Questions To Ask When Working With A Web Developer

Published on: 10 March 2016 Last Updated on: 04 November 2024

I’ve been a web developer for 5 years now. There’s quite the learning curve with web design, even AFTER school. You have to deal with customers, you have to manage expectations and deadlines, you have to manage your billing and finances, all of which were not included in the code and design classes that I took. This is just the business side of things, as you can probably tell I’m a little taken aback by it all. But then there’s the coding aspect of the business.

The coding side of things is where I really excel. I love being a web designer. Making websites look and perform great has really turned into a passion of mine. But I’ve noticed that a lot of developers out there struggle with a lot of aspects of being a professional web designer. Let’s face it, a lot of developers produce work that is not up to par. Either they have designs that are super basic and lame, or the websites are not made to meet your goals and help your business. any of these issues could be bad for a new business that will be relying on their website for leads or a professional presence.

I’ve outlined the following questions to help you better understand what you should be looking for when you are going to work with a web development company or freelancer. As a business owner, It is important that you ask these questions before you pay someone for their services.

1. Do you have live examples I can see?

I  am amazed at how most people either have a problem they need solved or they have an expectation or design in mind, but they never ask to see examples. Everyone’s idea of “great” is different. It’s important to see examples of their work and judge if they would be a good fit for you. If there are concerns, asking the developer questions is a good way to address them.

2. Do you have a degree in web development? When? How do you stay up to date

This is an important question, and just as important is asking them when they did if they did. There are a few great selves taught web developers out there, who learned from non-traditional means. The most important information that this question will give you is in the third part. Web development is not a static skill set. It changes fast and often, and someone who has incorporated constant learning about their field into their work or life routine will improve your odds of getting some of the best developers.

3. What kind of web development do you focus on?

This can mean a ton of things. But, if you explain your needs, like a high converting website, for example, the right developer for you will already have a few live examples to show you. “yea, I can do that” is not the right answer, the process and skill set for focusing on conversions need to be already developed, as well as deployed, tested, and documented.

I hope this will help when you’re choosing a web design and development professional to work with. This is a great start towards making sure you get the quality of work you desire and need, as well as getting your website and business goals met.

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Abdul Aziz Mondol is a professional blogger who is having a colossal interest in writing blogs and other jones of calligraphies. In terms of his professional commitments, he loves to share content related to business, finance, technology, and the gaming niche.

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Web Designer

Tips to Explain with Your Web Designer for Starting the Job

Finding a web designer is quite easy these days given the number of people who have the qualifications to do the job. You can even see the best web designer in Bristol by looking at the choices online. However, you can't partner with the first person you find. You need a professional web designer whom you will feel comfortable working with. One way to tell if you are hiring the right person for the job is by conducting an interview. During the discussion, you will know if this person knows a lot about web design. You will also see if the person is someone who is patient enough to deal with you. If you feel that the web designer is already impatient when you ask tons of questions, it can get worse when you start working together. You might have to ask several tweaks before you approve the final design and go live. You need someone who will tell you that everything is okay and the changes are reasonable. If not, the web designer needs to say to you that what you want is not easy or it could hurt the chances of having a popular site. Discuss the details: Before you allow the web designer to begin working on your site, you need to discuss what you want. You need to talk about your business and your vision. You also need to explain the products and services you want to sell, and to whom you are selling them to. These details are crucial for a web designer to decide how the website would look like in the end. Another reason why you need to talk is to be on the same page. You can’t move forward without being clear on how you want the final site to look like. You would rather talk about your disagreements now than wait until the designer already started working on the page. It would be frustrating if you ask to do everything over again because you felt like what you want did not come out of the design. Sign a contract: You might also want to sign an agreement to be clear on what the responsibilities are of every party. The contract indicates when you want the designer to finish the site. In exchange, it needs to specify how much you will pay, and the schedule of payment. The contract also needs to include lines saying that you might have to recommend several changes from the initial design until you felt satisfied with the results. The consequences for any party not holding their end of the deal need to be on that document too. Finding the right designer might be easy, but discussing the details could be a challenge. Nevertheless, it is a part of the process, and it could only lead to a quality website in the end. You would rather be hands-on when discussing the details than live it up to the designer to do everything. Read Also: Questions To Ask When Working With A Web Developer Tips On Building Your Resume For A Website Design Company


How to Maintain WordPress Website for Free?

