5 Easy Ways to Detect a Water Leak in Your Home

Water Leak

Water leaks are one of the major problems for many homeowners. What makes them dangerous is that they’re not always obvious to spot until it’s too late. Water leaks can be caused by natural disasters such as earthquakes, broken appliances or simply due to outdated plumbing.

Water leaks are a fairly common issue and can cause severe damage to your home. They can damage your furniture and appliances, they can ruin the walls and if paired with faulty wiring, can lead to a tragic outcome.

As water leaks are not always apparent, many homeowners don’t bother to check whether there could be an issue with the water inside their home. Acting too late may result in serious repair and restoration costs and extensive water damage cannot be handled without professional companies such as KIC Restoration.

In this article, we’ll give you a few easy tips on how to spot water damage before it becomes an issue.

Keep Tabs on Your Water Bill:

One of the first signs hinting that there might be a hidden leak inside a home is a significantly increased water bill for your household. If you did not change your habits but have noticed an increase in your water bill, you might want to look for leaks inside your home. You can monitor your monthly spending online and see if there are any anomalies.

Consult with the Water Meter:

If you do notice something’s wrong with your water bill, the first thing you want to check is the water meter. To see if there are any hidden leaks, turn off any appliances that use water as the dishwasher, washing machine and close all the faucets. If the water meter is still detecting water being used, there’s a high chance you might have a leak. If there are no visible leaks in your home, perhaps you are dealing with an issue such as slab leak.

Use Food Color to Detect Leaks in the Toilet:

Of course, a leak may not be as severe as a slab leak. In fact, in most cases, water leaks come from the toilet. Toilets use a lot of water compared to other appliances and elements and it’s a good idea to test them first. You can do this easily by adding some food coloring into the tank. If you don’t flush the toilet but the color appears, you’ve found the sneaky leak.

Inspect Your Home Frequently:

Make sure to perform a visual inspection under the cabinets and vanities to see if there’s excess water there. Since leaks usually attract mold, sensing unpleasant odors or finding mold throughout your home may indicate a leak. In fact, you should check the areas where mold appeared first.

Look for Stains on the Walls:

If the leak is within your walls and caused by faulty plumbing, wet spots on the wall or on the ceiling are sure signs there’s something going on behind them. If there’s a water stain on your walls, the leak will probably be close by. Make sure to react immediately, as stains can quickly lead to serious property damage.

These are just some of the ways you can check for leaks inside your home. However, since a lot of times water leaks are hidden underground or inside the walls, if you cannot manage to find the source and keep seeing signs like an increased water bill, your best choice is to call a professional to look for leaks with a special set of tools. Call a professional leak detection company in Miami.


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Package Units

Here’s What Makes Package Units Better than the Other ACs

Package ACs are generally used as an all-in-one HVAC system for spaces like homes, industrial sites, warehouses, and events that do not have enough space for a furnace or an air handler. They are available at fixed-rate capacities. Some package unit has a rating capacity of 3, 5, or 7 and highly rated ones like 10 or 15 tons. Though they are commonly used in homes and small spaces, package units are also suitable for restaurants, telephone exchanges, and bigger venues. As the name suggests, all vital components found in a heating and cooling system are located in a single casing. All the crucial fixings, including the compressor, air handlers, cooling coil, and air filters, are housed in the unit, providing both heating and cooling capacities. Here’s What Makes a Package Unit Different from Other ACs One of the distinguishing features of a packaged air conditioner unit is the casing which is found on the outside of a house or building. The cabinet is directly connected to the existing ventilation system which circulates the chemical refrigerant inside. This setup is different from typical air conditioners of most homes in the country where the coils are located in a separate unit and connected through the refrigerant line. Split-type ACs have their evaporator coils indoors while the condenser coils are found outside of the structure. And because the unit is located outside the premise of a building, package units primarily act as space savers. They also offer the versatility of installation, especially for homes and buildings with limited backyard spaces. Package ACs can also be set up on the roof in the absence of suitable yard space. Why Should You Opt for a Packaged HVAC Unit? There are specific considerations when opting for package units rather than other cooling and heating alternatives. For one, a packaged AC offers convenient maintenance because all components are found in a single place. A technician only visits a single spot and services everything from there. Packaged air conditioners also emit a significantly lower indoor noise compared to a split-type AC and other alternatives. A well-maintained unit will not make enough noise to disturb your family; thus, providing your family the tranquility and comforts of ideal living space. Additionally, packaged air conditioners do not only provide sufficient cooling for small spaces, but they are also outfitted with heating coils. The combination of both an air conditioner and a central heating system removes the need for an additional indoor furnace. Different Types of Packaged Units There are several package units available in the market, and each has its advantages and flaws. As such, selecting the ideal AC unit has to go along with the area you live to avoid any inconvenience. Package AC A package unit has the air conditioner and air handler housed in a single casing. They can also be outfitted with heating capacities, so adding heating strips would provide you both with a cooling and heating system. Gas and Electric Package Systems This type of HVAC system runs on gas and combines the functions of an air conditioner and a gas furnace. This option is ideal for homeowners who do not have an existing heater. Dual-Fuel Systems If you live in an area where temperatures drop below negative three degrees, a dual-fuel system is the best HVAC system to install. It can turn your gas furnace on when the temperature drops the ideal warmth, helping you save on your utility bill. Talk with a professional to help you decide on the ideal AC unit to outfit your home or warehouse.  There are various types of package units with different capacities to outfit your space and give you the right warmth or cooling you need. Featured image Read Also: Here Are Some Things That You Should Know When You Use Storage Units Winter is Going! A Monthly Home Maintenance Checklist to Get You Ready for Spring 10 Amazing Air Conditioner to Try Right Now

