5 Types of Cancer Prominent in Women


07 September 2018

Health & Fitness

Cancer Prominent

Lifestyle, family, eating habits, surroundings – everything contributes to cancer possibilities in a person. Sometimes, late detection can be cured with substantial radiation and yet, sometimes early detection cannot be controlled. AMRI Hospital, a Kolkata-based hospital chain, suggests 5 types of cancer that have a higher possibility of manifestation in women than men. There are certain cancer prominent among the woman that can result in the substantial loss of life and body organs.

Different Types of Cancer Prominent In Woman 

There are several types of cancer that are prominent in women while you want to get the best treatment in AMRI hospital.

Lung Cancer :

It is a pre-conceived notion that only regular smokers suffer from Lung Cancer. However, this is a false assumption. An oncology expert at the best hospital in Kolkata, AMRI Hospital, said “It is true that long-term smokers are more susceptible to Lung Cancer, but that’s not the usual case with women. In more than half of the cases we have come across, the patient does not have a smoking habit.” Some of the factors responsible for lung cancer are:

  • Passive Smoking
  • Air pollution
  • Exposure to toxic gases
  • Heredity

Statistics reveal that Lung Cancer is responsible for one of the highest number of deaths. A few precautionary measures that can be employed to fight against this deadly disease are:

  • Avoid passive smoking. Meet your friends later or just excuse yourself from the environment.
  • Pollution masks are readily available with pharmacists. If your city’s air is in the red zone of air pollution, make sure you wear the mask, especially while traveling.
  • Studies have revealed that reduced alcohol consumption decreases the risk of having lung cancer.
  • Exercise regularly and improve your diet. Physical activity helps to recover your body from the exposure to smoke, and diet maintains the smooth the functioning of the systems.

Breast Cancer :

According to the National Institute of Cancer Prevention and Research (NICPR), one out of every two women, newly diagnosed with breast cancer, dies in India. Generally, family history is one of the premier causes of breast cancer. If a person’s siblings, mother or daughter have the disease, the chances of suffering from the condition increase. There are a few factors that need to be considered in case of any suspicion about breast cancer:-

  • Genetic Mutation of BRCA1 and BRCA2
  • Menopause after 55 or menstrual periods before the age of 11
  • No pregnancies or late first pregnancy (after the age of 30)
  • Radiation treatment of chest for another cancer

Medical studies have advanced to a level where controlling breast cancer is highly possible. However, there are some precautions to reduce the overall chances of the disease:

  • Estrogen fuels breast cancer cells and it has been observed that loss of weight, especially if you are not aligned with BMI helps to fight the disease
  • Avoid eating red meat. It is still under speculation but it’s better to be safe than sorry
  • Quit drinking alcoholic beverages. Or at least minimize it to one drink per day.

Thyroid Cancer :

Although the chances of developing thyroid cancer are reasonably low, there are not many ways to prevent it either. Since potential tumors revealed via scans can be treated in early stages, it is pivotal to analyze the risk factors and focus on their control:

  • Usually, this cancer develops in the 40s and 50s
  • Family history
  • RET gene mutation

There are no such control measures for thyroid cancer, but some precautionary steps can be taken:

  • Avoid radiation exposure
  • Reduce the iodine content in your diet
  • If there are any cases in family history, have regular check-ups for early diagnosis

Uterine/Endometrial Cancer :

Female reproductive organs are more prone to endometrial cancer. As the name suggests, it is cancer in the uterus lining. Similar to breast cancer, high estrogen feeds the cancer cells in this case. Never being pregnant, overweight and birth control pills are some of the premier causes of increased risk. Other factors include:

  • Around the age of 60
  • Diabetes
  • Family History

Nutritionists at AMRI Hospital, Kolkata suggest, “Diet control is the best way to prevent uterine cancer. Since fat cells secrete estrogen, the level of the hormone increases and make a person more prone to the condition.” There are several facts that prove cancer is prominent among women.

Colon Cancer :

Women around the age of 70 are more susceptible to colon cancer. The abnormal cancer cells take almost 15 years to grow, so regular check-ups are an easy way for early diagnosis. Colonoscopy, blood tests or Cologuard (DNA stool test) are the best ways to diagnose colon cancer. Oncologist in Kolkata experts advises taking diets rich in calcium and fiber as precautionary measures.