WordPress is Awesome! Creating a WordPress website and maintaining a website are two different things. It is very important to keep your internet presence up to date and in good condition. However, maintaining WordPress website can be a tedious task. It is important to be updated with the latest version of WordPress so that it remains safe and secure. There are so many things that can affect your website. It can be anything from losing your website data to hacking your website due to security loopholes. Neglecting a basic to maintain WordPress website regularly can have many consequences like: -Increasing website load time -Bad User Experience - Declining Search engine Rankings Regular maintenance of a website is necessary in order to generate business from it. In this post, we will discuss upon few tips for maintaining WordPress website without any technical assistance. WordPress Updates Keeping your WordPress website updated is really important. Make sure you take a full backup of your site when you update WordPress website. A Newer version of the update includes new features, code updates, security fixes and many more thing. In fact, failure to update is one of the most common reasons why WordPress sites get hacked. Read More:  The 10 WordPress Plugins Every Sucessful Blogger Uses 4 WordPress Plugins To Make Your Blog More Powerful Optimize Website for Better Speed Website loading time is very important. If your website takes too much time to load user will leave the website very quickly. From an SEO perspective Google loves fast loading sites. High-Resolution images can slow down your website loading time. You can use plugins like WP Smash to boost your site loading time by optimizing your images. Similarly, the database can be optimized with plugins like WP clean up. Secure Your WordPress Website Most of the new businesses and bloggers don't give much importance to WordPress Website security. To maintain WordPress Website , you must keep it secure to prevent any hacking attacks. Plugins like ButtleProof security and Limit Login Attempt can help you to keep your site safe. Limit login attempts plugin will limit the login attempt and block the IP of the computer system from which password hacking tries comes. Manage User Account Effectively WordPress website can have multiple users managing the site. You need to make sure other accounts and their passwords are secure enough. Due to the carelessness of the users sometimes it becomes vulnerable to attacks. Make sure your users don’t use “admin” username for your WP account. Try unique username with the lengthy and difficult to break the password. You can also change the URL of your admin panel or login page. Remove Unused Plugins WordPress plugins are a great way to extend website functionality. Using many plugins can affect your website’s performance & security. You only need to keep the plugins that are used on the website and remove the unnecessary plugins. Update Your Portfolio Your website is a virtual catalog for your business. It is really important to keep updating the website. The portfolio is one of the most important pages on the website. You might have done amazing work for your client and it is equally important to showcase it to your website visitor in order to attract new leads & business. Conclusion Maintaining a WordPress website isn’t too hard. With a little effort, you can manage your WordPress website. You might not need an expert every time you want to update or manage the site. What’s more important than seeing your website load faster and search ranking rising quickly? It is worth a little effort to maintain your website. Many WordPress Development Services Companies are available to help you with the WordPress website. Read also: Top Torrent Sites For Games Download 7 Reasons Why You Should Be Using A CDN With WordPress WordPress Developer: Job Profile And Key Responsibilities

Top 5 Graphic Design

Top 5 Graphic Design Trends for 2017

The craze of graphic design has been on the trends for years, but that of 2017 is a great deal to talk about. When you talk of website designs, brandings, billboards, posters/fliers, and other varieties of graphic designs, 2017 trends are breaking the internet. There are lots of choices that are making the forefront which could be selected according to your desire. We have made series of research through the page layout techniques, the typography, displays, color packaging to know the most suitable graphic designs that will suit your desire. Moreover, we are here to guide you through the trends that are on the top list, sit back relax and enjoy our top five list of this year’s award winning graphic design. 1. Launch Your Market with Cinemagraphs The first on our top list is cinemagraphs; this simply portrays still photographs with a slight touch of movement in the same manner as a video clip. It is common in the form of GIFs in order to add more life to the photograph. With this design, the modern market is making use of this format to stand other competitors because it attracts the viewer’s attention instantly. 2. Minimalism Design At Is Best The minimalism Design can be rooted back to the beginning of the 20th century; it became very popular as it focuses on the simple functionality for many brands and graphic designs. This year, the trend is increasing with a refined and elegant approach that creates a suitable balance that is appealing. Many brands and designs have adopted the use of minimalism as it is here to stay. 3. Apt Geometric Collages While we were younger, I could recall the number of hours we spent in creating collages. Yet, geometric collages are now rated as one of the award-winning graphic design in the year 2017. As the third on our list, it has emerged a lot of memorable images, magazines, movie posters, and most favorite cartoon characters. These designs involve the use of diversified elements into a single design which must be arranged in a geometric layout. 4. Modular Layouts for Text Management Every viewer wants to hasten their communication with every design they come across, they tend to lose interest if the text is long and boring. In order to avoid such a scenario, modular layouts are here to organize your text in a clearly readable manner with simplicity.  As the popularity of this design is increasing, graphic designers are making use of it as the best platform to pass the message through text in short and precise manner. 5. Bold photography and sleek text Basically, mixing bold photography and sleek text is the best captivation for most viewers in the world; be it ads and social media promotion, mobile devices, and brands such as Nike this design is key! This is because of its instant expression. This design simply interprets the visuals of your creativity to the world. Read More:  How Social Media Playing A Role In Career Building? Top 5 Digital Wallet Apps For Android 5 Reasons Why You Should Invest In APM Patient Portal Development Company Addresses Technology Shortcomings That Limits Interoperability App Development Benefits: Here’s Why You Should Go Mobile WordPress Developer: Job Profile And Key Responsibilities How To Get Product Ideas For Your Ecommerce Business How To Become A Great Travel Blogger: 11 Secrets Top Apps To Help You Manage Your Money