Advantages of Using a Portable Solar Generator

Published on: 02 June 2018 Last Updated on: 03 September 2024
portable solar system

Power, is an important aspect of our daily lives, considering a large number of power-consuming appliances and gadgets we have in our homes. Power can be expensive, if not well managed and sometimes inaccessible during prolonged periods of power failure. Power outages have become the new normal and this call for preparedness. Generators, in general, are key to this preparedness as they conveniently supply power when needed.

There are a number of generators, however, including solar and gasoline-powered generators. They both pack their advantages and disadvantages alike. Generally, they are a countermeasure to situations of power failures by providing a reliably steady supply of power. In operation, gasoline-powered generators may have harsh environmental implications. As a result, more homeowners are switching to solar generators, which are much safer for the family and environment at large.

This article is going to focus on the advantages of using a portable solar generator, in particular. But before we get to that, let us first understand what a solar generator actually is and how it works.

What is A Portable Solar Generator?

A portable solar generator is a unit comprised of three integrated components, including a generator, a frame, and a battery charger. The solar generator is powered by the sun and this solar energy is harnessed by the solar frame. The energy is stored in the battery for later use. This generator provides sufficient power to adequately supply your appliances and gadgets. It is a convenient resort during power failures. However, its use is not limited to periods of power failure alone, it can also be used to juice up your electronics occasionally and cut down on your electricity costs.

Installing a portable solar generator in your home is, therefore, a quite smart and cost-efficient strategy. You should, however, ensure that you find a solar generator that matches your home’s power needs. At, you can get furnished with sufficient information to help you reach an informed decision. Information on solar generator types, capacities and prices go a long way towards determining the ideal choice for your home.

 The benefits of using a portable solar generator are immense and some of them are listed below:

1. Green Energy :

Solar generators are highly preferred over traditional gas generators for their environment-friendly nature. Entirely powered by the sun, they do not produce harmful emissions associated with traditional gasoline-powered generators which liberate fumes and gases that could be poisonous. Gas generator vapors also are a fire risk as they can easily ignite. With solar generators, harsh environmental implications are eliminated and fire risks, as well as other hazardous implications.

2. Renewable Energy :

Solar generators are fully powered by the sun. As long as there is sunlight, this energy can be freely harnessed. Unlike other energy sources that can be easily depleted, this one cannot run out. Harnessing solar energy is a guaranteed process as long as the components of the portable solar generator are suitably integrated. The energy is then stored in the battery which can be used later on to power appliances. Even on days with insufficient sunlight, the energy saved in the battery can be used to power your home.

3. Cost- Efficient :

As much as installing solar generators could require significant initial costs, it is cost-efficient in the long run. Portable solar generators enable you to meet your power needs with solar energy, a self-sustaining option. This means a considerable drop in your electricity costs. Normally, after initial installation, there are no more ongoing costs that need to be incurred on the portable solar generators. All you have to do is observe the basic maintenance measures, which are not costly. In most cases, they come down to cleaning them on several occasions.

4. Convenience :

They offer convenience, especially during prolonged periods of power outages. Power failures are bound to happen time and again. During bad weather especially, power failures could happen a lot and it could be very frustrating. Having a portable solar generator at hand counters this situation. You can keep your appliances supplied with power for a long period of time with no worries. Their portable nature, on the other hand, enables easy moving and storage when not in use. With no moving parts, they suffer less wear and tear and stay in shape longer.

Portable solar generators, as an alternative green, and a self-sustaining power source provides immense benefits to homeowners. Ranging from convenience, cost-efficiency, to renewability, portable solar generators are a great addition to your home. Although initial installation costs could be significant, long-term benefits are definitely worth it.

