchen cabinets offer a sense of normalcy.

Are Wood Cabinets Better Than Laminate?

Once it comes time to make a decision, the wood vs laminate battle is sure to be an interesting one, as there are experts who land on both sides of this topic. Each of them come with their own pros and cons. At the end of the day, the homeowner will have a few specific factors to take into consideration. Laminate cabinets are typically chosen by homeowners that are looking for certain reassurances.

These cabinets give homeowners the chance to split the difference, giving them a modern, high gloss look that is very easy to maintain. Laminate cabinets come with a plastic coating that allows for a much easier cleaning process. For homeowners who are not looking to put in a sizable amount of time and effort when it comes to keeping their kitchen clean, this is a major bonus.

On the other hand, wood cabinets will hold up much better from a durability standpoint. These cabinets are also chosen by homeowners who value a more rustic look. Neither cabinet is necessarily ‘better’ than the other so homeowners must base their decisions on what they value most.

What are Veneer Cabinets?

What are Veneer Cabinets?

Veneer cabinets are not always considered by homeowners who have bought into the old horror stories. Wood veneer cabinets used to be avoided at all costs by the average homeowner because their reputation preceded them. These cabinets were a durability nightmare, as the wood would slowly peel away due to long-term exposure. The wear and tear were too much for them to handle.

Now, things have changed significantly. They are similar to laminate cabinets because a manufactured interior level adheres to the thin wood, providing a stable and sturdy final product that functions in the same manner as real wood. These cabinets are more cost-effective than solid wood and are resistant to long-term warping. The easy maintenance appeals to a wide range of homeowners as well.

In addition to these benefits, there is a sizable amount of versatility to be enjoyed when it comes to various aspects of the selection process. The homeowner can choose between various types of wood, door styles, finishes, stains, and paints. The process of matching veneer cabinets with specific features has never been simpler.

Do Floors Have to Match Countertops? 

The answer to this one should be an absolute no-brainer for all parties involved. Of course, the kitchen should be designed in the most cohesive way possible. Starting with the countertops is the best choice that can be made in these instances. The floors and cabinets will be easier to match to the countertops when it is handled this way. Homeowners who attempt to match these items in reverse are sure to struggle.

That’s why it is important for homeowners to thoroughly consider the materials and colors that they wish to include in their countertops. This is not a one size fits all proposition, as design and lifestyle preferences need to be taken into account. For best results, think of the kitchen in terms of three different colors.

Two dominant colors need to be selected, colors that are able to accent one another. From there, a third color is chosen to serve as a backdrop to the first two selections. Dominant colors are typically simplistic, while the third color is more vibrant. It should add a level of interest to the kitchen without potentially overpowering the dominant colors of the room.

What Makes a Kitchen Look Expensive?

What Makes a Kitchen Look Expensive?

While the different styles of kitchen cabinets can make a kitchen look more expensive, there are other factors that come into play here. Those who are investing in their kitchen will want to make sure that they do it right and it has never been easier to make a kitchen look like a million dollars. By taking the time to invest in high-quality fixtures and materials, a homeowner is able to create a room that is every bit as elegant as the rest of the home.

High-quality materials and fixtures are able to pass the test of time far more easily, keeping the kitchen looking like new for a longer period of time than ever before. Yes, the homeowner may be tempted to choose lesser materials as a means of keeping costs down. This is not advisable in most instances, though.

In addition to the unsightly wear and tear that is caused by cheaper materials, the homeowner is also placing themselves at increased risk of having to shell out for costly repairs and replacements. Saving money in the short term is great but these savings tend to come at a far greater long-term cost.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Top 10 Most Common U.S. Household Pests: The Creepy Crawlers That Take the Cake

