5 Essential Nutrients For Maintaining Optimal Maternal Health


29 August 2023

Health & Fitness

Essential Nutrients For Maintaining Optimal Maternal Health

Is there anything more miraculous and joyful than carrying a piece of you for nine straight months? But pregnancy is certainly not a journey full of roses. From consuming the right diet to limiting exercise, there is so much to consider. But out of all, eating right during pregnancy is mega important.

It is really vital for nurturing a healthy baby and mama. But with so many pregnancy nutrition rules, it can get kind of confusing and overwhelming fast! Well, guess what, here is a guide that will take you through the 5 essential nutrients every expecting mother should consume in the right amount.

So, let’s get started…

Prenatal Vitamins: What Are Those?

In simple terms, prenatal vitamins refer to multivitamins for expecting mothers. In comparison to a usual multivitamin, the former has more nutrients that might make the pregnancy healthier. Usually, the medical professional assisting you will prescribe it, but if he doesn’t, you can always buy it from stores with a prescription. 

The human body uses minerals, vitamins, and other nutrients present in food to stay healthy and strong. At the time of pregnancy, as we all know, the mother passes down all necessary nutrients to her embryo. Thus, your body asks for more vitamins when you are pregnant. That is exactly the job of prenatal vitamins. 

Which Nutrients Are Most Important For A Perfect Maternal Health?

Before you go bonkers, let’s break it down to the essential nutrients preggos really need more of. Here are 5 all-star vitamins and minerals to help maintain tip-top maternal health:

The VIP Folate

Alright, all you soon-to-be mamas, listen up. Folate (aka folic acid) should be topping your prenatal vitamin rockstar list. This essential B vitamin helps prevent major birth defects of the baby’s brain and spine when taken before conception and in early pregnancy. We’re talking about the next level vital for fetal development.

Folate also helps produce new cells, so mama needs extra to accommodate a growing babe. Most docs recommend women start supplementing 400-800 mcg of folate at least a month before pregnancy. But hey, better late than never, if you’re already pregnant, try to achieve optimal maternal health with a Specialist Obstetrician!

Supercharged Iron

Fun fact: A developing fetus needs lots of mineral iron to form their blood supply and other tissues. So, in turn, mama needs way more iron to share with baby! When you’re expecting, your iron needs to jump by up to 50%.

Unfortunately, the vitamin C in my OJ every morning doesn’t cut it. Most mamas-to-be need an additional iron supplement of 30-60 mg on top of a balanced diet. Too little iron during pregnancy zaps your energy and can lead to stuff like anemia. No one wants that! So, rev up on iron-rich foods plus a prenatal vitamin to stay energized.

The Calcium Extravaganza

The Calcium Extravaganza

Did you know baby needs around 30 grams of calcium just to build their tiny growing skeleton? Well, they have to get that supply from somewhere! The calcium in Mama’s body works overtime during pregnancy to help form the baby’s bones and teeth.

That’s why pregnant women need around 1,000 mg of calcium per day. Goodbye, plain almond milk, hello, extra cheesy pizza! Jokes aside, ensure you get adequate calcium from dairy, leafy greens, supplements, or all of the above. Your wee one will thank you for strong bones.

Omega-3s For Winning

You’ve probably heard omega-3 fatty acids are clutch for heart and brain health. Well, it turns out they’re essential for a baby’s development, too. These healthy fats help build a baby’s nervous system and retinal tissues. They’re also linked to lower risks of preterm births and postpartum depression.

That’s why experts recommend at least 250–300 mg of omega-3s like DHA daily for expecting mothers. Load up on fatty fish, nuts, and seeds – or just grab a fish oil supplement as an insurance policy to meet your levels. Consider omega-3s a must for both of your well-being.

The Magical Magnesium

Don’t sleep on the mineral magnesium during pregnancy! It plays a role in so many vital stuff: bone growth, regulating blood pressure, aiding enzymes and metabolism, and muscle and nerve function. Oh, and helping build DNA and RNA. NBD!

