Dealing with the Psychological Impact of Alopecia

Published on: 13 November 2018 Last Updated on: 30 October 2024
hair loss

Alopecia is a chronic disease that can lead to partial or, more frequently, complete hair loss. It is a disease that affects both men and women, and individuals of all ages.  Despite it being a common and wide-reaching disease, very little is known about alopecia. It has no known cause and no known cure for example.

Many people, particularly women, find that wearing ladies’ wigs helps with alopecia by enabling them to hide their hair loss and maintain their former identity. Some people choose not to cover their hair loss, owning their baldness as a new part of who they are. There is no right or wrong answer. One thing that we do know for sure is that although alopecia is a physical disease, it can have a profound impact on the mental health of those who suffer from it. Struggling with alopecia and the impact this is having on your mood and your sense of self.  Here are some handy hints to help you deal with the psychological impact of alopecia:

What is the Psychological Impact of Alopecia?

Studies have shown that around forty percent of women who suffer from alopecia experience some form of social problems as a result of the depression and anxiety they experience because of their condition. These social problems can include issues within their marriages, families and friendship groups. The problem worsens in the workplace, with 63 percent of women reporting career-related issues as a direct or indirect result of their alopecia.  Other psychological problems that sufferers of alopecia are more prone to experiencing include depression, anxiety, and social phobias. Because alopecia is classed as a disfiguring disorder (one that permanently changes your appearance) it stands to reason that some individuals may have to deal with ongoing feelings of loss for their hair as well as issues relating to their self-identity and any changes of confidence that may come with this. It’s important to remember that whilst alopecia doesn’t cause any physical pain, it does lead to emotional and psychological pain and these symptoms should be taken just as seriously. Alopecia is a very serious condition that can completely change your life, and it is important to take the time to acknowledge this and to grieve for your former self, and for the hair that you have lost if you think that this will be helpful for you.

What Can You Do?

Struggling to cope with the psychological impact of having alopecia? This is completely normal, but there are some things that you can do that will help you to deal with the transition a little better. Firstly, if you think you may be suffering from depression then it’s important to seek help and support. Signs of depression include feeling sad, anxious or empty inside. Lossing interest or pleasure from hobbies and other activities that you used to enjoy. Difficulty sleeping, making decisions or engaging with others. Changes to your weight or appetite. Thoughts of death, suicide, or a general feeling that the world would be better without you in it. The first thing you should do if you experience any of these symptoms is to both talk to those around you and seek the support of your GP. Don’t try to deal with depression alone: the more you can share your feelings with others, the easier your condition will be to treat.

If you are struggling to deal with the changes to your self-identity then one solution is to start wearing a wig. Modern wigs are not the ugly, itchy things they were twenty years ago: in fact, many modern wigs are so realistically constructed that no one would ever know you were wearing one. This may help you to feel like your old self and give you the confidence boost you need to go out, socialize, and otherwise live a normal life.

It doesn’t matter whether you choose to wear a wig or not. But if you would like to meet with and talk to other people who know exactly what you’re going through then you may find it helpful to join an alopecia support group. You will find alopecia support groups in most major towns and cities across the UK: if you’re struggling to find one then your GP may be able to offer advice. These groups are a wonderful way to learn more about your condition, build a new social circle, and gain the support of individuals who really understand what you’re going through.

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What Are The Best Strategies To Manage Insomnia?