Decluttered Workspace

7 Benefits of a Clean and Decluttered Workspace

They say that cleanliness is next to godliness; however, even someone who does not believe in god will vouch for the tremendous power of living and working in a clean and organized environment. The most important benefit of keeping one’s surroundings clean and free of clutter is that it allows free flow of energy and creates a positive ambiance that has proven psychological benefits. Once we’ve become used to working in a cluttered environment, change can be difficult but it’s not impossible. 7 Benefits of a Clean and Decluttered Workspace Here are seven reasons why you should care about the cleanliness of not only your own desk but also your immediate surroundings at work and home. Cleanliness improves efficiency: Everyone wants to make the best use of their time at work, but a dirty and disorganized workplace enables exactly the opposite. In fact, people subconsciously dread going to an office where they’ll have to spend a significant part of their day plowing through stuff and enduring the unhygienic conditions in the pantries, washrooms and work bays. A clean and hygienic office space where every nook and corner has been paid attention is a haven for efficient and result-oriented work. A clean work environment encourages creativity: You may have experienced this in your personal life. Cluttered and dirty spaces do nothing more than sap one’s energy, stagnates the mind and obstruct the flow of creative thoughts and ideas. This can be particularly detrimental to the growth of a business. Therefore, maintaining a clean and orderly workspace is essential to encourage and inspire yourself and your colleagues to be creative in everyday tasks. Cleanliness helps you focus: A clean desk no doubt enables people to focus on the task at hand; however, a clean office building has an even greater impact on the employees’ ability to concentrate and complete tasks without distractions. Professional organizers say that knowing where your things are helps keep the mind clear, which in turn makes you more efficient and focussed and also says a lot about your professional caliber. in addition, clean and well-maintained indoor spaces tell your staff that you value their working environment. A tidy work desk means more room to work: Clearing your desk of clutter gives you more space to do your work, which in turn improves productivity and helps you achieve your daily goals on time. While a small office can be cleaned easily by your housekeeping staff, a larger workspace is best cleaned by a professional cleaning service that has the requisite tools and skills to do a thorough cleaning. Decluttering saves time: In business time is money, and when you have an organized work area with a place for everything from stapler pins to large files, you save a substantial amount of time every day that you would otherwise spend looking for stuff. Even a few minutes wasted every day by each staff member add up to a significant number. Do the math and share the figures with your colleagues and subordinates to inspire them to organize their working space. It acts as a stress-buster: A messy work desk or office space can cause a lot of stress and at most times you won’t even know that it’s the clutter that’s making your anxious. In fact, experts say that just walking into an unkempt office can make you feel stressed and disinterested in your work. Research shows that living and working in a clean and clutter-free space has a definite effect on a person’s mood and overall psychological well being. While some work-related stress is normal, if you feel overstressed especially when sitting at your desk or being inside a messy workplace, think deeply about whether it’s a work situation that’s freaking you out or the place itself. A clean work area means less sick leaves: An unclean and untidy workspace can make you sick from all the microorganisms that get to breed on and around your desk. Food crumbs and dust are the main culprits that find a safe haven in your keyboard, behind your desktop and under your desk. In many offices, cleaning staff are instructed not to move stuff lying on the desks, which means your desk space may not have been cleaned for weeks! If you’ve been falling sick a lot lately but can find no obvious explanation, a cluttered and dirty workspace could be to blame. Read Also: Choosing Open Office Space Vs Cubicle Office Space The Need To Settle End Of Tenancy Issues Before Leaving