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Laser Treatment

Everything About Laser Treatment: Must Knows and How to Care for a Burn From It

One of the most significant risks of undergoing laser treatments is the chance of burns because they are undoubtedly painful and can also leave permanent scars in some cases. The leading cause of this accident is mostly lack of experience. Also, some laser treatment machines that cause burns are not approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Accidents like these are most of the time handled by an operator that is not well-experienced in giving this kind of treatment. That is why before you go for the cheap offer or a DIY solution, think of the risk you're putting yourself into first. So far, lasers and electrolysis are some of the best methods for removing stubborn hair permanently. Although, you also need to think that there are chances that it may give you some side effects like discoloration, irritation, skin rashes, and even burns at some point. "Must Knows" In Laser Hair Treatment Burns Some of the most common causes of the not-so-good effects of the said treatment include wrong procedure implementation, inexperienced technicians, wrong choice of treatment, improper care of the treated area after the laser hair removal treatment, and harsh and aggressive attitude while doing the procedure all by yourself while at home. Burns happen when the laser energy is getting absorbed opposing the proper way of targeting the follicles of the hair and not directly to the skin. The typical signs of laser treatment burns include but are not limited to severe swelling, redness, and eventually, discoloration of the burned part of the surface. Despite this risk, laser hair removal treatment has long been proven safe by many specialists. However, it is essential that you know what to do when you notice some adverse effects like burns. Most of the cases of burns recorded are only minor and usually subsides in a short period. It is vital that you get checked by a skincare specialist or clinic first to lessen the chances of getting laser burns. Doing so will determine if you're a suitable patient for that kind of treatment. Ask questions if necessary before deciding whether you'll go with it or not. Always make sure that your specialist or the clinic where you'll be undergoing the said treatment is fully equipped and has the right system in performing laser hair removal. You have to ensure that the specialist says that you qualify for the procedure to avoid offers promising low prices and services that are too good to be true. Always think that this kind of treatment is, but if you find the right laser treatment facility, it will all be worth it. Avoiding Laser Hair Burns Here are some tips that will help you possible avoid getting burns from laser hair treatment: Find the right clinic. Make sure they are experts in the field of laser hair treatment. Doing so will lessen your chances of getting this unfavorable skin issue. Make sure that the machine the specialist will be using suits your skin type and color. Aside from that, you need to know if the machine is approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Some machines work for different skin types and colors like the Soprano Laser. But there are also machines that have their specialty. Some are only good for whiter skin color and some only work for darker shades of skin. Since using the machine is risky, not everyone can operate this machine. Unless these people are well-experienced and are skilled in driving the device, they are prohibited from using it. If you can, find a licensed technician to put your mind at ease. What To Do If You've Got Burns From Laser Hair Treatment Do not touch the affected area with your bare hands. Wrap ice in a towel instead and apply it to the burned part of the skin for fifteen to twenty minutes. Repeat the procedure for the next hour or two. Applying a cold compress helps in eliminating the pain of the burn instantly. Get a hydrocortisone cream and apply a thin layer to the affected area. It will help reduce swelling and soothe that part of the skin. Drink a lot of water. Practically, that part of the skin is dehydrated that is why you have to replenish it with water intake. Takeaway : Everyone knows that laser hair treatment gives beautiful results when done with the touch of licensed professionals. This kind of process is one of the best since it does not only remove unwanted hairs but also prevents them from growing again. Although it sounds like a perfect treatment, adverse side effects and risks still happen. Always remember that prevention is better than cure. Put in mind that laser hair removal will not give you the result that you want to achieve unless you take extra caution and leave the whole meticulous process of the treatment to the specialist. Read Also: Is Polyester Stretchy? – Its Materials & Properties [Detailed Explanation] Top 6 Different Types Of Scarves Names And Its Benefits How to Thicken Chili – Tried and Tested