Unfortunately, the typical Western diet often lacks enough magnesium. Pregnant women need at least 350–400 mg daily from food and supplements. Get your fill from dark leafy greens, nuts, whole grains, yogurt, and more magnesium-rich sources. Your body and babe will thank you!

Mamas, Take Care Of Your Mental Health Too… 

You are already doing so much, make sure to sit back and relax. Pregnancy might seem like a 9-month-long journey, but trust us when we say it passes in the blink of an eye. All those days will be missed by you later. So, make sure to take care of your mental health too. 

Surround yourself with positive people, listen to calm music, and avoid taking too much stress. Post-partum depression is inevitable, but you can always be cheerful in your approaches when the baby is growing inside you.

Eat whatever satisfies your soul, but make sure that it doesn’t have a negative impact on your baby. Your emotional strength is responsible for your physical strength, too. So, ensure to keep both of them balanced, positive, and cherishing.


There you have it, mamas – the crème de la crème nutrients for staying healthy during pregnancy! Prioritizing these all-star vitamins and minerals ensures you and your growing baby get all the key building blocks you need. Consult your doctor and add any supplements needed for optimal levels.

Your nutrient intake matters more than ever before – so eat well for two! With this, it’s a wrap on this comprehensive guide. But you will get to know more if you want to. Keep reading my articles, as they have a lot of beneficial information for my readers. Also, if you find this article helpful, do not forget to share your comments below. 

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With an adept skill of curating content on multiple genres, Mony has harnessed success as a Content Writer quickly. Find her sharing profound thoughts and opinions on lifestyle, beauty, fashion, pets, and parenting.

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Achieving Aesthetic Excellence: How Skin Clinics Deliver Beautiful Dermal Results

In seeking radiant, youthful-looking skin, aesthetic skin clinics have emerged as veritable sanctuaries. These clinics excel at delivering optimal results, enhancing natural beauty, and boosting self-confidence. But what is the secret behind their consistent ability to produce stunning aesthetic outcomes? In this blog post, we'll delve into the world of aesthetic skin clinics to uncover the magic behind their success. Expertise Matters At the heart of every successful aesthetic skin clinic are highly trained professionals who possess an in-depth understanding of the intricacies of the skin. Dermatologists, nurses, and aestheticians are like skin wizards, armed with the knowledge and expertise to assess each individual's unique needs and provide tailored solutions. These experts have dedicated years to their education and hands-on experience, allowing them to address common skin concerns and tackle complex issues. Whether it's acne scars, fine lines, pigmentation problems, or aging skin, the expertise of these professionals is the cornerstone of successful treatments. Cutting-Edge Technology Skin clinics invest in the latest technological advancements to stay ahead in aesthetics. From state-of-the-art laser treatments to minimally invasive procedures, these clinics have cutting-edge equipment that ensures the highest safety and precision. One such innovation is the use of lasers in skin rejuvenation. Laser technology has evolved significantly in recent years, making it possible to treat many skin issues with minimal downtime and discomfort. Personalized Treatment Plans A fundamental principle that sets aesthetic skin clinics apart is their belief in personalized care. They recognize that one size does not fit all regarding skincare. Therefore, they consider numerous factors like skin type, age, lifestyle, and specific concerns to create a customized roadmap to optimal results. The process begins with a thorough consultation, during which the clinician evaluates the patient's skin condition and listens to their goals and concerns. This dialogue forms the foundation of the treatment plan, ensuring that it is tailored to the patient's unique needs. A Holistic Approach Skin health isn't just about external treatments but overall wellness. Many aesthetic skin clinics adopt a holistic approach, emphasizing the importance of a healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition, and medical-grade skincare products. They believe that a holistic approach enhances the results of treatments and promotes long-term skin health. This means that patients are educated on in-clinic procedures and the importance of a consistent at-home skincare regimen. These regimens often include medical-grade products that contain active ingredients like retinoids, antioxidants, and growth factors. Such products can complement in-office treatments and maintain the achieved results. Continuous Learning The field of aesthetics is dynamic, with new treatments and technologies emerging regularly. Aesthetic skin clinics understand the importance of keeping up with the latest trends and techniques. Clinicians often undergo additional training and certifications to ensure that their patients receive the best care possible. This dedication to continuous learning ensures skin clinics can offer their patients the most effective and safest treatments. It also reflects their commitment to excellence and staying at the forefront of the industry. Transparency And Education Aesthetic skin clinics are committed to educating their patients. They provide clear and transparent information about treatment options, expected results, potential risks, and costs. This transparency allows patients to make informed decisions about their skincare journey. Patients are encouraged to ask questions and seek clarification about their treatment plan. This open and educational approach fosters trust and empowers patients to participate in skincare decisions actively. Patient-Centered Care The most crucial aspect of delivering optimal results is patient-centered care. Aesthetic skin clinics prioritize their patient's needs and concerns above all else. They listen actively, address questions and concerns, and create a comfortable and supportive environment. This personalized care extends beyond the treatment room. It includes post-treatment care and follow-up appointments to monitor progress and ensure that the patient is satisfied with the results. This commitment to patient-centered care fosters trust and ensures patients are actively involved in their treatment journey. Stunning Results With all these elements in place, the results speak for themselves. Patients leave aesthetic skin clinics looking beautiful and feeling more confident and empowered. The transformation is not just skin deep; it boosts one's self-esteem and overall well-being. The beauty of aesthetic skin clinics lies in their ability to provide results beyond the physical. They help patients regain self-assurance and feel more comfortable in their skin. Whether addressing age-related concerns, skin imperfections, or simply enhancing one's natural beauty, aesthetic skin clinics deliver beautiful dermal and aesthetic outcomes. Conclusion Aesthetic skin clinics are aimed to deliver optimal results in the pursuit of beautiful dermal and aesthetic outcomes. Consider visiting a reputable aesthetic skin clinic to enhance your natural beauty and achieve radiant skin. Your journey to beauty and confidence begins there. The magic of these clinics lies in their unwavering dedication to making you look and feel your absolute best. Read Also: Are you aware of Belviq – a Weight-Loss Drug? Seven Best Meal Replacement Ideas For Weight Loss The Science Behind Blue Light Glasses

