How to Train Your Brain with Math?

Published on: 14 July 2017 Last Updated on: 04 November 2024

We are always using our brain for the most part of our life, but we don’t do much to keep it in good shape. Your brains need a lot of training and stimulation. There are a lot of things you can do to improve your working memory. But many people are not focused on taking the time to train their brain.

There are a lot of great apps, games, and exercises that you can use to improve your brain performance and math skills at the same time. This type of memory training can lead to improvement in mathematical capacities and even help you with your college homework. For accellerated math students, K-12, most turn to math summer camps to stay sharp and avoid the summer slide.

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Here are seven steps to help you improve your brain’s function with math

  • Visualise the problem and practice a lot

To improve your memory, practice visualisation skills to support visual-spatial working memory. This is very important if want to be good in math. When you visualise what you hear, you boost weak verbal working memory. Create a picture in mind to represent the information you just heard or read. Then draw that picture and explain it. The idea is to describe the picture you have in mind. It will give you the chance to create a mental image of who, where, what, when, size, colour, shape, texture, and mood.

Also, repeated practice can help reduce the strain that may be involved in working memory capacity. Strategies such as memorising multiplication tables help to improve your working memory and math skills. Over-learning or memorising a certain task allows individuals to work something out, which enables them to free up some memory space. During this process, make sure you take breaks to regain focus and not drift away from the main task. Repeated practice help an individual to retain information, and even stretch their memory capacities.

  • Use playing cards

There are so many games I can play that involves math to improve my brain performance and help do my homework. Games such as Crazy Eights, Concentration, Uno, and Memory require memory and use of sets, numbers and mathematical concepts. When you play these game, you get to learn to hold information when making any decision. Simple card games such as Go Fish require the players to recall what cards are likely to be in the opponent’s hands. Other complex cards such as Pinochle require good memory skills that involve counting and estimation to win. Playing complex games will help train your brain to be better.

  • Paper writing service

Mathematics is one of the most challenging subjects in school. If you don’t know the formula to a certain problem, there is no answer, and this can feel like a punishment. This is more common in Geometry, a branch of mathematics which is a quite complex and require special skills and knowledge to solve problems.

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If you feel frustrated in solving the math problems at hand, you can seek Geometry homework help from a paper writing service like They can help you understand curves, visualize dimensions, calculate angles, determine congruence, and much more.

  • Multiply numbers without a calculator

If you’re doing simple math like addition and subtraction at the grocery, avoid using a calculator and do some quick mental math. Start by multiplying two numbers at a time, then work your way up to three, and so on. Remember, math is a skill that can be easily forgotten if not done frequently. This will improve your organizational memory, visualization, and problem-solving skills with time. If you get stuck, you can seek math homework help from writing services.

  • Complete puzzles and play video games

Mental challenging puzzles such as Sudoku, Crossword puzzles, and other word puzzles are perfect ways to train your brain. Your brain needs to be subjected to challenges to make progress. When the brain realizes that it’s good at something, it stops putting in the effort. So completing puzzles will help the brain remain active and you will not talk of homework help math again.

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Puzzles are available online. It’s not like a couple of years ago where you could only find Crossword puzzles in magazines or newspapers. Even more, you get to choose from hundreds and thousands of puzzles on the internet. These games will increase your ability to recognize patterns and process thoughts and ideas quickly.

Also, some people say that video games can make your brain mush. But not all video games are like that. Many games are designed to engage your mind, improve your memory, boost mental speed, develop logic, and boost creativity.  Look for entertaining brain games such as chess, word games, memory games, and many others and keep the mind engaged.

  • Write often instead of typing

Many people love keyboards because they’re much more efficient to get the words on the page than using hand to write something. But if you want to acquire new knowledge, you may want to ditch the laptop and practice typing what you want by hand. This is important because, the reticular activating system (RAS), which is the brain’s filtering system processes what you’re focusing on at the moment. When you write, the RAS becomes active and you alert the brain that it’s time to pay attention to the task at hand. It is an effective way to train your brain especially when solving math problems.

Intelligence is not achieved overnight. But, it can be achieved by training your brain and helping it function at a more efficient level. The secret is to change your daily activities and take new challenges to help stimulate your brain. Solving math problems is a challenge that can help you do that

