You Know Suffering from a Benzodiazepine Addiction?

Published on: 31 October 2018 Last Updated on: 12 July 2023
Benzodiazepine Addiction

We hear a lot about drug abuse in the news, especially when it comes to opioids and painkillers. But, benzodiazepine abuse and addiction have also increased in recent years. In 2015, there were more than 8,000 benzodiazepine-related deaths.

Death and serious complications rarely result from benzodiazepine use alone. In most addiction and overdose cases, other drugs are also involved — usually opiates. Whether alone or with other drugs, benzodiazepine abuse exists, and it is dangerous.

Are you wondering whether someone you know is suffering from benzodiazepine addiction? We can guide you through recognizing the addiction and offering support. Read on for answers to your questions benzodiazepines and addiction.

What is a Benzodiazepine?

A benzodiazepine is a sedative drug. Doctors prescribe benzodiazepines – also known as benzos – to help relieve symptoms of anxiety. The drugs can also help with seizures, muscle spasms, and even alcohol withdrawal.

Benzodiazepines were actually introduced to replace dangerous barbiturates. When people began abusing barbituates, benzodiazepines like Xanax, Valium, and Ativan came along. Unfortunately, people started to abuse these drugs as well.

What are Symptoms of Benzodiazepine Addiction?

Benzos work by depressing the central nervous system. This makes users feel sedated and relaxed. Over time, people may become tolerant and need higher doses, and then develop a dependence.

Chronic use of benzodiazepines can have long-term effects on physical and mental health. Dependent users may have gastrointestinal and musculoskeletal issues. They may show symptoms of depression or suicidal behavior.

Someone addicted to benzodiazepines may feel drowsy and dizzy. They may seem confused, have poor concentration, and slurred speech. If they overdose, they can become unresponsive to the point of a coma.

What are the Behavioral Warning Signs of Abuse?

Like other drug and alcohol abuse, benzo abuse may result in behavioral symptoms. People close to the addict will notice these changes. Substance abuse often shifts personal traits.

An addict may withdraw from friends and family. They may skirt responsibilities. Addicts are often secretive about their schedules.

To keep a high volume of their drug on hand, addicts often “doctor shop.” They will get prescriptions from different doctors and fill them at different pharmacies. They may also borrow or steal money to pay for their drugs.

How Can Benzodiazepine Addicts Recover?

Often times the hardest step to recovery is to admit the problem. Once an addict recognizes they have a drug issue, they may be willing to get help from friends and family. They’ll need outpatient care from a doctor or at a treatment center like Inspire Malibu.

To prevent withdrawal and seizers, the reduction of benzodiazepines will be gradual. This method offers more promising results than quitting cold turkey. It’s also advised to see a psychiatrist throughout recovery and even after.

How Can Former Addicts Stay Clean and Healthy?

Doctors encourage recovering addicts, including those suffering from a benzodiazepine addiction, to adopt healthy lifestyles to help prevent relapses. This includes healthy eating, exercise, and other positive habits. You can learn more about healthy lifestyle habits on our blog.

Read about things to help reduce stress, unhealthy foods to avoid, and more.

Or, browse for more information on addiction and recovery. We have tips on staging interventions, information about outpatient treatment, and other topics.

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Eating Good Quality Foods For Diet

