How To Achieve Mastery Of Biochemistry Concepts?

Published on: 24 December 2022 Last Updated on: 26 December 2022

Biochemistry reflects on the chemical compositions of living organisms. If in a science class one has encountered statements like the chemical composition of blood glucose is C6H12O6, then this lesson is part of biochemistry research that has found its way to textbooks.

Biochemistry also deals with chemical interactions between living cells. For instance, once we eat, the process of digestion that releases energy in the form of ATP and the chemical reaction involved in these metabolic activities are part of biochemistry.

The signals released by the brain in response to pain, how oxygen is used by blood cells, and the entire chemical process involved at the molecular level is studied as part of the biochemistry discipline.

A biochemistry course can be taken both as a specialization or an interdisciplinary course along with a related major or minor for challenging career prospects in life sciences. Interested students can check out this biochemistry course.

Scope And Uses Of Biochemistry

Uses Of Biochemistry

Biochemists hold numerous positions not just in the direct or ancillary healthcare sector but also in any field that involves food and nutrition.

Here are a few areas where biochemistry is used:

A. Nutritional science

The molecules like amino acids, lipids, fats, carbohydrates, and fiber constitute the macros of a balanced healthy diet. Biochemistry in food and nutrition deals with the process of generation and maintenance of the essential macros and glucose levels in a body. Any tipping in the readings will be the result of the body’s chemical response to any underlying disease condition.   

B. Genetic engineering

Genetic engineering is technically a branch of biotechnology. However, to understand DNA sequencing, chemical composition is necessary information. And hence biochemistry becomes an interrelated discipline for genetic engineering.

Biotech is widely used in understanding pathological specimens of microbes, and human, veterinary, and plant genes to help in combating diseases, creating resistant varieties of bloodlines in animal husbandry, and disease-resistant variants of plants.

C. Medicine

Pharmacological advances in new drug formulations, the development of vaccines, immunology, and pathology are some areas where biochemistry is widely used. Only through biochemistry, the rollout of Covid vaccine was possible.

Tips For Preparing For Biochemistry

Biochemistry is a vast subject that deals with humans, animals, and plants. It has other sub-categories like structural biochemistry, enzymology, xenobiotics, and organic and molecular biochemistry.

Considering the numerous topics, although the subject is interesting, studying for coursework can be daunting. But with a little bit of planning and learning hacks, preparing for biochemistry lessons can seem like a breeze for students.

Here are tips to prepare for biochemistry coursework:

1. Memorize The chemical sequence

Biochemistry is one of the least-liked subjects by many because of the many chain reactions and pathways that one needs to remember. The only way one can remember these chemical reactions is by logically grasping them, and then writing them down 2-3 times to memorize them. Once you have understood and memorized it correctly, write it backward. This step seals the content in your memory for a long time.

2. Revise important topics

Biochemistry is easy to forget a subject if you have not grasped the concept and memorized it. Topics related to organic biochemistry, lipid metabolism, amino acids secretion, enzymes secretion by glands like the pituitary and liver, the pentose phosphate pathway, and nucleotides need to be revised through notes revision, flashcards, and practice quizzes.

3. Study groups

Divide the biochemistry topics among members of study groups to make notes. In this manner, all the important topics can be revised easily by dividing the work related to notes and crucial points that form the framework of the lesson

4. Illustrate

Biochemistry is easy to remember when you use imagination and draw the reactions in a fun and easy-to-understand manner. You can always give character names to any of the molecules that are both easy to remember and relatable.

5. Focus on an essential topic

Divide the topics into the most repetitive and course-wise imperative ones. Divide your attention in an 80:20 ratio and give more importance to the core topics. In this manner, the regularly difficult topics are covered and repeated.

Twenty percent dedicated to other least important topics can be revised once. This way is ideal when trying to fit in a lot of work within a short timeframe. For instance, you can give more time to topics on metabolic and organic chemistry, enzymes, and pathways.

6. Comprehend

Biochemistry is a science subject and rote memorization alone can never work. The only way to retain it for a longer time comes from grasping the concepts and even memorizing them. If you can practice explaining the concepts to a five-year-old by following the Feynman technique, then the chances of you understanding the concepts are more.

7. Biochemistry terminology

All the terms used in this subject are different and some concepts will be completely new to you. Enzymes have suffixes like lyases, hydrogenases, oxidases, etc. A grasp on these terms by memorizing through mapping can help a student fare better

8. Structural biochemistry

Learning the chemical structure of molecules of chlorophyll, glucose, enzymes, amino acids, triglycerides and all other compounds within a living being will help biochemistry enthusiasts in their research as well

9. Organize study time

As the syllabus of biochemistry is an expanse, allotting a specific time and sticking to the schedule will help individuals gain confidence and have enough time to revise important topics before tests.