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Education Transformation

COVID-19 And Education Transformation

The advent of the COVID-19 pandemic required big changes to the way we live our lives. From going to work to send our children to school, our daily lives changed overnight. One of the biggest changes was the disruption of the typical learning experience for children around the world. Instead of attending on-site classes every day, billions of students found themselves instead amid a rapidly changing online learning environment. And while this has been a process with its ups and downs, the impact of this period of transition and change on the future of learning is poised to be a positive one overall. What do you think about online learning? This blog will look at the ways in which responding to the pandemic has improved the e-learning experience and changed the way we think about education. Why Did The Pandemic Change Education? Much attention has been paid to the way that COVID-19 affected the business landscape, with record numbers of employees working from home all around the world. The impact the pandemic has had upon the field of education has been a bit less discussed by many, but the long-term effects are even more pronounced. The beginning of 2020 heralded the start of the COVID-19 pandemic for much of the world. This is perhaps especially true in the western world, with many people experiencing a seemingly sudden shift in their daily lives. It was no longer safe to meet in person, for example, and appropriate safety measures were still uncertain in the early days of the world event. This led to partial or full lockdowns around the world, with people no longer able to attend school in person. Instead, the focus shifted to online education. Online learning was not a new concept prior to the pandemic, but it was not a daily part of most people’s lives. That changed quickly, with children and adults alike relying on technology to keep them connected and maintain their coursework. And, because online learning was still a relatively underutilized tool in the pre-pandemic world, the shift from in-person to online instruction was jarring for many. Today, years after the start of the pandemic, education both online and in-person has settled into a type of ‘new normal’. Let’s look at some of the ways in which this new reality is different from before. Access To Education Online learning is both a boon and a challenge for access to education. On one hand, the rise of technology-based learning makes it easier than ever to find the right class for almost any topic under the sun. More specifically, it is now easier than ever to find classes that fit in with your schedule. Do you prefer to study at night? There is likely a class for you. Perhaps early morning courses better fit with your busy workload? That is probably an option too. Technology-based learning makes it easy to learn on the go as long as you have access to a compatible device. The caveat, of course, is that you must have access to a compatible device to participate in online learning. And while many people have something that will work, be it a smartphone, an old tablet, or a computer, not everyone does. This has led to the way we view education shifting in an unexpected way. Instead of looking at notebooks and pens as back-to-school essentials, many schools are instead looking at ways to make online Versatile Learning Experiences There is no ‘one size fits all’ teaching style that works for everyone. Some people do better with visual learning methods, for example, while others prefer to read from a book and take plenty of notes to study outside of class. Just as with access to education, internet learning can be a bit of a mixed bag when it comes to personalized learning, however, it can be more productive when technology is wielded smartly. Instead of sticking to one type of multimedia when conducting an online learning-based lesson, instructors who make it a point to include different types of engagement opportunities in their classes create diverse learning opportunities for their students. Short lectures paired with group discussions, videos, and pop-up quizzes, for example, can appeal to a variety of learners without overwhelming any of them. Online learning can make this kind of blend easier than ever, allowing teachers to really reach students of different learning levels. Enhanced Remote Learning The rise of internet-based learning during the height of the pandemic has also made it easier to create ‘enhancements’ to more traditional in-person learning. Instead of requiring students to take handwritten notes or do their own outside research if they want more information about the topic in question, the increased use of online learning makes it easier to share a wealth of resources with students. From additional text to videos and other media files, students can now easily access more factually accurate resources than ever before with the click of a button. Teachers can use this connectivity to curate a collection of assets designed to reinforce in-person lessons. In fact, online learning can truly revolutionize education for good. Technology can support classroom learning even outside of the classroom, be it digital or physical. As online learning became the norm in 2020, students and teachers alike were forced to redefine what ‘engagement’ means in the pandemic era. This resulted in an explosion of creativity, with students not only finding new ways to express themselves but also excelling at creative exam structures. Technology serves not solely to disrupt ‘normal’ education, in other words, but rather as an addition to a modern learning experience that places more emphasis on students rather than teachers. The Rise Of Hybrid Education As the pandemic raged across the globe, in-person interaction of any kind became hotly debated. This led to the all-online learning approach. There was no choice but to interact solely digitally for many people, in other words, which did not afford students and teachers much flexibility to craft classrooms that work for everyone – both the in-person learners and those who appreciate online options. Today, as the pandemic slowly grows more manageable and vaccines