8 Smart House Upgrades that are Totally Worth the Money


29 September 2018

Home Improvement

Smart House Upgrades

Looking to add a little resale value to your house? Choose wisely! Some house upgrades are worth it, but not all of them are a great investment. Smart house upgrade is essential for your lovely home.

Upgrade your home the right way. Increase the value of your home with smart upgrades that return your money and then some! Different ways Smart House Upgrades can make things easier for you.

8 Smart House Upgrades that Pay Off

Here are some of the best ways to upgrade your home and increase the resale value. These 8 ideas are totally worth the money!

1. Clean, Fresh Paint:

When a buyer walks in, they want to see bright, clean rooms. Your paint has a lot to do with how the sunlight affects a room. A fresh paint job can brighten any room in the house.

You don’t necessarily need to go neutral, but your choice in paint colors can affect your potential buyer’s feelings about your house. If you’re not selling just yet, the right colors can also help lighten your own mood.

Choose a palette that you like. But, don’t stop there. Make sure it compliments your home’s age, style, and architecture. Check out these ideas for a modern look!

2. Modernize the Kitchen:

Look at the age of your appliances and countertops. Are they in poor repair or stained? If so, you should consider replacing them.

Here’s a list of kitchen upgrades that you can benefit from.

  • Newer, energy efficient appliances
  • Countertops that suit the space
  • Refinish cabinets
  • Tile backsplash
  • Sink upgrades
  • Accent paint

Save some cash! Check out dent and scratch or discontinued appliances. Discontinued tile can be used to make an attractive backsplash, too. You can get huge savings from buying these options.

Look for ways to accent and offset countertops and cabinets in your kitchen for a more modern look. Check out paint pallets that give your kitchen a pop of color and make your cabinets stand out.

3. Programmable Thermostat:

This is such a simple upgrade, but it gives your house a modern feel. Programmable thermostats are affordable and easy to install. Many are also easy to manage from your phone!

An added bonus for installing a programmable thermostat is instant energy savings on your electric bill!

4. Upgrade Bathrooms:

Ugly bathrooms can send a potential buyer out the door. Check out your bathrooms for any of these problems and fix them!

  • Stained toilet bowls and seats
  • Leaky faucets
  • Outdated fixtures
  • Old tile and paint
  • Evidence of flooding
  • Damaged cabinetry

You can easily and affordably upgrade a bathroom by switching out any old fixtures and lighting. But, making sure the bathroom is clean and in good working order is a priority.

5. Landscaping:

Ever heard of curb appeal? This house upgrade is a must. The first look a buyer has as they walk to your front door can influence their opinion about the whole house!

Walk outside and check your landscaping, in the front and the back of your home. Consider these upgrades for landscaping your home.

In the front:

  • Clean, groomed lawn
  • Flowers and shrubs that are trimmed
  • Trees that cut back and look nice
  • A walkway that invites people to come in

In the back:

  • A patio or deck for entertaining
  • Trees and flowers for privacy and color
  • Fences in good repair
  • Clean, groomed lawn
  • A small gardening area

Your landscaping matters in the value of your property. It should be well maintained and easy to upkeep. Good landscaping invites you to come out and enjoy the outdoors!

6. Install Solar Panels:

Nothing is more attractive to a potential buyer than the idea of their new home saving them money. If you’ve already installed solar panels, then you’ve given them a step up in that direction.

Solar power is a responsible energy choice and it will save you money in the long run. That’s good for you while you live in your home. It’s great for potential buyers, too.

Your new buyer will instantly save on energy costs. You’ve already made the investment for them! This increases the value of your home and makes the buyer more willing to pay the price you are asking.

7. New Flooring:

You’ve got fresh paint and clean rooms, but your flooring is filthy and worn. That won’t work when you sell your home.

Take a look at high traffic areas, carpets, and tiles. Is anything stained, worn or broken? If so, you need to replace it.

Look for neutral carpet colors. You want any type of furniture or paint to work well with your choice. Avoid white or extremely pale colors because they are so hard to maintain.

If you are replacing only one room of carpet, try to make it closely match what is already in the house. Nothing looks worse than mismatched carpet.

Tile can be a really affordable upgrade. It should be easy to maintain, durable and neutral. Make sure stone tile doesn’t have a lot of nooks and crannies for dirt to hide.

You can even get a tile that looks like wood! Take a look at options in your hardware store.

