A Beginners Guide to Listed Investment Companies


13 February 2023


Listed Investment Companies

Investing can be a daunting task for anyone, especially for those who are new to the game. With a plethora of options available, it can be challenging to know where to start and what investment vehicles to choose.

One option that has gained popularity in recent years is listed investment companies (LICs). In this beginner’s guide, we’ll take a closer look at what LICs are and how they can be a valuable addition to your investment portfolio.

Investment Companies

What are LICs?

LICs are publicly traded companies that invest in a diversified portfolio of assets, such as stocks, bonds, and real estate. They are similar to mutual funds, but instead of investing in the fund directly, you buy shares of the company that owns the assets.

This allows you to gain exposure to a variety of investments through a single stock, making it an easy and convenient option for those who want a simple and diversified investment portfolio.

Benefits of Investing in LICs

  • Diversification: As mentioned earlier, LICs offer a diversified portfolio of assets, which helps to spread risk and minimize the impact of any single investment.
  • Professional Management: LICs are managed by professional fund managers who have the expertise and experience to select and manage investments on your behalf.
  • Liquidity: LICs are listed on stock exchanges, making it easy to buy and sell shares, and providing you with the flexibility to make changes to your portfolio as needed.
  • Potential for Higher Returns: By investing in a diversified portfolio of assets, LICs have the potential to deliver higher returns than investing in individual stocks.
  • Lower Costs: Compared to other investment vehicles, LICs often have lower fees and expenses, which can result in higher returns for investors.

Risks of Investing in LICs

  • Market Risk: As with any investment, LICs are subject to market risk, which means that the value of your investment can go up or down depending on market conditions.
  • Credit Risk: LICs may invest in bonds, which are subject to credit risk. This means that if the issuer of the bond defaults on their debt, the value of your investment may decrease.
  • Management Risk: The success of a LIC depends on the ability of the fund manager to make good investment decisions. If the fund manager fails to perform, the value of your investment may be negatively impacted.

How to Invest in LICs

  • Research: Before investing in a LIC, it’s important to research the company and its portfolio of assets to ensure that it aligns with your investment goals and risk tolerance.
  • Consider the Fund Manager’s Track Record: Look at the fund manager’s track record to see how they have performed in the past and whether they have a history of delivering good returns.
  • Diversify Your Portfolio: As with any investment, it’s important to diversify your portfolio to minimize risk. Consider investing in multiple LICs to achieve a well-rounded and diversified investment portfolio.
  • Monitor Your Investments: Regularly monitor your investments and make changes as needed to ensure that your portfolio remains aligned with your investment goals.

In conclusion, LICs can be a valuable addition to your investment portfolio, offering the benefits of diversification, professional management, liquidity, and the potential for higher returns. However, it’s important to understand the risks involved and to do your research before investing. By following these tips, you can ensure that you make informed investment decisions and achieve your financial goals.


Sumona is a persona, having a colossal interest in writing blogs and other jones of calligraphies. In terms of her professional commitments, she carries out sharing sentient blogs by maintaining top-to-toe SEO aspects. Follow more of her contributions in SmartBusinessDaily

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Lining up for a Loan – How to Secure a Good Loan

Obtaining credit in its various forms is not a difficult feat. In fact, the online platform has laid the groundwork for many consumers to get the funding they need for any project. While online funding sources and traditional institutions have streamlined the application process, applying for a loan is a process requiring prospective borrowers organise their materials way before obtaining credit. Whether you apply for a loan online or in a traditional bank, the institution requires applicants to submit information regarding your ability to pay the loan back. While you can find lenders who require no credit check and a quick process, these lenders increase the interest rate of the loan, in addition to other surprises that lurk in the details of the contract. To obtain the best loan, prospective borrowers should plan to submit an application, prove income, and have a good credit history. Continue reading to learn more about what is involved in applying for a loan so you can secure the best loan possible. The Application Process: When applying for a loan, the first step is the application. While the easiest part of applying for a loan, the document asks you for all of the relevant information needed to determine risk. The document usually asks you for information related to your employment, assets, and debts. Furthermore, few applications ask you for a list of references. Whether applying online or in the institution itself, you essentially should be prepared to give the lending institution much of the information related to your current finances. The Credit Report: Of the documents to be submitted, your credit report is an account of all of the debts you have incurred as an adult. Before applying for any loan, the easiest way to secure funding is to make sure your credit report is in the best shape by obtaining a copy months before applying for the loan. Obtaining a copy beforehand gives you a chance to address any inaccuracies that appear on the file, and more importantly, any derogatory remarks that show up on the file. Cleaning up your credit report is important for a few reasons. For one, your credit score directly affects your interest rate, but more significantly, it can affect the type of loan you are approved for and whether you are approved at all. Furthermore, those with derogatory remarks and delinquencies are required to have some type of collateral to qualify for a loan, in this case, a secured loan. Proof Of Income And Assets:         Lenders want to know how you are going to pay the loan off if you, for some unforeseeable reason, cannot fulfill the obligation. Before applying for a loan, figure out what your assets are and how much income you have to pay down the loan. Prospective borrowers with savings and other assets stand a greater chance of being approved for loans that can offer them competitive rates. Furthermore, the lender can also determine your ability to pay by figuring out your debt-to-income ratio (DTI). This figure simply is the percentage of money that you spend on debt every month. Low DTIs are favourable because it means that you have more than enough to cover the loan and high DTIs mean the opposite. Each lender has a percentage that qualifies a person for a loan, and much of the time it depends on the type of loan. For example, the percentage might be higher for a home loan than a car loan. Gaining The Advantage When Borrowing: Much of what determines whether you get a great loan is in the preparation. If you have addressed many of the common ailments that plague the credit report, you increase the chance of getting a lower rate. Ultimately, it is the entire financial picture that determines whether or not you can actually afford to carry the loan. Read Also: Title Loan Requirements: What You Do And Don’t Need How To Get A Loan On A Day With Bad Credit? Image Source: apnapaisa.com


