A Helpful Guide To Franked Dividends In Australia


13 February 2023


Franked Dividends

If you are an investor in Australia, it’s likely you have come across the term “franked dividends.” But what exactly are franked dividends, and why are they important to understand? This article will provide a comprehensive guide to franked dividends, including what they are, how they work, and why they can be a valuable addition to your investment portfolio.

What is a Franked Dividend

What is a Franked Dividend?

You may be wondering, “what is a franked dividend?”A franked dividend is a type of dividend payment made by an Australian company that has already paid corporate tax on its profits. The term “franking” refers to the process of crediting the tax already paid to the shareholder who receives the dividend.

The Australian tax system allows companies to pass on the benefit of the tax they have already paid to shareholders through franked dividends. This means that shareholders receive the full value of the dividend, as well as a tax credit for the amount of corporate tax paid by the company. The tax credit can be used to offset the shareholder’s own tax liability, reducing their overall tax bill.

How Franked Dividends Work

To understand how franked dividends work, it’s important to understand the basic structure of the Australian tax system. Companies in Australia pay corporate tax on their profits at the rate of 30%. When a company declares a franked dividend, it passes on some of these profits to shareholders, along with a tax credit.

The tax credit is calculated as the amount of corporate tax paid by the company, divided by the number of shares outstanding. For example, if a company pays $100 in corporate tax and has 1 million shares outstanding, each shareholder would receive a tax credit of $0.10 per share.

Shareholders can then use the tax credit to offset their own tax liability. If the shareholder’s marginal tax rate is less than 30%, they will receive a cash refund for the difference. For example, if the shareholder’s marginal tax rate is 20%, they would receive a cash refund of $0.10 for every $0.50 of franked dividends received.

Why Franked Dividends are Important

Franked dividends can provide several benefits to investors, including:

  • Increased income: Franked dividends provide shareholders with a higher level of income compared to unfranked dividends, as the tax credit increases the overall value of the dividend.
  • Tax benefits: As mentioned, shareholders can use the tax credit from franked dividends to offset their own tax liability, reducing their overall tax bill.
  • Lower risk: Companies that pay franked dividends are typically well established, with a proven track record of profitability. This makes them a lower-risk investment compared to companies that do not pay dividends.
  • Diversification: Adding franked dividend-paying stocks to your investment portfolio can provide diversification, as these stocks tend to come from different sectors and industries compared to other types of investments.
  • Long-term growth: Companies that pay franked dividends are often focused on long-term growth, which can benefit investors in the form of capital appreciation and future dividend payments.


Franked dividends are a valuable component of the Australian tax system, providing investors with increased income, tax benefits, and diversification opportunities. By understanding how franked dividends work, you can make informed decisions about your investment portfolio and take advantage of the benefits they offer. Whether you are a seasoned investor or just starting out, franked dividends can be a valuable addition to your portfolio.


Sumona is a persona, having a colossal interest in writing blogs and other jones of calligraphies. In terms of her professional commitments, she carries out sharing sentient blogs by maintaining top-to-toe SEO aspects. Follow more of her contributions in SmartBusinessDaily

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Alternative Business Financing

Alternative Business Financing – What Is It And How Do You Do It?

In this day and age, there are way more options for financing your business than just traditional bank loans. As a matter of fact, many business owners prefer alternative business financing for a number of reasons. One reason is that it can be way faster and easier. Business financing is a struggle for most new business owners. Most industries are often very competitive, and succeeding in the market is definitely not a piece of cake. It can take expensive marketing as well as expansions of physical shops and lots of other actions. In other words, starting a business is not for the faint of heart - and it is especially not cheap. Therefore, many business owners decide to look into alternative business financing. In this way, it becomes possible to grow the business without involving the bank. Small Loans, Line Of Credit And Business Credit Cards Alternative business financing is actually not just one thing but many. The alternative solutions are very popular, which explains why a lot of different options are available. You can find a number of these options, as well as valuable information about business financing, online. To give a few examples, alternative business financing can be fast & short term business loans, business lines of credit, invoice financing, merchant cash advances, business credit cards and equipment financing. As you can understand, the options are many. So how do you choose? Every option comes with different advantages and requirements. For example, a good credit history can be a requirement for some solutions, while it is not even a factor for others. Therefore, the first step is to get to know all your options and discover which ones suit you and your business the best. A Faster And Easier Solution Even though a bank can offer a certain sense of security, it can also be a long and troublesome way to go. Sometimes, your bank will require loads of documentation as well as a good explanation as to why you want to take a loan. Alternative business financing seems to attract a lot of business owners because the requirements are few, and the application process is way easier. As a matter of fact, for the most part, the fastest and easiest loans are the most popular. Alternative business financing often only requires a 1-page application and limited documentation. The whole application process takes place online, where you do not have to explain anything to anyone. Furthermore, it can be over and done within a few minutes, and you can have the money available within a couple of hours or maybe a day. All these traits make alternative lending options interesting to new business owners. However, you can also take a loan too quickly and too easily. It is always essential that you think it through and consider other options such as saving money or getting financial help from family and friends. There is no right solution for everyone. Read Also: Are Commercial Banks A Good Career Path In 2022? Quality Of E-Commerce Data Entry Services- Whether You Should Invest In Them? Starting Your Rare Coin Collections: A Beginners Guide to the 1794 Flowing Hair Half Dime

