The benefits of co-working are numerous. On top of getting to work in some of the most pristine business districts, such as Pudong in Shanghai, the price tag for co-working spaces is much cheaper than conventional leasing. For the price of leasing a co-working space, you get the advantage of world-class internet services, professional-grade office equipment, and administrative staffing.
However, co-working spaces not only promote networking among professionals but in many cases, it is the foundation from which many business connections are made. Because of the organizational format of these offices, professionals find themselves seated among some of the most talented people in a diverse array of industries. Check out Servcorp New Zealand’s co-working spaces at coworking to see one example of the way co-working spaces are laid out.
Keep reading to learn more about co-working’s networking advantages and how you can utilize these spaces to develop business relationships.
The Business Networking Benefits of Co-working Spaces:
Depending on the size of the co-working space, you can find so many different industries under one roof. For professionals looking for resources, their co-workers become a vast source of referrals. In the end, these resources can save you time and sometimes money. More importantly, referrals can also be a way for you to get your name out there, build up your business’s reputation, and make money for your venture.
Networking provides you with another opportunity, one to meet mentors. Again, because the co-working space is one that is comprised of professionals from a diverse array of industries you can instantly meet with experienced professionals who can show you the ropes in your own industries. These professionals can also build the foundation of other business connections within your community.
Collaboration Opportunities:
Of the many networking benefits of co-working, you have the chance to participate in collaborations. In fact, collaborations spring from daily conversations between professionals, whether they are chatting up their ideas at the hot desk or at any of the numerous events held to promote business. These collaborations can help you grow your business and teach you new ways to manage it.
Every business needs a certain amount of funding. When working alone, finding sources of funding is a little more difficult, especially if you are a new business owner. Another extremely important benefit of networking as a part of a co-working environment is that it can help you meet people who can show you how to fund your project. In fact, your co-workers can probably introduce you to alternative methods of finding funding, negating the need for borrowing to fund the business.
Source Of Information:
More than just referrals, networking in the co-working space provides you with access to a vast amount of information. Not only are your co-workers a great place to find referrals, but they are also a good source of information regarding an amalgam of topics. In fact, in a typical co-working space, you might find a room full of people with a plethora of educational degrees and work experiences. Networking provides you with the opportunity to meet these talented individuals who can also serve as sources of information.
Moral Support:
From these co-working opportunities, you get the chance to make friends who can also lend an ear when you need to decompress. Whether it is regarding building a business or you having problems with clients, there is nothing like being able to gripe to someone who truly understands the entire problem. In exchange, your networking buddies can offer you good counselor reassurance that everything is going to be fine, even when the situation looks bleak.
Networking In The Co-Working Reality:
Networking has always been a part of the business landscape. However, co-working is one of those opportunities that encourages those working in close proximity to get to know their neighbors in both an informal and formal setting. More importantly, this office style that promotes social interaction can be the source of more business for you.
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