Software Development Team


08 February 2022

Dev & Design

Software development

The development of any intellectual product is initially aimed at success in its implementation. In this regard, it is extremely important to ensure the proper quality of the software, application, or another result of the work.

A properly selected Software development team is several professionals who can organize the work of creating software in a short time and at minimal cost to the investor, and also guarantee the relevance of the product.

How to choose the correct development team?

The level of professional training and work experience of specialists involved in the development of an intellectual product depends on the complexity of the work, as well as on the budget of the investor. Among all specialists actively offering their services on the market, development companies choose the following team members:

1. Universal specialists

In the labor and services market, you can meet craftsmen who position themselves as highly qualified specialists who can solve any issues.

As a rule, these people have extensive experience and knowledge in the matter under consideration. They can easily handle the development of a simple application.

At the same time, when creating complex software, you will need deeper knowledge that generalists don’t possess.

2. Profile specialists

Software development

These team members can be designers, programmers, content managers, or just engineers. They have the appropriate education and have extensive knowledge and experience in some competitive fields.

They require the expert opinion, as well as full management of a specific part of the project, well-coordinated work in a team, and timely transfer of data and development results to related specialists.

3. Combined team

Recruited to create the most complex applications or software. The team includes both generalists and specialized specialists.

When developing an intellectual product, a horizontal control system is used. Each member of the team reports directly to the top management.

When developing software, the worthwhile ideas of each employee are taken into account, and cross-checking is also provided. This project management technique is considered the most effective, as it allows you to minimize costs and achieve the expected results.

Market experts and representatives of large IT companies recommend that when recruiting a team for a development team, ensure an approximately equal balance of generalists and specialized specialists.

Moreover, each team must have either an official or an informal leader, who will be able to coordinate all tasks between other members of the collective.

How to determine the optimal number of team members?

There should be exactly enough team members to ensure the implementation of the project and the fulfillment of the technical task from the customer with the utmost accuracy, strictly on time. The following important factors influence the team size:

  • The complexity of the task.
  • The uniqueness of the development.
  • Deadlines, defined by the customer and technical restrictions.
  • The allocated budget for the implementation of the project by the investor.
  • Provided resources to complete the task.

In practice, to develop primitive software, no more than 2 – 4 people will be required. if it is necessary to implement a project of increased complexity, 7 or more team members may be required.

What are the functions of team members?

Software development

Most often, members of a pre-selected team perform the following roles in the development of a smart product:

  • The key link is the investor or the customer of software development. It is he who provides information about what the final product should look like.
  • Managing person – a team member who has experience in project management. He coordinates all specialists, combines ideas, draws up calendar schedules, conducts meetings, and issues final or intermediate results to the customer.
  • The software architect is the most important specialized or generalist specialist. It provides the primary implementation of the general idea in strict accordance with the terms of reference.

Subsequently, such a person is an assistant to the head, and he is sent for verification, as well as the assembly of all the developments of the work of the entire team.

  • Engineers and ordinary developers – there may be several such members in the team. They are responsible for product development and software uptime.
  • Designers – the area of responsibility of these specialists includes the design of attractive templates for users, as well as interfaces.

Their work is related to how the product will be perceived by the end consumer.

The main task of the designer is to create an easy-to-use and attractive product that will attract the interest of as many users as possible.

  • The controller is a quality control engineer or an audit specialist. It checks the operability of the product, the compliance of the developments with the technical task, and also ensures the elimination of errors, which helps to improve the quality of the software.
  • Analyst – a person who works in a team as an expert. He owns the needs of the market, as well as the industry for which the application is being developed.

The demand for the software depends on this person, as well as its competitiveness, in comparison with other similar programs.

Regardless of the assigned functions, the main degree of responsibility of the leader is to maintain a healthy spirit and friendly relations in the team. All team members should periodically come together for an online or face-to-face briefing, share results and problems.

Upon discovering the first difficulties, each of the developers must notify all other team members about this. A focus on results is the main key to success.

Requirements for the team in software development

To achieve positive results, each team member must obey the internal regulations and follow the following important rules:

  • Communication is carried out only in real-time, without delay in responding to a question or a task.
  • All issues should be put up for public discussion – the principle of business transparency.
  • All team members must trust each other.
  • Each team member performs only their function.
  • The composition of the team remains unchanged until the completion of development.
  • In the collegiate discussion of questions, all of them are reflected on the board.

