Graduation- How To Show Appreciation for Loved Ones?

How To Show Appreciation

Ah, graduation. I still remember that day five years ago when I graduated from college. When I got up on stage to get my graduation certificate from my college principal, most didn’t pay attention. However, my parents and many of my friends did, pointing out to me who my closest supporters are.

Therefore, I decided to throw a house party for all those who cheered. All those who supported me in my journey to where I am now.

However, after my house party was over, I thought to myself – what else could I have done to show my appreciation for my dearest supporters?

Are house parties and dinners the only way to make them feel valuable? Or are there other concoctions that allow me to express my gratitude better?

This is why, after all these years as a writer, I finally got the opportunity to do some research on this topic. However, I was surprised to find out the number of things you can do apart from a simple house party!

Therefore, here are ten great ways for you to show appreciation and gratitude to your closest supporters after graduation!

How To Show Appreciation To Your Supporters After Graduation?

How To Show Appreciation To Your Supporters After Graduation

After careful research and starting multiple threads on Quora and Reddit, I found the answers I needed. Therefore, here are ten great ways for you to show appreciation and gratitude to your closest supporters after graduation!

1. Throw a Themed Graduation Celebration

Host a graduation party that mirrors your individuality and passions. A themed party can inject excitement and originality into your festivities, whether it’s a Hollywood carpet affair, a lively tropical luau, or a nostalgic homage to your favourite era.

However, remember to send out graduation invitation cards or 8th grade promotion invitations well in advance. Customize your invites to match the theme of the event.

Therefore, decorate the venue accordingly and encourage guests to dress according to the theme. Moreover, organize activities that align with the chosen motif.

2. Organize a Virtual Event

If your loved ones are dispersed across locations or if you wish to include friends and family who can’t be present physically in your celebration, consider arranging a virtual graduation event. Utilize video conferencing platforms to bring everyone together and plan engaging activities such as games, sharing memories through slideshows, or raising a toast to make the occasion memorable.

Regarding virtual activities, there’s one that I would have loved to do after graduation – play video games together over Discord. Some online multiplayer/co-op games that come to my mind are Sea of Thieves and Helldivers 2.

3. Embark on an Adventure

Commence your graduation journey by embarking on a trip to a destination you’ve always dreamt of exploring. Whether you’re looking for a peaceful beach getaway, an enriching city exploration, or an exciting nature trek, traveling offers an opportunity to relax and commemorate the completion of your endeavors. Consider organizing the trip with friends or family to make it more special.

One video game that comes to my mind is Sea of Thieves. It’s an amazing game that you can play with your three closest classmates. Here, you can band together with them and go on an epic treasure hunt on your pirate ship! It’s one of the most engaging ways to have fun with your friends – one last adventure before all of you go your separate ways in life!

4. Craft a Graduation Time Capsule

Put together a time capsule filled with keepsakes from your school years. Include items like photos, notes from loved ones and teachers, copies of papers or projects, and other memorabilia that hold value. Seal the capsule. Set a date in the future to open it, allowing yourself to reflect on your growth and accomplishments over time.

This is one of the most interesting ways to celebrate your graduation after spending years together with your friends. I wish I had done this during my graduation, so that I could open it up five years later with my friends and reminisce our college days together!

5. Arrange for a Graduation Photoshoot

Capture the moment with a graduation photoshoot. Choose a location that’s meaningful to you, such as your school campus, a park, or a picturesque spot in your city. Dress in your cap and gown. Bring props like your diploma, confetti, or a chalkboard with graduation messages. These photos will become mementos for years to come.

6. Give Back to the Community

Celebrate your graduation by giving back to the community that has been there for you throughout your journey. Coordinate volunteer. Organize fundraising efforts for causes for you.

Not only will this have an impact, but it’ll also offer a meaningful opportunity to mark your graduation.

7. Organize a Graduation Brunch or Dinner

Invite your closest circle of friends and family to a celebratory brunch or dinner. Whether you opt for an eatery or cook up a meal at home, take the time to share anecdotes, show appreciation, and revel in each other’s company.

Therefore, consider adding a graduation toast or speech to recognize the support and motivation you’ve received.

8. Reflect and Plan for the Future

Set aside some moments to ponder your achievements and set objectives for what lies. Therefore, pen down a letter addressed to yourself outlining your ambitions, aspirations, and the valuable insights gained along the way. 

Moreover, this practice can serve as a gesture towards acknowledging your journey and keeping yourself driven as you progress.

9. Craft a Graduation Memory Book

Capture the essence of your graduation experience by compiling a scrapbook brimming with photographs, notes, and keepsakes from your school days. Include graduation announcements and event programs as personal reflections. 

This creative endeavor can help immortalize memories while serving as a testament to your accomplishments.

10. Indulge in Some Relaxing Time

At times, the perfect way to celebrate is by unwinding and dedicating a day to yourself.

