Releasing Stress Even if You Don’t Leave Home


31 October 2018

Health & Fitness

Releasing Stress

You don’t need to go elsewhere if you feel like you want to release stress. At home, you can do things to help you forget what stresses you out. Don’t let stress consume you. It is possible to suffer from illnesses because you can’t manage your stress levels. These are great ideas you can do now.


Meditation helps in releasing anxiety. You need a few minutes of meditation each day to clear your thoughts. Several things consume your mind, both positive and negative. When you meditate, you forget all of them, and you start over again. It is quite simple to meditate as there are different strategies to follow. The easiest one is to sit with both of your feet on the floor. You may also walk around focusing only on your steps, and not on anything else. It might be difficult to concentrate at first, but once you get the hang of it, you will love regular meditation.

Reach out:

You don’t need to bear your cross alone. Some people can help you deal with your problem. Reach out to them via social media. Give them a call if need be. Let them know that you have a problem, and ask if they are willing to listen. Talking to them allows you to have a better perspective on life. Real friends will be there for you. It is not even a requirement for them to tell you what to do. Having someone listen to you when you are down is sometimes enough.

Try to decompress:

You can put a warm heat wrap on your shoulder or neck area. Let the wrap stay there for about 10 minutes and then shut your eyes and rest for some time. After 10 minutes, take off the wrap and massage the area. Do it at least once a day to stop tension in your body.

Watch funny shows:

As always, laughter is the best medicine, and when you feel stressed, laughter helps a lot. Check your favorite TV shows. You might be missing out on the latest episodes, and now is your chance to catch up. If you don’t want to watch TV shows, find other ways to lighten your mood. Chatting with someone who can give you a smile is also a great idea.

Clean up:

Some people hate cleaning the house, but for others, it is a way of releasing stress. Perhaps, it will help if you spend time cleaning up your place. Aside from enabling you to relax, it also keeps your surroundings clean. You can even feel more relaxed if you have a lovely environment.

Shop online:

Take time to shop without leaving home. There are a lot of online stores for you to purchase almost anything you want. If you need new furniture at home, you can check out furniture on credit online. Compare the choices and find something that fits your home perfectly. Shopping is therapeutic, and if you are a shopaholic, you need a few minutes of shopping time in your life.

The goal is to help you deal with stress. It does not require you to leave home to relax. With these activities you can do at home, you can soon say goodbye to stress.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Essential Nutrients For Maintaining Optimal Maternal Health

