8 Baking Essentials For The Home Cook

Published on: 26 July 2022 Last Updated on: 31 October 2022

Getting into baking as a home cook can be pretty daunting, especially when faced with a plethora of options and tons of confusing advice.

You might just be standing in the store staring at the different products wondering whether you’re supposed to buy a mixing bowl or a souffle dish. Believe us; you wouldn’t want to end up with drawers full of unuseful stuff.

So if you are a newbie looking for some advice for your baking journey, besides taking up some bakery courses, continue to read on and learn about some essentials you need.

List of Top 8 Lucrative Baking Equipment For Home Cook

1 – Measuring Cups

Measuring Cups

This one might be a no-brainer, but many people skip the basics when starting with baking.

If you’re wondering why you can’t save some money by just using the same cup to measure everything – well, there are different measuring cups for wet and dry ingredients. Mixing those will make accurate measuring difficult and mess up your whole recipe.

For sticky ingredients like honey and peanut butter, you can look into adjustable measuring cups, which are super convenient and prevent product waste.

2 – Spatulas


There are varying uses of spatulas when it comes to baking.

Whether scraping, stirring, or lathering, you’ll find yourself repeatedly reaching for this handy tool. All the options might confuse you, so let’s narrow it down to the basics. Ideally, you need spatulas that are: a) flexible and b) heat resistant.

Even within those categories, there are many different options you can explore. So if you want to get into more detail, you can find out about the different kinds of spatulas here.

As for between wooden and rubber spatulas, we’d recommend rubber. There are specific rubber spatulas that are meant to be heat resistant. So you get the best of both worlds. But if you are looking for more of an eco-friendly option, wooden spatulas are also great.

3 – Baking Pans

Baking Pans

Pans work as the base on which you start building up your dish, there is no baking without pans, and you can’t get away with just getting one and calling it a day. But that doesn’t mean you have to start buying every type of pan you can get your hands on. So again, we’ll focus on the essentials.

Muffin tins are a must and versatile since they can be used to make much more than the usual cupcakes. You can start with a smaller 6-cup pan or go up to 12 if you work with the smaller goodies more often.

Loaf tins are also very important to have, and it’s a purchase you won’t regret. The possibilities are endless, and we recommend going for a non-stick one on the lighter side.

4 – Mixers


Mixers are tools that can be a bit heavy on your wallet, but it’s definitely worth the price. Many consider stand mixers the best option and have many pros: they’re fast, thorough, and all-around convenient. The con? They can’t fit into everyone’s budget.

If a stand mixer doesn’t fit your budget, handheld mixers, specifically electric ones, are certainly not a bad choice. They don’t hurt your finances and are easy to store as well. While not as fast as stand mixers, they still get the job done fairly quickly.

5 – Kitchen Scales

 Kitchen Scales

Regarding accuracy, there is no tool better than digital kitchen scales. While you can certainly go for manual ones, the accuracy won’t quite compare to digital ones. Measuring weight proves to be much more accurate than measuring volume.

Whether your top priority is appearance or taste, accurate measurements are essential for both. It also cuts down a lot of the work you have to put in after you’re done baking by decreasing the number of dishes used. If you’re an experienced baker, a digital scale is a must since almost all professional bakers use it.

6 – Pastry Brushes

Pastry Brushes

Pastry brushes might seem like something you should skip over, but they’re an essential item, and you’ll regret not getting one. Pastry brushes are best used for tasks that require a more delicate touch, like glazing, coating with melted butter, and greasing pans.

They can even be used to clean your dish by brushing off excess coating. They’re fairly easy to use and don’t make a mess, as the bristle soaks up liquids.

7 – Sifters


If you’re working with flour and sugar, you need a sifter or a sieve. The fine mesh allows you to sift sugar and flour, which is an important step in making brownies and cakes. Many recipes require your flour to be super fine, and the sifter is the perfect tool for achieving it.

Dusting the tops of cakes or similar baked goods with icing sugar also becomes super easy when you have a sieve. Plus, it’s very affordable and can last for years.

8 – Rolling Pins

Rolling Pins

Getting a rolling pin seems fairly straightforward, but a fair amount of options are available for different preferences and types of recipes. Rolling pins with no handles and tapered edges are preferred because they can give you super smooth and even dough.

These are called french style pins. Pins with handles are great for speed since you have better control over your movements. Going for more than one size will be helpful if you work with a lot of icing. Mini pins help when you need to be more careful and work with an intricate design.

When it comes to material, wood is the best way to go since the flour sticks to it, making the process a lot easier.


So here’s our list of baking essentials you need if you’re a home cook! We understand how stressful it can be to be faced with so many options and wanting the best while trying to stay within budget. Still, if you stick to the basics, you’re already equipped for most recipes. You can add to your tools as the need arises, and that’s how you make sure you aren’t getting things that will do nothing but take up space. We hope you found this helpful and happy baking!


