How Business Owners Can Protect Themselves if Their Business Fails


24 September 2022


Business Fails

15% of startups fail in the first year and only 50% succeed in the fifth year. Therefore, failure to take steps to protect yourself if your business goes bankrupt can have serious consequences. 

These assets can be lost very quickly if you do not protect your hard-earned personal assets. Certain registry laws with simple steps can ensure you greater protection in the event of a claim or lawsuit. 

If you have the right legal tools like a Business Attorney Atlanta GA in place before litigation begins, you will be in a much stronger position to weather the storm.

This article will help you understand some important steps that you must take to protect yourself in case your business fails. 

Protect Yourself When Business Fails

Given below are some of the major steps that you must follow to protect yours;f when your business fails:

 Business Failing

1. Speak And Act Mindfully

The way a firm is seen is crucial. This is one of the reasons why business owners and their staff shouldn’t make controversial claims or engage in dubious activities. 

This involves making derogatory or disparaging statements, as well as avoiding doing business with dishonest individuals. Additionally, in critical situations, avoid speaking in the absence of a Business Attorney in Atlanta GA. 

However, if they are discovered, the company’s name could be linked to them. Therefore, you and your staff must work to reduce conflicts of interest and avert potential problems. In addition, such events may compromise your credibility as a businessperson and result in legal issues

Even if you don’t make choices that benefit your business, having a conflict of interest would still exist if you were a city council member and contributed to the passage of ordinances that benefited your company.

2. Hire A Business Attorney

Consult a lawyer before beginning a business to get legal counsel. Before you do anything, you might require legal representation. 

It is ideal to employ experienced business attorneys knowledgeable about the regional laws and customs of the area where the firm works and who, if required, has experience in a certain field. 

Engaging a tax attorney if your company is dealing with legal issues with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) or tax authorities could be prudent.

You may discover an excellent attorney through a variety of sites. In addition, getting suggestions for experts from other business owners might be useful. 

Alternatively, you might get in touch with the professional association your company belongs to, including your neighborhood chamber of commerce or sector association. Then, naturally, you may try making spam calls (and interviews) using the information in your phone directory.

3. Go For Insurance

All businesses must have civil liability insurance, covering things like changing jobs and consumer collapse. 

The purchase of errors and omissions insurance for allegations or contracts or contractual errors from customers or consumers must be considered. Again, you can consult professionals for advice on this matter. 

You can also add liability protection to your contract in addition to purchasing insurance. However, this agreement shall not be accountable for unfinished work. 

A Business Attorney in Atlanta GA may not be necessary early on in your business if you speak with one now about the clauses and legal terminology that should go into your employment contract.

How To Hire A Business Attorney To Protect Yourself?

Business Attorney

Hiring a good lawyer is essential to a successful business. A good corporate lawyer can provide critical support in almost every aspect of your business. 

In most small companies, the sheriff sends a lawyer in front of the door. This was very late after receiving maintenance and complaints. The larger the law firm, the higher the overhead costs and the higher the hourly rate. 

Larger firms have more influence in the local, regional, and (perhaps) national legal community. Partnering with a large and reputable law firm can have intangible benefits. They will gladly refer you to a funding source or use your name as a reference. 

You need a lawyer to help you decide if a limited liability company is the best way to organize your business. In addition, your attorney needs to know how to register your business for federal and state tax identification numbers. 

Note: Don’t be afraid to ask direct questions about your lawyer’s experience. Your corporate lawyer should be like a “doctor”. Beware of lawyers representing multiple competitors.


Sumona is a persona, having a colossal interest in writing blogs and other jones of calligraphies. In terms of her professional commitments, she carries out sharing sentient blogs by maintaining top-to-toe SEO aspects. Follow more of her contributions in SmartBusinessDaily

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5 Actions To Undertake After An Accident