are available which makes in-person interaction safer, the same urgency is not present. Teachers are more able to experiment with their online and in-person classes to create a hybrid approach that combines the benefits of technology-enhanced education with the advantages of fostering direct communication and collaboration among students both online and off. The future is bound to strike a balance between online learning and traditional classroom structure which makes it easy to utilize the internet and technology’s potential without forcing everyone to take part in virtual-only lessons, which are less-than-ideal for many people. Perhaps more interestingly, however, is that hybrid education which features AI and data technology presents the opportunity to monitor students' learning trends and outcomes in real-time, making it easier to identify potential problem areas along with learning strengths and weaknesses. This information can then be used, sometimes to create tailored learning experiences, sometimes autonomously using software, so that students have the best chance possible to thrive. While not all the above has been fully realized and implemented, the COVID-19 pandemic took education to a place where online learning and the benefits it presents can be included in an everyday learning environment. This change is a permanent one, and although the extent to which it alters student life moving forward will be determined by individual school systems, education is poised to benefit greatly from the shift to technology-enhanced learning. Tips To Get The Most Out Of Online Learning Online learning is here to stay, but that does not mean that it is an easy process for everyone. In fact, even students who otherwise enjoy learning can find it difficult to focus in online classes. Without effective engagement strategies to maintain interest, it is easy to fall behind. Let’s look at some tips to make online classes a successful experience! 1. Recognize your online course as a ‘real’ class Some students view online learning as a break from ‘real’ learning – their in-person work. This is a mistake, however, as taking such a dim view of the class in question can result in students who are focused more on getting through an inconvenient appointment than sitting down and learning from their instructor. Online classes require having enough self-discipline to schedule time out of every day to sit down and pay attention to the class. Whether the course is focused on real-time learning or features recorded lessons students can work through on their own time, it is critical to view online learning as having the same importance as more traditional classes. One way to take online courses more seriously is to treat the class just like you would an in-person course. Create a schedule for yourself, get up on time, get dressed, and make a big deal out of settling down in front of your computer. When you are dressed for success and create the mental expectation of something out of the ordinary happening (rather than just lounging on your bed, listening to the lesson while flipping through Facebook), you are setting yourself up for success. 2. Create a study space This goes hand-in-hand with the point above. In addition to setting a specific time each day to sit down for your course, create a study space to utilize. This should be an area separate from your bed or couch which you set up as you would a classroom. Collect your school supplies, stock the space with healthy snacks, and consider taking your backpack with you when you head to the space to get started. Whether this is a place on the floor of your living room or a private home office room, create a study space that is consistent. While you can change venues if you find one area too distracting, of course, part of the effectiveness of this tip is the structure it provides. While it might be tempting to wake up late and haphazardly roll over and start your course while still in bed, doing this is setting yourself up to fail. 3. Be active Whether your class has real-time discussions or instead features community forums where you interact with your fellow students, take an active part in the conversation! Interact with other students as well as your instructor, as needed and possible, to associate the class with people rather than a computer screen. This makes it easier for some students to focus during the class itself. What The Pandemic Did Not Change The role of teachers in education is more important than ever. This might seem somewhat counterintuitive – after all, if technology is doing the ‘heavy lifting, are teachers truly that critical to the process? The answer, of course, is a resounding yes. As technology plays an increased role in online learning, instructors who understand not only their area of expertise but also the technology in question are vital to an experience conducive to learning. With that in mind, choosing quality institutions with instructors well-versed with e-learning is critical to success. This is true not only for students in grade school but also for those who are looking into higher education. It is perhaps especially important with higher education, in fact, as the courses can be quite detailed and complex as you progress towards your degree. Note that even courses that have traditionally required primarily in-person education can be accessed online through accredited universities. Picking an online nursing program, for example, is an increasingly easy decision to make. Elmhurst University is a trusted leader in the industry with all the resources necessary to craft a truly incredible online learning experience, especially for those seeking a brand new challenge as their aforementioned nursing course is tailor-made for those yet to study it before. What do you think about online learning? COVID-19 has made the process more common than ever before, and while there are still challenges to work through, the impact this will have on education in the future could prove to be incredibly beneficial. Additionals: How to Get Great Masks during COVID-19Part-Time Job To Consider In Singapore During Covid-195 Ways Marketing Strategies Will Change Post COVID-19Commercial Construction After COVID-19: How Developers Can Adapt