Eating Good Quality Foods For Diet

If you are someone that routinely follows the health and wellness industry, chances are that you have heard about Keto and Paleo diets. There are many proponents for both kinds of diets. In this article, we look at some of the elements associated with both and the effect that they have on weight control. Eating Good quality foods for  diet can help you to maintain your diet in the right order. Eating Good Quality Foods For Diet Is Essential For Everyone  There are several good quality foods for a diet you can maintain for every one to improve your business  in the right direction. Paleo Diet- What does it mean? Fundamentally, the Paleo diet has been referred to as a cave dweller’s diet. Individuals eat food articles similar to the way as ancient human beings did. Their belief stems from the fact that this is a healthy way to sustain life. Eating good quality foods for your diet can make things more comfortable for your diet. This hypothesis asserts that cutting edge nourishment handling is the essential driver of human medical issues. The proponents argue that in order to check and reduce weight, people need to "return" to the manner in which it was amid the mountain man period. They think straightening out your dietary pattern to the ancient human beings, or to the Paleolithic era plan empowers the normal organic capacity of the human body to process food better thereby assisting in wellbeing. Paleo Menu- What does it stand for? Changing a human being’s dietary habit, according to a paleo diet means that an individual should stay away from and resist processed sources of food like grains, fruits, meats, and others. Now, you might be wondering as to what should be then eaten instead. The food items that a Paleo diet entails consists of natural products and ingredients as are found in nature. In other words, food that has not been processed artificially. Items like eggs, seeds, nuts, meat, fish, and vegetables. Individuals are permitted to add a certain amount of oils and fats to their meals. Again, these should be natural, and not artificial. Ghee, avocado oil, natural fats are allowed. To certain individuals, paleo is in excess of an eating routine. It centers on affecting the earth emphatically with the nourishment decisions we make. It is considered as a way of life, as a model choice of living that helps improve both the human body, as well as the environment around man. Keto diet, then again, is an alternate eating routine with its very own reasoning. Keto diet- What does it mean? A Keto diet comprises of a type of diet, which is moderated by a high-fat quotient. The high fat is complemented by average protein intake, along with severely reducing the carbohydrate intake. It centers on controlling the body to revitalizing itself by putting away fats rather than starches. With a keto diet, the human body is supposed to be in a state, which is called ketosis! This is also the principle distinction between the two diets-keto and paleo. The distinction between the two comes forward through the changes in the consumption of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats in food. Fundamentally, a ketogenic diet should comprise of: 5% carbohydrates 25% protein 70% fat The motivation behind fine-tuning the human body towards a keto diet is remarkable. The keto diet forces the body to burn fat, whenever energy is required by the body, thereby making the body perform optimally at high levels of energy at all times. This burns the fat, thereby reducing or keeping the weight in check for most who follow a keto diet. Nonetheless, it is fundamental you carefully monitor the consumption of macronutrients. If you are unable to do so, it might unbalance your body’s digestion levels. Another noteworthy advantage of a keto based diet plan is adjusting the glucose levels and the human body’s weight reduction. Differences between Keto and Paleo: While keto limits the admission of carbohydrates, paleo permits a few entire nourishment wellsprings of sugars as long as it is in the adequate sustenance classes. A Ketodiet wants you to remain inside a predefined measure of fats, proteins, and carbohydrates. However, paleo puts no limitations on macronutrients, but it permits exercises outside the accompanying the eating routine like care, and activities. A Paleo diet does not allow processed sources of food items like soy, or dairy products. However, a keto diet permits consumption of dairy fat as well as soy; as long as they fall inside the predefined macronutrient go. Eating good quality foods for a diet is essential for you to maintain a healthy lifestyle. In any case, the two weight control plans offer a sound way of life, yet a few people may think that its hard to keep up the keto diet, which includes computation of macronutrients, not at all like paleo that is fundamentally straight forward and offers a wide assortment of nutritious alternatives. Likewise, a great many people lean toward the paleo diet in light of its adaptability with nourishment decisions. All in all, the two eating regimens are astonishing in their own right; the keto diet is successful for weight reduction and glucose control, while the paleo diet urges individuals to eat entire nourishments that are accessible to people amid the Paleolithic time. Read Also: 5 Tips To Kick Start Your Fitness Routine 9 Magical Benefits Of A Vegetarian Diet Why Have A Diet Chart For Weight Loss? 5 Ways You Can Be Inhibiting Your Fitness Easy Diet Tips To Summer Six Pack Abs Choosing A Diet Based On Your Personality Type 11 Foods You Must Incorporate Into Your Diet For Great Skin

Breast Augmentation

Breast Augmentation: Does It Cause Cancer In Patients?

Many women worry about developing breast cancer, especially when it comes to invasive procedures. In fact, according to, one out of every eight women in the United States will develop invasive breast cancer at some point in their lifetime. Here, you will learn whether breast augmentation leads to cancer or not. Breast augmentation is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures in the world. More than 300,000 surgeries happen in the United States every year. Their number is growing. Basically, breast augmentation is a full-scale surgery that tampers with the tissues. Hence, many patients fear the possibility of developing such dangerous conditions as cancer. Can breast augmentation cause cancer? Let’s find out. Understanding Breast Augmentation Breast Augmentation is a surgical procedure with the help of which cosmetologists and doctors change the shape and size of a woman’s breasts. It is also called augmentation mammoplasty. Generally, there are two reasons why you need to perform breast augmentation: Cosmetic Reasons:This helps in making breasts larger, correcting asymmetrical breasts, or changing their shape. Reconstructive Reasons: Some women want to restore the volume of their breasts after pregnancy, weight loss, or even breast removal. Moreover, reconstruction also works when you want to increase the size of your breasts that are of different sizes. Basically, during the breast augmentation procedure, the surgeon inserts breast implants under the chest muscle or breast tissue. Generally, these implants consist of sacs that are full of silicone or saline water. Moreover, the surgery mostly happens at an outpatient clinic or a hospital. On the other hand, there is also a natural alternative to breast augmentation. This happens through fat transfer. Here, the surgeon brings out fat from the woman’s body through liposuction. Then, they inject the fat into the breasts of the woman. In some cases, this procedure surgeons call this process fat grafting. Risk Factors To Breast Augmentation The following are some of the major risk factors for breast augmentation: Improper incision placement Excessive tissue manipulation Incorrect implant placement Poor surgical technique Inadequate hemostasis (control of bleeding) Does Breast Augmentation Cause Cancer? Different research came up to show whether implants can lead to cancer. According to Seattle breast augmentation surgeons at LaBelleVie and other board-certified doctors and qualified medical professionals, there is currently no evidence linking breast implants to breast cancer. There are reasons why some women may find out about cancer after or even before getting implants. This depends on the fact that there are many tests before the actual surgery happens. So, patients discover tumors during the preparation procedures rather than after the insertion of the implant. Generally, breast implants haven’t been linked to the appearance of breast cancer. However, they may increase the risk of developing a certain type of cancer. Actually, it is the Breast Implant-Associated Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma or BI-AALCL. What Is BI-AALCL? BI-AALCL is an uncommon type of lymphoma that occurs around the implants after breast augmentation. It’s more common in women who opt for breast implants having surface textures. BI-AALCL is an immune system cancer, NOT breast cancer. The risk of developing such cancer is rather low. One in about 30,000 women develops BI-AALCL after opting for breast augmentation with textured implants. However, if doctors discover the problem early enough, it is easy to cure. The symptoms of this type of cancer include: Unexpected breast enlargement Breast asymmetry Lump in the breast or armpit Hardening of the breast Fluid collection If a patient experiences such symptoms, she must contact a doctor immediately in order to prevent cancer from spreading. BIA ALCL can occur in patients who have chosen silicone or saline implants. Also, one can find it regardless of the type of surgery, be it breast reconstruction or breast enlargement. As of today, no cases of women developing BI-AALCL after installing a smooth implant have been reported. If a patient opts for textured implants, the doctor must monitor her for several years after the surgery. Today, it’s not possible to run tests in order to understand which patients are prone to this disease. Should You Remove My Breast Augmentation And Implants? If you have textured implants, it doesn’t mean you will develop BI-AALCL. All the findings show that the risk of getting such cancer is quite low. Removing the implants is a drastic measure that should be discussed with the surgeon and the physician. In the majority of cases, women with textured implants should be monitoring the condition of their breasts carefully in order not to miss the first signs of the disease. For the majority of patients with stage 1 BI-AALCL, the cancer is confined in a capsule. Early treatment involves surgical removal. The survival rate of patients with such cancer is 89% over 5 years. The rate is much higher for women who are diagnosed early and who have the implant and the capsule removed timely. Breast Augmentation And Cancer: The Way Forward Does breast augmentation cause breast cancer? No. However, it can lead to an uncommon form of immune system cancer, which is well-treatable if caught early enough. Do you have more information to add about breast augmentation? Please share them in the comments section below. 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online pharmacy