5 Essential Nutrients For Maintaining Optimal Maternal Health

Is there anything more miraculous and joyful than carrying a piece of you for nine straight months? But pregnancy is certainly not a journey full of roses. From consuming the right diet to limiting exercise, there is so much to consider. But out of all, eating right during pregnancy is mega important. It is really vital for nurturing a healthy baby and mama. But with so many pregnancy nutrition rules, it can get kind of confusing and overwhelming fast! Well, guess what, here is a guide that will take you through the 5 essential nutrients every expecting mother should consume in the right amount. So, let’s get started… Prenatal Vitamins: What Are Those? In simple terms, prenatal vitamins refer to multivitamins for expecting mothers. In comparison to a usual multivitamin, the former has more nutrients that might make the pregnancy healthier. Usually, the medical professional assisting you will prescribe it, but if he doesn’t, you can always buy it from stores with a prescription.  The human body uses minerals, vitamins, and other nutrients present in food to stay healthy and strong. At the time of pregnancy, as we all know, the mother passes down all necessary nutrients to her embryo. Thus, your body asks for more vitamins when you are pregnant. That is exactly the job of prenatal vitamins.  Which Nutrients Are Most Important For A Perfect Maternal Health? Before you go bonkers, let’s break it down to the essential nutrients preggos really need more of. Here are 5 all-star vitamins and minerals to help maintain tip-top maternal health: The VIP Folate Alright, all you soon-to-be mamas, listen up. Folate (aka folic acid) should be topping your prenatal vitamin rockstar list. This essential B vitamin helps prevent major birth defects of the baby's brain and spine when taken before conception and in early pregnancy. We're talking about the next level vital for fetal development. Folate also helps produce new cells, so mama needs extra to accommodate a growing babe. Most docs recommend women start supplementing 400-800 mcg of folate at least a month before pregnancy. But hey, better late than never, if you're already pregnant, try to achieve optimal maternal health with a Specialist Obstetrician! Supercharged Iron Fun fact: A developing fetus needs lots of mineral iron to form their blood supply and other tissues. So, in turn, mama needs way more iron to share with baby! When you're expecting, your iron needs to jump by up to 50%. Unfortunately, the vitamin C in my OJ every morning doesn't cut it. Most mamas-to-be need an additional iron supplement of 30-60 mg on top of a balanced diet. Too little iron during pregnancy zaps your energy and can lead to stuff like anemia. No one wants that! So, rev up on iron-rich foods plus a prenatal vitamin to stay energized. The Calcium Extravaganza Did you know baby needs around 30 grams of calcium just to build their tiny growing skeleton? Well, they have to get that supply from somewhere! The calcium in Mama's body works overtime during pregnancy to help form the baby's bones and teeth. That's why pregnant women need around 1,000 mg of calcium per day. Goodbye, plain almond milk, hello, extra cheesy pizza! Jokes aside, ensure you get adequate calcium from dairy, leafy greens, supplements, or all of the above. Your wee one will thank you for strong bones. Omega-3s For Winning You've probably heard omega-3 fatty acids are clutch for heart and brain health. Well, it turns out they’re essential for a baby’s development, too. These healthy fats help build a baby’s nervous system and retinal tissues. They’re also linked to lower risks of preterm births and postpartum depression. That’s why experts recommend at least 250–300 mg of omega-3s like DHA daily for expecting mothers. Load up on fatty fish, nuts, and seeds - or just grab a fish oil supplement as an insurance policy to meet your levels. Consider omega-3s a must for both of your well-being. The Magical Magnesium Don't sleep on the mineral magnesium during pregnancy! It plays a role in so many vital stuff: bone growth, regulating blood pressure, aiding enzymes and metabolism, and muscle and nerve function. Oh, and helping build DNA and RNA. NBD! Unfortunately, the typical Western diet often lacks enough magnesium. Pregnant women need at least 350–400 mg daily from food and supplements. Get your fill from dark leafy greens, nuts, whole grains, yogurt, and more magnesium-rich sources. Your body and babe will thank you! Mamas, Take Care Of Your Mental Health Too…  You are already doing so much, make sure to sit back and relax. Pregnancy might seem like a 9-month-long journey, but trust us when we say it passes in the blink of an eye. All those days will be missed by you later. So, make sure to take care of your mental health too.  Surround yourself with positive people, listen to calm music, and avoid taking too much stress. Post-partum depression is inevitable, but you can always be cheerful in your approaches when the baby is growing inside you. Eat whatever satisfies your soul, but make sure that it doesn’t have a negative impact on your baby. Your emotional strength is responsible for your physical strength, too. So, ensure to keep both of them balanced, positive, and cherishing. Conclusion There you have it, mamas - the crème de la crème nutrients for staying healthy during pregnancy! Prioritizing these all-star vitamins and minerals ensures you and your growing baby get all the key building blocks you need. Consult your doctor and add any supplements needed for optimal levels. Your nutrient intake matters more than ever before – so eat well for two! With this, it's a wrap on this comprehensive guide. But you will get to know more if you want to. Keep reading my articles, as they have a lot of beneficial information for my readers. Also, if you find this article helpful, do not forget to share your comments below.  Read Also: The Top 10 Best Foods To Eat In Early Pregnancy Meals That Matter: The Best Foods And The Ways They Make You Fit


Why is Fitness Important for Weight Loss?

Being fit is an incredibly important part of weight loss. Yes, nutrition and eating right is an integral part of the process, however, your fitness regime is an equally vital part of the process. Here’s why. Fitness classes help to burn calories: If you want to lose weight, you ultimately need to burn calories. Ideally, you need to burn more than you take in so that you can get rid of the excess weight that you want to. Cardiovascular exercise is the best way to do this because you’re expending a lot of energy while performing these activities. Here a few cardiovascular exercises as well as the number of calories that you can burn during these activities: A person, weighing in at 155 pounds, who runs at 7.5 miles per hour has the potential to burn 465 calories in 30 minutes. A person of the same weight will burn372 calories swimming breaststroke. Swimming butterfly for 30 minutes will burn 409 calories. Jogging burns 372 calories in 30 minutes if the 155-pound person jogs at a steady pace of 6 miles per hour. So, as you can see, cardiovascular exercise is a great calorie-buster for losing weight! Being fit promotes the creation of lean muscle mass: Strength and resistance training helps to create lean muscle mass. The way that it does this is by creating thicker muscle fibers. This is important in weight loss as the more lean muscle mass you have the more calories you will be burning at rest. Experts say that one pound of muscle burns 6.5 calories. Women often fear that weight training will make them bulky. This couldn’t be farther from the truth because a woman’s body is not designed to do this. However, what weight training does do is stimulate the creation of lean muscle mass. So, as part of your fitness regime, we encourage you to start lifting weights! Foods to eat to help create lean muscle mass: When you exercise, your muscles are microscopically torn. Thus, they need to build themselves up. In order to build them up to be stronger, they need protein to accomplish this. (Protein is an integral part of building muscle.) Know More About weight loss as the more lean muscle mass against. So after a workout, make sure that you take a protein shake (which is available from most health shops or pharmacies) or otherwise, eat a meal that is rich in protein. Foods that are recommended for your post-workout meals include: Eggs, Salmon, Lean chicken breasts, Soybeans, Lean beef, and Edamame beans. If you do decide to go for a protein shake, make sure that you choose one that is right for you. For example, if you are lactose intolerant rather choose a whey protein isolate powder. Fitness helps you feel good about yourself: Following a fitness plan, working out and eating properly helps you to feel good about yourself. Exercising stimulates the production of endorphins. These feel-good chemicals in your body stimulate feelings of happiness. When you feel happy when you’re exercising, you’re more likely to keep doing it because you like the way you feel afterward. And because you’re keeping on with a consistent exercise routine you’re more likely to lose weight because you’re burning more calories! Breathing is a very important part of the exercise and learning to harness this can help you to push harder as well as center yourself, reduce stress and increase your sense of general well-being. Exercise modalities such as Yoga and Pilates teach practitioners about how to use their breath during the class in conjunction with the movements. If you’re feeling stressed and/or anxious why not pop into one of these classes so that you can experience the feel-good properties of these disciplines. As you can see, fitness is an integral part of weight loss because being active is an integral part of losing weight. To achieve an optimal programme, combining cardiovascular activity with strength and resistance training so that you can reap the benefits that having a good amount of lean muscle mass has for your body. Read Also: Mistakes To Avoid When Trying To Lose Belly Fat Eating Good Quality Foods For Diet Crucial Tips To Getting A Flat Stomach Easy Diet Tips To Summer Six Pack Abs