10. Take short breaks

When reading long topics and sequentially memorizing them, it is essential to take short breaks that can help a person rejuvenate and remember the lesson.


Biochemistry is an important subject in medical school and some of the stem sciences. It is an essential subject in life science. There are a wide array of jobs that can be obtained with an education in biochemistry.

It is an important part of the med school program as well. Anyone interested in studying biochemistry can explore online Medtech platforms that will aid in improving the grasp through multiple immersive topics with animated illustrations.

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Arnab is a professional blogger, having an enormous interest in writing blogs and other jones of calligraphies. In terms of his professional commitments, He carries out sharing sentient blogs.

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Is Surgical Treatment the Best Option to Treat Essential Tremor?

Going through life with a problematic condition such as essential tremor can be vastly different depending on the individual. For example, essential tremor is more commonly seen in individuals forty and older, but there are situations of those who suffer from the condition at a young age. That said, the symptoms of essential tremor tend to get more severe with age, which means that the method of treating a young individual might be different from the treatment of an elderly sufferer. There is also an issue in the fact that essential tremor often is not taken as seriously as conditions such as Parkinson’s disease. It can often result in those who suffer from the condition to feel embarrassed, opting to hide and ignore it instead of seeking treatment. Is Surgical Treatment the Best Option to Treat Essential Tremor? When the symptoms get worse It can be extremely disheartening when the symptoms start to get worse, as it can be as debilitating as any other severe tremor. It can make basic tasks challenging, and it can prevent people from performing their work or their hobbies. It might be so severe that certain individuals can no longer dress or eat by themselves. It is no wonder why some people would prefer searching for treatment - especially if the prescribed medications do not deal with their symptoms. How relaxation may help It is common knowledge that anxiety and agitation can make the symptoms of essential tremor much worse. Unfortunately, it results in a cycle where the individual is stressed about by their tremors, which results in the symptoms getting worse. That said, understanding that anxiety is a common means that you can work toward keeping yourself calm and relaxed to help your symptoms. Treatment options For those who are having trouble with medications prescribed for essential tremor, surgical treatment might be an option for relieving tremor. There are new treatment options such as focused ultrasound, for those who have not responded well to medication. Consulting with a physician is important for understanding the options for treating essential tremor. The final verdict: While it might be somewhat vague, the final verdict will depend on the individual. Each individual, together with their physician, should evaluate the treatment for their individual situation. For those who have tried medications and relaxation but have found little relief, perhaps surgery could be considered. Read Also: Use These Tips To Save Money When You Move Your Business To The Cloud Best Hair Loss Treatment: 5 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Getting One

open wounds

Treating Open Wounds – Types, Treatments, and Complications

An open wound is an injury that breaks the skin leaves internal tissue exposed. The most common causes of open wounds are sharp objects, falls, and car crashes. Some wounds heal on their own with a bandage and a bit of patience. However, in case of more serious wounds, you should seek help from medical professionals, such as the ones working in this wound care center Lewisville. Types of Open Wounds: Lacerations are deep cuts or tears of the skin. They’re usually caused by knives, machinery, or tools. If the laceration is deep, it can cause extensive bleeding. Abrasions occur when the skin scrapes or rubs against a hard or rough surface. They usually don’t cause lots of bleeding, but need to be cleaned in order to prevent infections. Avulsions are usually a result of violent accidents like gunshots, explosions, and crushes. They involve tearing away of the skin and the tissue beneath, as well as heavy bleeding. Punctures are small holes caused by long and pointy objects like needles or nails. In some cases, a puncture wound can be caused by a bullet. Even if there is no heavy bleeding, the puncture can be quite deep and cause damage to your internal organs. How to Treat Open Wounds: Some minor wounds can be treated at home, while others require immediate medical care. Treating Wounds At Home If your wound is minor, start by washing and disinfecting it to remove any dirt or debris. Try to stop the bleeding by applying direct pressure. Use sterile bandage or dressing to wrap the wound. Keep it dry and clean for a few days and get lots of rest. If you feel any pain, you can take Tylenol, but avoid using products that contain aspirin as they can cause bleeding. You can also consult with your doctor about using CBD to ease the pain. If there’s swelling or bruising, apply some ice. Apply sunscreen every time you’re going out until the area heals completely. When to Seek Medical Help Seek medical help immediately in the following cases: The wound is deep, large, or has jagged edges. The bleeding won’t stop after applying pressure or lasts for more than 15 minutes. The edges of the wound don’t stay together. Medical Treatments for Open Wounds: After cleaning the wound, your doctor might close it using sutures, stitches, or skin glue. In case of a puncture, you’ll probably get a tetanus vaccine as well. Depending on the wound’s severity, your doctor may leave the wound open and allow it to heal naturally. In that case, you’ll probably need to pack the wound with sterile gauze to prevent infection. Make sure your hands are clean whenever you’re changing your dressings and bandages. Before dressing the wound again, you should disinfect it. If there’s a risk of infection, you’ll need to take antibiotics. In case of very serious wounds, you may need surgical intervention. Possible Complications: The most complication of open wounds is an infection. Here are some common signs of infection: Green, malodorous, or cloudy drainage Fever of over 101oF Continual pain from the wound Redness, hot skin, or swelling around the wound Loss of movement and function Final Thoughts Regardless of whether your wound is minor or serious, it’s crucial to take immediate action. Minor wounds usually heal on their own, but if you’re seriously wounded, you need to see a doctor immediately in order to receive appropriate treatment and reduce the risk of infection. Read Also: Overview of Turmeric Use in Traditional Medicine Living With Diabetes – What are the Possible Complications? The End of an Era: Is It Time to Call the End of the TSM Dynasty?