No one wants to deal with uninvited guests, especially not those of the multi-legged and exoskeletal variety. Unfortunately, sometimes these tiny creatures find their way inside no matter how hard we try to keep them out in the cold. Identifying a pest problem isn’t enough on its own--you must also take practical measures to eliminate any bugs in your home. Learning about the most common pests will help you take charge and show your creepy-crawly houseguests the door. 1. Ants Attracted by the sugars in food, ants often turn up in the kitchen. Depending on the type of ant and the size of the infestation, you might need professional help eliminating ants, though over-the-counter ant traps and regular cleaning help, too. 2. Termites Like bees, termites in a colony serve different functions. Wingless worker termites have whitish bodies and brown heads, while others have wings and darker bodies. Termite treatment needs to happen early and professionally. Don’t wait to call once you identify the telltale piles of sawdust and chewed wood, or even see the critters themselves. Termites can inflict enough damage to destroy a home’s foundation in just months. 3. Cockroaches While cockroaches generally don’t bite humans, they do spread bacteria and destroy foodstuffs. Specifically, roaches seek out sources of water within a home. Notoriously tricky to kill, cockroaches can die of dehydration within a week. In theory, dehumidifiers can help discourage roaches. However, by the time the first generation dies, they will have already laid egg cases with up to fifty eggs. 4. Spiders Spider bites can cause reactions and inflammation. Certain species are poisonous, others deadly if untreated, and their webs collect dust over time. Like cockroaches, female spiders lay multiple eggs in batches. Spiders are attracted by other small insects in the home, such as gnats and flies. 5. Millipedes Millipedes eat damp, decaying wood and tend to prefer dark crannies. These long-bodied bugs secrete a smelly compound when they feel threatened. Millipedes lay hundreds of eggs at a time. Once these pests find their way inside, they tend to multiply rapidly. 6. Fleas Generally carried indoors by household pets like cats and dogs, fleas are almost impossible to eliminate without a professional to identify the type of flea. These tiny bloodsuckers hide and lay eggs in clothes and carpets. Worst of all, fleas live off of blood. Itchy red bites are often the first sign that you have human fleas because these insects are often too small to see. 7. Bed bugs These small, brown, oval-shaped bugs also live off of blood and mostly bite people, generally at night. Apartment buildings are notorious for bed bug infestations. Once inside a mattress or other material, bed bugs leave noxious stains behind that are next to impossible to remove. 8. Moths Different types of winged moths are attracted to clothing or food. Once the moth eggs hatch, the larvae stain and eat holes in fabrics. While mothballs can help keep moths out of sealed storage areas and flypaper catches adult moths, the best way to rid a home of moths permanently is to hire pest control professionals. 9. Stink bugs Aptly named, these bugs give off a terrible smell as a warning when disturbed and tend to come inside as the weather cools. So, how do you make stink bugs stay outside where they belong? Individual stink bugs may be trapped live and released outside, and proper sealing on windows and doors goes a long way. 10. Rodents Even more than most insect infestations, rodents cause damage to all sorts of household goods, spread disease, and even take up residence inside walls. Wrap up Keep in mind that the most common pests vary by region and other factors, including the season and type of home. Renters, for instance, are much more likely to end up tackling earwigs and silverfish than homeowners. While insects may be the future of sustainable food, most people would prefer to keep them out of the house. Read Also: 4 Benefits of Pest Control Services What These People Did Wrong in Using Pesticides DIY Ways to Control Pests in Your Garden