Therefore, indulge in a spa day and binge-watch movies. Enjoy your hobby. Take this opportunity to relax and relish in the joy of your deserved achievements.


Marking your graduation is a significant moment that can be personalized to showcase your individuality and path. Whether you opt for a celebration, a moment of solitude, or an adventurous escapade, what truly matters is acknowledging your successes. Embracing the promising future ahead. Cheers to you, graduate!

Additional Reading:

Ankita Tripathy loves to write about food and the Hallyu Wave in particular. During her free time, she enjoys looking at the sky or reading books while sipping a cup of hot coffee. Her favourite niches are food, music, lifestyle, travel, and Korean Pop music and drama.

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Educational Games

Top 3 Most Entertaining Educational Games

Learning, especially when you are a child who goes to school daily, can be quite a chore. But as a parent, it is especially a task to make your kids learn their basics and a bit more. It can get quite boring at times for your ward, and he or she might just refuse to cooperate. It is here that the concept of fun education can be brought to the place. It is in no way or form necessary that knowledge only has to be through the means of books. With the advancement in technology, it has become especially easy to get kids to learn their lessons in a more interactive and fun manner. Educational games- both online and offline can be a great way to learn- and retain knowledge- in a more entertaining manner. In fact, there are custom writers who create the base of these educational games. Here is a list of the top 3 most entertaining educational games to help your children learn better! 1-2-3 Farmyard: This is an offline game that will teach the basics of math to your kid in a fun and easy manner without scaring them about numbers for the rest of their lives. With the help of this game, children learn how to identify numbers, count them and most importantly compare between two or more numbers. The method of playing this game is quite simple. You have to build up a complete farm by using the animal cards that you pick out at random. The catch is, you cannot use the same animal twice. There is an added advantage to the game as well. Not only will you kids learn their basic math with the help of this game, but they will also be able to identify the animals that are there on the farm. It is like killing two birds with one stone. Robot Turtles: We all know how important data and coding is in this day and age of the internet. So why not start a little early and teach your kids about computer science and the logo programming language with the help of this very entertaining game? The players of this game use code cards to move the character of the robot turtle all around the playing board. There are many levels to conquer, and it will definitely help keep your kid or kids engaged without any distractions. As far as it’s about the skills they will learn with the help of this game, then this game helps them understand and correct the bugs that might occur during coding and programming. It also helps kids understand about sub-routines and loops and most important of all; it helps your kids understand all about planning a strategy. Rivers, Roads, and Rails: Do you remember how difficult it was to master geography? Well, make sure your kids have no problems with the help of this game. There are 140 colorful cards that are used to create a complete transportation system. One has to create maps by comparing and matching the pieces of the puzzle. This is great if you have a single child since this game can be played solo as well. You kids get to learn all about the transportation system and maps with its help! They also will be better at matching pieces. Thus, if you play these games with your kids today, in their later ages during the exams, they will have just one thing to say: “I’ll definitely ace my paper today!” And that would be the best thing to hear when your kids are in high school, isn’t it? Read Also: How Education Powers A Better World? Cégep 101: Everything You Need To Know About Quebec’s Education System 4 Emerging Trends In The Education Sector

Bean Bag Chairs

Reasons Put Bean Bag Chairs in Your Classroom

Teachers are always looking for ways to engage their students. They design interesting lesson plans, take students on fascinating field trips, and even create intricate reward programs. They work hard to make sure our children get the education they need and deserve. If you’re a teacher, first of all, thank you. Second, have you considered putting bean bag chairs in your classroom for even more student engagement? The best bean bags on the market are ideal for use with kids of all ages. Here are three reasons to put bean bag chairs in your classroom. They Look Inviting When students come into your classroom, they want to see that it’s going to be a comfortable place for them for the year. They expect to see desks and chairs, but they don’t expect to see several bean bag chairs in the corner of the room where they can sit quietly and read when they’re done with their work. If they see something that reminds them of home, especially younger children who might be apprehensive about going to school in the first place, they are more likely to let down their guard more quickly and feel like they belong. When you pick bean bag chairs for your classroom, consider bright, fun colors that will attract children right away. You want them to notice the bean bag chairs as soon as they come into the room so they can see that your classroom is a welcoming place to be. You only need a couple in the room, perhaps in a reading nook, to completely transform the room. Related Resource: Good Literacy is Good Literacy: Improving Reading and Writing They Can Be Used as Rewards Kids love having a special place to sit, especially if all the other kids have to sit in regular chairs. This is what makes using bean bag chairs in your classroom a special reward that kids can earn the privilege of sitting in. Believe it or not, this is a reward that even older kids will want to work for. Sitting in a bean bag chair while doing your schoolwork makes the time go by more quickly, so it will be a coveted prize for students in any grade. They Can Help With Sensory Issues Many students struggle with sitting still during the school day, especially if they have been diagnosed with ADHD or a sensory disorder. Bean bag chairs can help with both conditions. The “weightless” style of bean bag chair is designed to perfectly conform to a person’s body when they sit or lay on it, which provides gentle, comforting pressure against the body. This pressure is often enough to keep a child that has ADHD or sensory problems sitting still for a longer period of time than in a regular chair. Physical therapists have been using bean bag chairs as therapeutic tools for patients that have sensory disorders for many years. Teachers can tap into these healing properties by choosing bean bag chairs for their special needs students. Related Resource: Online Schools the Only Source for Personalized Education Conclusion These are just three of the most compelling reasons to add bean bag chairs to your classroom setup. No matter how you decide to use them, though, you can be sure your students will feel at home with this small added touch. Read Also: 3 Tips to Help You Perform Better at College 3 Tips For University Application Worldwide Things You Need To Know About Online Statistics Studies

