The 6 Best 70-Inch TVs In 2018

Published on: 07 August 2018 Last Updated on: 08 August 2019
The 6 Best 70-Inch TVs In 2018

The modern TVs are increasingly becoming large in sizes. Manufacturers keep on releasing new models that have improved features, but some of them are quite expensive. This post is going to discuss the best models of television sets.

The Best 70-Inch TVs models discussed in this post have been chosen based on their design, performance, and features. Some of the manufacturers of TV include LG and Sony, and Samsung companies among others. Some of the factors that you need to consider when buying a large screen TV include features, resolution, placement, availability of space and price. The following are the best 70 inches models TVs.




This is one of the best television sets in the market today. It comes in handy with a 4K resolution that allows the user to sit closer to it without compromising on the viewing quality. Its excellent viewing quality has made it one of the practical options for those viewers who stay fans of 3D programming. People can also use it to watch their favorite 3D films since it is compatible with this technology. In addition to this, this set has a high refresh rate that is provided by its high resolution. In fact, it can display up to 120 frames per sec.

It can be connected easily to the internet making it a perfect option for streaming fans. It can be connected to Hulu, Netflix, Amazon Video and other streaming services for your choice. It comes with an IR blaster that enables the user to control the cable box. Additionally, it has an LED backlighting and sleek design which gives it a modern look.

2. LG Electronics 70LB7 100 120HZ 3D SMART LED 

This is one of the excellent models which offer unique features. It comes with a high standard resolution of 1080p that makes it ideal for those people like watching 3D programming. With this device, extra space is required to accommodate its large view distance. This model is known for providing an excellent 3D viewing experience. Its resolution is as good as that of a 4K television. You can also use LG smart TV to access free streaming sites. This set of TV comes with pairs of 3D glasses which don’t require batteries, but it is still one of the high-quality televisions. Additionally, it has an attractive metallic bezel finish that gives it a modern look.


This is a hybrid TV that has been manufactured by Sony Company. It has superior quality features that make it very popular worldwide. It has standard smart TV hookups that allow people to get all their favorite streaming. People can use this TV to watch all of their favorite 3D programmings. It has a standard resolution of 1080p that gives its users an excellent viewing experience.

For improved clarity, viewers should maintain a distance of 3 ft between them and the screen. This model comes with a Sony IR blaster that makes it easier for the user to control the cable box with his/her television remote. It is different from the first Sony model since it does not have a convenient touchpad remote. Instead, it comes with a standard remote.


This model has improved features just like the previous entries. It has a high refresh rate and a standard resolution of 1080p. It is a perfect option for playing PC games and watching quick-action sports. Moreover, it has a smart TV functioning, and it has a preinstalled SmartCentral 3.0 that guides used in using the available apps. It is capable of playing 3D programming.


It has high a high resolution and a high refresh rate that allows views to keep track of actions whenever they are playing high settings on video games or watching fast-speed games. It is an affordable TV, thereby making it one of the worthy selections on the current market.


It is slightly different from the other models since it does not offer a 4K resolution. Again, it is not capable of playing 3D programming. It has the edge over the other Vizio models since it has a high refresh rate of 240Hz. In fact, its refresh rate is higher than that of Sony models. It is perfect for watching action-packed sports. You can also use it to play video games.

The different types of TV models discussed above will help you in making an informed purchasing decision when buying one. You should choose a model that meets all your needs. This will also help you in understanding the different features of different models.