Commercial Cleaning

The Ultimate Commercial Cleaning Checklist: Everything You For A Spotless Workspace

Maintaining a clean and organized workplace is a must for your well-being and productivity. However, it is no secret that office cleaning is a daunting task. There are so many things you need to consider, not to mention different areas and surfaces require different cleaning methods. Often, different methods require different cleaning equipment and cleaning supplies. In this entry, we will share with you the best practices and processes that the best commercial cleaning services use in their office cleaning service. Here's a commercial cleaning checklist to keep your workplace spotlessly clean. The basics of office cleaning services Before diving into the checklist, it is important that you understand the basic processes of commercial cleaning and how commercial cleaning companies deliver these practices. Most of these things are pretty self-explanatory. However, there is a reason why professional cleaners from commercial cleaning companies are efficient in their job – they know how to do things right. Knowing these practices will help you understand how to do them right too. Dusting Dirt, dust, and allergen particles accumulate quickly. If not removed from the business premises, these particles can get mixed into the indoor air and cause various health problems such as allergies, respiratory problems, headaches, etc. Commercial cleaning plans for office cleaning often include exhaustive dusting of all surfaces. This includes desks, shelves, electronics, windowsills, etc. A good commercial cleaning company uses microfiber cloth and a feather duster to remove dust effectively and safely. Vacuuming Vacuuming is the most efficient way to keep workplaces clean. It removes dirt, dust, and various outdoor debris from carpets, mats, rugs, etc. The advantage of hiring cleaning services is that a commercial cleaning company has access to industrial-grade and powerful vacuum cleaning machines that can truly and efficiently remove dirt, dust, and various debris. Nevertheless, when vacuuming your workplace, include cleaning the hard-to-reach areas, such as under the desks, tables, and chairs. Since they are hard to reach, these spots often trap foreign debris. Mopping Mopping is the best way to keep hard floors clean and shiny. It removes dirt, dust, and grime buildup from the floor. However, there is more to mopping than simply sliding the mop head back and forth on the surface of the floor. When mopping the floor, use a cleaning solution that is recommended for the type of floor you have. To ensure that all areas are covered, you need to mop in a back-and-forth motion. Trash removal and disposal No building maintenance will ever be complete without taking the trash out. When removing trash from your commercial premises, make sure to replace the bin liners as well. And when replacing the liner, make sure you clean the interior of the trash bin. Commercial cleaning services often include weekly disinfection of the trash bin. This is incredibly important in preventing bacteria buildup and odour in your trash bin. Disinfecting surfaces Another crucial aspect of commercial cleaning is surface disinfection. Disinfecting surfaces helps prevent the spread of disease-causing germs and bacteria in the workplace. When disinfecting your workplace, make sure you use a disinfectant spray or antibacterial wipes to clean surfaces. This includes desks, chairs, tables, countertops, light switches, office appliances buttons, and doorknobs. Commercial cleaning services often include disinfection and sanitation of surfaces in their cleaning service. Also, commercial cleaners, in particular, pay close attention to high-touch areas and surfaces, which are often breeding grounds for bacteria. These surfaces include hand railings, elevator buttons, light switches, and more. Bathroom cleaning Bathrooms are often the dirties and smelliest areas for commercial spaces. With that said, it is not surprising that they have become breeding grounds for bacteria and germs. When cleaning bathrooms, make sure you clean and disinfect high-touch spots and items such as faucets, sinks, toilets, and even mirrors. Commercial cleaners often include towel replacement, hand soap refill, and bathroom supplies restocking to ensure your office bathrooms are clean and convenient to use. Breakroom cleaning The breakroom is where employees often gather to chit-chat, eat their food, drink their beverages, and rest. For this reason, breakrooms can become breeding grounds for bacteria and germs. Thus, when taking care of your breakrooms, make sure you include the appliances, countertops, sink, tables, and chairs. Glass window cleaning Often, business owners neglect their windows, thinking they cannot clean surfaces they can’t reach. This is particularly