Temporary Health Insurance

Temporary Health Insurance and Who It Suits

Temporary health insurance or short-term insurance, as the name implies, can provide temporary medical coverage. It is an expensive option that can protect against unforeseen accidents or sickness when you are in between health insurance plans or outside the enrollment periods. Temporary health insurance plans are available all year round and provide next-day coverage. Keep scrolling to learn about temporary health insurance: everything you need to know. What Is Temporary Health Insurance? Temporary health insurance caters to preventive care, emergency care, doctor visits, and urgent medical care. Some plans may also cover prescription drugs. The medical coverage of a temporary health insurance plan is limited. For example, it doesn’t cover pre-existing medical conditions. But, temporary health insurance is solving more issues that are related to emergency conditions. Like you have to hire an ambulance or need immediate emergency treatments. What Does Short-Term Health Insurance Cover? This plan isn’t comprehensive and doesn’t cater to the Affordable Care Act’s ten essential benefits, including prescription drugs, pediatric services, Lab services, hospitalization, mental health, and addiction services. Moreover, short-term health insurance doesn’t cater to ACA essential benefits such as maternity care. Nonetheless, some temporary health insurance plans may cover some of the above services. Also, like in a comprehensive plan, you can pay copayment, coinsurance, or deductible to get the benefits.  Before buying the plan, carefully check the plan’s benefits and limitations. Then, you will be able to know what is covered and what isn’t. Temporary medical plans usually have to be approved by medical underwriters. Henceforth, be ready for a series of your medical history questions. Who Is Best Suited For Temporary Medical Insurance? How to get temporary health insurance? For selecting the best temporary medical insurance, you have to match up some of the qualities. Then your medical insurance selections will become much more accurate and secure. Here are some of the facts you have to check before selecting the best temporary health insurance. People are transitioning to jobs. If you are changing your employer, you certainly need medical coverage before your next boss’s health benefits kick in. Students or dependents. If you hit 26 years of age, you are no longer covered by your parent’s or guardian’s insurance plan. Thus, a short-term health insurance plan will be ideal as you transition to a comprehensive plan. Older people are waiting for Medicare enrollment. After retiring, you may depend on short-term health insurance before Medicare kicks in. New individuals in the USA can rely on temporary health insurance before their new employer coverage starts. Temporary health insurance can also be ideal for people in these circumstances. What’s The Cost of Short-Term Health Insurance? The premiums vary depending on various factors such as age, location, and gender. Deductible, coinsurance, copay, out-of-pocket costs, and total policy coverage amounts affect the premium cost.  Check out the cost comparison pivohealth.com. Temporary health insurance: Everything you need to know, plan carefully and know how much it will cost you. How much is temporary health insurance?  Temporary health insurance has different plans and pricing structures. You have to compare the prices and the services for selecting the best short-term health insurance. What To Consider Before Buying A Temporary Health Insurance Plan Want to buy temporary health insurance? Then you have to match up some of your requirements. Read through the essential facts which you must consider before buying a temporary health insurance plan. Here are three things that you need to consider for buying an insurance plan. Coverage period. Find a plan that fits your needs. If you are out of comprehensive cover for a long, consider wider coverage. Exclusions in your plan. Approval and renewal. Ask if the plan has a non-refundable fee or if the approval is guaranteed. Though some plans can be renewed, it isn’t always the case. Advantages Of Short-term Health Insurance Plan The short-term temporary health insurance covers multiple types of plans, for example, post-hospitalizations and ambulance facilities. Some of the plans are also covering checkups and policies. Here are three types of advantages to getting short-term health insurance plans. It can cater to your medical care needs when you need it. It can be canceled whenever you feel like it with no penalties. You can choose an annual plan if you need it. Conclusion: Before selecting the temporary health insurance plan, always go through the plan’s all features and services. Then select the best one. Every company offers different types of plans, and every plan has various features. Always read through all the documents and then sign the papers. So what is your planning? Are you thinking of getting health insurance? Let us know through the comment sections. Read Also Small Business Guide to Private Health Insurance Exchanges How To Know If Your Health Insurance Covers Visits To The Chiropractor What Are The Most Important Insights Which the People Should Know About Coronavirus Health Insurance?  


