How to Train Your Brain with Math


14 July 2017



We are always using our brain for the most part of our life, but we don’t do much to keep it in good shape. Your brains need a lot of training and stimulation. There are a lot of things you can do to improve your working memory. But many people are not focused on taking the time to train their brain.

There are a lot of great apps, games, and exercises that you can use to improve your brain performance and math skills at the same time. This type of memory training can lead to improvement in mathematical capacities and even help you with your college homework. For accellerated math students, K-12, most turn to math summer camps to stay sharp and avoid the summer slide.

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Here are seven steps to help you improve your brain’s function with math

  • Visualise the problem and practice a lot

To improve your memory, practice visualisation skills to support visual-spatial working memory. This is very important if want to be good in math. When you visualise what you hear, you boost weak verbal working memory. Create a picture in mind to represent the information you just heard or read. Then draw that picture and explain it. The idea is to describe the picture you have in mind. It will give you the chance to create a mental image of who, where, what, when, size, colour, shape, texture, and mood.

Also, repeated practice can help reduce the strain that may be involved in working memory capacity. Strategies such as memorising multiplication tables help to improve your working memory and math skills. Over-learning or memorising a certain task allows individuals to work something out, which enables them to free up some memory space. During this process, make sure you take breaks to regain focus and not drift away from the main task. Repeated practice help an individual to retain information, and even stretch their memory capacities.

  • Use playing cards

There are so many games I can play that involves math to improve my brain performance and help do my homework. Games such as Crazy Eights, Concentration, Uno, and Memory require memory and use of sets, numbers and mathematical concepts. When you play these game, you get to learn to hold information when making any decision. Simple card games such as Go Fish require the players to recall what cards are likely to be in the opponent’s hands. Other complex cards such as Pinochle require good memory skills that involve counting and estimation to win. Playing complex games will help train your brain to be better.

  • Paper writing service

Mathematics is one of the most challenging subjects in school. If you don’t know the formula to a certain problem, there is no answer, and this can feel like a punishment. This is more common in Geometry, a branch of mathematics which is a quite complex and require special skills and knowledge to solve problems.

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If you feel frustrated in solving the math problems at hand, you can seek Geometry homework help from a paper writing service like They can help you understand curves, visualize dimensions, calculate angles, determine congruence, and much more.

  • Multiply numbers without a calculator

If you’re doing simple math like addition and subtraction at the grocery, avoid using a calculator and do some quick mental math. Start by multiplying two numbers at a time, then work your way up to three, and so on. Remember, math is a skill that can be easily forgotten if not done frequently. This will improve your organizational memory, visualization, and problem-solving skills with time. If you get stuck, you can seek math homework help from writing services.

  • Complete puzzles and play video games

Mental challenging puzzles such as Sudoku, Crossword puzzles, and other word puzzles are perfect ways to train your brain. Your brain needs to be subjected to challenges to make progress. When the brain realizes that it’s good at something, it stops putting in the effort. So completing puzzles will help the brain remain active and you will not talk of homework help math again.

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Puzzles are available online. It’s not like a couple of years ago where you could only find Crossword puzzles in magazines or newspapers. Even more, you get to choose from hundreds and thousands of puzzles on the internet. These games will increase your ability to recognize patterns and process thoughts and ideas quickly.

Also, some people say that video games can make your brain mush. But not all video games are like that. Many games are designed to engage your mind, improve your memory, boost mental speed, develop logic, and boost creativity.  Look for entertaining brain games such as chess, word games, memory games, and many others and keep the mind engaged.

  • Write often instead of typing

Many people love keyboards because they’re much more efficient to get the words on the page than using hand to write something. But if you want to acquire new knowledge, you may want to ditch the laptop and practice typing what you want by hand. This is important because, the reticular activating system (RAS), which is the brain’s filtering system processes what you’re focusing on at the moment. When you write, the RAS becomes active and you alert the brain that it’s time to pay attention to the task at hand. It is an effective way to train your brain especially when solving math problems.

Intelligence is not achieved overnight. But, it can be achieved by training your brain and helping it function at a more efficient level. The secret is to change your daily activities and take new challenges to help stimulate your brain. Solving math problems is a challenge that can help you do that

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Memorize Vocabulary

Never Forget French: 7 Ways To Memorize Vocabulary Quickly!