Do you know why insomnia takes place? This can happen for many reasons, including unnecessary stress, work pressure, bad health habits, and otherworldly affairs. Not only that, specific life trauma or incidents like the death or the illness of someone close, married life complications, or even job loss. All these can lead to insomnia. Sleep plays a vital role in developing your brain and body. It also helps to repair any damaged cells or blood vessels. On the other hand, insomnia or sleeping disorders can deteriorate your body and increase heart attack and stroke risks. So, insomnia is a condition where people suffer from inadequate or insufficient sleep. And it can turn out to be a real problem if not treated well. In this article, I’ll illustrate the five magical ways you can deal with insomnia. Ways To Defeat Insomnia- THE 5 GOLDEN RULES When life throws you problems, don’t waste your time focusing on the issues. Instead, put your complete attention on achieving the solutions. Insomnia is a challenge that might try to kneel you down, but through this article, you’ll be getting all the tactics to deal with it in a more innovative and more effective way. 1. Don’t Change Your “Wake Up” Routine If you are reading this article now, make sure to follow this step. NO MATTER WHAT!!!!! I know many of you might be wondering, “Do I have to wake up early even during my desired weekends?” -The answer is ‘YES” if only you want to get rid of insomnia!!! It can be a tough job, I know, but you need to go through cuts and burns if you want to achieve something. The reason you must sacrifice your habit of staying late in bed even during your weekends is because you must bring yourself to a routine where you will always have a consistent sleep and waking time. When you have mastered this technique, you’ll notice that your sleeping disruptions just magically vanished. 2. Wave Goodbyes To Nicotine And Caffeine If you love smoking cigarettes and drinking deliciously hot and strong midnight coffee, you just must quit it!!! To heed goodbyes to insomnia, you first must learn to say goodbye to your smoking and caffeine intake addictions. Caffeine can keep you up late for several hours, and trust me, it’s more than enough to disrupt the “complete sleeping cycle” yours. It can also awaken you frequently from sleep, resulting in “poor quality sleep.” Nicotine is also on the same side as caffeine. These, too, result in sleep deprivation!!! When you smoke a cigarette, it stimulates the effect of nicotine. And this addictive drug can be highly responsible for insomnia. Most smokers take at least one cigarette before going to bed. And this can have a significant impact on your sleep. So, it will the “golden achievement” of your life if you can quit these habits for good!!!! 3. Cut Down Unnecessary Naps And Increase Exercise I know naps can refresh your mood. And a few hours of extra sleep can make you feel more energetic. But these naps are also one of the main reasons for sleep disorders. And do you know why? This is because napping affects your sleeping patterns. For instance, you are habituated to sleeping at night when the lights are turned off, and it’s quiet. Therefore, your mind knows it’s nighttime, and you have to sleep. On the other hand, while taking naps, there are no such scenarios where it’s dark and quiet, and even the place where you sleep might be different like you are taking a nap on a couch or sofa. So, the mind eventually disrupts your sleeping pattern because it’s not your regular bedtime. Undoubtedly, exercise keeps you fit and healthy. But did you know that it also helps you to restore the proper balance of your sleep? -Yes, exercises help you to get rid of insomnia!!! But you need to make sure not to perform any exercise immediately before you go to bed. Instead, try to finish it at least two to three hours before going to bed. 4. Make Sure To Be Comfortable And Discard All The Worries When Going To Bed The environment you are in has a tremendous impact on your sleep. By environment, I mean to say the “place your sleep.” To have a good sleep, you need to have a mild temperature, a comfortable bed, and no lights should be turned on while you are sleeping. If you have pets, don’t keep them in your room if they make noises at night. And one of the most essential “golden rules” that you need to keep in mind is “not to sleep with loads of stress in your head.” Stress is temporary, but it can make insomnia permanent. When you are in bed, discard all the negative thoughts out of your mind. Sleep is like a prayer, and you don’t want any distractions while praying!!! Stress therapies and methods you can use to have a quality sleep include taking deep breaths, meditating, and many more. 5. Light Therapy Combats Insomnia LED light therapy or Bright light therapy can also be a cure for sleeping disorders. This therapy is famous for its ability to reduce depression, stress, and also insomnia. If you are not getting enough natural light (which is very common among people nowadays), sleep deprivation can occur. What light therapy does is imitate the light of the sun and helps to improve the circadian rhythm of your body. This light comes out of a box, and different light therapy boxes have additional features. Make sure to use it for at least 15 to 30 minutes every morning and maintain this routine, and you’ll see drastic results. Whenever you take a light therapy device, always seek the assistance of a professional doctor as he knows the suitable device for you. I hope this article will help you know the ins and outs of the 5 ways you can deal with insomnia. When Do You Need Therapy? There’s a difference between a bad couple of nights and chronic insomnia. If you can’t seem to get yourself sleeping better even after trying all of the tweaks, then you need some medical intervention. Especially when you are changing your routine (waking up at the same time every day), eating the right food (no caffeine), exercising, etc. It is therapy that will be key for getting at the root causes if your sleep issues are more related to stress, trauma, or anxiety in nature. So when does that cross from having an unrewarding few days into something bigger where you should consider this? Be More Self-Aware First, ask yourself this question. Just how long has insomnia been a problem for you? If it’s been longer than a few weeks and you see no signs of improvement in your sleep quality, that’s not a good sign. Also, pay attention to the overall effect on your daily functioning. Are you perpetually tired all day, unable to concentrate, or becoming easily irritated? If so, then it's no doubt starting to affect your mental and physical health; don’t deny it, embrace it. Dealing With Constant Stress & Anxiety Another good indicator is how much stress, worry, or anxiety you have about sleep. Afterall, it is not just during the sleep time that you think about your insomnia. It is always! Do you get worked up just thinking about going to bed because you believe ‘tonight is going to be another awful night of no sleep!’ – or are your thoughts such as… ‘If I don’t get to sleep in the next 10 minutes, the whole day tomorrow is going to be absolutely horrible’. Mental exertion alone can be exhausting and only adds fuel to the insomnia fire. That’s when short-term therapy may be helpful, breaking that mental cycle and having someone who understands what you’re going through, a patient. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia (CBT-I) is one of the most effective treatments. With medication, you get a temporary fix, but CBT-I works to change the thoughts and behaviors that lead to insomnia. It helps you think about sleep differently and gives you tools to help with anxiety or stress that might be keeping you up. Your Emotional Relationships Let’s not forget the emotional side of things. In some cases, insomnia is tied to unprocessed trauma or grief. If you find that your sleep troubles seem to have begun after a traumatic life event or during a time of increased emotional turmoil, that could be a clue that talk therapy might help. A therapist can guide you through the process of identifying and safely processing those emotions, so they stop interfering with your sleep and with your life in general. In other words? If your insomnia is starting to cause secondary problems in your life, do yourself a favor. Read Also: Effects of Sleep Deprivation on Your Skin & Good Sleeping Habits Ways to Sleep Well at Night as You Age 3 Health Advantages of Good Night’s Sleep What are Popular Mind and Body Exercises Available at a Gym?