Smart House Upgrades

8 Smart House Upgrades that are Totally Worth the Money

Looking to add a little resale value to your house? Choose wisely! Some house upgrades are worth it, but not all of them are a great investment. Smart house upgrade is essential for your lovely home. Upgrade your home the right way. Increase the value of your home with smart upgrades that return your money and then some! Different ways Smart House Upgrades can make things easier for you. 8 Smart House Upgrades that Pay Off Here are some of the best ways to upgrade your home and increase the resale value. These 8 ideas are totally worth the money! 1. Clean, Fresh Paint: When a buyer walks in, they want to see bright, clean rooms. Your paint has a lot to do with how the sunlight affects a room. A fresh paint job can brighten any room in the house. You don't necessarily need to go neutral, but your choice in paint colors can affect your potential buyer's feelings about your house. If you're not selling just yet, the right colors can also help lighten your own mood. Choose a palette that you like. But, don't stop there. Make sure it compliments your home's age, style, and architecture. Check out these ideas for a modern look! 2. Modernize the Kitchen: Look at the age of your appliances and countertops. Are they in poor repair or stained? If so, you should consider replacing them. Here's a list of kitchen upgrades that you can benefit from. Newer, energy efficient appliances Countertops that suit the space Refinish cabinets Tile backsplash Sink upgrades Accent paint Save some cash! Check out dent and scratch or discontinued appliances. Discontinued tile can be used to make an attractive backsplash, too. You can get huge savings from buying these options. Look for ways to accent and offset countertops and cabinets in your kitchen for a more modern look. Check out paint pallets that give your kitchen a pop of color and make your cabinets stand out. 3. Programmable Thermostat: This is such a simple upgrade, but it gives your house a modern feel. Programmable thermostats are affordable and easy to install. Many are also easy to manage from your phone! An added bonus for installing a programmable thermostat is instant energy savings on your electric bill! 4. Upgrade Bathrooms: Ugly bathrooms can send a potential buyer out the door. Check out your bathrooms for any of these problems and fix them! Stained toilet bowls and seats Leaky faucets Outdated fixtures Old tile and paint Evidence of flooding Damaged cabinetry You can easily and affordably upgrade a bathroom by switching out any old fixtures and lighting. But, making sure the bathroom is clean and in good working order is a priority. 5. Landscaping: Ever heard of curb appeal? This house upgrade is a must. The first look a buyer has as they walk to your front door can influence their opinion about the whole house! Walk outside and check your landscaping, in the front and the back of your home. Consider these upgrades for landscaping your home. In the front: Clean, groomed lawn Flowers and shrubs that are trimmed Trees that cut back and look nice A walkway that invites people to come in In the back: A patio or deck for entertaining Trees and flowers for privacy and color Fences in good repair Clean, groomed lawn A small gardening area Your landscaping matters in the value of your property. It should be well maintained and easy to upkeep. Good landscaping invites you to come out and enjoy the outdoors! 6. Install Solar Panels: Nothing is more attractive to a potential buyer than the idea of their new home saving them money. If you've already installed solar panels, then you've given them a step up in that direction. Solar power is a responsible energy choice and it will save you money in the long run. That's good for you while you live in your home. It's great for potential buyers, too. Your new buyer will instantly save on energy costs. You've already made the investment for them! This increases the value of your home and makes the buyer more willing to pay the price you are asking. 7. New Flooring: You've got fresh paint and clean rooms, but your flooring is filthy and worn. That won't work when you sell your home. Take a look at high traffic areas, carpets, and tiles. Is anything stained, worn or broken? If so, you need to replace it. Look for neutral carpet colors. You want any type of furniture or paint to work well with your choice. Avoid white or extremely pale colors because they are so hard to maintain. If you are replacing only one room of carpet, try to make it closely match what is already in the house. Nothing looks worse than mismatched carpet. Tile can be a really affordable upgrade. It should be easy to maintain, durable and neutral. Make sure stone tile doesn't have a lot of nooks and crannies for dirt to hide. You can even get a tile that looks like wood! Take a look at options in your hardware store. Save yourself some cash! If you are replacing a whole house of carpet or tile, try to find discontinued items at your local hardware store. They may be cheaper but are still good quality and new. Another way to save is to learn to install flooring yourself. There are plenty of books at your local library and YouTube videos to teach you how. 8. Basement Improvements: Paying outright to have the basement turned into a high-class lounge might not pay off. However, putting in the time and effort to fix up and finish off your existing basement can have an amazing return on investment. If your basement is unfinished, check it out for these problems. Cracks in walls or floors Wood damage to the supporting structure Leaks and flooding damage Excessive clutter For already finished basements, here are some things to think about. Patch damaged walls and repaint Paint the ceiling bright white Replace all light bulbs Install more lighting to brighten the room Remove excess, unused furniture Go with a traditional theme Fix any problems you find and clear out the clutter. A man cave or game room may be exciting for you, but tame down your theme if it's over the top. Your potential buyer wants to see open, clean space. Let them imagine how they might use it. Upgrade Your Home, Today: If you really want to increase the resale value of your home, pick one or more house upgrades on this list. The money you invest will be worth it. Check out these interesting articles about home and garden topics! Read Also: Smart Fun Gardening: How To Take Care Of A Money Tree Why Renting A Duplex House May Be Right For You