Save yourself some cash! If you are replacing a whole house of carpet or tile, try to find discontinued items at your local hardware store. They may be cheaper but are still good quality and new.

Another way to save is to learn to install flooring yourself. There are plenty of books at your local library and YouTube videos to teach you how.

8. Basement Improvements:

Paying outright to have the basement turned into a high-class lounge might not pay off. However, putting in the time and effort to fix up and finish off your existing basement can have an amazing return on investment.

If your basement is unfinished, check it out for these problems.

  • Cracks in walls or floors
  • Wood damage to the supporting structure
  • Leaks and flooding damage
  • Excessive clutter

For already finished basements, here are some things to think about.

  • Patch damaged walls and repaint
  • Paint the ceiling bright white
  • Replace all light bulbs
  • Install more lighting to brighten the room
  • Remove excess, unused furniture
  • Go with a traditional theme

Fix any problems you find and clear out the clutter.

A man cave or game room may be exciting for you, but tame down your theme if it’s over the top. Your potential buyer wants to see open, clean space. Let them imagine how they might use it.

Upgrade Your Home, Today:

If you really want to increase the resale value of your home, pick one or more house upgrades on this list. The money you invest will be worth it.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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How quickly can I install a sunroom?

With fall already here, and winter fast approaching, there’s a certain urgency in the air to get any sunroom installation project booked, planned, paid for, and complete as soon as possible. Fortunately, a fall installation in Calgary is a relatively quick process, with your beautiful install sunroom being completed somewhere between 4 and 10 days once the plans have been finalized and approved. The actual speed of the project will depend on the results of the multiple decisions you have to make, which include the following: Different Ways You Can Quickly Install  Sunroom 3 or 4 season sunroom - this is the big factor in how long your project will take to install, and how much it will cost you in the long run. A 3 season room will be cheaper and quicker as there are less insulation, thinner windows, and the frame is usually made from aluminum. A 4 season room requires the room to be able to handle the Calgary winter conditions, so the walls have to be thicker, the windows double-paned and a heating option has to be built in and vented. You can install sunroom in your home. Wall thickness – the thickness of your walls is coupled with the number of seasons, but also how you plan on heating the room. Thinner walls with no insulation will rely on the sun on and thicker windows to keep your room warm, while thicker walls will take longer to install sunroom but provide room for internal insulation options. A number of windows – it’s possible to build a sunroom that has almost solid glass walls and the visual effect of these rooms are incredible. However, they take a much longer time to install as each piece has to be put into place manually and there’s no scope for external pre-fabrication. In this decision, you’ll also need to think about the number and shape of your skylights, and a general rule of thumb is that the more you have, the longer the installation process. Roof shape – there are two choices here; a studio roof, which is flat and literally sits across the top of your sunroom, or a gabled A-frame roof. The latter requires more time to install as the roofers will need to construct the A-frame, attach it to the walls and then add your chosen shingles or cladding to the roof structure. A studio roof often comes as one or two pieces that can be installed in under a day. You have to install sunroom in a better way. Kick plates – the final decision that has a bearing on the length of time for your sunroom installation project is whether to have kick plates at the bottom. The general industry recommendation is that if the room is more than 24 inches above the ground, then kick plates will provide the cover you need. Otherwise, a solid bottom will do the job and is much less costly. Install sunroom in your home for a better experience. Final Take Away  When you make these decisions, you will want to consider the impact they will have on the amount of time it will take for the construction, but also how they will impact the look and feel of your new sunroom. Read Also: How To Set Up Your Baby’s Room 5 Innovative Ideas To Lend Your Bedroom With More Space