true for tall building establishments. Professional commercial cleaners, however, have access to the right cleaning equipment and materials you need for a thorough and efficient window cleaning. They have tall ladders, power washers, longer hoses, and the right safety equipment and gears for a thorough clean. Floor care Floors, whatever type of flooring material it uses, must be swept daily to remove dirt and debris. Moreover, make sure you use the right floor cleaner that is recommended for the type of flooring material your business premises has. Carpet and upholstery cleaning Carpets and rugs are basically dirt traps. Aside from completing the look of a certain room, carpets function as dirt traps to minimize and even stop dirt and dust from entering the premises. While regular vacuuming can help, most office vacuums are not strong enough to rid carpets of deep-seated stains and bacteria. This is why commercial cleaning services invest in high-quality equipment so they can tackle difficult cleaning jobs like deep carpet cleaning. And like carpets and rugs, upholstered furniture is dirt, dust, and allergen traps too. Regular vacuuming of upholstery removes foreign debris. However, to ensure your carpets are actually clean, fresh, and disinfected, you can ask professional cleaners to take care of them. Most commercial cleaning service companies would suggest deep cleaning for carpets and furniture upholstery once or twice a year. Air vent cleaning Another incredibly important process for comprehensive commercial cleaning services includes air vent cleaning. Air vents accumulate allergens, dust, and foreign debris over time. When there is too much buildup of these particles in your air vent system, your indoor air quality will drop, leading to health issues such as respiratory problems such as asthma attacks. The Ultimate Commercial Cleaning Checklist for Your Workplace Daily Tasks: Desk and Surfaces Wipe down your desk and other surfaces daily with a disinfectant spray or wipe to remove any dirt, dust, or germs. Trash Empty your trash can daily, and ensure all rubbish is disposed of correctly. Floors Sweep or vacuum your floors daily to remove any dirt or debris. Kitchen/Breakroom Clean and sanitize all surfaces, including countertops, sinks, and appliances, daily. Weekly Tasks: Dusting Dust all surfaces, including shelves, pictures, and light fixtures. Glass and Mirrors Clean all glass surfaces, including windows and mirrors, to remove any fingerprints or smudges. Upholstery Vacuum all upholstery, including chairs and couches, to remove any dirt or debris. Disinfecting Disinfect all high-touch areas, including doorknobs, light switches, and handles. Floors Mop or steam-clean your floors weekly to remove any stains or buildup. Monthly Tasks: Windows Clean your windows inside and out to let in more natural light and improve the appearance of your workspace. Carpets Have your carpets cleaned by professionals to remove any deep-seated stains and odours. Deep Cleaning Perform a deep clean and complete disinfection of your entire workspace, including hard-to-reach areas and appliances. Office Equipment Clean and sanitize all office equipment, including computers, printers, and phones. Restrooms Thoroughly clean and sanitize your restroom, including the toilet, sink, and floors. Seasonal Tasks: Outdoor Maintenance If you have an outdoor space, clean and maintain it seasonally to keep it looking its best. HVAC Maintenance Have your HVAC system inspected and cleaned seasonally to ensure proper airflow and reduce allergens. Furniture Maintenance Have any upholstered furniture professionally cleaned seasonally to extend its lifespan? The Takeaway As you can see, office cleaning is not a one-time thing. It is a continuous never-ending process. You can save yourself from all these troubles and opt for professional office cleaning instead. Cleanworks cleaning services is one of the few professional commercial cleaning companies that actually deliver the highest quality professional service. They have been in the industry of professional commercial cleaning for more than two decades, thus they have the track record to say they have “been there, done that”. Cleanworks cleaning services have a fully trained, extensively experienced, and completely equipped cleaning team to handle all sorts of cleaning. Their office cleaners are fully insured and up-to-date with the latest local cleaning requirements and COVID cleaning guidelines. Call Cleanworks commercial cleaning services now and get free quotes for your commercial cleaning needs. Their professional staff will be more than willing to help you. Read Also: Why Is A Janitorial Service For Commercial Establishments? 10 Pro Tips To Minimize Commercial Door Repair & Maintenance Cost The Hidden Damages In Workspaces: 5 Steps To Reduce The Risk Of Workplace Injuries!