The Best Ways To Get Affordable Cremation

Published on: 21 February 2019 Last Updated on: 08 August 2019

Cremation is usually a go-to option for most people because it is very affordable and convenient for most people as it does not involve a lot of costs as compared to normal burials.  Some people usually include this in their last remarks as they may not want to burden their loved ones with a large unreal bill after they die.  In most states, the costs for cremation usually vary between $600 and $3000 which is lower compared to holding funeral services and burials.  There are a number of tips one can consider when getting cheap cremation services. They include;

1. You Need To Compare Providers:

Prices between a variety of providers can vary greatly.  You need to start by contacting the various funeral homes surrounding your area since most funeral homes provide cremation services.  It is essential to inquire about the services they offer in terms of how much they charge and which is the least expensive cremation option.  A service such as direct cremation includes packages such as picking up the body from the morgue, assisting in completion of the paperwork, the actual cremation itself and also providing the ashes to the family.  You should also ask on the possibility of having a memorial service that is if your family wants to have a memorial service.  You can also get referrals from friends and relatives or through local funeral guides.  There are also some volunteer groups that have a range of information when it comes to locating cremation services.

2. You Can Also Consider Getting Low-Cost Urns:

The urn is an item that is likely to increase your funeral and burial expenses.  These urns usually cost around $300 however you are not required to get an urn.  Most funeral homes after cremation usually place the ashes in a plastic bag and then insert them in a plastic box.  The box can also serve as an alternative to an urn especially when you are planning to have the ashes scattered.  However, if you want to have something where you can display the ashes then you should go for a cheap urn.  There are places where you can get urns for as low as $25, or you can use an old cookie jar or a container for purposes of cutting costs.

3. Consider Seeking For Financial Help:

In some instances, you may find that you may not be able to afford the financial costs that come with cremation, you can opt to seek help.  There are some places where towns provide financial aid through social services if your family is not able to meet the cremation costs.

4. Free Cremation Option:

This is another option to consider when looking for cheap cremation services.  You can donate the body to a medical school which will use it to carry out research and then cremates the remains for free.  After cremation, they can scatter the ashes in a cemetery or return them to your family.  The drawback for this option is that it takes a long time since the students have to have completed their research in order to give you the ashes.

These are the various tips you need to consider when looking for cremation services

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Strengthening Your Community In 2018

In the year 2018, with all of the imminent problems facing the human race, community solidarity and connection is more important than ever. While people might have a sense that becoming a community leader entails an official position, this is not the case. A community leader is simply someone in the community who concerns themselves with the well-being of the individuals around them and facilitates dialogue and events that help neighbors get to know each other and resolve their differences in a peaceful manner. A community leader can also be someone who acts as a spokesperson for the community when politicians, police or business owners need to gauge the public sentiment. More than anything else, a community leader should be someone who has a positive influence on residents of all ages and helps celebrate the culture and identity of a particular community. In this post, we’ll discuss different ways that aspiring community leaders can help strengthen their neighborhoods and create positive connections between people. Community Festival/ Fundraiser: The most common and failsafe way to bring the community together is to organize a festival or block party with food, music, art, and games. For entertainment, put out a local call to musicians, dancers, and artists within the community and give them a case to showcase their skills. Serving food is a sure way to pull people in and celebrate a cuisine that’s popular in your area. These types of parties are also a great way to meet other community leaders and volunteer organizations interested in making a positive change. When that much good energy comes together, it’s bound to create a good atmosphere and a lasting impression. When you place a large order for custom t-shirts or custom hoodies in Canada to sell or distribute at the event – perhaps to raise money for a local charity – it also gives folks a chance to represent their cherished community through an article of clothing! Book Drives/ Literacy Programs: In many large cities, and especially in under-resourced neighborhoods, low literacy is a huge problem and a barrier to higher education. Organizing a book drive or an after-school program with an emphasis on reading and creative writing can provide a baseline of support to bring a D to student up to a few grades and give them a great sense of confidence. Community Gardens: Community gardens have countless benefits: they beautify the neighborhood, provide food, educate volunteers about gardening and agriculture and provide an outlet for stress release. People of all ages can come together to weed the garden, water, prune, harvest and just to enjoy the beauty and have a chat. Bleak urban settings can feel oppressive; a bit of color and organic life really makes a difference. Public Art Project (Parks & Rec): In many cities the Parks and Recs department have a budget for one-time beautification projects, you could also collaborate with public art foundations like Artscape to connect local artists interested in public installations. Colorful, uplifting art also counters oppressive concrete settings and inspires people on a daily basis. Young local artists will also get a lot out of seeing interesting art close to home and understand that snooty art galleries are not the only venue for their work. Read Also: What’s New And Innovative In The Realm Of Weddings?

Social Work

Is Social Work Getting Enough Praise In Today’s Society?