Overview of Turmeric Use in Traditional Medicine

The use of  Turmeric is creating a medicinal value for many patients around the world. Plant products have been a part of human development for centuries. Similar to animals, human civilization would not have reached today’s level of advancement without the help of plants. One of the many uses of plants is to provide a natural defense against infection and disease. Many pharmaceutical products used today resulted from exploiting the medicinal value of plants. Before modern pharmaceutical companies started developing commercial medicine derived from plants, many cultures around the world used plants to cure various ailments. Even now, with modern medicine, many people still prefer traditional medicine. One of the prime examples is Ayurveda. It is an Indian holistic system of curing diseases, including cancer. The approach consists of using primarily plant-based medication. How vital is turmeric in traditional Ayurveda? According to research published by Newman and Cragg in 2007, 61% of all small-molecule pharmaceutical drugs introduced between 1981 and 2002 can be traced to natural or plant products. Although a majority of drugs today are synthesized from a combination of chemical and natural products, it is proven that using plant-based medication is more suitable for human consumption. One of the most common plants used in Ayurveda is turmeric. According to historical research, the medicinal purpose of turmeric can be traced as far back as 4000 years ago. In Southeast Asia, turmeric is not only a common spice used in cuisine but also plays a role in many religious ceremonies. For the past 25 years, modern medicine has been recognizing the medicinal importance of turmeric. With thousands of publications regarding the studies conducted on turmeric, the world is beginning to notice why traditional medicine has significantly relied on turmeric as a primary remedy for various ailments. What is turmeric, and how is it cultivated and processed? Turmeric came from India and spread throughout the world because of the spice trade. In the tropics, this spice is cultivated widely, and each country or culture has a different name for this herb. But the common name turmeric came from ‘terra merita’ which is a Latin word meaning meritorious earth, which is a description of how the spice resembles a mineral. The plant Curcuma longa, which produces the rhizome turmeric is from the same family as ginger. The turmeric rhizome can be consumed fresh, or dried and ground into a fine powder. Today, not only is this traditional medicine is available in spice form, but you can buy turmeric shots which are ready to drink or mix with food and beverage. Traditional medical applications of turmeric: Ayurveda widely uses this medicine for treating different health problems, including arthritis relief, dispelling intestinal worms, and removing gallstones. In other Asian countries, turmeric is often used as an antiseptic to clean wounds and burns. In countries like Pakistan, turmeric is a common remedy for irritable bowel and other gastrointestinal problems. Because of the prevalence of this traditional medicine, modern pharmaceutical research facilities have begun conducting clinical research and tests to determine the viability and effectiveness of turmeric in treating various diseases, including cancer. Read Also: 13 Best Herbs That Boost Your Metabolism How Can A Dallas Functional Medicine Doctor Help You?

