Tips For Protecting Your Overseas Shipments


14 December 2022



The retail business is truly a global pursuit and if you run an eCommerce company, you probably obtain at least some of your products from other countries.

But when you ship items overseas, there are additional risks that exist that don’t exist with domestic shipments.

For this reason, you have to take extra precautions with your international shipments, from getting maritime insurance to choosing the right freight partner.

Here are other tips to ensure your products get safely from point A to point B.


Despite your best efforts, the people who handle your shipments at the docks may not handle them with care. This is why you need to ensure your products are packaged properly when they’re loaded on the ship.

Since you can’t be there to package them yourself, it’s a good idea to partner with a logistics provider that offers specialty packaging services. These providers take care to put the right amount of cushioning in the package, the proper security seals on the outside, and an appropriate exterior to prevent damage during transit.


Partnering with a logistics provider takes a lot of the guesswork out of shipping overseas. You don’t have to worry about the packaging from the manufacturer not holding up to the rigors of the sea because your logistics provider will take care of this for you.

This is particularly important if you are importing fragile items like electronics, artwork, and glassware.

Tracking and Monitoring

In the not-too-distant past, when you shipped products from overseas, you wouldn’t know if something happened to them until the ship arrived (or didn’t arrive) at its destination.

Tracking and Monitoring

Now, through innovative technology, you can track and monitor your shipments from origin to destination, even while they’re on the ship.

Often, you’ll need a logistics partner to enable shipment tracking and monitoring for you, but the transparency you’ll have in the entire supply chain will be invaluable to both you and your customers.

Onboard Courier Services

Some shipments are so valuable that you might not want to leave them alone for the duration of the voyage. For these highly-sensitive packages, you can hire an onboard courier to maintain the chain of custody from the product’s point of origin to its final destination.

Onboard Courier Services

Essentially, an onboard courier is a dedicated passenger who watches over your shipment for the entire trip overseas. When a package isn’t ever out of view of a courier, you can be sure it is protected and secure at all times.

While this can be expensive, it’s often worth it for valuable shipments that simply can’t be lost, damaged, or stolen.


No matter what you do to protect your shipments, unplanned events happen. For example, you can’t predict the sinking of a cargo ship or a squall that knocks your container overboard. It happens more often than you’d think. This is why you should always, always insure your shipments that are coming from overseas.



It can be nerve-wracking to put your shipments in the hands of other people when shipping them overseas. Fortunately, by using these tips, you can protect your cargo as much as possible and if the worst happens, you’ll at least be reimbursed for your loss.


Sumona is a persona, having a colossal interest in writing blogs and other jones of calligraphies. In terms of her professional commitments, she carries out sharing sentient blogs by maintaining top-to-toe SEO aspects. Follow more of her contributions in SmartBusinessDaily

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Custom Software

5 Signs That Your Business Might Need Custom Software

Investing in custom software might help you solve a complex business problem, boost your productivity and stay at the top of your niche if you’re a small- to a medium-sized business owner. When assessing your software needs, making the right choice is crucial. Therefore, how do business owners know if it’s time to go for custom software? Here are five signs that show it’s time to partner with a software development firm. 1. You feel technology is leaving you behind: If you are running a business that offers much value to your customers but it seems like other companies are ahead of you, then this is a sign that it's time to invest in software development tools. This means your old software are not meeting your expectations and needs anymore. When you invest in new software, your business has the potential to benefit from functionalities that your old software is not offering, enable you to increase your market share and boost your sales. 2. Your whole business is running on Spreadsheets: Your company uses Excel to ensure the smooth running of your business when you first startup. However, as your business grow and expand, you’ll find that you’re wasting more time managing those spreadsheets rather than developing new products that add value to your company. When this happens, it’s time to migrate to customized software. All your company operations could be automated into custom software that does all the work for you with minimal manual labor. Custom software will reduce the time you spent on data entry, and focus on results so you could use your time planning and act on operations. 3. Your present software poses many problems: Your business has been using a piece of software that offers much value to your customers, and it takes care of the tasks you require, but recently, you noticed it slow, freezes up, and it’s been known to lose some of your most crucial data permanently. Besides, your workers hate using the software because it stuck in operations or it frequently sends back errors. It's a sign your business needs custom software that it is reliable and user-friendly. You can either hire a professional developer to create a custom solution, which is perfectly tailored to your business or invest in new software development tools, which will offer only solutions. 4. You spend more time on a task: If you have a given task that you find yourself dedicating many hours because you can’t work out how to do, then, it’s time to scale your software support and save your precious time by ‘hiring’ a software specialist. Excellent software development companies should help you find workable solutions to impossible manual tasks, and get your time back. They can configure your software to let you add more functions at each stage of your business growth as well as add different functionalities or expanding to different user groups incrementally over time. 5. You’re finding it challenging to satisfy your customers: Having a low customer satisfaction can hinder your efforts of staying on top of the competition. Communication issues like disorganization, low efficiency, and workflow breakdowns are all signs it may be time to get in touch with a software development company.  It would help if you considered how custom software could help make your business more valuable and improve the customer’s experience as strive to improve customer satisfaction. Custom software can get the entire company back on track, help you improve communication, eliminate human error, and speed up service times. Whatever your business needs may be, custom software development is a tailored solution created to promote your bottom line. In Summary: It's time to think about using a custom software solution that allows you to run a better business if you find business reflecting on some of the named signs. Custom software developed from a reputable company like Skywell software development services is all your business. When you have custom software, you will start realizing that you’re saving time and money as well as improving your employee and customer satisfaction in the long term. Everyone is using custom software to boost their overall business efficiency, and companies who refuse to use might be risking his or her business. Read Also: Five Reasons Your Business Needs Incident Management Software 8 Reasons Why Your Company Should Get A Vendor Management Software