Drained from spending hours and hours of learning vocabulary to forget it after a few days? Is memorize vocabulary skills hold you from speaking French fluently? Are your strategies of learning this beautiful language is in vain? Fret not; the article will help you! Learning French is beautiful, but when you get a huge list of unrelated words that are out of context, the learning becomes more complicated.  Solution? Focusing on vocabulary and memorizing words! However, memorizing is often given a bad rap because of rot learning words that are strange. So, if you want to decode the trick to memorize French vocabulary fast, here are the tricks: Different Ways You Can Memorize Vocabulary   There are multiple ways you can memorize the vocabulary for your business are as follows: Same Word=Same Family: Focus on learning words that share the same roots or family. For instance, if you are learning the word “write’’, learn its similar word “ writer” or “the act of writing.” This will help you increase your vocabulary exponentially, and you would have a clear meaning of everything in your mind. Moreover, when you stick to focusing on the same family at the same time, you will be able to memorize with ease. Keep in mind that there’s no such thing like having a good memory or a bad memory! Focus On Sentences, Not On Words! This is one of the most important rules and the right way with talk in French fluently! Doing this will make the whole learning process easier and will also help use the words naturally. But, if you learn the words: You would have no idea of using them They are hard to remember You might pick a word that would be of no use Many words are useless and have no meaning in real-life situations, so don’t pick that. Focus on learning through stories, books, and more. Memorize Vocabulary that can help you to achieve your goals in the best possible manner. Have Exposure To Your Targeted Language: Of its very important that you spend time reading and listening to French only, as it will help you explore more about the language. You can watch French movies, videos, French Tv and more. Memorize Vocabulary that can help you to achieve your goals. Additionally, the reading and hearing words will help you memorize in the long run. Plus, you will train your brain and ears to pronounce the words effectively and correctly. Start Form Cognates: Many words share the same meaning and have the same sound; you can start with that. Make a list of cognates on a paper with one column with a French word and another for the English. Learn them; make a flash card for the words you don’t remember and quiz yourself. Recall! Over And Over: consistency and repetition is the key to learn any new language! It’s even more important when you are learning a different and a new language. When you spend time to learn new French words, your brain will keep them in the short term memory. Only constant in learning and repetition can put them in long-term memory. Give at least 15-20 minutes daily and make sure you use them often. Practice With The Textbook: Illustrations can help you memorize things swiftly, so use them to learn vocabulary. Look at the pictures and try to describe them using words you have already learned. To ensure your answers are correct, read the captions to give yourself a score. Also, notice how you are using the vocabulary in the context. Pick A Word Of The Day: Make a goal and work accordingly. If you have a goal to learn vocabulary in a week, pick a word of the day and use it during the day. Write the chosen word on the posts, write it on paper and try to write it without using its English equivalent. Memorize Vocabulary that can help you to achieve your goals in the best possible ways. You can even place the word somewhere on the kitchen table or on your computer screen to see it as you go about the day. This way you will notice that the word is ingrained in your memory. Learning vocabulary takes time, but it’s well worth the effort and time you put in! Try the above methods and have a rich vocal to communicate with ease and more fluidly. Read Also: 5 Business Website Translation Tips 5 Golden Rules Of Children Language Learning


Tips on Writing a Winning Reflection Paper in College

When it comes to college writing, most students quickly adapt to the rhythms of producing a fact-based paper. You visit your school’s online library, research some material, and slot it into a five-paragraph essay template, or a similar standard format. Bang! You’re done. But what happens when you are assigned a completely different type of paper that doesn’t fit neatly into the standard essay formats you learned in high school or in freshman composition class? When it comes to the personal reflection paper, many students struggle precisely because this type of essay is so different from most that they’ve written in their other classes. Fortunately, there are a few tips that will help you with this type of paper. Before we get to the tips, it’s important to make sure we are all on the same page when it comes to what exactly a personal reflection paper is. As the name implies, a reflective essay looks back on something, and a personal reflection offers your own feelings and reactions. Typically, a personal reflection paper is intended to allow a student to share with the instructor his or her feelings about a course and how the course has impacted them. Some personal reflections, however, may examine other topics with which you have had personal experiences, such as a job or a volunteer opportunity. In most cases, the instructor is looking for you to draw connections between course material and your own experiences in order to discover how course content can be or has been relevant to your lived experience. In order to write a terrific personal reflection essay, follow a few simple tips: Start with simple pre-writing activities : Before you even begin writing, make sure you have read the essay question and understand it completely. For a personal reflection, you won’t likely be doing heavy research, the next step isn’t usually a visit to the library. Instead, you should make notes about your thoughts, feelings, and experiences so you can better understand your reaction to the essay topic. By writing down your thoughts, you can begin to organize them into categories so you can structure your paper around a few key themes. Try asking yourself key questions to guide your note-taking such as: How has the essay topic affected me personally? How has the essay topic changed the way I think about an issue or experience? Has the essay topic sparked any questions I want answers to? How does the essay topic relate to other course content or content in other courses? Begin organizing your reflections : The exact format you use for your paper will vary depending on your instructor’s requirements and the essay question, but in general, you will adapt a standard essay format for a reflective essay. You will still have an introduction with a thesis statement and a conclusion, but the body paragraphs might be organized somewhat differently. Depending on the essay question, you may follow the standard format and offer three reflective points (one per paragraph) which you support with evidence. Or, you might have a different format, such as telling a story about your reflective journey in chronological order or exploring one particular reaction across multiple paragraphs. Whichever style you choose, try to match it to the essay question so you are sure to answer the instructor’s question. Remember that the personal essay is, well, personal : The biggest difference between a personal essay and an expository essay like a term paper is that it involves your own views and opinions. In this genre of writing, it’s OK to refer to yourself and to talk about your thoughts and feelings without having to phrase them in an awkward third-person format (“One often feels…”). Don’t be afraid to share your honest views, but keep your instructor in mind. Even if you had a negative reaction, avoid insulting the instructor or viciously attacking course material. Instructors are open to reasoned disagreement, but they don’t want to find out that you want to set your textbook on fire.  With these tips, writing a professional reflection paper from scratch should be an easy and refreshing change of pace from the standard academic term paper. The hardest part is getting your thoughts and feelings down on paper. Once you’ve mastered the art of sharing your feelings in written form, you’ll quickly find that these essays are quick to produce, and you’ll look forward to having time off from the more detailed research papers that take up a lot more time. Read Also : Comic Relief For College Students Best MBA Colleges In India Attracting The Best Of Best Among Students NEET 2018 Admit Card To Release This Week At Cbseneet.Nic.In-Check Details