5 Ways First Time Traders Can Protect Their Bitcoins Against Thefts In 2021

Hacking is the new way of robbery that has happened in the digital world. If you think that your Cryptocurrency assets are safe just because it is online, then think again. If you are new to the Cryptocurrency industry, you must be aware that this industry lacks the same level of security that you get from the banks. Before you can move forward with your Crypto investment, let’s first understand how secure Cryptocurrency is. How Secure Cryptocurrency Is If you are thinking of investing in Cryptocurrency, you will be aware of the Blockchain technology backing the Cryptocurrencies. Blockchain technology records the transaction in the blocks with a timestamp. This process is quite lengthy and complicated, but the result is a secure digital ledger. The transaction also goes through two-factor authentication. While the security measures are in place, this doesn’t mean that Cryptocurrency is immune to any external threat. Although Cryptocurrency is considered the safest mode of transaction, its connection to the internet makes it vulnerable. Save Bitcoins Against Thefts - Protection Of Cryptocurrency There are various paths to safeguard and reduce the chances of stealing. For example, using a secure platform like bitcoin prime, you can ensure that your digital assets are safe and secure. Here are the other methods you can use to protect your Cryptocurrency assets. Protect Bitcoins Against Thefts #1. Use Strong Passwords Using a strong password is the key to safeguarding your digital assets. Never reuse passwords across your accounts, especially for Cryptocurrency accounts. Assume that all of the accounts will eventually face data breaches, and having the same password for all of them means all your accounts will be hacked. To ensure such a scenario never surfaces up, use different passwords for different accounts. This helps you keep other accounts safe in case one of your accounts gets hacked. Protect Bitcoins Against Thefts #2. Work With Reputable Crypto Wallet Before deciding a platform to use for their Crypto investment, you must take your time, do thorough research and select only the best Crypto wallet for trade. Make a checklist of the security features that the platform needs to have before qualifying as a safe call for investing. Using more than one platform can add an extra security layer as long as the two accounts have different strong passwords. Protect Bitcoins Against Thefts #3. Avoid Sharing The Secret Key The secret keys are used to validate the transactions. Hence, the secret keys should never be shared with anyone, even if you think that the person standing in front of you is trustworthy enough. The safest way to store your private keys is to store them in cold storage. Cold storage is the process of printing out your keys and erasing their digital footprints and traces. With how easily hackers can get access to the machine, keeping your data online is highly risky. Protect Bitcoins Against Thefts #4. Protect Yourself From Phishing Many people with Cryptocurrency wallets use mobile applications to trade. However, as their prices soar high, hackers target users using mobile phones to make transactions and trades. These social engineering attacks can come from any angle. For instance, you might receive unknown text messages, social media messages, or emails. Protect Bitcoins Against Thefts #5. Ensure Vendor Provides Indemnity This is related to the vendor’s error, failure to perform, and negligence in managing the platform. Having a strong indemnity provision added to the contract so that it protects your digital assets. When you are taking help from a platform, ensure that the platform is offering: A large balance sheet to back their indemnity. Insurance to cover financial harm you accrue due to their negligence. Conclusion Cryptocurrency is a dynamic industry. You need to be proactive to keep up with the changes. The same thing can be said for its cybersecurity. Digital assets being connected with the internet are more prone to risk than traditional assets. Hence, it is important to implement the right cybersecurity protocol to keep them safe. Read Also: Using Social Media to Promote Start-Up Businesses How To Become A Successful Cryptocurrency Trader In 5 Easy Steps HOW TO EXCHANGE BITCOINS AND OTHER COINS ON BINARYX?