Integrating Body, Mind, And Spirit For Optimal Health

Integrating Body, Mind, And Spirit For Optimal Health

To achieve optimal health, a holistic approach that integrates body, mind, and spirit is key. This viewpoint recognizes the interconnectedness of all aspects of our being, emphasizing balance and synergy for overall wellness. Let's explore the principles of holistic health and how to weave these practices into our daily routines. The Body: Foundation Of Holistic Health Maintaining physical health is more than just avoiding illness. It's about nurturing our bodies through balanced nutrition and regular exercise. A diverse diet, rich in fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains, ensures we get the nutrients needed for optimal body function. Regular exercise, on the other hand, strengthens the body, enhances cardiovascular health, and improves mood. The Mind: A Powerful Tool For Health Mental health plays an equally important role in holistic wellness. Mental practices like mindfulness and meditation can reduce stress and anxiety while promoting focus and clarity. A positive mindset can improve our overall outlook, resilience, and even physical health. By nurturing our minds, we enhance the overall quality of our health and life. The Spirit: An Integral Part Of Holistic Health Spiritual health, often overlooked, plays a pivotal role in our overall wellness. It gives us a sense of purpose, enhances our connections, and fosters resilience. Practices like yoga, meditation, spending time in nature, or participating in religious or spiritual communities can nurture our spiritual health. Incorporating Young Living Essential Oils A versatile addition to your holistic health routine can be Young Living Essential Oils. Known for their diverse benefits, these oils can complement various aspects of holistic health. Lavender oil, for instance, can support relaxation and better sleep, contributing to mental and physical health. Lemon oil can add a nutritional boost to your water, complementing your dietary regimen. Frankincense oil, often used in meditation, can foster spiritual health. By thoughtfully incorporating these oils, you can enhance your holistic health practice. Implementing Holistic Practices In Daily Life The key to implementing holistic practices is to start small and remain consistent. You might begin by improving your diet or incorporating a brief daily meditation. Over time, you can gradually add other practices. Remember, holistic health is not about perfection but balance. It's about listening to your body, mind, and spirit, recognizing their interconnectedness, and making adjustments as needed. The Power Of The Holistic Approach The holistic approach to health offers a comprehensive, balanced path to wellness. It acknowledges the interconnectedness of our body, mind, and spirit, emphasizing the importance of nurturing all three for optimal health. By integrating holistic practices into our daily routine, we not only enhance our health but also our overall quality of life. It's a journey of self-discovery, balance, and continuous growth towards achieving the best version of ourselves. Read Also: 6 Effective Ways to Improve Your Mental Health Psychedelic Therapy for Mental Health Conditions The Future Of Healthcare: Adapting To An Aging Society