Social work is a profession that is growing by leaps and bounds, but the public does not always recognize the contributions of the many social workers who keep society running. Social work deserves more praise for its wide scope of services and achievements. However, it seems that it is not getting the recognition it deserves. This is not mere observation; it is a fact, as according to a 2020 survey by Social Work England, 76% of the people involved do not think that social work is respected by society. Social work encompasses a broad range of services with an emphasis on prevention; these include assistance with children in care, assisting with homelessness and poverty issues, developing policies that support individual rights, advocating for improved conditions in prisons, or addressing addiction problems, among many others. There are many issues that social workers face that are possibly a foundation for the lack of praise for their field. Let us take a look at them. Social Work Education The fact that many qualified social workers and practitioners find it difficult to move from the sector to other sectors is telling of social work education. A lot of people who were educated in the field ended up working in various aspects of this field, such as clinical, developmental, and health social work. These are all aspects within the same field, and that should not be a problem. The good thing is that due to the rise in awareness regarding social work, getting a degree in the field has become more accessible now. In fact, many people with bachelor’s degrees went on to pursue social work masters programs online to find places of even more influence in their fields. The issue is that society, in general, does not consider social work to be a “competent” or “competitive” degree. Social work degrees suffer the same stigma as gender studies and other social sciences degrees that people who pursue these degrees will not end up with stable jobs. In reality, social workers can find jobs in HR unions, public relations, and even in education as professors or counselors, among many other fields of work. Negative Media Coverage With the increase of negative media coverage and social problems, it makes sense that people are not respecting the field of social work. Many believe that the reason for this is due to a barrage of negative media articles. The fact is that there are hardworking social workers in all areas of the field, and they are making strides for humanity every day. However, many do not hear about these inspirational deeds. They only hear about when things go wrong, which is far too common. Most of the media coverage that social workers get is when a group, community, or NGO is found to be involved in negative areas such as bribery, corruption, spreading lies, and other matters of the ilk. In a survey by YouGov, it was revealed that 82% of the masses involved believed that the media was responsible for the negative image of social workers. Whenever the authorities instigate any action against negative matters, it becomes the most publicized headline on the news bulletin and ends up making the front page of newspapers. Disregard For The Vulnerable Although social workers toil away for everyone, they are considered a godsend for those susceptible to harm. Whether we’re talking about religious minorities, sexual minorities, marginalized communities, or victims of assault and violence, there are branches of social work readily available to help everyone. The issue arises that the general majority does not pay much attention to the issues of minorities. Unless people are activists, they do not actively take part in bringing light to the issues of marginalized communities. Since social workers are associated with minorities and marginalized communities, when the aforementioned get sidelined, so do those who work for them. Lack Of Funds The lack of adequate funding and resources is a major problem that persists in the social work field. Since social workers often belong to private organizations, their requirements to put their plans into action often go unfulfilled. Social workers have a wide range of issues that they deal with in society, and these issues cost them a lot of money to deal with. The fact that many state and local governments are cutting down on social work budgets is disheartening for the many who work hard every day to serve their communities well. Unrealistic Expectations The general public has set unrealistic expectations in the field of social work. These general expectations are the reason why social workers feel like they shouldn’t be satisfied with their jobs. The more demanding a job seems to be, the more dissatisfied they become, feeling as if they should do more and more. Often, many social workers do work for organizations, but they do so at a very low cost. Many of the causes for the lack of respect given to the field of social work lie in the history of the field. Social work is officially a recent profession despite the fact that many have unknowingly served under its banner, so its history has not been as long and glorious as other professions. But with time, society will come to realize how much social workers do and how important they truly are for their stability and betterment. Read Also: Learn More About Social Security Disability in Deland 5 Things to Consider While Medicaid Planning – Keep This In Mind! Types Of Eldercare Centers


Deindividuation and its Potential Dangers

Did you ever come across what is called the ‘mob mentality’? Well, most of us have heard about this, but you’ve probably never heard the actual term that is used to describe this: Deindividuation. Whenever several people are put inside a group, they might tend to lose their identity and behave in ways that are not normal to them. Most often, it is innocent behavior to which people participate but this is not always true. Deindividuation is a rather serious and grave issue for several reasons. What are self-awareness and individual identity? Before you get to know what deindividuation is, we first need to understand what it is not. In the easiest form, you are what your identity is and this is what makes you who you are. Your thoughts, beliefs, self-awareness, and behaviors all are results of your identity. As long as self-awareness is concerned, it deals with knowing who you are in accordance with the standards that you’ve set for yourself. You get to know your desires, morals, and character. These are things that make you who you are. Deindividuation – What is it? Deindividuation occurs when a person is made a part of the crowd and when he starts losing his individual identity. They gradually tend to lose their own self and forget how they are as an individual. The more the person gets involved within a group, the less awareness he has about his own self. He forgets his characters, morals, and beliefs. These things begin to get replaced through the identity of the group. The best examples of groups that people think for such type of behavior might include cult, gang and even large mobs. The military is also a great example. You need to remember that all deindividuation is not a bad thing. In the case of military training, people tend to push themselves harder to meet the goals if they weren’t a part of a group. They have incorporated the identity of the group which has made an impact on what they believe they’re capable of. The potential dangers What are the negative things that happen to people when they go through deindividuation? Here are a few things: People lose their self-restraint. They tend to get caught in the mentality of the crowd and act in a similar way the crowd is acting. He/she imbibes a sense of anonymity. When a person acts in a way that is similar to the crowd, they feel they can’t be found. There is shared responsibility. When people act in a group, they feel that the responsibility is shared. So, if you’re someone who is going through deindividuation, you should try your best to get back your lost identity so that you can act according to your own self. Check out for more details on the dangers of deindividuation. Read Also: Transacting Safely In Craiglist 5 Team Building Activities to Inspire and Enjoy Understanding the Jewish Religion: Important and Common Practices Reasons Why Personal Development Should Be a Priority?