Postpartum Exercise: What You Must Know


26 August 2022

Health & Fitness

Postpartum Exercise

Exercise after pregnancy isn’t a one-size-fits-all, but it helps you stay healthy, and lose that baby weight. Also, it helps strengthen the abdominal tone, boost your energy level, and prevent postpartum depression.

Most moms will immediately turn to postpartum wear, from belly wraps to incision care, nevertheless, how soon it is too soon to hit the gym depends on individual circumstances because no two pregnancies are the same. You may need to consult your obstetrician.

There are benefits of postpartum exercise. Even more, the efforts of a physiotherapist and your doctor can help your body adjust after a child’s birth. Therefore, postpartum fitness is needed, which allows the pelvic and other strained parts of the body to get their vibes back.

Let’s take you through what you need to know about postpartum exercises.

Can You Exercise Just After Giving Birth?

There is no hard-and-fast rule to a safe return to postpartum exercise, but you can determine if you are ready with the kind of signals your body gives you. Notably, the child delivery process will influence when to start and the types of exercise. For instance, normal vaginal delivery will take less time to heal when compared to a complicated delivery or a Caesarean delivery.

Therefore, depending on the circumstances, hitting the gym might be quicker for a vaginal delivery patient than a C-section. You can jump right in after delivery to do light exercises such as walking or pelvic floor exercises. Before you start your exercise, see the doctor.

Benefits Of Exercise for New Mums

Excitement can distract you from the goals of exercise, which are not just to help you fit right into your wear, but as a means to elevate your body.

Exercise for New Mums

Labour and birth can cause severe problems, including back pain and separated abdominal muscles. In this case, regular exercise can significantly benefit the body, including breathing re-coordination.

However, be realistic, don’t overdo it because high-impact exercise can lead to prolapse. It is best you stick to an easy routine because your body will only be ready after 6 weeks postnatal. Therefore, it is best not to return to your previous level of physical activity until 16 weeks after the baby is born, so be patient.

Low-Risk Exercises For New Mothers

Pregnancy hormones can alter your joints and ligaments for up to 6 months after birth, increasing your risk of injury. Avoid heavy weights, sit-ups, and high-intensity cardio activities for at least three months.

There are safe exercises for new mothers, such as:

  • Happy Baby Pose: Your pelvic muscles may contract and become uncomfortable after delivery. This yoga posture can help you gently relax and stretch your muscles to reduce discomfort. Raise your legs while lying flat on your back to your sternum. Your knees should be somewhat broader than your hips. As you work toward holding this stance for 90 seconds, focus on relaxing your pelvic muscles.
  • Abdominal Exercise or Abdominal Bracing: Choose from sitting, standing, laying on your side, reclining on your back, or kneeling on all fours. Pull your lower abdominal button in towards your spine. And hold for 5 to 10 seconds before returning to regular breathing. Repeat 8 to 12 times each day, 4 times per day.
  • Pelvic Tilt Exercise: Sit with your back straight and lean slightly forward. Squeeze and pull the muscles around your vagina as though you’re attempting to halt a bowel movement. Hold for 8 seconds while counting to 8; relax for at least 8 seconds, and repeat 8 to 12 times more.

A child’s birth comes with body changes. You have to be intentional about postpartum exercises. Depending on your circumstance, you can choose to start a day or a few weeks after. Still, be care careful while at it. And while exercises are great, physio massage can keep your body in check till you feel ready to hit the gym.

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Arnab is a professional blogger, having an enormous interest in writing blogs and other jones of calligraphies. In terms of his professional commitments, He carries out sharing sentient blogs.

