Business potential of stock broking agencies in India

Published on: 21 November 2018 Last Updated on: 10 September 2024
stock broking

Over the last few years, quite a few stock brokers have been forced to shut shop due to weak business. This is true not only of broking but also of other businesses where automation has been taking its toll. To survive and thrive in the stock broking business you need to be able to extrapolate the key trends in stock broking and position yourself accordingly. How do you differentiate yourself as a stock broker? That is the only way you can realize the full potential of stock broking. Remember, each year Indian investors are investing more than $25 billion into equities either in direct equities or via equity and ELSS funds. That is a lot of money. How do you grab the most of this potential? There are five things that you need to be aware of.

The industry is getting divided into two segments:

In the broking industry, you either need to run with the hares or hunt with the hounds. The broking industry as a whole is getting stratified into the zero brokerage discount brokers and the full-service brokers. The room for the in-between brokers is increasingly reducing. If you want to be a discount broker then focus on an efficient offering at a very low cost. Alternatively, if you want to be at the full-service end then you need to be prepared to invest in research and technology. In the past, there was room for the median brokers who were somewhere between the full-service brokers and the discount brokers. With both these categories of brokers pushing their boundaries, the gap in between is getting squeezed. First, be clear on your positioning and your strategy should follow after that.

Be clear on the value proposition:

This is a logical corollary to the first point. What is your value proposition? Are you offering the lowest brokerage in the market? That is an advantage that is hard to sustain over longer periods of time and the model is always vulnerable to sudden changes in the market undertone. Secondly, are you offering the best advisory services in the business? This called multi-level skills in portfolio design, need understanding, portfolio customization, portfolio review etc. This is quite complicated and any advisory is always open to an opinion about success and failure. In a competitive market, this can work both ways. Lastly, is technology your USP? In the past, technology was just a tool, but that has changed. Today it is possible to look at broking as a software company and offering a robust trading model that is super efficient and intelligent.

Automate and employ technology intelligently:

If you look at how brokers are adding value to their customers, most of the value addition in the last few years is coming through technology. Thanks to broadband and the use of smartphones, it is possible to trade on the fly using your mobile app. Brokers are also employing artificial intelligence and machine learning to make machines increasingly think and strategize like humans. And then there is the all-powerful call to action. Here the customer is guided seamlessly through research, screening, and execution without really realizing that they are different parts of the trading system.

Engage the customer continuously through financial planning:

Broking is increasingly commoditized. That is more the case when you try to offer broking as a solution rather than as a service. For an investor, the solution is the creation of wealth in the long term. The solution could also be managing risk. The solution could also entail profiting from short-term trends. Most often brokers tend to confuse between the product and the solution. Focus on the solution in this industry. When you are in the financial services industry you always start with the financial goal in mind. Help the client identify long-term goals and then prepare a plan to reach these goals. As a broker you will find out how easily equity, mutual funds, and even bond sit prettily into this scheme of things. That is the best way to increase your customer engagement and improve your ROI per customer. It is just that in this case, the ROI flows naturally.

Provide a delivery platform that simple, elegant and actionable:

One of the critical success factors in the broking industry will be the variety and robustness of the delivery platform that you offer. If you offer more platforms like online, offline, mobile, call-n-trade, SMS trading, non-market trades etc, then your chances of engaging the customer meaningfully is much higher. Your delivery platform should also be seamless such that the movement between research ideas; advise, screening and execution should be smooth and with minimum clicks. That is when the clients can actually experience the value proposition.

The key issue here is that the opportunity in the broking industry is still huge. It is just that the nature of the opportunity is changing. As a broker, you need to position yourself in the bracket that reflects your core strengths the best. The rest will follow!

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Dallas Texas

The Dallas Texas Resource for Metal Conex Boxes

Dallas Texas is the home of many things – the famous NFL football team, many country celebrities, singers and songwriters, however, it’s also home to more than a million people. While this is a great city that is booming, it’s also possible that you’ll need a good storage container (also known as a metal conex box) in order to store your belongings or even be used for material for your custom home project. You can go through a good dealer (we’ll cover everything in more detail later on) in order to purchase a new or used conex container for your business or personal needs.  If you want a great resource, you can click here at What Size Should I Choose? The good thing about these storage containers is that they come in various sizes. There are often many standard sizes of 20 foot all the way up to 40 foot models that are excellent when it comes to providing space for literally storing your personal belongings, business inventory, and overstock, or even be used to make a nice little workshop or office building at a price that is a lot less than the standard storage-sized shed or garage. Not only this, but most shipping containers aren’t taxed as an extra building, but usually as personal property in most states. This makes them worth it more in the long run as well because you will have fewer taxes to pay. What Type of Conex Box Do I Need? When it comes to cargo boxes, you need to know that you can purchase them, but for a higher price. This is because they are literally made and had one trip from Asia over to eh the United States. They are normally in almost perfect condition, and you can normally get a warranty on them. These are great for business storage and inventory control, or even your own shipping methods. CWO (considered cargo worthy) are containers that have been recently involved in the constant moving of cargo back and forth. They still can be sold because even though they may have some cosmetic imperfections, they are more sound and have been refurbished. WWT containers are normally those that haven’t been moving cargo anymore, but they have a lot of cosmetic imperfections. They still work though, and other than being a little banged up, they’re usually windproof and watertight. This is honestly where you can benefit from using them as a building material, even though you can go even cheaper by getting an as-is container that is normally just made for being recycled for materials. Some vendors don’t sell “as-is” containers though if that’s what you’re looking for. Conclusion: The Best Retailer for Dallas: When it comes to finding the right container for your needs in Dallas, TX, you may want to head over to The number of products that they offer is extremely diverse, and the team can get you what you need for a reasonable and affordable price. If there isn’t one in the exact same vicinity of you, they’ll find one as close as possible and you can have it delivered to your door in no time. They are one of the vendors mentioned above for not selling “as-is” containers, but that’s a good thing. That means they only offer to handle of a quality product in order to get the best to you at a fraction of the cost of what you’ll end up spending at a storage unit facility, or even buying raw materials for your home. Read Also: How To Pack Clothing Properly For Shipping How To Use A Shipping Container As A Home Office

