Top 5 Graphic Design Trends for 2017

Published on: 25 November 2017 Last Updated on: 17 August 2019
Top 5 Graphic Design

The craze of graphic design has been on the trends for years, but that of 2017 is a great deal to talk about. When you talk of website designs, brandings, billboards, posters/fliers, and other varieties of graphic designs, 2017 trends are breaking the internet. There are lots of choices that are making the forefront which could be selected according to your desire.

We have made series of research through the page layout techniques, the typography, displays, color packaging to know the most suitable graphic designs that will suit your desire. Moreover, we are here to guide you through the trends that are on the top list, sit back relax and enjoy our top five list of this year’s award winning graphic design.

1. Launch Your Market with Cinemagraphs

The first on our top list is cinemagraphs; this simply portrays still photographs with a slight touch of movement in the same manner as a video clip. It is common in the form of GIFs in order to add more life to the photograph. With this design, the modern market is making use of this format to stand other competitors because it attracts the viewer’s attention instantly.

2. Minimalism Design At Is Best

The minimalism Design can be rooted back to the beginning of the 20th century; it became very popular as it focuses on the simple functionality for many brands and graphic designs. This year, the trend is increasing with a refined and elegant approach that creates a suitable balance that is appealing. Many brands and designs have adopted the use of minimalism as it is here to stay.

3. Apt Geometric Collages

While we were younger, I could recall the number of hours we spent in creating collages. Yet, geometric collages are now rated as one of the award-winning graphic design in the year 2017. As the third on our list, it has emerged a lot of memorable images, magazines, movie posters, and most favorite cartoon characters. These designs involve the use of diversified elements into a single design which must be arranged in a geometric layout.

4. Modular Layouts for Text Management

Every viewer wants to hasten their communication with every design they come across, they tend to lose interest if the text is long and boring. In order to avoid such a scenario, modular layouts are here to organize your text in a clearly readable manner with simplicity.  As the popularity of this design is increasing, graphic designers are making use of it as the best platform to pass the message through text in short and precise manner.

5. Bold photography and sleek text

Basically, mixing bold photography and sleek text is the best captivation for most viewers in the world; be it ads and social media promotion, mobile devices, and brands such as Nike this design is key! This is because of its instant expression. This design simply interprets the visuals of your creativity to the world.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Web Flow Designer And Editor

Key Differences Between A Web Flow Designer And Editor

Webflow is a website-building platform that provides a user-friendly interface, enabling users to design and develop websites without programming knowledge. Webflow offers a wide range of features to make the website-building experience enjoyable and efficient. Two commonly used tools in Webflow are the Webflow flow designer and the Webflow editor. Although they are both integral parts of the Webflow platform, they are quite different. Thus, understanding the key differences between webflow editor vs designer will help you to make the most of the Webflow platform. This article explores the key differences between web flow designers vs editors. Webflow Designer Overview Webflow Designer is an intuitive, easy-to-use tool for creating stunning websites. Its drag-and-drop interface makes it suitable for professional web developers and beginners. It is responsible for the design of the layout, colors, fonts, and other elements that constitute the visual appearance of your site. Users can customize their design using the extensive library of website design templates and components that gives them unlimited options for web design. You can also use this tool to customize your website to fit your needs and preferences by creating visual elements like buttons, images, text, headers, menus, and more without learning code or syntax. Additionally, Webflow designer allows users to add any desired functionality to their sites, giving them complete control over their website structure. Although experienced developers can further customize their design using CSS, additional tools are not necessary. Webflow designer gets the job done perfectly. Webflow Editor Overview Webflow editor is a content management system (CMS) on the Webflow platform. It allows Webflow developers to edit and manage website content. Its easy-to-use interface allows you to create blog posts, web content, page descriptions, and landing pages without a hassle. This tool is not tied to the website structure, so you can manipulate content without changing the site’s structure or design. As such, content managers and marketers can create and manage content on the CMS without accessing the site’s core elements. Moreover, you don’t need to consult the developers and designers to create or manage content. Thus, the CMS saves you time by reducing the points of contact and makes content management flawless. Webflow editor is also an SEO-friendly tool. It allows you to optimize your website content and pages for search engines, making ranking much easier. For instance, you can optimize the page URL, meta title, and description tags for your keywords. Doing so increases the visibility of your content to search engine crawlers and gives you an edge over your competitors. The Key Differences Between A Web Flow Designer And Editor WebFlow Designer and Editor are powerful tools that allow users to build and maintain a website. However, they are distinct in their core functions and capabilities. The two terms can be confusing, especially if you are a beginner on the platform. The following differences between web flow designer vs editor will help you distinguish them so that you can use them for the best web-building experience. Functionality Webflow Designer is a visual tool that lets users design their websites from the ground up. It has numerous features, such as drag-and-drop building, custom CSS and HTML control, and a wealth of pre-built blocks and elements. WebFlow Editor, on the other hand, is a content management system (CMS) that provides an interface for creating and managing content. It offers the ability to add, edit, delete, and sort content without altering the base design of the website. With the editor, users can add pages, posts, images, and other media items to their site and set up menus, sidebars, and other customizable features. Room For Coding One exciting feature of the Webflow designer is the drag-and-drop functionality that lets you create a professional-looking site even without coding knowledge. Nevertheless, the designer allows programmers to add their code to the existing templates. This option is excellent for customization, so you can tune your site design to fit your preferences. However, the Webflow cms editor does not have the option for additional code. The reason is that the CMS doesn’t require a user to change the website design or the core structure. You can add only content blocks such as text and images – that don’t need programming. Learning Curve Another factor differentiating Webflow designer vs editor is the training curve involved in learning the two tools. Although Webflow is easy to use, the Webflow designer is harder to learn than the editor. This is true, especially if you want to design a professional site. You might want to learn tools like CSS and HTML to create custom elements for your site. The Webflow editor is easier to use and doesn’t require learning many concepts. The CMS has user-friendly features that make content management less taxing. Collaboration Another factor to consider when distinguishing a Webflow designer vs editor is collaboration ability. The Webflow designer is for web developers and designers and does not allow members to collaborate when working on a site. On the other hand, the Webflow cms editor allows members of your marketing team to edit and optimize content. Content writers, SEO experts, and marketers can collaborate and undertake marketing campaigns, increasing efficiency and effectiveness. Final Thoughts Webflow is a user-friendly platform for building professional websites. It has two main tools – Webflow designer and editor that make modern web development easier than ever. The Webflow designer is responsible for the web design, while the editor is a cms for creating and managing website content. Read Also: Key Components for Your Marketing Stack How To Foolproof Your Digital Marketing Strategy? Why Email Marketing is the BEST Digital Marketing Outreach in Singapore