Home Look Beautiful

How to Make your Home Look Beautiful in the Upcoming Holidays

The special seasons are rapidly drawing closer and however, it's a festive season, looking for blessings, enlivening every last bit of your home, and preparing cookies all day can add some undesirable worry to what exactly should be the most magnificent season. If facilitating away guests are likewise in your vacation plans, well that is one more thing to add to your effectively exceptionally protracted rundown. Of course, the special seasons can be upsetting yet one thing that can be calm is refreshing your home to be occasion prepared for your friends and family. And by hiring interior painting contractors your paintwork can become simpler as per your needs. There are numerous ways you can utilize beautifications to spread seasonal happiness yet why not gladly received your visitors with interior paintwork. Refreshing the Guest Room with a fresh coat of paint Your visitors will need to have a decent night's rest and feel similarly as agreeable in your home as they would on their own. The special seasons are the ideal time for a speedy visitor room makeover. In spite of the fact that picking a paint tone for any room can be extreme, with the visitor room you can unquestionably have a great time with the shading determination since it isn't ordinarily a room that is used regularly. Updating the Bathroom Shades As per a recent study, Americans spend a minimum of 30 minutes a day in the bathroom? Make that space agreeable and comfortable for your visitors; everything necessary is a snappy layer of paint. A paint shading that mixes dim and beige, which makes a shockingly versatile unbiased, makes a feeling of peacefulness. Bright tones are another incredible choice. Keep in mind; you don't need to change your restroom just to suit your away visitors. You'll be investing a ton of energy in that room also so make certain to paint it shading you can live with lasting through the year. Add an Emphatic Wall Working on your interior paint job should not be your time-consuming job. If you cannot dedicate your full-time to your paintwork, painting one wall can add more emphasis to your interior. Painting the divider behind an extraordinary element, similar to a chimney or shelf, is an incredible method to attract the eye to that area. To truly wow your visitors, consider painting the divider behind your Christmas tree a brilliant and dynamic red to truly make that backwoods green pop! Get Innovative with color hues As an option in contrast to a complement divider, attempt the pleasant pattern of shading obstructing. Despite the fact that it has somewhat more detail required than simply putting paint on a divider the result is so worth the exertion. To start, contingent upon the look you need to accomplish, first pick the sort of shape you like. Shapes can incorporate anything from circles and squares to square shapes, and everything in the middle. To save you from any disaster of paintwork, read our full guide here. Paint Festive Striped Walls An exemplary stripe plan, regardless of whether they're vertical or even, can add intrigue and profundity to ordinary spaces. In case you're stressed over if your stripes will wind up abnormal precisely level, think about acquiring an expert. With a specialist painter, this snappy and simple task takes simply a few hours and makes a look that can last for years. Install a Convenient Home Elevator Residential home elevators probably seem like an extravagant addition to the average home, however, that couldn't be further from the truth. With the aging boomer population remaining in place in their homes, there are many elderly folks that find themselves trying to climb the stairs multiple times a day. Before these luxury residential elevators became popular, the senior population was more apt to sell their home for a more traditional ranch, or perhaps even an assisted living facility. The costs are not nearly as pricey as one might expect, but the convenience is certainly priceless. Setting up your home for these special seasons can go past hanging glimmering lights and hanging happy festive garlands. Refreshing your space with another paint tone, regardless of whether it's only one divider or the whole room, is a certain fire approach to inhale new life into your home. Read Also: 5 Tips For Designing a Tiny House Five Ways to Improve the Air Quality Inside Your Home Top Home Cleaning Tips