Employee Recognition Awards

7 Best Employee Recognition Awards Ideas For 2021

When you are running a business, your employees become your assets. If your employees grow, so does your organization. Hence, it becomes very important that you take care of your employees. Custom employee recognition can be one of the best ways to make your employees feel comfortable and encouraged working in your organization. Showing your employees that they are being valued for their hard work and reward them accordingly will help your business in the long run. The key to achieving this goal is understanding Employee award wording ideas. If you can develop the best and innovative ideas, you can boost your employee's morale and motivation. Why are Employee Recognition Awards Important? It has been seen that the employees who have been appreciated by their organization are more likely to feel satisfied with their work. Once you start encouraging employees for their good work, you will see a boost in productivity. As we have started cruising through 2021, we hope that this is the best time to understand employee recognition's importance to boost your business productivity this year. Fulfilling Careers Workplace loyalty is not derived from the job. The workplace environment and fulfilling careers nurture it. According to a report, it has been seen that 78% of the employees agree with the fact that they will stay with the currency employers if they know they have a career in this organization. With employee recognition, you can motivate your employees and ensure that they see your organization as the best career opportunity rather than a job. Respect Knowledge Everyone works hard to build their skills set and expects others to respect that. According to a report, almost 53% of the employees believe that if their knowledge and skills are being respected, they will spend more time with the respective organizations. Understanding Progress Yes, goals are important. But that can only be achieved by understanding the working process. Employee recognition is not limited to big win; it can also support and nurture the next generation of employees in your organizations. Best Employee Recognition Awards Ideas There are multiple ideas that you can adopt to recognize your employees. We have prepared a handful of them. Let's explore. 1. Formulate A Proper Plan To Recognize Your Employees Before you can prepare yourself to recognize your employees, you need to formulate a proper plan to track their achievements. Remember that these awards programs and recognition events are not just for show. They are meant to boost your employee's morale and the organization's productivity. Hence, it becomes very important that you figure out an appropriate strategy. Do not forget about your work culture. Employees' recognition ideas should be relevant to your work culture. 2. Celebrate Employees Birthdays Birthdays are the best event to make your employees feel special. You can start targeting your employees' birthdays. This will make them feel special and a part of the organization. When you celebrate your employees' birthdays, they will feel connected to the organization on a deeper level. This practice can make them feel an inseparable part of the organization. This will act as a driving force and help them to boost their productivity. Even a small event like celebrating employee's birthdays can motivate them to give their best performance to the organization. 3. Cheers From Peers Creating the best working environment is the role of the pers. The working environment should be like this where the co-workers can celebrate the achievement of the other co-workers. And when the time calls for it, they stand alongside the organization's bad times. This will ensure that the whole organization can perform as a team and bring positive results day in and day out. 4. Reward Them With Trophies Every sport has trophies. These trophies change hands every year depending on the champions. You can use the same concept in your organization. This practice will motivate your employees to be the best in the organization. Once they know what they can achieve by working hard, they will try their best to achieve that goal. 5. Collect Employees Feedback We have hardly seen any organization taking feedback from the employees. Feedback is a necessary part if you want to improve your organization as a whole. Taking feedback from the employees will give them an idea that their views matter in the organization. You can take feedback on the followings: What do they feel about the organization? What do they think needs to be improved? What drives them to work for you? What will drive them further? Ask your employees these questions, and take their answers as suggestions. This practice will kill two birds with one arrow. Not only are you getting valuable feedback, but you are also getting to know what your employees think about you and your organization. 6. Public Your Appreciation Recognizing your employees is a good thing but recognizing them in public is even better. You must devise a perfect appreciation program where you or the employee can recognize the best performer among the employees. By appreciating the best employee in public, you are not only boosting the morale of the employers, but you are also giving them a goal to achieve. The public execution of the appreciation shows that you are confident in your employees and want others to step up their game and reach this podium. 7. Track Team Wins Every organization has several teams, and every team competes among themselves subconsciously. You must track your team every year and award the winning team. This will not only help you understand how other teams are performing, but you will have an idea of how the organization can improve. Working with the team will help you understand the working of your organization, and you will know what you need to expect from them. This is a perfect device to find out non-performing teams and motivate them to work better. Conclusion From the points mentioned above, you now know how employee recognition can help you develop a perfect plan for your employees' recognition. If you want to cope with the market and stand back on the feet again, employee recognition might play an important role. Read Also: Why In-Company Training Results in Better Employees 3 Steps to Hire the Perfect Employee What Are the Ways to Prepare a New Employee? Possible Reasons Why Your Employees Aren’t Too Productive and What to Do About It How to Increase the Safety of Your Employees