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The overall impression that this show has left in the hearts and minds of many is one that comes with the territory. It is very interesting to see the extent of how situations can change how a person deals with life, much less the effects it has – most which are never planned. Walter White did not set out to be a meth manufacturer, but the circumstances he found himself in gave him no choice. If you want a crash course on being an entrepreneur and the challenges that come with being one, look no further than Breaking Bad. Easily one of the most popular shows in television history, it not only offers a glimpse into the life of drug addicts, teaching on drug addiction like drug and alcohol rehab resources PA but also the businesses that fuel the drug trafficking trade – and that is worth looking into (even if you are not a drug dealer). 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This can be a good or a bad thing, depending on how you handle it. Walter has the same situation on his hands. He has the knowledge of making the drug, but he does not stop there – he wants to have control of the distribution as well, therefore eliminating the cases of ‘middlemen’. Sometimes for a business, that is the way to go regardless of whether you are starting or at the advanced stages – a similar real-life situation being that of Apple Inc. You need to be passionate about what you do : Walter White was a very passionate man when it came to chemistry and teaching high school students the subject. It translated into his work of ‘cooking’ crystal meth – one could tell he had a deep understanding of what he was doing. So many people are in jobs that they are not passionate about, and some entrepreneurs are unfortunately in businesses they do not enjoy. 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Final thoughts : You do not need to see Breaking Bad to get the important lessons it teaches you – it shows that most inspirations come from the most unlikely of places. His enterprise was illegal, sure, but the lessons he teaches are not, and they can truly help you to grow your business. Read Also : The Ultimate Streaming Guide To Watch TV Online Best 7 Torrent Sites Of 2017


8 Things You Can Do With Your Smart TV Besides Watching Movies

Televisions have come a long way — from mechanical televisions, color televisions, to smart televisions. They have progressed not only in terms of appearance and features but also in terms of viewing experience. The latest LED televisions come with a wide range of features. They offer great video and audio quality. They also consume much less energy compared with the traditional televisions. People have been investing in these televisions because of the amount of money they can save with electricity bills. Once you have made the decision to get a new television, let's say a smart television, what other things can you do with it besides just watching movies? It's called a smart TV for good reason, right? Here are few other things that let you take advantage of your smart TV besides merely watching movies. Try any of these things, and you are sure to look at your new television in a completely different way. 1. Access the Internet Smart TVs are integrated with Internet connectivity. Now, you can access media services and applications with the use of your wide-screen TV. There are two ways that let your smart TV connect to the Internet. First, you can use its built-in Wi-Fi by connecting it to your home network. Second, you can use a direct wired Ethernet connection. You can check details on Most smart TVs in the market are Wi-Fi-enabled. Just make sure to check this feature before you get one. 2. Surf the web Surfing the web is always made better with a wider TV screen compared to your regular computer screen. You can do this by hooking your computer to your smart TV with the use of an HDMI cable. This cable is capable of mirroring your computer activity directly to your TV including web browsing and viewing YouTube videos. Check out the site for some tips on buying the perfect HDMI cable. Hooking up your computer to your smart TV just takes two steps. First, set your TV input to “HDMI” with the use of your remote control. Second, attach the special cable to both devices. Just keep in mind to use a special cord or adaptor that is compatible with both your devices. A lot of smart TVs already come with built-in Internet browsers. As long as you have a fast Internet connection, you can now surf the web by only using your remote control and no longer your computer. 3. Stream videos and live feeds If you cannot find a good show that is currently being aired, you now have the choice to stream videos straight to your TV. With your smart TV's Internet connectivity, you can watch videos from several applications such as YouTube. You can also watch images and videos by simply plugging in your USB memory stick. Live feeds have also become one of the most fascinating videos to be featured on the Internet. You can now get a glimpse of the mouth of an active volcano on your 60-inch screen. Try downloading the Ustream app from to get free access to countless live video streams across the globe. This app lets you view some obscure places of the world such as aquariums and deep wilderness and even some sporting events. 4. Play video games without any console Smart TVs now come with casual and fun mini-games that you can play without the need of any console. You can easily download these games from their corresponding app stores. You can play them with the use of your remote control. It may be hard at first, but you will eventually get used to it in the long run. 5. Stay fit If you don't have any time to go to the gym, then your smart TV can help. Currently, a lot of smart TVs have built-in fitness and training apps. Take, for example, Samsung's Fitness VOD app that comes with hundreds of bodybuilding, yoga, and aerobics videos. It also comes with a personal trainer that guides you through every workout routine. The good thing about this is no gym memberships or special equipment is needed. 6. Check detailed weather reports Now, you can get hourly weather forecasts and satellite images with your smart TV. To get detailed reports on the weather and put it on your TV, download weather apps such as The Weather Channel, The Weather Network, and Accuweather ( Some even offer live streams of weather reports across the globe. 7. Access your social media accounts If you can't live without checking your social media accounts, then you are in luck. Most smart TV providers like LG, Sony, and Samsung have dedicated social media apps such as Facebook and Twitter compatible with their respective platforms. Now, you will no longer have problems being left behind the latest trending news and gossip. 8. Listen to live AM/FM radio stations With your smart TV, you can now easily listen to your favorite talk show and music stations. To stream live AM/FM radio stations, get a radio app such as iHeart Radio and TuneIn. If you are not more of a radio person, then you can play podcasts directly on your smart TV with the use of Google Play or iTunes. Television experience for users has tremendously improved throughout the years. A remarkable improvement has been seen as regards its features and appearance since its first launch. And honestly, its development will never stop. There is still a lot to come in the near future, that's for sure.