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Home Generator

7 Specifications You Should Look for When Buying a Home Generator

Pretty much everyone has wished they had a backup home generator at one time or another. Whether you want a generator just so you won’t be left in the dark during a power failure or you need to know your family will be safe from the cold should a prolonged power outage happen during the dead of winter, buying a home generator requires some careful thought. Past the obvious choices of cost and reliability, there are a number of factors you should carefully consider before buying a home generator, such as price, your expected power needs, installation requirements, and maintenance issues. The variety of options and requirements can turn a seemingly simple purchase into a complex problem if you don’t know what you need. Here are seven specifications you should look for when buying a home generator: Specifications You Need To Look For Home Generator  There are several factors you need to look at while seeking a home generator. Work out the plans that can work well for you. 1. Power Requirements: Power needs are often dictated by your budget, as the more powerful a generator is the more it will, typically, cost. However, initial determining factors for calculating the size of the generator can be addressed with this query: During an electricity failure, does the generator need to power the entire house, or just handle emergency needs? When considering a generator that is able to handle the electrical demands of all the appliances in your home, factors such as peak demand during the months you use the most electricity is a deciding factor. Common generator voltages are 120/240 volts. If you are unsure, your electrician can provide this information. If you live in the south, where the temperatures are moderate throughout the winter, you will not need as powerful a generator as if you live in the far north where temperatures can be deadly in the winter months. A powerful home generator can make things easier for you. On the other hand, when calculating needs for backup supply, only the requirements of the reserve need to be calculated. In the north, this should include the furnace and a couple of lights. In the south, a smaller unit that can power a few lights and the refrigerator is probably adequate. For emergency loads, you may need to have an electrician install a dedicated emergency circuit from the main service panel to a distinct backup panel. However, this is typically up to the homeowner’s liking for a whole-house system. 2. Fuel Type: While it might seem convenient, gasoline is usually an inferior fuel choice for emergency generators as it tends to go bad quite quickly, especially gasoline with ethanol. Better choices include propane, natural gas, and diesel fuel. Powerful home generator can make things easier and effective for you. Prices can be a major contention when choosing between a natural gas generator, or propane and diesel since the price of the generator will depend on the amount of fuel the generator uses. The accessibility of the form of fuel is an additional important element. Propane and diesel fuel generators will have to be refilled during extended outages, whereas the utility company provides a continual source of natural gas. Local laws may dictate what type of fuel is available in your area. For example, the fuel element, propane is not usually permissible to be used within the limits of the city 3. Installation: Depending on the type of unit, you may need to hire a licensed electrician to install the generator. While smaller portable units simply require you plug a power cord directly into the unit, larger whole-house generators will need to be hardwired into your electrical system. Additionally, you will probably have to hire an authorized and insured plumber if you will be connecting the generator to a natural-gas fuel source. However, for simple emergency situations, a portable unit like gasoline-powered online Honda generators can provide up to 10,000 watts of emergency power and be stored in your garage, basement or on your porch. Some of the larger generator companies have their own installation staff or may subcontract the work. However, in some areas, depending on local codes, a homeowner with the proper skills may be able to perform their own installation. The important consideration is to use a trustworthy firm with a proven record of accomplishment of installing standby power-generator systems. 4. Placement: Where your generator will be located is an important consideration. The home generator should be installed as close to the fuel supply and service panel as possible. The generator must also be positioned where it can be easily reached for servicing. This is especially important if the unit is not being powered by natural gas, as you will have to fill the tank periodically. Additionally, it must be located at a comfortable distance from the ground to prevent any form of water from coming close or entering the unit in case of flooding. Outdoor installations may be required to be a secure distance from flammable structures to meet codes, as well as for safety in the absence of any local requirements. Indoor installations should adhere to norms and rules regarding exhaust, closeness to flammable materials, fuel-supply, and ventilation. Even if local codes don’t require it, the power back up should be placed in some type of enclosure to protect it from the elements and possible vandalism. Consider if there are Outdoor Noise Regulation imposed by the local Council or government body for installing the home generator outdoors. Some municipalities require the noise level of a generator is restricted to a specified decibel level at the property line closest to the unit. If a noise ordinance exists, the required level of sound will dictate the kind of power generator that will be used. Quite a few residential generators are supplied with sound deadening enclosure. 5. Options: Accessory options can vary widely, depending on the home generator make and model. Some systems will offer a remote panel that can be installed in a convenient spot inside your home that will have controls and displays to allow you to control and monitor your system without having to go outside. Larger whole-house systems will typically have an automatic transfer switch that will switch the generator on when a power disruption is detected and may be an option on some smaller units. 6. Maintenance: Like any piece of mechanical equipment, and home generators require regular and proper maintenance to ensure it will do the job you bought it to do when the time comes. Unfortunately, because it isn’t typically used on a regular base, maintenance often isn't thought about, until the generator won’t start during a power outage. Some companies will include routine maintenance in the cost of the unit or you may be able to purchase a separate maintenance contract. If you are a do-it-yourselfer you can perform maintenance on your generator yourself, just be sure it won’t void the warranty. 7. Warranty: The typical warranty for residential generators usually varies from one to five year, based on the manufacturer and model. Be sure to study the warranty coverage, including the duration, and what is and what is not covered. Many companies will offer an extended warranty for an added fee. 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solar lighting