Business Hack

Alex Dee Discusses How to Scale Your Business Hack

This works for all businesses! If you're in Marketing, consulting, or coaching, this applies even more to your field! What Got you Off the Island is Not What this is Keeps You Growing Hack Ryan Holiday What shifts you have to make as an entrepreneur when you scale: The best way I can describe it is a baseball analogy. In the Dominican Republic, there is a saying in the baseball league that you can’t walk off the island, which means you have to hit your way off in the baseball league. The players that make it off the island are usually some of the best hitters. But once they get into the major league, it becomes different, because it’s about bat discipline and talent is very different. So, what got you there to get off the island is not going to be what allows you to maintain your success because you’re in a whole different league. That is what it’s like when you are scaling your company. What got you there is not going to be exactly what allows you to scale to another level! Be ready to shift and pivot and learn in order to grow! Not the How, But the Who Hack – Dan Sullivan: As you scale, there are going to be all areas in your company that is going to require your attention, from sales to marketing, to operations. So how do you take all of this on and still manage to scale? There’s a great hack for it! It’s called not the how but the who rules! Once you figure out what you need to scale (process, sales, marketing, etc.), don’t ask yourself WHAT do I need to learn? Ask WHO is the best at that and get them on board! This will allow you to scale quickly vs. having to go learn another skillset now vs. staying in the lane where your talents are best served! So, to scale, instead of just figuring out the what, you need to figure out The Who, so you can do it faster! Be Cautious and Bold Hack - Mindset for scaling: you Must exercise your caution in laying out your plans but be bold in carrying them out. A man who is all cautious will never dare to take hold and be successful, and a man who is all bold is merely reckless, and must eventually fail. You must have both the caution and the boldness, to ensure success. How to Keep from Falling When you’re Experiencing Success Hack  David Metzer: I think the biggest thing that led to my downfall was losing my values. There are really only a few things I use now to play the top of my game and stay there. Number one gratitude; just being grateful for whatever you have, no matter how big or small. Number two is Empathy for others. As I got into this competitive world, I became an asshole. I was more worried about taking rather than giving that I really didn’t focus on anyone else and I went straight to blame and shame and justification, as I was Midas! Meaning I turned everything into Gold, right? So, it had to be everyone else’s fault. Number three is accountability. There are two parts to this one: what was as my part that the thing that went wrong, and what lesson did I learn so I don’t go thru this again. The fourth is effective communication. What I mean by that is not just being a team leader and effectively communicating with everyone on your team on what you want and how to run a company. Rather, what I mean is that I had lost my ability to effectively communicate what inspired me! When I was making money and I got done with spending it, it took me a while to learn that I need to give back and be of service. I wish I would’ve done it when I had the money instead of having to lose it and build it back up again. But that’s part of lesson learning that I have here, so I can inspire others so they can avoid the same mistakes. 7 Growth Hacking Ideas that will Boost your Startup 7 Expert Hacks for Downsizing to a Smaller Apartment


4 Things That You Must Be Aware Of In Your Car

Lights are one of the most important parts of the car. Lights keep us safe on dark roads, they also help us be sure of where the path is. Hence installing good lights is very important for various purposes discussed below. There are various lights available in the market but you have to be careful while buying them as some of them may be illegal or some of them may also not be good for the eyes of fellow drivers. Check out LED lights for cars for good quality lights at reasonable rates. For more tips, visit Vehicle Freak for more tips on buying a car. In This Article, You Will Know About 4 Things That You Must Be Aware Of, In Your Car. 1. Importance Of Good Quality Headlights In Car: Car headlights are important because they help you see the road clearly as you drive at night. Without good headlights, you can drive into oncoming traffic, crash into parked cars, be unable to see a vehicle ahead of you, or run into a pole or tree. However, some people are concerned that car headlights have been getting worse as time goes by. This is because the headlights may not be of good quality. 2. Different Lights Of Cars: There are various colors of car headlights available in the market, and it is a good idea to know about them before you decide to purchase one for your car. The headlights play an important role in the safety and security of your car and its passengers. There are various types of headlights available in the market, you need to be careful while purchasing the same. Plenty of research is currently being conducted on the benefits of having different types of headlights on a car. These research results have proven that it is much better to have more than one type of headlight so your car can see better in different conditions. 3. You Should Not Compromise On Safety: When it comes to safety, one must be determined and a firm believer of safety being the number one priority. You should never compromise on the safety aspect of things. When we talk about headlights, it is really important to have good headlights installed in your car. They are a source of light in the dark areas where danger can be present at any moment or step of the road. Hence, do not try to save money or try to install cheap headlights with little to zero visibility. Put in some money and try to get premium quality lights installed in your vehicle. 4. Do Not Spend A Lot Of Money Too: As important it is to not try to save money, it is also important to not overspend the money. If a similar kind of product with the same quality and looks is available cheaper but with different branding, consider buying it and saving a few bucks for something else. You can spend the money by investing it for your future or just save it so it may help you later. Read Also: Perfect ways to Earn from your Wonderful Car