Would Your Ecommerce Website Pass the Cybersecurity Test? Here are 3 Things You Could be Doing Wrong


06 March 2018

Dev & Design

There is no doubt that cybersecurity is a considerable concern in the modern age, both for business owners and consumers.

This is particularly relevant in the case of newer technologies, with an estimated 98% of all tested web apps thought to be vulnerable to a cyber attack. So, we face up with problems of qualification of IT security workers, the importance of Certified Information Systems Security Professional Certification, upgrading of computer systems and mainframes, etc.

This is an entirely staggering statistic and one that should worry about every website and e-commerce business-owner in the UK. It also highlights the fact that your website may not be as secure as you think, so here are three things that you may well be doing wrong:

1. Focusing Too Much on Prevention Rather Than Detection :

Team of Primetimeesay.com has checked a lot of papers and asked heads of IT security departments about the problems they face in their work first of all. According to the interviews, there is often a chasm between the length of cyber attacks and the subsequent time taken to discover and respond to them. An initial strike may be over in a matter of minutes, for example, while it reportedly takes an average of 256 days for it to be identified.

This issue can be at least partially resolved by placing a greater emphasis on detecting cyber threats and attacks rather than striving to prevent them merely.

After all, sophisticated hackers and malware programs may be able to breach even the best defenses, so your organization must have a viable strategy to detect and respond to attacks after they have been launched.

2. Relying Solely on Compliance :

While complying with industry guidelines and mandatory regulations is an important consideration, it is by no means guaranteed to protect all types of cyber-threat. In fact, it may be argued that they provide little more than minimum requirements to adhere to, and the fact remains that you must strive harder to keep your eCommerce site safe.

This is particularly true when it comes to handling consumer and corporate data of a sensitive nature, as in this case the majority of compliance law has been created from a legal perspective.

So, always try to go above and beyond when securing your website and the details of your customers, while ensuring that you have 128 or 256-bit encryption to safeguard all financial transactions.

3. Failing to Appreciate the Differences Between Penetration Testing and Vulnerability Scanning :

Make no mistake; penetration testing and vulnerability scanning are two very different concepts, and confusing them can cause significant security issues for your website.

While vulnerability scanning is a formulaic and best security test performed by systems, for example, penetration testing provides a far more in-depth examination of your website and its level of resistance to cyber-attacks. This is especially true when the tests are carried out by a reputable service provider like Nettitude, as this type of company uses humans to emulate the relentless and aggressive actions of genuine cyber-thieves and hackers.

This intuitive and in-depth testing offers a genuine insight into your website’s level of security, while it can help you to take proactive steps towards safeguarding your business.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Properly Handle

How to Properly Handle, Clean and Store Your Art

Art belongs on the wall, but sometimes circumstances will force you to move them. For example, if you’re temporarily moving away from your home or relocating to a home with less space to hang your artworks, you may have to store some of them. Additionally, if you’re a painter who doesn’t sell their art the minute it’s complete, you are likely going to have to store those artworks in your home or specialized storage facilities like Museo Vault. Art is delicate, and one innocent mistake could end up costing you dearly. That is why it’s important to know the basics of how to handle, clean and store your paintings. Everyone knows that paintings should be kept in a dark room, but choosing which one could play a huge role in their perseverance. In this article, we are going to walk you through the basics of properly handling, cleaning and storing your art in order to avoid causing them permanent damage. These tips will prevent various damage types like mold, scratches, cracks, and flaking. How to Properly Handle Your Art  Art is so delicate that it can even get damaged as you’re taking the picture off the wall or dusting the frame off. That is why you need to be extra careful what you wear around art, how you pick it up and hang it back. Handle One at a Time : Even if you’re in a hurry, never carry a stack of paintings, no matter if they are large or small. They could get scratched or dented if carried in bulks. When handling art, make sure to do it one painting at a time. If a painting is large, have two people handle it simultaneously. Wash Your Hands before Handling : Your hands need to be completely clean if you plan on handling art. Additionally, consider buying cotton gloves if you frequently have to handle art. Make sure the gloves are always washed. This precaution will help avoid leaving fingerprints both on the painting and the frame. Remove Any Jewelry : Rings and watches can scratch and damage your painting as you’re carrying it or taking it down from the wall. That’s why you need to remember to always remove any jewelry that could damage the painting before handling it. How to Properly Clean Your Art Like we mentioned, paintings are delicate so you have to take special care when cleaning them. Knowing which products to use to clean and dust the paintings in keeping them pristine for years to come. Dusting Your Paintings : Paintings hung on the walls are a dust magnet, and have to be cleaned regularly. But you can’t just use any old duster to do it. In order to avoid serious damage, use a soft artists’ brush made from natural hair. Keep the painting on a soft surface leaned down so the dust is pulled down as you brush it. Move the brush carefully and slowly in a single direction and make sure you’re not applying any pressure to it. When you’ve dusted off the entire picture, change the direction and go for a second pass. Never use stiff brushes, moist cloths or feather dusters when cleaning art. Cleaning Your Paintings : This should be common sense, but never ever use household cleaners or similar products on paintings. The chemicals in these products can completely ruin the painting. If there’s a need to clean the painting, consider hiring an expert. How to Properly Store Your Art Finally, proper art storage is the key to its preservation. This is also where art collectors are most likely to make a mistake due to the numerous factors that determine whether a location is suitable for art storage or not. Avoid Damp Rooms : Never store your art pieces in the basement, the attic or any room with an outside wall. These rooms are usually either too dry or too damp. Either of those could affect your paintings. However, if you’re out of options to make sure to invest in a good humidifier and an AC unit to keep the room temperature constant and humidity levels acceptable. Never Stack Paintings : If you don’t have enough space and have to stack the painting one over the other or against each other, make sure you use appropriate protection like padding. Painting racks are ideal if you need to store multiple paintings.