The Benefits of Solar Lighting in a Nutshell

What comes to mind when someone says “solar?” Typically we think of the sun, the Earth’s fuel provider. What if I were to tell you that we could dramatically reduce our carbon footprint by using the power of the sun to fuel something as simple as outdoor lighting? It’s true! Over 10 million tons of carbon dioxide are produced annually just from residential outdoor lighting alone--that’s no drop in a bucket! The time to reverse the impact of carbon emissions is now, and believe it or not, one of the best ways to significantly reduce our carbon footprint is by using something a little unconventional: solar lighting. Solar Lighting Benefits: More Than Just Good for the Environment A lot of “green initiative” individuals are huge proponents for solar lighting simply because it’s great for the environment. Solar panels knock loose electronics from their interaction from photons striking silicon wafers, which in turn charge a battery to power a light fixture when the sun drops below the horizon. This awesome interaction (named the photovoltaic effect) uses absolutely zero fossil fuels to power lights. There’s nothing to burn nor any power lines that need to be connected. It’s one of the cleanest energy sources available to us. We like to call solar the “new energy revolution.” Beyond that, solar lighting is a lot cheaper than many people think. The price of a solar panel in the mid-70s was about 76 dollars a watt. Can you guess how much a solar panel price is a today? In 2013, solar panel prices were about 75 cents a watt. So 1 watt of energy produced by a solar cell costs similar to the change you’ll find under your couch cushions. And now that technology is used in solar panels on top of poles to power light fixtures. It’s a fantastic solution for parking lot and street lighting that saves money and reduces the overall carbon footprint. Beyond The Green There’s a lot more in store than you might think with solar lighting. First off, every solar light works independently. There’s no power connection needed, no trenching required, and no costs with using fossil fuels. If the power goes out, so do the lights! That’s not the case with solar lighting. In fact, we’ve seen cases of solar lights holding up during strong hurricane winds to remain on after the storm in contrast to traditional lighting which would need mountains of repair from the high winds ravaging the area. Secondly, several models of solar lighting are actually portable via a forklift or just two people. They’re fantastic for construction projects where permanently-grounded lights won’t bode well. Solar lighting works great in airports for when power goes out and backup systems fail. Or, if you prefer having the portable option just in case, feel free to go that route. The emphasis is that these lights can go virtually anywhere since they don’t need to be tied to an electrical grid. Just be sure that they have access to the sun--even though the best lighting systems are rated to last over a week on a single charge, the panel won’t cull much power if it sits in the shade of a tree permanently. Talk of the Town Solar lighting tends to be a bit of a head-turner. It preserves park beautification and adds a little flair to light fixtures. A lot of media outlets tend to give attention to cities that make green efforts, especially when they’re such a public-facing installation. On top of all the benefits you’ll receive for solar lights, you might get featured in a newspaper or on television for deciding to install solar on your city’s streets. That, in turn, should generate business. Solar is great for publicity. In Conclusion Solar lighting is a lot more than just going green. It’s about recognizing that clean power is the way of the future. It’s about preserving what matters to us and ensuring your business or municipality saves as much as possible while getting the job done. If you’re in the market for a new lighting project, consider solar. The savings are there. But don’t take our word for it; do the research yourself and you’ll find it’s the best option to light up the night. Thanks for reading. Read Also: A List Of The Essential Factors You Need To Consider When Installing Solar Panels In Your Home 10 Steps To Take To Set Up Solar Panels At Home How To Start Living Off The Grid

Energy Provider

How to Choose a Clean Energy Provider for Your Texas Home or Business

Keeping Texas clean is a priority for most Texans. Clean energy is one way to do that. Choosing clean energy helps lower carbon emissions, which helps to slow climate change. It also lowers overall energy costs and helps create a steady energy supply in the future. It can be cumbersome to sort through all the information on the internet to find an energy provider who uses renewable sources. Having a general idea of where to start and what you are looking for can really help you figure out what energy company to go with as you try to use clean energy in your home or business. You can find cheap energy companies in Texas and compare energy rates by making good use of energy comparison websites. Understand Clean Energy Clean energy, also called renewable energy, is generated from naturally replenished sources. These sources include solar energy, wind, water, nuclear, bioenergy, and geothermal sources. All of these energy sources are practically limitless instead of fossil fuels, which can take billions of years to renew. When looking for a clean energy provider, it is good to start by looking at their energy sources. If they mention a specific kind of renewable source, it is safe to go with that option. You must be sure where your energy is coming from if clean energy is essential to you. Make sure you don’t just take them for their word if they use buzzwords like “clean energy” in their marketing materials. Companies may get a small amount of their energy from renewable sources so that they can make that claim. However, it would be best if you went for a company that gets at least 50 percent of its energy from renewable sources if you want your energy source choice to make a meaningful impact on the environment. Find Providers Near You When searching for a clean energy provider, the first step is to determine what companies provide energy services for your area. Unfortunately, some more rural areas may not have the option to choose a clean energy provider. For locations with that option, search for "clean power companies in Texas,” like Chariot Energy or a comparable source to power your home or business. With any power company you find, make sure that they are rated for both business and residential areas. Investigate Your Options Find out what companies provide energy services for your area. Look for their story and see how long they have been working in clean energy. Look for businesses they work with and investors or politicians they have ties to. Their associations can tell you a lot about how serious the company is about clean energy. You should also look up independent sources to get ratings on their clean energy track record. Search for individual companies on independent review websites and the Better Business Bureau to get an accurate idea of what they truly stand for. You also want to make sure they have an excellent customer service track record. Compare Offers and Plans Once you have decided on the power company you want to use, you will have to compare its plans. Some companies offer “green pricing,” which allows customers to pay a premium to use only clean energy. This premium helps companies with the added costs of switching to green energy and with the addition of other clean energy sources to their mix. Suppose you can’t find a company that offers clean energy, or you want to give a little extra help to the industry as a whole. In that case, you can also purchase green certificates, which help companies around the country transition to clean energy. The Texas Choice Deciding to move to clean energy is good for the environment and good for Texas. It can be confusing to sort through all the information out there, but if you stay organized and sort through the data in smaller chunks, you can find the right energy company. It can save you money and save the wide-open spaces of Texas in the process. Read Also: The Dallas Texas Resource for Metal Conex Boxes What You Should Know About Solar Energy for Schools Benefits