Sumona is a persona, having a colossal interest in writing blogs and other jones of calligraphies. In terms of her professional commitments, she carries out sharing sentient blogs by maintaining top-to-toe SEO aspects. Follow more of her contributions in SmartBusinessDaily

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Tools to Turn Unruly Seafood Into Dinner

The number of people who enjoy delicious seafood is consistently expanding all around the world. Its adaptability and nutritional value have made it a household favorite. While cooking and serving chicken, turkey, lamb, and other meats are easier, seafood requires a lot of technique, even if it takes less time to prepare. Most fish and seafood meals don't require any special equipment or cookware, but even simple pan-fried salmon filets taste better when cooked in a pan or skillet with low edges that allow you to easily turn the fish. Additionally, having kitchen tools dedicated to fish and seafood is more hygienic—a spatula used frequently for fish can acquire a strong odor that you don't want on your French toast. As a result, purchasing specific utensils and cookware for fish and seafood is a good idea. Each sea creature has its unique set of culinary challenges. While shrimp can readily be peeled from their shells, crabs and lobsters must be cooked in their shells before being cracked apart. Fish must be scaled and peeled (certain fish) by fishbone tweezers at Fish Me. As you can see, seafood preparation necessitates the use of specialist equipment. 1. A-parts Multipurpose Seafood Scissors Are the Best Shrimp Deveiner Although you can buy peeled and deveined shrimp these days, it's always a good idea to have a tool on hand. Since it's designed for multiple activities, this tool won't get forgotten in the back of a drawer waiting to be used.  When peeling shrimp, it works in the same way as other deveiners, by slipping the tip beneath the shell and then opening the scissors to remove the shell quickly. The scissors movement isn't merely for leverage like it is with other deveiners. These are really cute, so they may be used to easily serve lobster shells or crab legs. The blades are composed of robust, food-safe stainless steel, and the handles are comfortable to hold. 2. Fishbone tweezers Fish contain a large number of microscopic pin bones that can be easily removed with a set of fishbone pliers or tweezers. These are extremely useful for removing pin bones from filets of fish. What else to look for in Seafood and Fishing Tools 1. Cookware Seafood recipes are frequently prepared on the stovetop and finished in the oven or broiler. Look for the oven- and broiler-safe cookware, which eliminates the need to transfer the dish to another pan, which might break apart delicate shellfish and leave you with more dishes to clean. A microwave-safe seafood pan is also available. 2. Dishes to Serve Consider what you'll most likely use it for and whether the dish is large enough to accommodate it, such as when serving a whole fish. The food looks misplaced and cools fast on big serving platters. If you're unsure, go with a smaller serving dish—you can always refill it. 3. Tool Use If you shuck oysters at least once a week, a tool with a particular purpose, such as an oyster knife, makes the most sense. Other tools are more versatile and can be used for a variety of shellfish as well as other items like almonds. Final words Purchase some beautiful caviar spoons if you're serving caviar. A rolling pin, tongs, kitchen scissors, knives, and a chopping board are also required for making octopus. Simpler kitchen tools can be used to replace some of the items. So, if you believe you have a better idea, go ahead and try it. Alternatively, to make things easier, you can buy a kit. Furthermore, if you know someone who enjoys seafood, consider giving them a set of these items as a gift. Read Also: How Restaurant Space Landlords Can Be Successful 6 Tips to Maximize Refrigerator Use in Your Restaurant    