Electric Mattress

What You Need to Know About Electric Mattress Pad

There isn’t much about heating mattress pads on the Internet. At least, not the ones that provide proper guidance and explanations about the electric mattress pad. But here, we’d like to show you everything you need to know and how to make your choice between a heating mattress pad and blanket. Let’s start with a brief introduction to most electric mattress pads. Just a brief reminder that this guide may not apply to all kinds of electric mattress pads and it may differ from one to another. Introduction : In order to stay comfortable and warm throughout winter nights, electric mattress pads can be of great importance. They create a warm haven for you before you sleep. Can you remember the shivers you experience from climbing on a freezing bed? That’s the kind of thing an electric mattress pad eliminates. A single electric mattress pad uses 60-90 watts per side. That’s equal to 120-180 watts for both sides and cost around 2-3 cents if put on for the whole night. The cost can differ between states and country. Typically, people prefer to buy electric blankets when they are faced with the choice. A blanket keeps you warm while insulating the heat in your body. We’ll delve a bit more into this topic later in this article. Is It Safe? The first question that many people are concerned about when it comes to electrical mattresses, pads or blankets is whether they are safe. Having electrical current running under you for the next 8 hours when you’re unconscious can sound scary. Moreover, there has been a circulating rumor that electrical blankets and pads can cause cancer. Let’s dismiss the myth and understand the real problem of heating mattress pads. The Myth about Cancer : The rumor that electrical mattress pads can cause cancer isn’t new. A lot of people decided to stop using them altogether because they fear that this rumor is true. Some people even believe them to be very true and zealously preach it. Here’s the fact: multiple studies have been done to investigate if this is true or not. So far, we know that electrical blankets and mattresses emit small electromagnetic waves and the real question lies in whether this small current can cause that big of a problem. Studies were done on electric blankets, which are more commonly used. Two studies featured by the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), particularly on elder and younger women, showed that there is no positive correlation between breast cancer and the use of an electric blanket. Another different NCBI study creates a conclusion that there is no evidence to support that the use of electric blankets can exacerbate endometrial cancer. Fire Hazard : A lot of people ask if an electric mattress pad can become the cause of a fire at home. There are usually 3 factors that will lead to a fire. The first would be an external flame. If you set it on fire, it will be on fire. The second would be an overheating system. If the weather is warm enough, don’t turn on the AC and then make that into a reason to use your mattress pad. In the case that during the night, your AC fails to perform and your pad starts heating up, it may cause a fire. The third would be a faulty product or exposed wire. In this case, the damaged wires are exposed to the mattress pad without the insulation. It will cause a fire if not turned off right away. Heat Stroke : There have been a couple of heatstroke cases with electric blankets. While this may not be as dangerous or intense with mattress pads, it’s worth remembering to control the temperature of your mattress pad. Rather than turning the dial to the max just to get it warm quick, set it in a lower mode earlier to warm up the bedding. Pregnant Women, Be Careful : So far, a study on pregnant women that sleep with electric blanket and mattress does not show an increased rate of spontaneous abortion. However, it does suggest an increased rate of pregnancy loss during the early stage of pregnancy or conception. It's Effect on Your Mattress : There’s no correct answer to this. The use of a heating pad can or cannot affect your mattress. Each manufacturer has different suggestions for its users to ensure they enjoy the maximum benefits. However, there are several things to consider. Memory foam without gel naturally traps heat once you’re on the bed. It’s one of their unique qualities resulting from its highly dense structure. If you do not like cold brick feel when you get on the bed, raising up the thermostat before entering the bedroom and dialing it down when you sleep will work great. There are manufacturers that will tell you their memory foam mattress won’t last long with a heating pad and to do this instead. The bigger population believes that there is some sort of negative effect when you use an electric mattress pad on your memory foam. All the money that you invested will go down the drain if you put an extra layer on top of it. There are even smaller groups that believe the extra heat will not do good to your mattress. No known problem is seen with using a heating mattress pad on a latex foam mattress, so go ahead and use it. All the Different Features : Different manufacturers have different mattress pad designs. They depend on your preferences and also flexibility as well as cost. Comfort : The comfort we’re talking about is whether you can feel the cords on your back or not. Some electric pads are very thick and you can feel the lines of the cords running through your back. It can be uncomfortable and distracting when you’re about to sleep. If you’re asking whether it’ll prevent you from experiencing the comfort of your original mattress, don’t worry. Most of the time, it doesn’t affect that much and you won’t be able to feel the difference if you choose a high-quality mattress pad. On the other hand, if you’re looking for a heating pad that is also meant to replace the top of your mattress, you want to look for the ones with more padding. Several brands offer their electrical mattress pad with 9 ounces of padding to ensure comfort and you won’t feel any discomfort. Cords and Wires : We have to be extra safe when we’re talking about putting a pad under us that’s running on electricity throughout the night. Several electric mattress pads make it important to ensure that the power outlet is properly attached by designing a locking mechanism. It keeps the plug fit and locked and helps you sleep better with fewer worries about it. Before buying, check out the reviews to see if there are any complaints on faulty wires or fire incidents. Such things can happen when you buy the product through delivery mode, which may mean that the damage could happen during transport. Before using, ensure that all the cords and wires are still in perfect condition. There shouldn’t be any tear marks or exposed wires. Test the mattress pad before sleeping to ensure that there is no smoke or unusual things with your pad. Remove it immediately if you notice anything wrong. Flexibility : Different manufacturers, such as LatexBear, offer different types of heating options on their mattress. Some come with dials that offer various range of modes, temperature, and other features. Others may come with more limited options but still focuses on heating up the mattress for you. Read Also : The Best Memory Foam Mattresses For Staying Cool This Summer Five Easy Steps When Cleaning Your Mattress How To Choose Mattress For Overweight Person