Patient Portal Development Company Addresses Technology

Healthcare industries are focusing more on technology and better patient engagement to fuel the population health. But for the patient portal development company, it is necessary to address the technical shortcomings as well that limits interoperability for healthcare systems. Once all technical and political barriers will be considered well then it would easy to make better healthcare decisions effectively. Till now, healthcare systems are more rhetoric than real but making them result-oriented is still a challenge. The healthcare industries usually try to make patients more engaged and empowered otherwise any patient portal will not work at all. Patient engagement will struggle with certain political and technical barriers as information access may be challenging for consumers. Some of the main barriers in healthcare technology adoption are interoperability, data access, non-incentive payment options, etc. Here, this is the responsibility of the patient portal development company to address the technology shortcoming for better interoperable healthcare systems. There is not only a single place where you can download health records so you have to be cautious when working with external data sources. But the problem is people always want easy solutions that can be availed with a single click only. TO make data access that much easy, it is easy to work on big data analytics for better record management and organization. To bridge the gap between healthcare industries and patients, patient portal development company has developed better consumer-driven systems that completely focus on customer requirements. Further, it is necessary to aware people about the benefits of better patient engagement to improve the overall quality of care and healthcare services. According to the latest research and study, better consumer engagement improves health outcomes and reduces overall costs too. Experts have also defined strategies to address various technical barriers in most effective without putting many efforts and cost investments. Read More: Best Therapies To Cure Pain And Discomfort Using Digital Signage To Improve Your Business Top 6 U.S. Universities That Offer Health Science Course

Website Design

SEO Website Design Tips for Small Businesses

As a small business owner, you may feel like you need to do everything at once. Build your site, generate great content, advertise, keep up with search engine algorithms, learn who your audience is, learn who your competition is – and on and on that list goes. At these stressful moments, it is important to step back and remember the adage “slow and steady wins the race”. Your business wasn’t built overnight, and neither will your digital marketing be. The key to effectively marketing your small business is knowing where to put your efforts first. Website design is one of the most important elements of that and is a great place to start. Once you have the basics of your web design ironed out, you can do more work here and there to complete your digital marketing strategies over time. Not sure where to start? Our Nashville web designers offer six tips for getting started. SEO Website Design Tips for Small Businesses 1. Learn how Google Crawls Your Site As you are building your website and planning for your future in digital marketing, it is important to understand how Google crawls your site. That means understanding what it is that Google looks for on websites when they rank them in search engine results. Google’s algorithms change routinely, but there are a few concepts that are always the same – such as SEO and website design. When ranking websites, Google looks at factors like: Utility and usability (user-friendliness, page load speed, graphics loading, etc.) Content (quality long-form content) Long-tail keywords Related key terms Backlinks Internal linking strategy Optimized media 2. Choose a Clean and Simple Layout As you get started with website design, one of the best ways to start is by choosing a clean and simple website layout. You want users to be attracted to your site and engaged with it, but you don’t want it cluttered or distracting. Choose a design that speaks to your brand and mission. Choose a color scheme that matches your logo and branding. Make sure your font is easy to read.  Use the same template style for all pages. 3. Make Sure Your Site Performs Yes, Google crawls and ranks based on SEO, but they also crawl and rank based on performance. That means you should make sure your site is optimized for fast page load speed, mobile use, and image speed. If your site only works on a computer, you will lose an endless number of possible mobile users. 4. Use a Consistent Layout and Formatting Web design is just one aspect of building your brand. You should make sure that your website layout and formatting is consistent with other marketing materials, such as social media. Being consistent helps you establish your brand and makes you easily recognizable to customers from various platforms. 5. Use Every SEO Opportunity Search engines match up results with websites based on their optimization and relevance to the search term. That means you should use every SEO opportunity you have. That means including your keyword in the page title, meta description, and URL. If your page is titled “Best Dog Toys”, your meta description should include that phrase, and your URL should be something akin to www.yoursite.com/best-dog-toys. 6. Add Alternative Text on Your Images Alternative text, or ALT text, is an SEO tactic that seems small but can have big results. When you add an image to your webpage, you will have an option to add ALT text or an ALT tag. You want to put your keyword in that box so that search engines know that your image also links to your keyword for the page. Your images are indexed just like content. Put It All Together As you can see, there are many aspects to web design. For a small business, one of the best things you can do is to make a plan for where you will start and what goals you want to accomplish here and there. By using these six tips as you build your website, you will have a solid foundation for your digital marketing that will last a long time. For the latest trends and challenges in SEO click: https://whitepeak.io/blog/seo-trends-challenges-2022/ Read Also: Tips on Building Your Resume for a Website Design Company How to Design an Effective Company Website 7 Rules of Effective Ecommerce Web Design