Picture Collage- Essential Things to keep in Mind while making your First Collage

A picture collage is perhaps the ultimate way to immortalizing your memories. Putting together your favorite pictures in a single frame could be the best thing to cherish your moments. There are several ways by which one can make a picture collage. One can simply use different online tools as well as numerous mobile applications that provide effortless collages at a single tap. You can either take a print-out of the collage, and embellish your bedroom’s wall, or just share it with your friends on social media. Read also: App Development Benefits: Here’s Why You Should Go Mobile Here in this article, we’ll provide some essential tips that will help you in making a perfect collage. Source: Pick the Most Colorful Pictures Many people are unaware of the fact that vivid and energetic colors bring out the finest masterpieces that augment the walls. One should pick the bright images that harmonize with your walls and your room décor. Your images contain certain sentimental values, which deserves a good artistic makeover that can increase their value. Sometimes people usually ignore the fact that dull or low-light pictures aren’t perfect for making a collage. You should focus entirely on colors and intensity of an image before finalizing it for a collage. Never Compromise on Quality According to the designing experts, one should consider images with high-quality preferably more than 100 dpi. However, the more you need to include the pictures on your collage, the lesser will be the requirement of quality. You can use images taken with a professional camera such as a DSLR, and some mobile cameras with a good camera can be preferred either. Read also: Handy Tools For Outdoor Photography Sometimes it has been seen that people don’t pay attention to the quality of images that they are using for making a collage. The tools used for editing can though enhance the quality, but only up to some extent. Choose the Appropriate Tool There are numerous online tools and platforms available in the market that offers best collage making experience. One just needs to select the images that need to be filled in the collage and upload it to the web application. Make sure you pick the right editing tool that doesn’t compromise on the quality of the pictures. Some tools may eventually ruin the quality of your images. Some online platforms like Canva offer free collage making services without demanding a single penny in return. One just needs to have some basic skills of editing a picture, and knowledge of color combination to create a masterpiece. Furthermore, you can also use your mobile phone to make a collage of your favorite pictures. Just download a reliable picture editing application on your mobile or tablet, and start creating a magnum opus out of your creativity. Source: Consider some Editing There can be some exposures and color imbalances in your pictures that need to be rectified before putting them together in a collage. You can try to edit your pictures using some tools that can quickly add a subtle touch of excellence to your images. Sometimes people prefer to use some filters that mesmerize the entire collage. These filters are available in almost every photo editing app and online tools that provide effortless editing. You may also crop some portions of your pictures that you don’t want to add to your collage. Think over some Expert Advice There’s no harm in taking some advice from the industry experts regarding making a perfect collage. You get a better idea of color combinations as well as creating certain boundaries that augments your pictures. Apart from this, the perfect scaling of the image is necessarily important to maintain a proper boundary of the images. You can seek help from online tutorials as well to get a better idea of things.