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Dark Chocolate

8 Awesome Health Benefits Of Dark Chocolate

Chocolate is the world’s favorite sweet indulgence. In fact, the average person will consume about 12 pounds of chocolate each year. Chocolate is often considered a treat or a dessert, but did you know that chocolate actually provides great health benefits too? Some of this has to do with the amount of lecithin in chocolate. Chocolate truly brings together the best of both worlds: a yummy treat that is also good for you in moderation. Checkout 8 Awesome Health Benefits Of Dark Chocolate: Let’s take a look at some of the ways chocolate can actually help you stay healthy. Not All Chocolate Is Created Equal It is important to remember that not all chocolate is created equal. Dark chocolate is actually the only form of chocolate that can really benefit your health. The reason for this is that dark chocolate does not have tons of added sugar. In fact, the darker the chocolate the less sugar is added. So, if you want to really reap the health benefits, always choose dark chocolate. 1. Antioxidant Within our bodies are chemicals and compounds referred to as free radicals. These chemicals and compounds are created by cellular processes. You can think of them as waste products that are created as our body processes toxins and other invaders. These free radicals can have a negative impact on our health over time. To fight free radicals, you need antioxidants present in your body. Antioxidants are compounds that kill off the free radicals and keep your body clean. Dark chocolate is a wonderful source of antioxidants. A regular dose of dark chocolate will help keep free radicals down in your body. 2. Cancer Prevention Cancer research scientists have a growing body of research that supports the existence of cancer-fighting properties in dark chocolate. This is due to the presence of antioxidants and flavonoids found in the chocolate. Tests have shown that these compounds successfully reduce the number of colon cancer cells in rats. 3. Heart Health The flavonoids found in dark chocolate are primarily of the type called flavonols. These compounds have a powerful effect on heart health, including blood pressure reduction and improving blood flow to the heart. Some tests also show that flavanols can also improve blood flow to the brain as well, which could improve cognitive function. 4. Improves Cholesterol Cholesterol levels can have a significant impact on heart health and overall well-being. The cocoa butter that is found in chocolate contains healthy fats and polyphenols. These both work together to improve the lipid profile of the body. This means that it can help to decrease bad cholesterol and increase good cholesterol. Cholesterol profiles can affect how well the heart can pump blood throughout the body. High cholesterol levels can greatly increase the risk of heart disease and heart attack. 5. Improved Cognitive Function Dark chocolate has a powerful impact on how blood can move through the body. This includes increasing blood flow to the brain. When the brain does not have sufficient blood flow, it will start to impact cognitive function. This can include memory, task management, time management, mood, and more. Improving blood flow to the brain is one of the best ways to improve cognitive function. Doctors have tested Alzheimer’s patients who were given flavonoid-rich foods to see if the increase in these compounds in the diet could improve cognitive function factors. Positive results have been recorded in these tests. Because dark chocolate is considered a flavonoid-rich food, it can be added to a flavonoid-rich diet to help with cognitive function. 6. Blood Pressure Blood pressure issues can be a huge contributor to the risk of heart disease. There are medications that can be used to control blood pressure problems, but there are also natural ways to help blood pressure as well. Adding dark chocolate to your diet has been shown to reduce blood pressure levels. However, you should note that if you are being treated for blood pressure issues under a doctor’s care, you should follow all instructions from your doctor. Talk with your doctor about natural ways to improve blood pressure. 7. Improves Vision Vitamins and nutrients found in dark chocolate have also been shown to help improve vision. Although natural methods of vision improvement, such as diet modifications, cannot cure all vision problems, it is good to know which food products you can add to your diet to boost vision. 8. Improves Skin The rich flavanol content of dark chocolate may also be able to improve your skin. When flavanols are rich in the body, they can help to protect your skin from sun damage. Sun damage is a leading cause of skin cancer. Flavanol can also help to improve skin smoothness as well. Some Final Considerations If you decide to start adding more dark chocolate to your diet, be sure to remember that dark chocolate should be added in moderation. You should choose chocolate that has very little added sugar. The darker the better. The many health benefits of dark chocolate can be primarily attributed to a large amount of flavonoid content. If you are interested in more health benefits, you can research other flavonoid rich foods. Adding these foods into your diet can increase these health benefits. It is important to note that you should always consult your doctor concerning current treatments and not make sudden changes to your treatments without consulting your doctor. Read Also: Essential Health Benefits Of Coconut OilThe Health Benefits of Drinking Black Coffee6 Delicious Cakes That You Must Try This Winter

Home Paternity Test

The Average Price Of A Home Paternity Test Based On The State You Live In

If you're thinking of getting an at-home procedure that can help you determine the father of your child, then you're not alone! Millions of women do this every year to establish who the father is, determine child support amounts, determine custody of a child, or solely for peace of mind. If you want to just know who the father is for your own peace of mind and to help establish a relationship between your child and their biological father, then you can do an at-home procedure. If you need to know the paternity for legal purposes - such as child support payments or custody battles - then you will have to go to an in-person professional setting so you can have this done at a laboratory. Either way, you need to know how much you will be spending on this procedure so you can save money and be prepared for the total amount! The Average Price Of A Home Paternity Test Based On Your State If you are considering getting a home paternity test to see how the father of your child is,  then you need to find out more info before purchasing. Fortunately, the costs are typically quite affordable, no matter what state you live in. If you live in the United States, you can expect to pay under $400 for this at-home DNA testing kit. But how do you use the home paternity test? Is it complicated? Fortunately for you, it is very easy to use! All you have to do is follow these tips on the instructions they provide you with the kit. You have to use the buccal swab to get cells from inside of your child's cheek and then you send the buccal swab in the vial back to a lab for them to do testing. And that’s it - simple as that! If you live in Illinois, the home paternity test is usually around $115 for an at-home collection kit and paternity test kit, whereas an in-person court-admissible test costs around $230. If you live in Pennsylvania, the average price of a home paternity test cost is around $59 per family or around $19 per person. In Florida, the home kits typically range between $200 and $300. In New Jersey, the prices typically start around $189 for DNA testing, paternity testing, and maternity testing procedures. The home paternity test for Colorado costs between $90 and $225 depending on the facility you chose or if you do a home paternity test. In California, you can expect to pay between $400 and $500 for a legal paternity test, with a home test costing between $15 and $125. Conclusion As you can see, the prices vary depending on the state you live in and where you are getting the procedure done. For a home paternity test, you can expect the prices to stay below $200. For an in-person test, you can expect the prices to range between $150 and $350, which can sometimes be even lower depending on where you live! More Resources: 10 Health Problems Eased by Yoga 8 Newborn Baby Care Tips for First-Time Parents 4 Facts you should Consider in Organic European Formula