Despite the above principles and examples, there is no single formula for creating an effective team in practice. To create a team, it is recommended to contact experts or recruitment agencies, and if the company already has the personnel, it is recommended to select developers not only according to the criteria of knowledge and experience but also according to the principle of psychological compatibility. An effective result is achieved only with a healthy spirit in the team and a competent distribution of tasks.

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Rago Fabrication Website

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Web Designer

Tips to Explain with Your Web Designer for Starting the Job

Finding a web designer is quite easy these days given the number of people who have the qualifications to do the job. You can even see the best web designer in Bristol by looking at the choices online. However, you can't partner with the first person you find. You need a professional web designer whom you will feel comfortable working with. One way to tell if you are hiring the right person for the job is by conducting an interview. During the discussion, you will know if this person knows a lot about web design. You will also see if the person is someone who is patient enough to deal with you. If you feel that the web designer is already impatient when you ask tons of questions, it can get worse when you start working together. You might have to ask several tweaks before you approve the final design and go live. You need someone who will tell you that everything is okay and the changes are reasonable. If not, the web designer needs to say to you that what you want is not easy or it could hurt the chances of having a popular site. Discuss the details: Before you allow the web designer to begin working on your site, you need to discuss what you want. You need to talk about your business and your vision. You also need to explain the products and services you want to sell, and to whom you are selling them to. These details are crucial for a web designer to decide how the website would look like in the end. Another reason why you need to talk is to be on the same page. You can’t move forward without being clear on how you want the final site to look like. You would rather talk about your disagreements now than wait until the designer already started working on the page. It would be frustrating if you ask to do everything over again because you felt like what you want did not come out of the design. Sign a contract: You might also want to sign an agreement to be clear on what the responsibilities are of every party. The contract indicates when you want the designer to finish the site. In exchange, it needs to specify how much you will pay, and the schedule of payment. The contract also needs to include lines saying that you might have to recommend several changes from the initial design until you felt satisfied with the results. The consequences for any party not holding their end of the deal need to be on that document too. Finding the right designer might be easy, but discussing the details could be a challenge. Nevertheless, it is a part of the process, and it could only lead to a quality website in the end. You would rather be hands-on when discussing the details than live it up to the designer to do everything. Read Also: Questions To Ask When Working With A Web Developer Tips On Building Your Resume For A Website Design Company


Create Your Logo for Free with TurboLogo

Creating a logo with Turbologo can be the best solution if you do not have any experience to create a logo. Understandably, you might think it is going to be hard to create a simple logo for your small business or even for your presentation. For common people who do not have knowledge and experience about creating a logo digitally is nearly impossible. However, you can do it by using Turbologo and it will help you to create the logo at ease. You do not need to hire an expert to make a logo that you have in mind. Turning Idea into Logo The Turbologo will give you the facilities to make the logo that you want. You basically can create the logo based on the idea that you have. It is the best application that can help you to create a logo that matches with your taste and preference. Here are some benefits that you can get by using Turbologo. It is Free! This Turbologo is free! So, if you think creating a logo will cost you a lot of money, you should think otherwise. This Turbologo proves that you can be a logo creator even if you have no skill. You do not need to hire a design graphic to create a simple logo. There is no need to spend your money on a simple logo. By using this logo generator, you will create the logo on your own. Simple and Easy to Make The Turbologo provides easy functionalities that can be accessed by people with skill and also for those who do not have the skill as a logo maker. The simple system has a user-friendly interface that will guide you to understand how to create a logo you want step by step. It is a great way to try making your logo without any difficulties especially for a basic logo with a simple design. Free Templates If you do not have time to create your logo from the first start, you can easily stroll through the library to find the templates. There are endless templates with nice designs that you can choose to create your logo. It is easy and simple to create. You can easily create your logo in just a few minutes. Templates like this will ease you to get a logo without spending too much time on a logo. It is nice to be creative and also the fact that it is free, you can start your small business without expenses. When it comes to business, you have to ensure that you don’t spend too much and focus on your income. This Turbologo also offers premium paid products if you want to have more features when needed. With Turbologo the logo creator, you can have the original idea of your logo and it is simple to do. All you need to do is just search for Turbologo and follow the step-by-step tutorial to start creating your logo. Spend some time to try turning your ideas into the logo that you want. It will worth the effort as the logo represents your business and service.