kratom powder

How Is Kratom Helpful In Living Life At Its Best?

There is no need to keep living in a sad state of mind. The depression, anxiety or anything that keeps you away from living life to the fullest need to be avoided. If you are feeling blue all the time then you need to find a solution. There is no need to choose medicines that also have lots of side effects. One of the natural ways to treat such conditions is to use kratom leaves. These kratom crushed leaf have been used in many cultures for a long period of time due to its several health benefits Today, you can easily find a company that offers you quality kratom powder for sale at a very reasonable price. What matters most is how you use it. Overdose will surely keep you off the track as it gives euphoric feeling and tranquilizes you. You need to be in your senses to enjoy the best feeling you get from it. So, you need to start with a low dose. If you face a great deal of anxiety when it comes to attending social gathering then kratom can prove as blessings. It boosts your confidence within in a few minutes and the world doesn't grab you by the throat anymore. How Is Kratom Helpful In Living Life At Its Best? Now the question is how you should take it? There is no need to chew raw leaves as there are better products available in the market. You can buy powder or you can go with capsules. If you are buying powder then you can take it with chocolate milk, tea, water, juices, etc. And when it comes to capsules, you just have to swallow it. It is important to know that there are no clinical studies available in support of the benefits of kratom. However, there would be hardly any disappointed user, who will recommend you not to use it. The chilled-out feeling of kratom dose is widespread. Many kratom users are those who have to wake up every day and show up at the job where they need to face challenging tasks with pressure for hours. They feel the reduction in stress and they can concentrate better on the work with kratom consumption. It also used to be one of the best options for overcoming opium addiction. When one stops taking kratom completely, there are chances of facing withdrawal symptoms. However, these symptoms are mild. Kratom also affects the metabolism system. When the blood flow in the body is increased one feels energized throughout the day. A user can also feel having a better appetite. Along with that it also enhances the sex drive of both men and women. When it comes to treating low libido or erectile dysfunction, kratom has proved effective. One of the best things about kratom is that there have been no fatal incidents recorded of the overdose of it. Though long-term side effects include a darkened face, pigmentation on the cheeks, constipation, excessive weight loss, insomnia, etc. Is It Addictive? It belongs to the same family as the coffee plant. So it is not right to give a conclusion on whether it is addictive or not. If you consume ten cups of coffee every day for years then you can surely see the negative effects on the body. The same thing goes for the usage of kratom. All you need to do is to keep things in moderation. Whether you are taking capsules or you blending the powder with water, you should start with a low dosage. Conclusion: In the end, we can conclude that there is no need to be in pain without any reason. Stress and anxiety keep you far away from living your life at your full potential. It is important to take control of such conditions and act on it. Now all you need to do is to find a reputed online store where you get genuine kratom powder and capsules at the right price. You can also buy it in bulk as it doesn't have any complex storing requirements. Read Also :  13 Best Herbs That Boost Your Metabolism 10 Best Protein Shake Recipes For Weight Loss