Navigating Financial Crunch

Navigating Financial Crunch: Seeking Quick Solutions Responsibly

Facing sudden financial challenges often prompts individuals to seek immediate solutions. In such circumstances, title loans emerge as a potential option, offering quick access to funds by using a vehicle as collateral. This article explores the landscape of title loans, shedding light on their considerations and presenting alternative strategies for those navigating a financial crunch. Causes Of Financial Crunch In Life  There might be multiple causes why a financial crisis in life. Usually, a crunch occurs at the time of overvaluing assets or institutions. But you can curb a lot of these financial problems by thinking like an investor and doing some side hustle. And while these are not uncommon, an efficient solution for such crises is yet to be discovered.  Just like any other source of stress in our lives, economic problems can affect both our physical and mental well-being. Having less or no money can bring your self-esteem down, along with affecting your sleep and social interactions. Sometimes, an individual ends up feeling overwhelmed, angry, and even tense.  How Does Economic Stress Impact Health?  We all are well aware of the fact that money is not the only thing to worry about. However, money is certainly an important factor in leading a prosperous and happy life. Below are a few common ways in which financial crunch impacts our health:  Insomnia: A person might go through insomnia and other sleeping difficulties. It ends up tossing and turning them at night and increasing worries about unpaid bills.  Weight loss or gain: Some people tend to give up on food, while others might end up emotionally overeating. Economic stress can disturb your appetite and ultimately result in anxiety and more eating. Relationship complexities: Money often becomes a central topic of argument between couples. When it is left unattended, an economic crunch can make a person irritable and angry. As a result, the relationship suffers!  5 Ways To Cope-Up With Financial Stress Economic stress is not easy to deal with, especially when you have too much on your plate already. But with a set of tips, you can certainly bring down the stress level. Here are some smart tips for coping with the economic crunch:  Exploring Title Loans: A Quick Fix In Reach Title loans, also known as auto or car title loans, enable individuals to use their vehicles as collateral for a speedy loan. The process is straightforward: borrowers provide their vehicle title in exchange for a loan based on the appraised value. Although borrowers maintain possession of the vehicle during the loan period, the risk of losing ownership looms if repayment falters. In the pursuit of quick financial solutions, individuals often turn to search engines, entering phrases like "title loans near me" to locate nearby lenders. This search provides a list of accessible lenders, streamlining the process of securing a title loan. Considering The Implications: Assessing Risks And Exploring Alternatives While title loans offer rapid access to funds, borrowers must carefully weigh associated risks. High interest rates and fees can lead to a cycle of debt, making repayment challenging. The potential loss of a crucial asset, such as a car, adds an extra layer of risk. Individuals considering title loans should thoroughly understand the terms, assess their ability to repay, and explore alternative solutions. One alternative worth exploring is seeking assistance from local credit unions or community banks, which may offer more favorable terms and lower interest rates than traditional title loan lenders. Additionally, negotiating with existing creditors for temporary relief or exploring short-term financial assistance programs can provide breathing room without putting valuable assets on the line. Searching For Responsible Solutions: Financial Counseling And Budgeting For those grappling with a financial crunch, seeking guidance from financial counselors can be instrumental. These professionals provide personalized advice, helping individuals navigate their unique financial situations. Budgeting is another proactive step to regain control over finances. Creating a detailed budget, identifying areas for cost-cutting, and prioritizing essential expenses can pave the way for a more sustainable financial future. Responsible financial decisions involve a comprehensive understanding of the terms and conditions associated with any loan, including title loans. While a title loan might offer a swift solution, exploring alternative options and adopting sound financial practices are critical steps toward achieving stability without compromising one's financial well-being. Keep Track Of Your Bills It would be an enormous waste if you spend your money on finance charges or late fees. But most families tend to do this. At the time of a job loss crisis, a good understanding is a must. One of the best solutions for saving significantly at the end of the month is saving a lot of money.  Dedicate a time period to review your accounts, whether monthly or twice a month. You can also schedule your mail checks and even electronic payments so that you never miss out on a payment deadline. In case none of this works, try consulting a financial advisor who can help you out with all these things.  Double Up Your Liquid Savings From savings to checking, cash accounts are the ones that help you most during a fiscal crunch. The best idea is to convert these resources first, as their value has fewer chances to fluctuate. Unlike properties or stocks, cash savings are most likely to double up if you plan everything well.  It is possible for you to take out your money without having to bear a financial loss. In contradiction to retirement accounts, there are fewer chances of experiencing early penalties on your taxes. So, ensure to maximize your liquid savings as far as possible.  Conclusion In pursuing quick financial solutions, individuals must approach the option of title loans with caution and awareness. Conducting thorough research, understanding the implications, and exploring alternatives are crucial before committing to such financial arrangements. Navigating a financial crunch requires a strategic and thoughtful approach. This marks the end of this comprehensive guide. If you think this article was competent enough to provide you with necessary insights on financial gains, then comment below and share your thoughts. Also, don’t forget to save these tips for the next time. And that’s all! Thank you for reading.  Read Also: Glenn Sandler (CPA) of G.I. 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