How to choose the right online pharmacy

The pharmacy and the customer must take a number of steps to introduce safe procedures. The customer always deserves good and fast services and find what truth is as they need. You can easily find information to order prescription drugs safely from an online pharmacy. You can find a list of the best online pharmacies with the lowest prices for drugs that meet important safety standards to protect the health of patients when buying drugs over the Internet. It would be very helpful though, especially for older people who have a hard time getting around or going to the store. Are you looking for a safe and right online pharmacy? Over millions of people import their prescribed drugs from the safe and legitimate online pharmacy each year. Since online access is affordable from abroad is crucial, customers are going without their needed medications for saving cost. Knowing the ability to differentiate risks from legitimate illegal online pharmacies ensures that consumers will get real prescription drugs and what their doctor ordered. However, caution is required when looking for an online pharmacy. There is a bad person impersonating a pharmacy. Therefore, when choosing an online pharmacy it is recommended that consumers follow some basic good practices. If the online pharmacy you are considering does not meet the following criteria, you need to reconsider that order seriously. An authorized and safe online pharmacy: It is accredited in its country of origin Guarantee patient's privacy and confidentiality Transactions are secured and encrypted Requires the original prescription signed in writing from the patient's doctor Features a valid address and phone number on its website A licensed pharmacist can confirm the order and telephone consultation is possible Depth knowledge of online pharmacy licensing and pharmacy safety standards You can also find reliable more information about safe online pharmacies from the authorized organization websites. These organizations prove the safety of online pharmacies in the UK, EU countries and the United States also. Pharmacy Checker experts can review the international online pharmacies and offer a comparison of online pharmacy drug prices so that you can get the best deal without hampering your health and safety. The confirmed online pharmacy displays the Pharmacy Checker sticker on the website. Since real seals refer to the pharmacy profile of Pharmacy Checker, please click on the label and make sure it is genuine. If you purchase medicines online from the website confirmed by Pharmacy Checker, the order will be judged by a licensed pharmacist and submitted by a licensed pharmacy under the supervision of the Pharmacy Checker verification program. The approval means for pharmacy checkers: Prescription order from a licensed pharmacy confirmed by Pharmacy Checker Need a valid prescription Meet web site security requirements We published the privacy policy of the customer of the site. Post contact information on the customer service website Pharmacist consultation provided to consumers The quantity sold on the website is limited to a maximum of 3 months Notify the consumer of the location of the pharmacy before purchasing If you choose the right pharmacy, you can access trusted directories from the safest online pharmacies in the world and make informed decisions by comparing prescription drug prices. To ensure health and safety, we only accept pharmacy directories from online pharmacies that have passed the rigorous online pharmacy validation process. Although saving can be attractive, buying drugs from unverified sites can be prone to many risks, including financial fraud, counterfeit goods, and low-quality medicines. So, it is committed to ensuring better right online pharmacy for everyone, which means easy to order, excellent services and goods arrived well packaged and fast delivered on time. Would definitely recommend this company. Read More : How Can A Cardiologist Save Your Life Top 6 U.S. Universities That Offer Health Science Course