What are the Benefits of Using a Pedal Exerciser?

Published on: 01 February 2019 Last Updated on: 18 October 2019
Pedal Exerciser

Whether you need an easy, quick workout or want to squeeze in some kind of exercise during a busy day at work, a pedal exerciser is your best option! The benefits of using a pedal exerciser are varied and many, so you don’t have to think twice about buying one.

Learn more about these benefits by continuing down below!

What is a Pedal Exerciser?

A pedal exerciser is a small piece of equipment that resembles the petals of a bike mounted to a stationary platform. You simply put it on the floor, sit on a chair and pedal as if biking. It’s easy to use and learn, low-impact and can be used almost anywhere.

It can also be used as an arm cycle if you put it on a table or desk. According to a study performed by the American Council on Exercise on arm cycling, participants burn an average of 9 calories per minute while cycling. Their heart rates also increased to 86% of their maximum heart rate and breathing rates to 72% of their maximum.

Pedal Exerciser Benefits

Here are the many benefits that a pedal exerciser has to offer:

● Provides a good, low-impact aerobic workout

A pedal exerciser helps improve your blood circulation, heart rate, and overall cardiovascular health. Since it is a low impact workout, it is also easy on the joints to prevent pain and injury.

You can still break a sweat while pedaling, which is a good thing for your fitness and blood health. It also helps you avoid obesity.

● Help in toning the legs and losing fat from the thighs

Because of the cycling motion, you do when using a pedal exerciser, it provides a great lower body workout for toning your hamstrings, calves, gastrocnemius, and glutes. This helps you burn fat especially those found in the thighs for better toned and stronger legs.

● Improves your mood

Just like any other form of exercise, using a pedal exerciser signals your body to release feel-good hormones and chemicals, which help improve your mood, lower your stress levels, boost your energy levels, and boost your confidence.

This is especially great for people who feel bored or uninspired during work hours. When you feel great and have high morale, you will also treat other people better and work better.

● Increases desk work efficiency

Working out with a pedal exerciser helps increase your productivity and work efficiency by allowing you to focus more easily and for longer periods of time. The hormones released while exercising also clears the mind so you can think faster and get more projects done in less time.

● Helps adults especially the elderly to strengthen their knee and foot joints

Many adults and seniors have mobility problems due to joint pains. By stimulating the joints and muscles of the feet and knees, a pedal exerciser helps strengthen them to reduce pain and improves their ability to maximize their range of motion. This allows the user to overcome physical challenges like going up the stairs over time.

● Help lose weight and burn calories

Pedal exercisers promote weight loss by allowing you to calculate and track the number of calories you burn as you pedal. The best pedal exercisers even have settings for you to control the duration and intensity of your exercise.

● Allows busy people to live healthier and stay more active

Using a pedal exerciser allows you to get your daily exercise without interrupting your work because you can use it under your desk. Most models operate smoothly and quietly to be appropriate in the workplace.

● Provides a convenient way to exercise

Pedal exercisers are small, compact, lightweight, can be used under your desk at work, under the dining table at home, or even in front of the couch or your favorite chair as you watch TV. You just have to slip your feet through the straps and start pedaling your time away.

Many models of pedal exercisers are not just for the office or home use. Some can be folded up neatly so you can store them in your luggage when you travel. You might even be able to use one on the plane if you travel first class!

● Pedal exercisers are economical

Aside from all of these benefits, pedal exercisers are cheaper alternatives for larger stationary bikes or actual bicycles. It also offers a way to exercise both the lower and upper body for a full-body workout. It is also great for saving space as well as saving time and effort for maintenance.

Here is a video on how to use pedal exercises to your advantage: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KVLv7vEZ3Rc


So those are the many benefits of using a pedal exerciser! I hope this encouraged you to be more active and explore this way of exercising at work, at home, or while traveling. If you liked this article, don’t forget to share it with your loved ones and leave a comment down below! Happy pedaling!