Flexoplex Reviews: Is It the Best Joint Supplement Of 2020?

Joint pain is a discomforting symptom, is almost always accompanied by inflammation and limited mobility. Such manifestations are encountered in the older population, and especially in cases of arthritis. Apart from medication and physical therapy, one can consider taking joint health supplements such as Flexoplex to improve joint health. Flexoplex: Flexoplex is a natural joint health supplement, meant to relieve the painful swelling in minor and major joints. Moreover, thanks to its active ingredients, the supplement can help you resume everyday activities and improve your overall quality of life. Joint health supplements, such as Flexoplex, are recommended to those older in age. They can protect the joints against further deterioration and, at the same time, eliminate discomforting symptoms. However, they can also be taken by those who want to keep their joints healthy for as long as possible, maintaining the physiological range of mobility and preventing the cartilage from breaking down. How does Flexoplex work? Buy On Amazon The aging process is something we do not have power over. However, this does not mean we cannot act against the manifestations of this process, including the ones affecting the joints. Flexoplex addresses joint pain in a highly effective manner, eliminating inflammation and improving mobility. It targets both the symptoms and the root problem, providing beneficial results. There are several ways in which Flexoplex counteracts the consequences of aging, painful joints. With a revolutionary formula, it supports the joint repair process, reducing the amount of damage; it guarantees the healthy rebuilding and, thus, it reduces the risk of such problems in the future. A major problem associated with the aging process is the reduced amount of lubricating fluid in the joints. Given such changes, the cartilage can break down easily, leading to both pain and inflammation. Flexoplex can lubricate the joints and, thus, eliminate one of the most discomforting symptoms: stiffness. With a unique blend of ingredients, Flexoplex works to improve the overall range of motion. Thus, thanks to the newly obtained flexibility, one can resume previous activities and benefit from a better quality of life. Last, but not least, Flexoplex effectively relieves joint pain and inflammation. It works against all of the manifestations of arthritis, protecting the joints from future damage and keeping them mobile. Key ingredients of Flexoplex: The powerful joint pain relief formula is based on a number of carefully selected ingredients, each and every one of them with beneficial effects on suffering, aging joints. These are the active Flexoplex ingredients contained in this supplement: Glucosamine sulfate is a known ingredient, which supports joint health and cartilage flexibility. It provides effective relief from pain, especially in the case of osteoarthritis and when used in combination with chondroitin. Ensures proper joint lubrication and fights inflammation. Chondroitin sulfate improves joint mobility and relieves pain, being a good solution for osteoarthritis manifestations. It can support the cartilage to repair and rebuild itself, alleviating the joint discomfort in case of arthritis. It offers the best results when used together with glucosamine. Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) addresses the manifestations of arthritis, providing relief from pain, inflammation, and associated muscle aches. Its efficiency is increased when used in conjunction with glucosamine. Rutin is a natural remedy with potent antioxidant properties. It is an excellent solution for arthritis, having the ability to reduce inflammation and provide relief from pain. It is recommended for rheumatoid arthritis, reducing the risk of associated deformities. Cat’s claw bark powder is another natural remedy, which has been in use for centuries. It has amazing pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory properties, being the perfect weapon against osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Boswellia Serrata gum powdered extract is a traditional remedy, with amazing properties on the manifestations of osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. It has powerful anti-inflammatory properties, providing relief from joint pain and improving overall mobility. Hyaluronic acid keeps the joints lubricated and prevents the deterioration of