Road traffic crashes take about 1.3 million lives each year. More than 20 to 50 million people get fatally injured in road accidents. Most of these accidents happen due to ignorance of safety rules and regulations instilled by the government. One should always keep in mind the protocols created by the government. Getting in an accident is unpredictable, and you need assistance in multiple categories to get out of it with minimum loss. Here Are A Few Steps You Must Undertake After An Accident: 1. Get a Physical Checkup Accidents can cause multiple injuries, and some can be fatal. Even if you feel fine after an accident, get a complete physical checkup from a hospital. You may or may not have a concussion from the shock or hit on the head. If you feel nausea, dizziness, pressure in the head, and sleepy rush to the hospital immediately or call the emergency helpline to get assistance. A physical checkup is necessary for any unfortunate health incident, and it should be a priority. 2. Take Your Car to A Mechanic The second most vital step that one must undertake to reduce losses to a minimum amount is to get your car checked. Take your vehicle to a skilled mechanic and explain the nature of the accident. In an accident, cars can lose a few parts. Make sure to buy quality products from the best car parts store. Get your car fixed on time and from a reliable store if you want to resurrect your automobile from the incident. 3. Document the Incident to the Authorities Take all the necessary information from the other party involved and report the accident to the authorities. Call the police while you are still on the site to prevent yourself from any grave allegations. Note the number plate, color, model, and brand of the other vehicle involved. Ask the vehicle owner about their insurance policy, and don't start an argument until the authorization arrives. 4. Contact the Insurance Company If you do not have an insurance policy for your vehicle, your losses are unimaginable. In an accident, you can claim two types of insurance, health and vehicle insurance. Contacting your insurance agency on time will get you a quick refund on your liabilities. The insurance claims may take time, but an instant report will start your refund process. Take multiple pictures of the accident site to prove the accident and document it properly. Related Resource: 5 Different Types of Car Accident Claim 5. Collect Witnesses When two parties are involved in an accident, it can quickly become a legal matter. You need to contact the independent witnesses for your accident. An independent party is someone who is not related to you in any way. Confirm your accident story with the independent witness and make sure you both are on the same page. An independent witness can be tangible proof of your innocence in the accident. If any member of your family gets a wrongful death, you will be able to sue the other party for their negligence and misconduct of the vehicle. You will be able to recover financial, emotional, and other damages. Even if you are a skilled and careful driver, you may forget to take proper actions while in an accident. Keeping all these actions in your mind will help you recover from the unfortunate accident. Read Also: 4 Ways To Prevent Common Household Accidents Important Terminology In Filing For A Car Accident Claim 10 Tips to Prevent Truck Accidents: The Complete Guide for Truck Drivers

DUI Charges

7 Things You Should Know About DUI Charges: Can You Go to Prison as a Result?

In most cases, a first time DUI offense is considered as a misdemeanor, and you may go to jail for up to 6 months if you are guilty of the offense.  Here are some of the things you should know about DUI charges You may spend a few days in Jail as a First-time Offender: Criminal practice experience has shown that most first-time DUI offenders spend few days to some weeks in jail when found guilty. First DUI offense is considered a misdemeanor hence it carries lighter punishments, though sentencing can be increased to 6 months depending on the severity of injuries caused to victims. DUI May Involve Distinct Legal Cases: When you are involved or arrested for DUI, you may have two different legal issues. First of all, there may be a legal proceeding against you, over your driver’s license. Secondly, you may be charged with criminal DUI. There are different legal standards applicable to these two DUI cases,  but the result of one will not influence judgment on the other. You will need DUI attorneys to look into your peculiar case. A Third DUI Offence is considered a Felony: While the first DUI is considered a misdemeanor, a third offense is considered a felony. It is important to also note that DUIs may stay on your personal records forever. You May Get Probation Sentence  Instead of Jail Term: As a first-time DUI offender, you may have your prison term suspended and converted into probation, especially if no one was hurt in a car accident that you are responsible for. You may also make a plea bargain with the prosecutor, but you need to consult with an attorney before you sign such a plea bargain. Expungement of DUI Charges May be an Option for You: Expungement is a situation where your DUI records are removed from your personal records, this could be very helpful when you are looking for a job. In most cases, you can only file for expungement only after serving your DUI punishment. Some Conditions May Aggravate Your DUI penalties: Your DUI punishment may be increased if you were caught driving under extremely high alcohol influence, or if you have a minor, under 18 years of age in your car or if you were caught driving outside of the speed limit. You May Get a Bond Supervision After Multiple DUI: Since multiple DUI charges are considered a felony, you may be placed on multiple bond supervision for a very long time. Bond supervision means you may be placed under house arrest, random urinalysis and you may be asked to report to a probation officer. In conclusion, it is possible to get your DUI case thrown out if you can seek the help of a DUI attorney. In this case, the attorney can find strong proof that you were not responsible for the DUI situation, hence the injuries or death sustained from such accidents cannot be linked to you directly or indirectly. Read Also: How To Choose A Personal Injury Lawyer What Are The Penalties For DUI In Florida 6 Important Questions To Ask A Personal Injury Lawyer The Effects Of Drinking And Driving Under The Legal Age Of 21 Featured Image:

Criminal Defense Law

The Most Important Ethical Dilemmas In Criminal Defense Law

Criminal defense attorneys play a crucial role in the legal system, ensuring that individuals accused of crimes receive a fair and just trial. However, this role often involves navigating a complex ethical landscape. This article explores the ethical considerations that criminal defense lawyers face in their pursuit of justice while zealously advocating for their clients. The Obligation of Passionate Representation A key aspect of criminal defense practice is the commitment to passionate representation. Criminal defense lawyers must ensure they deliver the most effective legal representation to their clients, no matter what the crime entails or the attorney's personal convictions. This commitment guarantees that every person, irrespective of their situation, has access to just defense. Interest Conflicts Balancing passionate representation obligations alongside ethical concerns can pose difficulties when interest conflicts occur. Criminal defense attorneys must always prioritize their client's needs above everything else, even if their personal beliefs or interests clash with the case. This comprises scenarios where lawyers might morally object to their client's actions or statements. As an illustration, a defense lawyer might defend a client charged with a hate crime, despite the attorney's strong opposition to hate crimes. In such instances, the attorney's ethical responsibility is to offer the best possible legal defense to the client while complying with both the law and ethical standards. Maintaining Client Secrecy Maintaining client confidentiality is an essential component of ethical criminal defense practice that esteemed attorneys like Aswani Datt prioritize and consistently implement. Lawyers must adhere to stringent confidentiality regulations, ensuring that they do not reveal any information divulged by their clients without obtaining informed consent. Establishing this level of confidentiality is crucial for fostering trust between clients and their attorneys, allowing them to have open and honest discussions about their cases. Nonetheless, the obligation to maintain confidentiality can lead to ethical challenges. In certain instances, lawyers may become aware of their client's plans to perjure themselves or participate in illegal activities during the trial. In these situations, defense attorneys must cautiously weigh the importance of confidentiality against their ethical responsibility to abstain from aiding or abetting criminal actions. Candor Towards the Court Despite their dedication to vigorously defending their clients' interests, defense attorneys also have a duty of candor towards the court. This means that they must refrain from deliberately making false claims or submitting false evidence in court proceedings. Upholding this ethical obligation highlights the significance of preserving the integrity of the judicial system. Defense attorneys must carefully consider how to fulfill their duty to their clients while remaining ethically compliant. This may involve advising clients against providing false information, seeking alternative legal strategies, or, in extreme cases, withdrawing from representation if a client insists on committing perjury. The Role of Public Defenders Public defenders face unique ethical challenges due to their role as government-appointed attorneys for individuals who cannot afford private representation. Public defenders often handle high caseloads, making it challenging to provide individualized attention to each case. Balancing their ethical duties with limited resources can be particularly difficult. Public defenders must make critical decisions about case prioritization and resource allocation. They must ensure that they are providing effective legal representation while considering their ethical responsibilities to clients who may face severe consequences, including incarceration. The Right to a Fair Trial One of the central ethical principles in criminal defense is the defense attorney's commitment to upholding their client's right to a fair trial. This includes rigorous cross-examination of witnesses, challenging evidence, and advocating for legal protections that safeguard the defendant's constitutional rights. While this commitment to a fair trial is vital to the justice system, it can also be misconstrued as advocating for the guilty. Defense attorneys must navigate the delicate balance between ensuring a fair trial and defending clients who may be accused of heinous crimes. Related: Building A Strong Defense Against False Sex Crime Accusations Navigating Ethical Responsibilities in Plea Bargain Negotiations Plea bargaining frequently occurs in criminal cases, allowing defendants to discuss potential agreements with prosecutors. Defense attorneys must navigate ethical concerns while determining their client's best interests and advising them on whether to accept a proposed plea deal. It is the responsibility of defense attorneys to give clients well-informed counsel regarding the possible outcomes of agreeing to or declining a plea bargain. They must focus on their client's needs while making certain that clients comprehend the ramifications of their choices. Criminal defense lawyers confront intricate and diverse ethical dilemmas. They are charged with vigorously representing their clients, maintaining client confidentiality, and securing a just trial, all while complying with both legal and ethical parameters. Finding equilibrium among these ethical duties can be demanding, particularly when faced with conflicts of interest or moral quandaries. Nevertheless, defense attorneys play an indispensable part in protecting individual rights and ensuring the legal system operates equitably and impartially. In the end, practicing criminal defense law ethically necessitates dedication to upholding justice principles, safeguarding individual liberties, and delivering efficient representation to clients, even in instances involving challenging ethical decisions. By addressing these ethical obstacles with honesty and professionalism, criminal defense attorneys support a fair and balanced legal system. Read Also: Criminal Law Enforcement Important Questions To Ask Before Hiring A Criminal Lawyer What Happens At A Preliminary Hearing Of A Criminal Case In Knoxville?