Reduce Stress

5 Things You Should Do To Reduce Stress

Stress is one of those conditions you wouldn't want to be in because apart from its manifestations that can range from mild to severe headaches, it can be completely disruptive. It can put your productivity in jeopardy and saneness into disrepute. People who have had to deal with stress can attest to the fact that it is also hard to socialize. When stress invades your life, even eating becomes a challenge because appetite, even for the most sumptuous meal, will be out of the window, and you just want to be left alone. While you can consider to help you do a post on your situation as a way of stress relief, there are other approaches. In this post, I share with you tips on how to deal with stress, but first, What causes stress? Whether it catches up with you at home, or at the workplace, types of stress vary depending on the cause. The following are some of the most common: The pressure at the workplace. Employees sometimes slump into anxiety because there is a lot to do with a strict timeline. It is to say; when it becomes clear that one will not be able to meet a set deadline, stress sets in. Loss of a loved one, through separation, death or in any way. Health conditions such as sickness are a major cause of worry. While patients need to cheer up no matter their situations, diseases like cancer are sure to cause one unimaginable level of stress. Discrimination at school, workplace, and other places. Emotional and physical abuse Common stress symptoms include the following: Tension headaches Depression in the worst cases Insomnia or lack of sleep Anxiety/fear of the unknown Muscle pains Gastrointestinal refluxes/upset Thus far, the next question most people who exhibit these symptoms ask is how to reduce stress so as to become active again, jovial and productive.  Well, studies on stress management suggest different approaches. The following tips will go a long way in helping one recover from any of the above conditions: 1. Take care of yourself : If you cannot take good care of yourself, then who will? It is the first question stressed persons need to ask before embarking on a path of recovery.  Also, what does self-care entail? It is important to feed on a healthy diet, get enough sleep and partake in physical exercises. Studies have indicated that those who do these reduce stress levels in their lives, almost completely. 2. Meditate : There is no way you are going to get away from stress if meditation is not one of the foremost solutions. For those who do not know how to partake in thoughtful awareness, it basically involves sitting silently in a quiet room with one hand on the belly, legs folded or straightened, then listen to the sound of the heartbeat. There are however many other productive meditative approaches people who want to deal with stress can explore. According to research, when you meditate, there occurs an alteration in the pathways of brain neurons, something that makes you feel relaxed and peaceful. 3. Do away with negative energy : If the cause of your worries and anxiety is negativity, then a journey to recovery should start with doing away with people who bring negative energy into your life.  Life should be fun, and it all starts with finding people who put a smile on your face. 4. Design a healthy life-work balance : There is no way you are going to be happy if work takes away all the time you have in the world.  People need time for their families, in which case, it starts with knowing how to design the life you want. Come to think about it. What value does being a career addict who is obsessed with deadlines and never has for family and plays bring? It only begets stress. 5. Enjoy your hobby : One of the best approaches to fighting stress is sporting. If you love to play football, go out and enjoy it in the evenings after work. Dance to your favorite music tunes, or watch a favorite movie series.  Hobbies keep your mind busy, and by extension, help in releasing endorphins hormones that will make your face glow once again. In summary, managing stress starts with you, and ends with making the right decision. A psychotherapist will only advise but it is incumbent upon you to execute. Read Also : Unhealthy And Healthy Solutions For Coping With Stress