Smart TV

5 Key Factors to Consider Before Buying the Best Smart TV in India

How a television set could be used has evolved over the years with better sets being launched in the market with the advancement of technology. Yes, you can easily play games, live stream your favorite web shows, watch movies from your USB drive, browse websites and use apps right on your TV screen. Thus, when a TV is able to accomplish these tasks, the market for the best Smart TV in India has also increased. But, you just can’t go and bring any Smart TV without considering vital aspects. Read on to know more! Screen resolution TV resolution denotes the sharpness of the picture, in terms of horizontal pixels. TV companies are now shifting from HDTVs to Ultra HDs or 4K. Such models have four times the pixels’ number compared to the current breed of HDTVs. Not only Ultra TVs look great, but even streaming services like Netflix and more are offering 4K content. Hence, 4K TVs are becoming the new standard these days. It’s better to opt for higher screen resolution if you want the best Smart TV last long without being outdated. HDR HDR is a new element of the 4K Ultra HD best TVs, and it stands for High Dynamic Range. It is capable of delivering more contrast levels, brightness, and colors. Nowadays, a quite growing number of new movies in your 4K Blu-ray disc format with an increased number of shows in HDR are available through streaming services. Those may be Netflix and Amazon Prime and more. You should buy the best TV with HDR as it’s a format that will be more likely to be gaining popularity. Refresh rate The Refresh Rate refers to how many times per second; a picture gets refreshed on a TV screen, which is expressed in Hertz (Hz). The standard rate of refresh is 60 Hz. When you are playing an action game or watching a sport live, a lower refresh rate can make things to appear blurry. Hence, if you don’t want your TV watching experience or internet browsing experience to go wrong, buy a Smart TV with at least 120 Hz. HDMI, USB and other connections The next thing that you need to pay attention to while buying the best Smart TV in India is the number of HDMI and USB ports along with other connections provided. The more the best TV is able to provide, the better! You will be able to use these ports quite fast – count speakers, gaming console, a decoder. You should ensure that your Smart TV provides at least 4 HDMI ports and 2-3 USB ports. It should also be able to support future HDMI with the option of connecting via the HDMI 2.0. Contrast ratio Contrast ratio refers to the brightness range level that a best Smart TV in India can showcase. The best TVs with better contrast ratio are able to display more hues and slight shadows and hence, better detail. But, TV companies determine such as ratios differently. Nonetheless, it’s good to check for yourself how the best TV is able to display shadow detail by playing a movie with dark scenes. Thus, you can see how well it is able to detail in the shadow of, for example, a Harry Potter Movie. You can also experiment with the brightness of the TV, sharpness and other picture settings before deciding for the final TV set that you intend to buy. It would also be suggested that while you test this aspect, choose ‘cinema’ or ‘movie’ mode on your TV set. Before investing in a best Smart TV in India, you should be smart while relying on the discussed factors to find the best one that accompanies you for longer. You can now spread the price of any Smart TV in India over a tenor as per your needs and pay only fixed EMIs and save huge by managing outlays easily. The facility is now available in India on the Bajaj Finserv EMI Network Read Also: 8 Things You Can Do With Your Smart TV Besides Watching Movies TV Wall Mount Ideas For Living Room The 6 Best 70-Inch TVs In 2018