Functional Medicine Doctor

How Can A Dallas Functional Medicine Doctor Help You?

If you are suffering from medical conditions and are given an opinion to seek out the services of a functional medicine doctor you might be wondering how can a functional medicine doctor help you? You need to understand the scope and practices of a Dallas functional medicine doctor to understand the help and relief you will get from a functional doctor. What is functional medicine? Functional Medicine focuses on the root causes of the ailment, using a specific approach and by allowing both the patient and the doctor to form a therapeutic partnership and work together. Unlike conventional medicines, functional medicine is a new treatment plan to treat patients with health issues. Instead of the standard medical treatment, this approach focuses on the treatment of the patient as a whole rather than focusing on a few symptoms. Thus this system of medicine is best described as medicine by cause and not by symptoms. How Can a Functional Medicine Doctor help You? A functional medicine doctor spends time with you. Together the doctor will sit with you and study your medical symptoms. However, unlike conventional doctors, the functional doctors will go beyond the normal diagnosis and will also look at your eating style, your exercise and living routines, and your lifestyle. The doctor will try to learn about you to better understand the root causes of your disease. If you are more exposed to toxins and other unhealthy habits the doctor will work on such causes to offer you treatment plans that go beyond normal medicines but works on your overall lifestyle. The doctor will also look into your overall health and body function and check your genetic makeup, lifestyle, and environmental influences before starting with a treatment plan. A functional medicine doctor can help you with many health-related issues. These include patients suffering from diabetes, blood pressure issues, and heart complications. People who have psychiatric and neurological issues can get personalized treatment from functional medicine doctors as these doctors are specialist in dealing with patients who suffer from depressions, attention disorder, and anxiety and stress. Other common problems such as digestive disorders and issues with bowel movements, ulcers, chronic diseases, and acid reflux issues are also in the domain of functional medicine doctors where they treat the patients individually focusing on all root causes with a proper treatment plan. There are other numerous types of treatment options such as treatment of autoimmune diseases such as arthritis, and celiac illness. People who have skin problems such as ongoing acne and eczema may also find functional medicine a better and long-term treatment solution that would help in healing the root causes of the condition and make sure the chances of skin disorders in future is also minimized. A Dallas functional medicines doctor objective is to bring your life to a normal routine and eliminate the factors that bring toxins and illness to your life. The doctor will design a personalized plan for you that includes: A complete check of your diet, and exercise and lifestyle and bring in all the necessary changes in your routine that are vital for your road of recovery. Looking out for factors that bring stress into your life and looking out for ways to eliminate the stress and bring peace to your life. Working out for detoxification options that work for the treatment of the patient. Looking for prescription drugs options that include the different types of botanical and nutritional medicines. Functional medicine doctors will sit with you and work as your partner to figure out all the reasons for the imbalances in your life that are harming your health and are the root causes of your sickness. By working on your core issues the functional practitioner makes sure that you bring changes in your life to treat the disease and prevent the health problems from occurring again. The doctors will help patients to understand that they have the power to make changes in their life and lead a healthy life as a reality. When a functional doctor works with your through the sitting sessions and appointments he learns all about you from head-to-toe, and have a complete understanding about your health and reasons of the health complications. Having a complete picture of your health conditions enable function doctors to go beyond the normal treatment plans and advise on treatment options that are not only suitable to help with the treatment but they are also preventive measure to make sure such health issues are eliminated for future occurrences as well. Read Also: What Doctor Says About Snoring 5 Things You Should Do To Reduce Stress