Skilled Copywriting Agency

The Continued Relevance Of Human Insight: Why AI Can’t Replace A Skilled Copywriting Agency In London

In an age where Artificial Intelligence (AI) is permeating every aspect of our daily lives—from driving cars to diagnosing diseases—the realm of copywriting has also felt its presence. While AI-based algorithms can churn out text at a pace no human can match, the question remains: Can AI ever replace the nuanced creativity and emotional intelligence that a skilled copywriting agency in London like Blackad brings to the table? What Makes Human Copywriting Unique? Let's take a moment to appreciate what human copywriters bring to the game—something that Artificial Interlligence is far from mastering. Good copywriting is not just about stringing words together; it's about conveying a brand's voice, ethos, and, most importantly, its soul. Human copywriters bring with them: Emotional Intelligence The ability to identify and manipulate emotional triggers in writing is a skill that machines have yet to perfect. Human copywriters can detect subtle cues in tone, context, and language, allowing them to craft messages that resonate on an emotional level with the reader. This skill is vital for building connections and fostering brand loyalty, something that AI cannot replicate accurately. Cultural Sensitivity Words can have different meanings in different cultures, and one false move can spell disaster for a brand. A human writer will understand these nuances and adjust the copy accordingly, making it contextually relevant and respectful. This sensitivity ensures that your message is well-received globally, eliminating the risks of cultural misunderstandings that could tarnish your brand's reputation. Narrative Skills Telling a compelling story requires creativity and a keen understanding of human psychology—inherently human traits. A skilled copywriter knows how to weave a narrative that not only informs but also entertains and engages. They create relatable characters, build tension, and provide resolutions that make your brand memorable, fostering a deeper emotional connection with your audience. Strategic Thinking Good copywriting is not just about crafting appealing sentences; it's strategic. Human copywriters work in tandem with the brand's overall objectives, often thinking beyond the immediate task at hand. They consider the long-term impact of their words, ensuring that every piece of copy aligns with and advances the brand's goals, whether it's building awareness, driving sales, or establishing thought leadership. The Limits Of AI In Copywriting AI algorithms can analyse data, identify trends, and even generate text based on predefined parameters, but here's what they lack: Context Understanding AI struggles with understanding the situational context. It can write about a product's features, but cannot empathise with the user's needs or problems. Slang And Idioms The casual vernacular, which often makes copy relatable, is another aspect where AI lags. Tone And Nuance AI-generated copy often lacks the tone and nuanced expression that come naturally to human writers. Why You Should Opt For A Professional Copywriting Agency in London When you're looking to craft compelling copy that resonates with your audience, turns leads into customers, and cements your brand in the market, a professional copywriting agency in London like Blackad offers an unmatched skill set. They understand that copywriting is as much an art as it is a science, providing you with tailor-made solutions that align with your brand identity. The Symbiotic Future: AI And Human Copywriters As we look ahead, it's not a matter of AI versus human copywriters, but rather how the two can coexist and complement each other. AI can handle data analytics and basic content generation, freeing human copywriters to focus on more complex, creative tasks. Several copywriting agencies are already leveraging AI to handle mundane tasks while their human experts focus on strategy and creativity. The Final Word: The Irreplaceable Human Touch Despite the increasing capabilities of AI in content generation, the subtle creativity and emotional resonance of a human touch remain irreplaceable. Whether you're a startup looking for brand positioning or an established company aiming to revamp your digital presence, investing in a skilled copywriting agency in London can give you an edge in today's highly competitive market. So, while it's fascinating to consider what AI can achieve, it's equally important to recognise the invaluable contributions of professional copywriters. Agencies like Blackad stand as testaments to the enduring importance of human creativity, skill, and strategic insight in crafting copy that not only sells but also resonates. As technology continues to evolve, the debate around AI vs. human copywriting will likely persist. But one thing is clear: the nuanced skill set that human copywriters bring to the table is not going away anytime soon. And that's something no algorithm can replicate. Read Also: The New Global Project PRINCE2 Management Forum 5 Services Including Seo Auditing That You Should Know! A Few Things You Should Know Before Finalizing Managed It Services