Web Design Affects SEO

How Does Web Design Affects SEO?

Web design plays an important role in today's SEO world. First, its visual appearance is very important because websites are the first thing people see when they want to know more about your brand. In addition, user experience is an important part of search engine rankings, so website design and how users interact with them directly impact SERP rankings. Web design combines programming and graphic design, where text is mixed with sounds, images, graphics, and video clips. To get the best benefit from your investment in your website, we recommend hiring a web designer. Hiring a web designer Adelaide appeals to people and search engine crawlers, as web design affects SEO in every aspect of an online presence. Three Ways Web design affects SEO: 1. Visual quality will increase screen time Web design also helps build trust with users by strengthening their privileges. According to data available, nearly 38% of users exit a website if they encounter an unattractive layout. By combining high-quality content with a visually appealing layout, you can increase the amount of time your users spend on their screens. This is considered optimal for both conversions and SEO. Introduce your efforts on a website that demonstrates your commitment to your customers by combining high-quality content with great images. This will make them crazy about your content and increase screen time. And as soon as the search engine picks these signals, the ranking goes up accordingly. 2. SEO and human understanding coexist The visual appearance of the website will certainly boost your SEO ranking. The better the design, the higher the ranking. However, it should be noted that this concept does not apply to "frolicking" search engine bots. Search engine bots tend to mimic the human user experience. So what's bad for human users is bad for search engine bots. If a website is poorly designed or too complex, human customers will seek help from other websites. Internet searches are closely related to websites, and such activities warn search engines of user behavior. And as soon as the search engine understands this fact, your ranking will drop accordingly. With good Adelaide web design, you can practice keeping both human users and search engine crawlers on your website. 3. Make it easy for crawlers to list your website Web designer Adelaide indeed needs to prioritize human users' needs and weigh the needs of search engine crawlers. Search engines employ web crawlers for web indexing. Therefore, you need to consider those behavioral mechanisms when making web design decisions. Wrong web design decisions can make it harder for crawlers to index your website and compromise your SEO ranking. Things You Should Remember While Designing Your Website – 1. Image & Content optimization  Images and content play an important role in giving the website an effective design to rank higher on SERPs. Website’s colors, layouts, and fonts are vital to look after, but a designer should also take care of its content and images. Having a beautiful website with low-quality images and unclear content is something that might piss off the audience and search engines. On the other hand, creative and valuable content indicates to Google that your website is functional. Ensure the web designer optimizes the on-site images and works on the loading time. You should always add Meta descriptions to your site’s images so that Google’s bots can index the pictures too. You should also add relevant keywords to the title of the photographs and alt-text to make search engines understand and index images for specific keywords. 2. Mobile responsiveness Today the methods of searching the products have changed. Customers hop on to their smartphones to look for the products they need. It has given opportunities to businesses to optimize their website as mobile responsive so that they never lose a chance to turn the audience off and switch to the competitors. Website designers need to design the website as mobile-friendly to stay on top of user and search engine’s expectations. The benefit of responsive design is that you only need to create it once and maintain it, saving time and money. 3. Speeding up website According to a report, a 100-millisecond delay in loading can diminish the conversions by 7%. As a business, you need to be in line with all the upgrades to ensure you don’t take a back seat in the market. Marketers need to design a fast website, keep the users engaged and boost their SEO rankings. It’s a fact that if users need to wait for more to open your website and browse things, they’re likely to be irritated and jump on to the other websites in a few seconds. Google realized that users are switching out of the bad experience, lowering your SERP rankings. 4. Design easy and clean navigation One thing that you should consider while optimizing your website is that your website should be clean and straightforward to navigate. Potential customers might turn off if there are no proper landing pages and they are arduous to navigate. Instead, they should get the information they’re searching for handy—the same implements for search engine crawlers. If the crawlers find it tricky to get on to your website, URLs will sift through a lot, which might turn your chances of high ranking down. So, all you can do is simplify the URLs to be short and not hard to remember. Conclusion From the report above, you can see how web design affects SEO rankings. And this does not merely affect your online presence but also has a direct impact on sales. Here are some suggestions for creating a great reading experience on your website. Choose bright colors when designing your website Use easy-to-read fonts and font sizes Divide the content into subsections to get the reader's attention Are you worried about the way web design affects SEO? Then contact a web design company today for optimizing your label for SEO. Read Also: 7 Advantages of Using Website Design Templates Local SEO In Australia: How Much Does It Cost? The Challenges of E-Commerce SEO SEO Consulting Price: The Average Cost of SEO Services in 2021 How do you choose an SEO-friendly theme for your website?