The Science Of CBD: Unlocking Its Potential Health Benefits

Introduction mes CBD (cannabidiol) has quickly become one of the hottest trends in wellness today. From tinctures and gummies to creams and capsules, its products have taken off, but what's behind all this buzz? In this article, we'll delve deep into CBD's science as we examine its therapeutic potential across a spectrum of health conditions. Let's embark on this adventure together as we uncover its rise to fame! What Is CBD? Before we dive deeper into its scientific components, let's start with the basics of what CBD is. CBD (cannabidiol) is a naturally occurring component found in cannabis plants; unlike its more renowned cousin THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), however, CBD doesn't cause intoxication as THC does and instead can provide potential health benefits without altering one's state of mind. CBD is available in various forms, with CBD edibles being a popular choice for those looking for a tasty and discreet way to incorporate it into their daily routine. These edibles come in the form of gummies, chocolates, and more, making it easy to enjoy the potential benefits of CBD without any psychoactive effects. If you want to explore a wide range of CBD edibles, you can check out the best options available at cbdamericanshaman.com. The Endocannabinoid System (ECS) To understand how CBD works its magic, we must become acquainted with our body's endocannabinoid system (ECS). This complex network exists within each human and plays an essential role in regulating various physiological functions; think of it as your body's command center, constantly working toward maintaining balance and harmony. The Endocannabinoid System, or ECS, consists of three primary components: endocannabinoids produced naturally by your body; receptors; and enzymes. When something in your body goes out of balance, your ECS responds immediately - for instance if you're stressed your body produces more endocannabinoids to help relax; when an injury has occurred it works to reduce inflammation and promote healing through ECS stimulation. Mechanism Of Action From CBD At its core, CBD interacts with the endocannabinoid system by engaging its receptors: CB1 and CB2. Like having backstage passes to this intricate concert of biochemical reactions! But what goes on behind the scenes? CBD's ability to modulate neurotransmitters and signaling pathways gives it immense therapeutic potential, potentially altering how our body communicates internally and creating profound physical impacts, including therapeutic outcomes for various processes within our bodies. Potential Health Benefits What exactly are these purported health benefits we keep hearing about? Well, scientific researchers have been hard at work researching CBD's capabilities. Here are a few areas in which it shows promise: Chronic Pain Management: Living with chronic pain can be debilitating, but CBD may offer relief by engaging pain receptors and reducing inflammation. One study discovered that CBD significantly decreased pain while improving sleep in individuals suffering from chronic conditions. Anxiety and Depression: With modern life's stressors at play, CBD's potential to alleviate anxiety and depression symptoms is particularly impressive. Multiple studies suggest it could have both anxiolytic (anxiety-reducing) and antidepressant properties similar to prescription medications by stimulating serotonin receptors in the brain and providing anti-stress benefits. Epilepsy and Seizures: Some forms of epilepsy in children have shown great promise with treatment using CBD oil, including reduced seizure frequency. Indeed, the FDA approved Epidiolex to treat certain rare forms of epilepsy. Inflammation and Autoimmune Disorders: CBD's anti-inflammatory properties hold great promise in treating arthritis and autoimmune diseases. Recent research indicates that CBD can suppress the immune system's response to inflammation, potentially decreasing tissue damage. Sleep Disorders: For those experiencing difficulty sleeping, CBD could offer a natural solution by helping relax muscles and improving overall sleep quality. Studies have demonstrated this property of CBD can both increase total sleep time as well as enhance its quality. Note that CBD research remains promising, yet is not a one-size-fits-all solution. Individual results will depend on various factors and therefore it's wise to consult with healthcare providers before including it in your wellness regime. Safety And Side Effects Of course, safety should always be of primary concern when purchasing wellness products. Thankfully, CBD has an impressive safety profile. Any adverse side effects are typically mild and infrequent, including dry mouth, diarrhea, and fluctuations in appetite or weight changes. Legal And Regulatory Considerations Before heading out to purchase CBD goodies from your nearest store, it's crucial to understand the legal and regulatory landscape. Legality varies by region; therefore it's vitally important that you become informed of your local rules regarding this substance. In the US for instance, CBD from hemp with less than 0.3% THC content is federally legal while state laws may differ accordingly. Future Research And Conclusion As CBD research progresses, so too does its potential. There's still much to discover about this compound and ongoing studies are investigating new avenues. CBD provides hope to those searching for natural ways to enhance their well-being. At its core, CBD science is an engaging field with immense promise for multiple health conditions. While not a miracle cure, its potential therapeutic effects have been supported by scientific research. As you embark on your wellness journey, consult with healthcare professionals, select high-quality products, and approach CBD with an open mind - it may provide relief from chronic pain, and anxiety or improve sleep - making CBD an invaluable addition to your arsenal of well-being tools - it all starts by understanding its science, being informed and finding what works for you! Read Also: How Does CBD Affect Your Drug Tests? How CBD Oil Capsules Are Changing People’s Lives What is Cannabis Oil and how does CBD Oil Work?