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Loan Requirements

Title Loan Requirements: What you Do and Don’t Need

A title loan is a type of a loan where an asset is given to act as collateral, popularized because of two main reasons: When determining your qualifications, title loans don’t put your credit rating into consideration. Title loans get approved very quickly for loan amounts of as little as $ 100. This makes title loans some of the most convenient and efficient options in the lending market. The Breakdown of A Title Loan : A car title loan is the most common type of title loan. It’s a case where you as a potential borrower, you are obliged to be in possession of car outright and sign the title over to an auto loan title company.  The loan company will allow you up to 25% of the value of the car to the borrower and then retain the car’s title as collateral in case you breach the repayment agreement. It’s worth noting that the amount you want to borrow must always be put into consideration. The value of your car or the commonly called – equity in the value will set the limit of the amount of money you can borrow.  If your car has a high value, so will be your title loan. The lenders will in most cases lend you money they are sure they can get it back easily if they were to sell your car in case you default the payment. With car title loans, there are no prepayment penalties, so it’s okay and not costly if you want to pay off your loan earlier. Be Careful of Rolling Over :  A lot of title loan cases end up in rolling over. This means that you decide to prolong your payment by another 30-day loan. The disadvantage of rolling over with your title loan is that it gets very expensive and every time you extend the loan you are penalized for new loan fees. There are cases where the process of extending a car title loan is controlled by the law. Unlike the interest rates that you usually pay on credit cards, title loans have a very high cost despite the fact that there are laws that limit the interest rates. You, therefore, end up paying back more money than you actually borrowed. The Risk of Losing Your Car : Getting a car title loan sounds so good but there is always a big problem which is the risk of losing your car to your lenders. This happens in the event that you can’t pay back your lender. Your car will then become their possession and they sell it to get back their share of the money that they lend to you. Car title loans are different from bank loans, typically they have easier requirements. Here are the key dos and don’ts you need to know to apply for a title loan. What You Do Need To Apply FOR A Title Loan :  You will need the following before going for a title loan: Vehicle title with your name Valid driver’s license Proof income Proof of residence These requirements will be qualified in the following manner: Vehicle Title with Your Name :  Since the title loan is being given to you, the title of your car must be in your name, and lien-free or something close to lien free. What’s a lien-free car title? It simply means that you have total ownership of the car; it’s completely paid off with no outstanding balances or loans against it. Certifying that your vehicle is lien-free is important because the amount of money you are given on the loan is on the basis of the value of your vehicle at the time of application. A Valid Driver’s License :  For proper verification of your identity, your valid driver’s license is required. In addition, the names on the form of identification must match the name on the title of the vehicle in order to issue the loan. Proof of Income : The companies that give you loans don’t necessarily depend solely on credit scores. Rather, you will be asked to show your proof of income like: Paystubs Bank statements Monthly allowances such as retirement accounts With proof of income, you basically tell the lender how much you can afford to pay back. Proof of Residence : Since title loans aren’t given to every region, you just have to prove your current residence and also certify that you have been an ongoing resident of your current residential area for the past two years.  This same requirement is still used to verify your identity. What You Don’t Need To Apply For the Loan :  There are so many misconceptions about what you need to apply for a title loan. Mostly, you might think that you need: A good credit score A bank account A high-paying job However, contrary to popular belief, none of these requirements are essential anywhere when applying for a title loan. A Good Credit Score :  You don’t need a perfect credit score for you to get a title loan.  A good credit score doesn’t necessarily prove your eligibility for a loan. A Bank Account :  Are you worried that you don’t have a bank account? You don’t need to be. You will be provided with a check for your loan amount without having to give your account number from you. A High-paying Job :  This is one of the most popular misconceptions that is among many people. There are flexible payment options for a realistic repayment schedule and the amount you’ll feel comfortable accepting. With the right kind of documents, you can easily get a title loan. You do not need to have a high-paying job, a good credit score nor even a bank account. All you need is a clean car title and the right kind of financier willing to lend you the money. Read Also : Top 5 Types Of Startup Business Loans