Corporate World

How to Stand Out in the Competitive Corporate World

Building a portfolio in today’s competitive corporate environment is a tough challenge for professionals. After all, you need to stand out from the crowd in order to land your dream job. So the question is, how do you make sure you set yourself apart from your competitors in the industry? Staying Ahead of Your Competitors in the Corporate World: Everyone has their own competitors to live out with. Whether you’re a doctor, artist, musician, or a business owner, you will come to a point where you need to stand out and draw your market’s attention. Moreover, the corporate world is like the complex rollercoaster ride, where you can skip your job or play some other trick, to reach to a level much higher than your previous one. Therefore, you need some effective strategies to stay ahead of your competitors in this world where change is a constant thing. The following are some tips you can use in order to develop a more competitive edge from your corporate competition. Also remember that no trick is the short cut, talent, wit, and hard work is going to pay you for the long run: Develop your strengths to better skills to become your best self. Do not stop acquiring skills and practice whatever you learn so you can turn them into qualifications. You can opt to take a masters in business administration online if you don’t have the time to go to a traditional university. With the right skills set, you can get your dream job in the company you want to work long term.   Focus on your personal branding. One of the most important factors in an individual’s professional portfolio is a personal brand. If you have strong branding, it’s easier to showcase your potential to employers and companies.   You can blog, join podcasts, attend conferences, and accept speaking engagements to get your brand out there. Creating a trend is not so hard these days. Create your own story, own character, and own trademark, and you already be considered as a brand.   For example, McDonalds’ clown is the mascot of the brand, therefore the brand is not only famous physically but digitally too. The character’s humble and funny habits have portrayed the brand as a good and humble brand. Now we know why we think of McDonald's, whenever we feel like having burgers!   Research on the areas your competitors lack and work on them. What do you think is your edge from your competitors? What are the potential deficiencies that made you stand out from them? Work on those areas and take over the competition in the corporate world.   Provide insights whenever you can. The secret to a successful corporate life is sharing your knowledge and expertise. This will boost your personal brand while increasing your connections. One of the best way to let know of your professional caliber to your community is via Linkedin.   Linkedin not only gives you recognition in your professional field but also finds you great opportunities to enhance your lifestyle. Whether it’s in the office or on conferences, build rapport with people to improve your reputation. Professionals, business owners, and organizations need to look for continuous improvement in order to remain relevant in their industries. If you work with talented people and continue learning, it’s easier to stand out and conquer your corporate goals. Don’t just be hardworking and intelligent; know how to take on challenges and turn them into opportunities. Remember, it’s a dog eats dog world out there -  equipping yourself with the right mindset and skills is important. Read Also: A Beginner’s Guide In Using MT4 On A Mac 3 Ways To Boost Employee Engagement In Your Business New Technology In Business: 4 Inventions In 2019 That Are Changing The Game