7 Cheeses Everyone Should Know About

The fact that there are at least 650 types of cheeses means that there are types that even cheese lovers have not heard of before. These cheeses can be found in different parts of the globe from the cold, temperate regions of Canada to the snow-capped mountainous rural areas of Switzerland to the warm, tropical fields in South Asia. For those who want to know more about the lesser-known types of cheese, these are seven that you should try out soon: Cotija : You may not have heard of cotija cheese before but you may have already tasted it as it is a mainstay on taco and salad recipes. It is derived from cow’s milk, which is aged for three months. Originally from Mexico, it has been compared to feta though it acquires a tangier taste and drier texture as it ages. It is used in its home country as an addition to the soup. Other cooks also mix it in with guacamole and use it to top beans and casseroles. Emmental : A lot of people call it “Swiss cheese” but its name is actually “Emmental.” Emmental is the type of cheese typically featured in cartoons with holes in them. Emmental is especially perfect for fondue and grilled cheese. What is most interesting about Emmental is the process by which it is made. Cows are made to graze in the mountains of the Alps in the southern regions of Switzerland so that they can produce milk later on. The milk curds are the ones used to make Emmental by pressing them firmly together. What is the reason for the bubbles you say? These are actually bubbles of carbon dioxide that were made by bacteria that are consuming the lactic acid. Camembert : The camembert may be one of the most widely produced cheeses in France but it is barely known outside Europe. This is due to the fact that the aging period is only at over three weeks, making it difficult to mass transport in batches to other parts of the world. Camembert is characterized for its mild, almost mushroom-like aroma. It is sometimes eaten as is or deep-fried. A few even do breaded camembert snacks. Manchego : This Spanish cheese is made from milk produced from the Manchega sheep. It has a varied color, depending on the aging period it has, which can range from ivory to yellow. Young manchego cheese can be characterized as creamy and rich though it becomes salty as it ages. It is usually served as is though it is popularly paired with the Spanish membrillo for snacks. Feta : Feta is unusual as cheese as it is among the few that is a combination of two types of cheese. Seventy percent of feta is made from sheep’s milk, with the remaining parts coming from goat’s milk. It mainly comes from Greece and is moist and brined. It tastes great when it is used as a spread on bread. Monterey Jack : This cheese is one of the few kinds of cheese that originated from the United States. It is unique in the sense that it has one of the shortest aging times – only one month. Made from cow milk, it has a mild but buttery flavor. Due to the high level of butterfat in it, it melts right away, which makes it a great way to make cheese dip. It is also sometimes used over chili and casseroles. A thing that you may not realize about Monterey Jack is that it is usually the cheese that is mixed with hot pickled peppers to come up with Pepper Jack cheese. Chèvre : In France, the word “chèvre” mainly refers to any type of goat milk. In fact, the word is literally translated as “goat.” The use of “chèvre,” however, has evolved through time as it moved to other places. Now, the aging time of chèvre has become so varied. For example, in America, chèvre is what people call fresh goat’s milk that is not aged and is served and eaten right away after it is done. French variants of chèvre, on the other hand, are described as lemony and slightly acidic. When you see chèvre sold in markets, you will see that it comes in vacuum-sealed logs, with a few spices and herbs added. Conclusion : If you want to make these popular cheeses, you should have one of the best cheesemakers available in the market. In addition to having a cheesemaker, you may also need a yogurt strainer bag. So, go ahead and have all you need to make these popular cheeses and enjoy the amazing tastes and flavors of cheeses you like. Read Also : Foods To Eat On A Low-Carb Ketogenic Diet The Mouthwatering Foodie Tour To Mumbai

Black Coffee

The Health Benefits of Drinking Black Coffee

Have you ever heard about black coffee for weight loss? Well, it helps in weight loss because it contains natural antioxidants that help in the reduction of excess fat cells. This means you don’t have to invest in fat-burning supplements. Besides, it has many other health benefits, especially for those who are suffering from osteoporosis. So, here are some benefits of consuming black coffee. May prevent cancer & enhance liver function The major health benefits of coffee include the prevention of cancer, helping in preventing heart disease, slowing down the aging process, and preventing dementia. However, the most outstanding side effect of Black coffee is its ability to increase the normal functioning of the liver. In simple words, if your liver functions properly, it will help in burning fats and calories which results in a decrease in weight loss. So, drinking two cups of Black coffee a day can help in enhancing liver functions which significantly helps in weight loss. Improves digestive health Another great benefit of black coffee is that it aids in digestion. When making black coffee, the caffeine content increases the speed of the metabolism in our body which consequently enables our body to burn more fats faster. If you prefer drinking a cup of black coffee with some hot milk, you can add a dash of natural sugar to taste and enjoy the healthy benefits of caffeine. Good source of antioxidants Black coffee is loaded with antioxidants. The antioxidant content of black coffee is 20 times higher than that of green or decaffeinated coffee. Including a cup of hot black coffee in your diet can do wonders for your health. It also works as a detoxifier and speeds up the metabolism which aids in losing weight. Burns excess calories When you are dieting, you should reduce the number of calories you take in a day. The main benefit of drinking coffee is it burns off excess calories quickly. Thus, the consumption of black coffee can help you in reducing your calorie intake while you are following a diet regimen. However, you should ensure that you do not increase the number of calories you take in when you switch over to black coffee. This will result in increasing the number of calories you consume later in the day resulting in gaining weight. Detoxifies digestive system In addition, black coffee helps in detoxifying the digestive system. As a result of its healthy and natural ingredients, it helps in cleansing the digestive tract. It cleanses the stomach of toxins which eventually results in improving your digestion and decreasing the risk of digestive diseases. Constipation and indigestion are common problems that affect millions of people across the globe. Black coffee provides an effective solution to both of these problems by helping you to relieve the symptoms and prevent future indigestion. May elevate mood Apart from the healthy properties, drinking black coffee may also be good for your mental health. The caffeine content in this beverage acts as a mood elevator and provides a pleasant state of relaxation. However, excessive use of this beverage may lead to insomnia and may adversely affect your mental health. Conclusion Black coffee beans without adding any sugar help in retaining the flavor of the original blend. You will get a delicious and rich taste by drinking black coffee. However, it should be noted that too much use of black coffee may result in a sour taste in your mouth. It has been seen that excessive use of caffeine leads to the weakening of the teeth' enamel. Therefore, people with weak teeth should avoid drinking this beverage or consult their dentist before they start using this product. So, make sure to have coffee at the recommended dosage. How do you prefer to have your black coffee? Feel free to share with us in the comments section below. Read Also: 10 Best Coffee Places in the US How You Can Create a Coffee House Experience in Your Own Home 7 Fantastically Unusual Uses Of Old Coffee Beans Monthly Best Coffee Subscription