Good Grades

How to Get Good Grades: 5 Tips That Actually Work

Whatever age we are, making great achievements and getting good grades is a top priority for most of us. Allotting enough time for homework, tests and assignments can be a challenge. However, with extra effort and commitment, it is possible to keep and retain your grades high. In this blog, we will tell you how to keep up with your academics and stand out from the rest. 1. Do Assignments on Time It's obvious, isn't it? To improve your grades, you have to complete your assignments in time. But, you'll be shocked by the number of high school students who do not do their assignments. They leave homework until the last moment or, what's worse, don’t do it at all. And while this may have worked in middle school, you aren’t likely to get good grades in high school if you don’t submit assignments on time. You have many classes and the teacher is assuming that you will be able to master some of the subjects by yourself. This is an excellent way to prepare for the college years, where classes will be scheduled less often, and you'll have more to do on your own. Teachers at high school are doing their best to prepare you for this change in order to encourage you to keep and improve your skills through homework assignments. 2. Be Actively Involved in the Classroom Discussion It can be difficult to do, especially if you are shy. However, active involvement can showcase to your teacher that you truly care about the topic and aspire to get higher grades. Teachers generally base their grades on a variety of aspects and your participation is just one of them. If you're shy to boost your confidence, jot down your questions prior to the class beginning and only then ask them. Another tip is to get seats nearer to the teacher so they can remember you. Similar Reads: 7 Reasons why your Child is Underperforming in School 3. Take Notes ​​Note down the most pertinent details. It's not necessary to record everything your teacher is saying (you most likely won't be able to). But be sure to write down the key ideas. Whatever your teacher writes on the board or presents in front of the group is worth noting down. To make notes faster, you may want to opt for shorthand, instead of complete sentences. For example, if you're taking history classes, change "expansion" to "exp." or "revolution" to "rev." 4. Ask A Teacher for Assistance Don’t hesitate to ask your teacher to assist you. Your instructor will be more than happy to provide assistance. You can ask for help during the break or during office hours or via email. The things we're taught one-on-one remain with us longer than those we're told during classes. If you mostly learn through visuals, consider asking your teacher for study guides or handouts that you can utilize. If you're learning through hands-on experience, ask if your teacher has any suggestions on how to turn your efforts into effective studying. 5. Plan Your Time To get good grades, you should also be good at planning your schedule. Whether it’s an online planner or a to-do list, it will aid you in staying organized. Write down the deadline for each assignment, test, or quiz. This will help you determine when your studies should be completed. This way, you will know how much time you'll need to devote to each course. It's your choice as to how often you'll need to be studying. However, be sure to take more time to study for the classes that are more challenging. Bottom Line Your GPA isn't the only criterion colleges take into consideration. Even when you're among the top students in the class, you have to build a leader profile, get excellent standardized test scores, be active in your local community and write impressive essays. If you experience any challenges with academic writing, relying on professional assistance will be your best option. Visit to delegate your writing assignment to academic experts. Your tasks will be handled with much care so you can enjoy fantastic results. Read Also: The Benefits of an Online Adult Education Ten Ways Technology is Impacting Modern Education