Importance of Addiction Rehab Centers for Addicts in Colorado

It is a sad one, but the truth is that the drug addiction problem is becoming more and more prevalent around us. It is high time all hands are on deck in dealing with this menace that is plaguing our society. To do this, the addicts, their loved ones, the government, and the society at large need to put certain (drastic) measures in place. People also need to be enlightened about the problem. Societies need to be enlightened on is addiction treatment options and the most effective ones. Speaking of enlightening people on addiction treatment options, this article will do some justice to this. This is by discussing the most effective approach to treating people that have a drug addiction problem. We cannot stress enough how important this subject is, so everyone is advised to read on. Some of the Wrong Approaches to Rehabilitating Drug Addicts We did mention above that society is deep into this problem called drug addiction. The stats are not encouraging, and measures need to be put in place to deal with this problem. One of those negative stats is how no fewer than 500,000 lives are lost annually as a result of drug abuse. This is sad enough, but it would only get worse with time if care is not taken. A joint effort from stakeholders is one of the things it would take to avoid this and make the situation better. Other than this, more should be done to avoid the mortality rate caused by drug abuse. To do this, getting addicts the help that they need is important. This is why you need to understand the right and wrong approaches to treatment. This part will focus on the wrong approach while chipping in the importance of the right treatment approach. 1. Sole Dependence on Religious Centers A notable philosopher - Karl Marx, defined religion as the opium of the masses (people). His point was that people turn to religion at the expense of taking decisive actions. Unfortunately, this is one of the things that have intensified the drug addiction problem plaguing our society. Religious solutions are sought instead of taking the affected person to a facility capable of helping. Often, some people only reach out to rehabilitation centers when the situation is out of hand or close to that. To set the record straight, you should know that the earlier a drug addict gets the needed help, the better for that addict. This does not rule out the fact that religion can help through prayers and instilling the right beliefs. Religion can even help avoid the problem in the first place. For more on this subject, you can read this article. However, it should not be a substitute for consulting top rehab centers when the problem is glaring. This is where sole dependence on religion can become a problem. 2. Ostracizing the Addict There is a stigma associated with people that are into drugs. This is why some people even try to be discreet about their dependence on the substances until it becomes too glaring. Some families, colleagues, neighbors, and the society at large sometimes resort to ostracizing the addicts. This is because their lifestyle is considered a shameful one. Truth be told, it is even worse when this comes from family and friends. The reason is that this makes the addicts more dependent on these substances. Some of these families, friends, and colleagues justify their actions by thinking that ostracizing the addicts will cause them to turn a new leaf. Unfortunately, this is not how it works. It is even very likely that such people become more dependent on these harmful substances. For this reason, the thought of ostracizing such people should not even be considered. A good rehab center should be consulted instead. This is the best approach to dealing with the situation. 3. Penalizing Drug Users There are offense levels attached not only to the sale but the use of controlled substances here in Colorado. You should even know that the legislative arm of the Colorado state government has a habit of revisiting laws on the subject. This is quite understandable given the drug addiction problem that has become very prevalent as mentioned earlier. But the ideal thing is going back to the drawing board after seeing how the law has helped or not. Unfortunately, these punitive measures have done very little to address the problem. And just so you know, putting a drug addict behind bars does not solve the problem. It could even complicate things as withdrawal symptoms can set in and this could be life-threatening. Other than this, it should be noted that even correctional facilities in Colorado and other states are not rid of these substances. This is considering how they get smuggled in one way or the other. For more information on this, you can visit: For this reason, getting the addicts the help that they need from top rehab centers should be prioritized over taking punitive measures. This is not saying that the law should not take its course but that getting addicts the help they need should come first. Why Rehab Centers Are Important for Drug Addicts We have stressed repeatedly how checking into a rehabilitation center is the best way to help a drug addict. Some of the reasons why this is the case include the following: 1. Their Pain Is Understood Everyone or most people understand that being hooked on these substances is bad. However, most people do not understand the pain that these addicts go through. Fortunately, the professionals at a good rehab center understand their pain and this is why they are in a good position to help. 2. Proven and Effective Treatment Methods There are several sides to treating these individuals and this depends on the peculiarity of the situation. Proven and effective treatment methods are used in these centers. Wrap Up We have discussed the wrong and right approaches to treating drug addicts. As explained here in this article, the right approach should be used when the need arises. This is instead of considering other ineffective alternatives. Read Also: 5 Topmost Life-Altering Advantages Of Drug And Alcohol Rehab Are You Sick and Tired of Drugs? Spot It Early: 9 Common Signs of Addiction You Need to Look out For Addiction Treatment: 11 Tips to Find the Best Rehabilitation Center