the cartilage. It cushions the joints and improves the shock absorption ability, plus it has potent pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory properties (improves the overall functioning of the joints). Bromelain, which is naturally found in pineapple, can reduce inflammation and improve joint function. It reduces stiffness and joint discomfort, providing the best results when combined with rutin and trypsin. Trypsin is a highly effective ingredient, which can improve joint function, provide relief from pain and inflammation, and eliminate stiffness. As mentioned, its effect is enhanced by bromelain. Flexoplex usage: Flexoplex should be taken by anyone who suffers from joint health problems, with manifestations such as pain, inflammation, and loss of mobility. It is recommended for different types of joint conditions, including osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis, addressing not only the symptoms but also the root problem. With regard to the dosage, this is of four tablets per day. You should take two tablets in the morning, a short time after breakfast, and another dose – of two tablets as well – before going to bed (approximately one hour before bedtime). Always take the tablets with a glass of water, as this ensures they will be effectively absorbed. When using Flexoplex, it is important to follow the instructions on the package to the letter. This will ensure that the joint health supplement does its magic and eliminates the problems you have been suffering from. When it comes to Flexoplex results, you can expect to see an improvement in overall mobility. You can also consult your physician on using this particular supplement. Where to find Flexoplex? Flexoplex is available for purchase online, on the website of the manufacturer. Here, you will find the best prices, as well as free shipping offers, discount coupons, and additional incentives. First-timers can purchase one bottle for the price of $39.95, receiving a free bottle of GreenPura and a 60-day money-back guarantee (return the product if not satisfied). The Dual Flex System is another interesting Flexoplex order, available at the price of $63.90. This offer comes with free shipping and, of course, a free bottle of Greenburg. You can also purchase three bottles of Flexoplex for $119.85, taking advantage of the 20% off coupon. Five bottles of the supplement are at the price of $199.75, with a 25% off coupon being available for all purchasers. Customer overviews: Flexoplex has received a number of positive reviews, being appreciated as a highly beneficial supplement for joint health problems. It has helped those with knee injuries recover faster, not to mention it represents an excellent solution for joint pain management. It has potent anti-inflammatory properties, providing relief from painful joint swelling. According to those who have used the supplement, Flexoplex is a superior product – in comparison to other similar products present on the market. It helps with the manifestations of arthritis and it improves joint function, especially in older people. As it has no side-effects, it can be taken by those who suffer from chronic pain, which is a huge advantage to consider. Joint pain and relief: Supplements such as Flexoplex address the common manifestations of joint problems, with pain being the number one problem. The blend of active ingredients works against joint pain, providing much-needed relief. With supplements such as Flexoplex, you can finally keep the pain under control. Apart from these supplements, you can go to physical therapy and obtain additional relief from the pain. Hydrotherapy is beneficial as well, and you can also follow an anti-inflammatory diet. You can also consult your physician and inquire about additional solutions to obtain pain relief in aching joints. Final verdict: Flexoplex is an excellent joint health supplement, with the active ingredients working to provide relief from pain and inflammation. It improves overall joint function, increases the range of motion and supports the repair process. With Flexoplex, you will keep your joints healthy for many years to come! Read Also: 7 Simple Exercises That Can Relieve Back Pain In No Time Ways To Emotionally Deal With Chronic Illness Growth Factor Plus Vs Peak Height – Grow Tall Supplement Reviews Some Supplements You Need To Know Right Now A Little On The Side…Or Not? Your Guide To Supplemental Insurance Featured image: slideshare.net