online schools

Online Schools the Only Source for Personalized Education

Online education offers students access to licensed professors and materials from online schools. It is a technique that can be used to personalize the learning experience of a student.  The online schooling enables students to flourish in such ways that traditional brick-and-mortar public school systems may not be able to achieve and it also provides high-quality education. For several students, traditional, brick-and-mortar schools are working well. But maintaining a balance between college and their interests can be challenging for those who are strongly engaged in extracurricular activities. In online education, online courses are more suitable and economical than their counterparts. Above described are some key benefits of online learning which lead many learners, when they want to get a degree or certificate, to opt for online platforms. Some students who have learning deficits can succeed in online learning as it is the only source for personalized education. Personalized learning is an instruction that deals teaching, program and training environments to meet the individual students’ demands. It is a scholastic method designed to tailor learning programs according to each student’s strengths, desires, abilities, and concerns. It delivers the students with flexible schedules that suits them and they can concentrate on their own interests and personal objectives. The flexible schedule also makes it possible for each student to progress at their own pace and also help them to get the precise curriculum and attention they need. Students are not bound by their school walls in terms of access to data, skills, and specialties in an online teaching system that incorporates the latest technology. A teaching environment that is digitally rich, offers students with the form and the credibility they want to learn. At the present modern age, online learning offers students assistance and enthusiasm to be autonomous learners and thinkers. Online high schools are getting popularity day by day because of the flexibility offered to learners. Students can complete their work while avoiding the stressful components of the customary high school experience. Due to all these reasons, It's no surprise why millions of students worldwide opt for online learning programs, as it is the principal revolution in modern education. It has generated an enormous system change and has opened outstanding opportunities for anyone who wishes to learn something. An online learning environment permits the children to attain consideration and participation from parents usually found in homeschooling while providing more learning opportunities. Homeschooling in Dubai is appealing due to the flexibility it offers for most families. You can enjoy a high degree of flexibility with virtual schools deprived of sacrificing the advantages of knowledge and liability in professional learning. Even though Dubai does not have particular legal demands of homeschooling but it is suggested that you must pursue an accredited program. Considering online support, while you are in homeschooling in Dubai, you may still be able to access teacher assistance from around the globe. There are plenty of trustworthy and accredited online tutors that can be contacted to provide additional assistance and to Provide families with an online choice to experience high-quality, personalized schooling. Through these, students can flourish in such ways that encourage to find their own pace, realize their enthusiasm, and learn in a better way. These online schools develop a flexible and excellent learning environment that incorporates technology with an efficient core curriculum, supporting individualized education from a worldwide vision and offers alternatives tailored to the requirements of your child. These online schools also encourage them to get the greatest academic and personal development norms in order to attain their ideas and maximize their potential. Their vision is that all students should be educated in accordance with their capabilities, requirements, and interests. A number of distinct kinds of schools provide learners with online learning choices. They offer a high-quality secondary school program from 9th to 12th grade. Whether you are joining full-time or taking a few classes, with simple access to teacher assistance, you can operate at your own pace. Students learn through collaboration, multimedia-rich online lessons or from their corresponding classes in the set up that suits their distinctive desires and teaching styles. Most of today's online high schools have a specific curriculum that permits students to compensate for some credits lost. In short, Online schools are the only source for personalized education due to a number of reasons; The Flexibility to take classes at any available time, enabling students to continue their tasks Enable each student to realize their real potential. Each student gets an education to prepare him or her for and beyond the next stage. Provide outstanding learning alternatives for learners and teachers to maximize their academic and lifelong achievements, regardless of environmental, financial or demographic situations. Enhanced family, friends and teacher relationships. Opportunity for the success of learners More flexibility to satisfy individual requirements Read Also: 7 Reasons Why Online Education Is Very Popular Children Are Citizens: What Are The Civil Rights Of Children In Public Schools? Tips On Writing A Winning Reflection Paper In College


3 Tips For University Application Worldwide

Finally, you’re out of high school, and your dream is to become an international student. But you don’t know how to apply, let alone have it accepted. Fear is almost driving you crazy. Don’t be afraid! That’s how the journey to becoming an international student begins. But that’s not to say that being afraid will have your application accepted. No! In fact, the more you keep postponing the appeal, the lesser your chances are of admission.  Some people have applied to international universities for years without success. But that’s because they don’t know the trick to the game. Tips to Having Your Application Accepted: 1. Keep your chances open: Yes, you want to study in a specific country and university abroad. Also, you want to take a particular discipline. Don’t you think you’re too rigid to win the game? No country has one specific good university. So broaden up! Also, there are many excellent disciplines you can study. Be Flexible!  Research the reputable universities in that particular country. Apply to at least four of them. Also, provide different disciplines. Even the person viewing your application will know you’re a flexible person. You can also apply to other countries in the same continent. One university may not accept your bid but not all. Furthermore, your application may get rejected in one country but not in all states. Have a look at UCLA admission requirements and apply. You never know your luck! 2. Be realistic: Yes, become realistic in all your application. Different universities have different requirements. Read through the needs of every university you want to apply.  Do you stand a chance? Bidding blindly is the worst mistake you can make. You cause yourself depression. Also, deny another applicant an opportunity to apply to the same university. So, before messing yourself and others, read through the requirements!   For example, understand UCLA admission requirements and bid if you fit. Some universities require that you have a particular grade to apply. If you don’t meet those requirements, don’t apply. 3. Read about how to apply: Many students think they know it all once they discover that they meet the requirements. “How to apply” information is the catch for most reputable universities. They know they’ll get more applications than they can handle. So they specify one way to send the form. Don’t be in a hurry to apply. Take your time! Read every detail, including the appropriate way to bid. Some may want you to apply through their website. Others may want you to send the application by post. If you don’t meet this need, they will reject your request. Remember you’re not the only one applying. Moreover, you’re not the only one with the best results. Many have incredible ones. The university is looking for differentiation. Those who read every detail and adhere will have a competitive advantage. Conclusion: There are many more tips to having your application accepted. With the above, you don’t have to fear. Use them, and you’ll meet your dream of becoming an international student. Read Also: How To Impress A Recruiter If You Are Still A Student Top 6 U.S. Universities That Offer Health Science Course