sleeping bed

The Best Memory Foam Mattresses for Staying Cool this Summer

During the hot summer days, nothing beats the feeling of slipping into a cold bed to chill, relax, and rest comfortably. According to the National Sleep Foundation, the ideal environment for sleeping in a cool, dark, and silent bedroom. Moreover, a mattress that does not overheat your body is the best choice you can make this summer. Also, you need to choose your pillow carefully to avoid and alleviate neck pain and headaches. Lastly, but most importantly, you should also pick the best mattress for support and comfort. Usually, when it comes to mattresses, foam ones are the best money can buy. They manage to contour and support your body, so you do not experience pain, muscle tension, bad posture, poor breathing and circulation, and so on. However, foam mattresses did not have the best reputation when it came to cool. Nevertheless, in the last years, new technologies managed to make peace between comfort and heat. Therefore, today we will present you with 5 best memory foam mattresses to keep you cool this summer. Before we begin, we have to remind you that you should always check out online reviews before buying, see what others have to say about the product, and survey the manufacturer’s social activity to make sure they offer support to customers. 1. Amerisleep AS4  This mattress is a gem in terms of engineering. It features open-cell memory plant-based foam design and a trademarked Bio-Pur material. The design of the extreme open cells allows the air to move about freely while you are sleeping. The mattress also comes with a Celliant-infused mattress cover. This is also a trademarked material. It is a smart fabric, which seems to increase blood flow when you sleep, thus encouraging body temperature regulation even more. 2. Serta iComfort : This memory foam mattress comes with gel-infused foam and a superior density. It ranks high in reviews and customers’ ratings when it comes to construction and pain/pressure relief. In terms of coolness, it ranks just a bit under the Amerisleep presented above. In case you were wondering, if you want to compare plant-based foams with gel-infused foams, you have to know that the former cool down your body temperature faster than the latter. Nevertheless, Serta iComfort is an excellent choice when it comes to keeping you cool during hot summer nights, as its design and care for details are exemplary. 3. Loom & Leaf : This is the best example of the industry caring enough for the cooling factor of a mattress to start incredible engineering projects. The Loom & Leaf mattress comes with two layers of memory foam – the top layer is the cooling gel-infused foam, while the second is an elastic foam able to offer the best contouring and support for your body. The cooling gel layer features a swirl technology and design, which ensures the even distribution of the cooling gel throughout the layer. The viscous elastic layer underneath presents a special design to offer pressure and pain relief to the sleeper. 4. Coolmax Mattress : Just as its name suggests, the Coolmax mattress intends to keep you cool and comfortable all night long. The trademarked Coolmax system is, in fact, a smart ultra-breathable fabric, which helps with the distribution of heat and moisture away from your body. The Coolmax system comes in the shape of a removable mattress cover. In other words, you can use the cover in the summer to stay cool and dry and remove it in the winter, so your regular memory foam mattress can keep you a bit warmer. 5. 4G Aircool Memory Foam : For a great cooling experience, you should also check out this mattress, coming with excellent gel memory foam and a cooling Adaptive cover. The gel particles of the mattress release a cooling sensation under pressure. The interesting part is that the Adaptive cover is removable and machine washable allows temperature regulation due to the smart fibers it contains. This mattress, just like the one described above, will also make you happy from a financial point of view, offering you the comfort you need without damaging your budget. Conclusion : These are our favorite cooling foam mattresses for this summer. Do you use another type and model? Which one is your favorite? Read Also : Effects Of Sleep Deprivation On Your Skin & Good Sleeping Habits Why Is Sleeping Well So Important For Job Performance?