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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When Someone You Love Has an Addiction: 5 Tips on How to Help an Addict

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4 Reasons Why You Might Feel Tired During The Day

It is very normal to be tired throughout the day from time to time. However, if you notice that you feel tired every day over a long period of time, there may be something going on with your body. Ongoing fatigue and the constant feeling of tiredness can adversely affect your mental and physical wellbeing, which can make it hard to go about your daily life, so it is important to try and pin-point the cause of these sorts of issues before they take hold. Luckily, once you figure out the cause of your tiredness, making a few simple lifestyle changes can make a big difference to your energy levels throughout the day. Here are 4 Reasons Why You Might Feel Tired During The Day: 1. Caffeine intake Most of us like to have a few cups of coffee or tea to give us a little boost throughout the day, but consuming a lot of caffeine during the day can cause you to lose sleep at night. This is because caffeine is a stimulant, and while it is great to make us feel more alert and give us energy during the day, it can keep you up at night if you consume too much of it. People who consume too much caffeine may experience issues such as insomnia, irritability, muscle tremors, fast heartbeat, and fatigue, all of which can have a serious impact on your overall health. If you think that your caffeine intake may cause you to lose sleep at night and feel tired throughout the day, you should limit the amount you consume each day, or stop drinking tea and coffee a few hours before bedtime. 2. Poor sleeping habits It is recommended by the Sleep Health Foundation of Australia, that the average adult should get 7-8 hours of sleep per night. However, due to different age and lifestyle factors, you may need less than 7 hours or more than 8 hours of sleep to function throughout the day. The main point is that this sleep has to be uninterrupted because disrupted sleep can cause fatigue during the day. If you create a sleep routine for yourself and go to sleep at the same time in the same conditions each day, you will find that it is a lot easier to get to sleep each night and that you feel more rested in the day. This is because of your internal body clock that gets used to a certain wake and sleep cycle as time goes on. If you are struggling to get to sleep each night, you should try to make your bedroom the right environment for sleeping. Most people find that a dark, quiet room with cool temperatures will help them to get the best night’s rest, so you should try to make these changes in order to sleep well at night. 2. Eating a big meal Nutrition can have a significant impact on your mental and physical wellbeing, so what you eat during the day can prevent or cause fatigue. Choosing a healthy and well-balanced diet can help you to beat fatigue and tiredness. Foods that have a higher concentration of carbs and sugar are not very good fuel for the body compared to lean proteins, fruits, and vegetables. Eating raw and whole food can do so much more for your body, but you have to remember to wait at least 3 hours between meals to avoid indigestion. You should also consume dinner at least 3 hours before you go to sleep, in order for your body to properly digest your meal. If you feel hungry before going to bed, bananas are a good choice for a snack because they are rich in magnesium, which helps the muscles relax so that you can sleep easy. 3. Sleep disorders According to a recent study, more than 60% of Australians suffer some kind of sleep disorder that severely affects their quality of sleep. And because sleep disorders can affect all aspects of your physical and mental health, it is important to consult a doctor or a sleep specialist when you exhibit any signs or symptoms. One of the most common sleep disorders that a lot of people may have without knowing is sleep apnea, which is a serious sleep disorder that can affect you in several different ways, but mainly affects a person’s breathing as they sleep. Currently, there is no cure for this disease, but there are many ways to manage and treat the problems that this condition may bring on. One solution that most doctors recommend for patients is a combination of a sleep apnea mask and a machine, like the models available from CPAP Direct. These machines help patients to breathe easier as they sleep so that they can sleep through the night and in turn feel energized during the day. There are many reasons why someone might feel tired during the day, but only you can determine what is making you feel tired over a long period of time. If you are not sure about what the cause of your tiredness is, think about your lifestyle factors and your sleep routine to see if any changes can be made. If you still feel tired throughout the day after you have made a few minor changes to your lifestyle, contact your doctor as soon as possible so that you can help you with your fatigue during the day. Read Also: Why The Best Time To Relax Is When You Don’t Have Time For It 5 Surprisingly Simple Ways to Manage Anxiety at Work Why is sleeping well so important for job performance?

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Going to Rehab: What You Can Expect When You’re Getting Clean

Do you want to know what happens in rehab?  You're ready to admit that you're completely powerless over your addiction to drugs or alcohol. You know that you need help -- and that a rehab facility is likely your best shot. But what happens in rehab, exactly? what happens in rehab is a question in the minds of many. Is it all just 12-step programs and little else? Will you be able to succeed in this environment? Most of all, how will rehab treatment help you to maintain your sobriety once you get out? These are all absolutely normal questions, and they show a true commitment to getting better. In this post, we'll tell you exactly what to expect from drug or alcohol rehab. Read on to get empowered and informed. The First Step: Detox: Detox rehab is one of the most frightening -- and difficult -- parts of your overall recovery process. In fact, this fear of withdrawal is why so many people go so long without getting the help they desperately need. However, if you enter into a professional facility, you'll get the level of care you need to detox safely. You may even be given medication to help you manage the symptoms of withdrawal. Most importantly, you'll be supervised, so if something does go wrong, you'll get help and relief right away. Be aware that you may experience nausea, stomach pain, mood swings, insomnia or exhaustion, and many other withdrawal side effects. Curious to learn more about the overall detox process? Visit the Recovery Resource Center for more information. Treating the Emotional Wounds: Of course, understanding the underlying causes of addiction -- and removing psychological blocks you've likely had for years -- is a huge part of your recovery process. You'll likely engage in many different types of therapy. These can range from things like classic cognitive behavioral therapy to things like horseback riding and art therapy. You'll soon learn which ones work the best for you. You may even receive a dual diagnosis that helps you to understand your addiction. This means that, in addition to dealing with substance abuse, you also have an underlying mental health condition. Knowing this and getting the right treatment is a huge part of helping you to move forward. Rebuilding Your Physical Strength: What happens in rehab isn't always exactly what you see on television and in the movies. Yes, you'll journal, have breakthroughs and breakdowns, and even go for a few walks along a beach. But you'll also get a little sweaty. Often, you're not in the best physical shape when you first enter rehab. You've been neglecting and abusing your body for a long time. You may be severely over or underweight. You might have problems with nutrition, tired, or simply weak. Physical exercise is a big part of the recovery process. You'll do things like yoga, pilates, and perhaps even running to gain your strength back. Meeting With Other Addicts: Group therapy is another enormous part of the rehabilitation process. Connecting with other people who also struggle with addiction and are now committed to recovery is incredibly helpful. Together, you'll all rehash the reasons behind your addiction. You'll support each other and hold one another accountable. You'll share coping mechanisms and strategies. Sometimes, you'll simply listen. Group therapy also teaches you how to talk about your addiction to other people, and helps to reduce the stigma and anxiety surrounding these types of discussions. Connecting With Family Members: A huge part of many rehab treatments is meeting with your family members for the first time after you've gotten sober. Often, a therapist will be there to facilitate a meeting between all of you. You'll usually have the chance to address past wrongdoings, apologize, and talk about the level of support you may need from them in the next phase of your life. Keep in mind that programs like Al-Anon are incredibly helpful for family members and loved ones of addicts. Just as you've undergone intense therapy while in rehab, your family may also have been doing the same thing. Considering Sober Living and Next Steps: Once you've completed your rehab treatment, you'll then begin to think about your next steps. Many people are incredibly frightened of this phase. After all, rehab is a safe and comfortable environment. It's almost entirely free from triggers and reminders of your past addiction, like the bar you used to do drugs at. Re-entering the real world, for many addicts, comes with a real risk of relapse. If this is something you're worried about, you may want to learn about your sober living facility options. This is a facility that has a set curfew every night, assigns people responsibilities like cooking and cleaning, and still has a bit of a rehab-like environment. You'll be able to work and visit with friends and family throughout the day but then return to a safe space at night. What Happens in Rehab Will Help You Heal: Above all, remember that it's perfectly normal to feel anxious about what happens in rehab. In some cases, you may not even remember what it was really like to be sober. Yes, you'll be vulnerable, and you'll confront some difficult things about your past. But you'll grow stronger and appreciate life more as a result. Above all, know this: you are always worth it, and you deserve a happy, sober existence. Are you interested in learning more about what to expect out of treatment? Need to know the best way to encourage a friend or family member to get help? Keep checking back with us for more advice on recovery and wellness as a whole. 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